vtk-dicom  0.8.14
1 /*=========================================================================
2 This is an automatically generated file. Include errata for any changes.
3 =========================================================================*/
5 #ifndef vtkDICOMDictHash_h
6 #define vtkDICOMDictHash_h
9 namespace DC
10 {
11 enum EnumType {
12 FileMetaInformationGroupLength = 0x00020000, // UL M1 0
13 FileMetaInformationVersion = 0x00020001, // OB M1 0
14 MediaStorageSOPClassUID = 0x00020002, // UI M1 0
15 MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID = 0x00020003, // UI M1 0
16 TransferSyntaxUID = 0x00020010, // UI M1 0
17 ImplementationClassUID = 0x00020012, // UI M1 0
18 ImplementationVersionName = 0x00020013, // SH M1 0
19 SourceApplicationEntityTitle = 0x00020016, // AE M1 0
20 SendingApplicationEntityTitle = 0x00020017, // AE M1 0
21 ReceivingApplicationEntityTitle = 0x00020018, // AE M1 0
22 SourcePresentationAddress = 0x00020026, // UR M1 0
23 SendingPresentationAddress = 0x00020027, // UR M1 0
24 ReceivingPresentationAddress = 0x00020028, // UR M1 0
25 RTVMetaInformationVersion = 0x00020031, // OB M1 0
26 RTVCommunicationSOPClassUID = 0x00020032, // UI M1 0
27 RTVCommunicationSOPInstanceUID = 0x00020033, // UI M1 0
28 RTVSourceIdentifier = 0x00020035, // OB M1 0
29 RTVFlowIdentifier = 0x00020036, // OB M1 0
30 RTVFlowRTPSamplingRate = 0x00020037, // UL M1 0
31 RTVFlowActualFrameDuration = 0x00020038, // FD M1 0
32 PrivateInformationCreatorUID = 0x00020100, // UI M1 0
33 PrivateInformation = 0x00020102, // OB M1 0
34 FileSetID = 0x00041130, // CS M1 0
35 FileSetDescriptorFileID = 0x00041141, // CS M1T8 0
36 SpecificCharacterSetOfFileSetDescriptorFile = 0x00041142, // CS M1 0
37 OffsetOfTheFirstDirectoryRecordOfTheRootDirectoryEntity = 0x00041200, // UL M1 0
38 OffsetOfTheLastDirectoryRecordOfTheRootDirectoryEntity = 0x00041202, // UL M1 0
39 FileSetConsistencyFlag = 0x00041212, // US M1 0
40 DirectoryRecordSequence = 0x00041220, // SQ M1 0
41 OffsetOfTheNextDirectoryRecord = 0x00041400, // UL M1 0
42 RecordInUseFlag = 0x00041410, // US M1 0
43 OffsetOfReferencedLowerLevelDirectoryEntity = 0x00041420, // UL M1 0
44 DirectoryRecordType = 0x00041430, // CS M1 0
45 PrivateRecordUID = 0x00041432, // UI M1 0
46 ReferencedFileID = 0x00041500, // CS M1T8 0
47 MRDRDirectoryRecordOffset = 0x00041504, // UL M1 1
48 ReferencedSOPClassUIDInFile = 0x00041510, // UI M1 0
49 ReferencedSOPInstanceUIDInFile = 0x00041511, // UI M1 0
50 ReferencedTransferSyntaxUIDInFile = 0x00041512, // UI M1 0
51 ReferencedRelatedGeneralSOPClassUIDInFile = 0x0004151A, // UI M1TN 0
52 NumberOfReferences = 0x00041600, // UL M1 1
53 CurrentFrameFunctionalGroupsSequence = 0x00060001, // SQ M1 0
54 LengthToEnd = 0x00080001, // UL M1 1
55 SpecificCharacterSet = 0x00080005, // CS M1TN 0
56 LanguageCodeSequence = 0x00080006, // SQ M1 0
57 ImageType = 0x00080008, // CS M2TN 0
58 RecognitionCode = 0x00080010, // SH M1 1
59 InstanceCreationDate = 0x00080012, // DA M1 0
60 InstanceCreationTime = 0x00080013, // TM M1 0
61 InstanceCreatorUID = 0x00080014, // UI M1 0
62 InstanceCoercionDateTime = 0x00080015, // DT M1 0
63 SOPClassUID = 0x00080016, // UI M1 0
64 AcquisitionUID = 0x00080017, // UI M1 0
65 SOPInstanceUID = 0x00080018, // UI M1 0
66 PyramidUID = 0x00080019, // UI M1 0
67 RelatedGeneralSOPClassUID = 0x0008001A, // UI M1TN 0
68 OriginalSpecializedSOPClassUID = 0x0008001B, // UI M1 0
69 StudyDate = 0x00080020, // DA M1 0
70 SeriesDate = 0x00080021, // DA M1 0
71 AcquisitionDate = 0x00080022, // DA M1 0
72 ContentDate = 0x00080023, // DA M1 0
73 OverlayDate = 0x00080024, // DA M1 1
74 CurveDate = 0x00080025, // DA M1 1
75 AcquisitionDateTime = 0x0008002A, // DT M1 0
76 StudyTime = 0x00080030, // TM M1 0
77 SeriesTime = 0x00080031, // TM M1 0
78 AcquisitionTime = 0x00080032, // TM M1 0
79 ContentTime = 0x00080033, // TM M1 0
80 OverlayTime = 0x00080034, // TM M1 1
81 CurveTime = 0x00080035, // TM M1 1
82 DataSetType = 0x00080040, // US M1 1
83 DataSetSubtype = 0x00080041, // LO M1 1
84 NuclearMedicineSeriesType = 0x00080042, // CS M1 1
85 AccessionNumber = 0x00080050, // SH M1 0
86 IssuerOfAccessionNumberSequence = 0x00080051, // SQ M1 0
87 QueryRetrieveLevel = 0x00080052, // CS M1 0
88 QueryRetrieveView = 0x00080053, // CS M1 0
89 RetrieveAETitle = 0x00080054, // AE M1TN 0
90 StationAETitle = 0x00080055, // AE M1 0
91 InstanceAvailability = 0x00080056, // CS M1 0
92 FailedSOPInstanceUIDList = 0x00080058, // UI M1TN 0
93 Modality = 0x00080060, // CS M1 0
94 ModalitiesInStudy = 0x00080061, // CS M1TN 0
95 SOPClassesInStudy = 0x00080062, // UI M1TN 0
96 AnatomicRegionsInStudyCodeSequence = 0x00080063, // SQ M1 0
97 ConversionType = 0x00080064, // CS M1 0
98 PresentationIntentType = 0x00080068, // CS M1 0
99 Manufacturer = 0x00080070, // LO M1 0
100 InstitutionName = 0x00080080, // LO M1 0
101 InstitutionAddress = 0x00080081, // ST M1 0
102 InstitutionCodeSequence = 0x00080082, // SQ M1 0
103 ReferringPhysicianName = 0x00080090, // PN M1 0
104 ReferringPhysicianAddress = 0x00080092, // ST M1 0
105 ReferringPhysicianTelephoneNumbers = 0x00080094, // SH M1TN 0
106 ReferringPhysicianIdentificationSequence = 0x00080096, // SQ M1 0
107 ConsultingPhysicianName = 0x0008009C, // PN M1TN 0
108 ConsultingPhysicianIdentificationSequence = 0x0008009D, // SQ M1 0
109 CodeValue = 0x00080100, // SH M1 0
110 ExtendedCodeValue = 0x00080101, // LO M1 DICOS
111 CodingSchemeDesignator = 0x00080102, // SH M1 0
112 CodingSchemeVersion = 0x00080103, // SH M1 0
113 CodeMeaning = 0x00080104, // LO M1 0
114 MappingResource = 0x00080105, // CS M1 0
115 ContextGroupVersion = 0x00080106, // DT M1 0
116 ContextGroupLocalVersion = 0x00080107, // DT M1 0
117 ExtendedCodeMeaning = 0x00080108, // LT M1 DICOS
118 CodingSchemeResourcesSequence = 0x00080109, // SQ M1 0
119 CodingSchemeURLType = 0x0008010A, // CS M1 0
120 ContextGroupExtensionFlag = 0x0008010B, // CS M1 0
121 CodingSchemeUID = 0x0008010C, // UI M1 0
122 ContextGroupExtensionCreatorUID = 0x0008010D, // UI M1 0
123 CodingSchemeURL = 0x0008010E, // UR M1 0
124 ContextIdentifier = 0x0008010F, // CS M1 0
125 CodingSchemeIdentificationSequence = 0x00080110, // SQ M1 0
126 CodingSchemeRegistry = 0x00080112, // LO M1 0
127 CodingSchemeExternalID = 0x00080114, // ST M1 0
128 CodingSchemeName = 0x00080115, // ST M1 0
129 CodingSchemeResponsibleOrganization = 0x00080116, // ST M1 0
130 ContextUID = 0x00080117, // UI M1 0
131 MappingResourceUID = 0x00080118, // UI M1 0
132 LongCodeValue = 0x00080119, // UC M1 0
133 URNCodeValue = 0x00080120, // UR M1 0
134 EquivalentCodeSequence = 0x00080121, // SQ M1 0
135 MappingResourceName = 0x00080122, // LO M1 0
136 ContextGroupIdentificationSequence = 0x00080123, // SQ M1 0
137 MappingResourceIdentificationSequence = 0x00080124, // SQ M1 0
138 TimezoneOffsetFromUTC = 0x00080201, // SH M1 0
139 ResponsibleGroupCodeSequence = 0x00080220, // SQ M1 0
140 EquipmentModality = 0x00080221, // CS M1 0
141 ManufacturerRelatedModelGroup = 0x00080222, // LO M1 0
142 PrivateDataElementCharacteristicsSequence = 0x00080300, // SQ M1 0
143 PrivateGroupReference = 0x00080301, // US M1 0
144 PrivateCreatorReference = 0x00080302, // LO M1 0
145 BlockIdentifyingInformationStatus = 0x00080303, // CS M1 0
146 NonidentifyingPrivateElements = 0x00080304, // US M1TN 0
147 DeidentificationActionSequence = 0x00080305, // SQ M1 0
148 IdentifyingPrivateElements = 0x00080306, // US M1TN 0
149 DeidentificationAction = 0x00080307, // CS M1 0
150 PrivateDataElement = 0x00080308, // US M1 0
151 PrivateDataElementValueMultiplicity = 0x00080309, // UL M1T3 0
152 PrivateDataElementValueRepresentation = 0x0008030A, // CS M1 0
153 PrivateDataElementNumberOfItems = 0x0008030B, // UL M1T2 0
154 PrivateDataElementName = 0x0008030C, // UC M1 0
155 PrivateDataElementKeyword = 0x0008030D, // UC M1 0
156 PrivateDataElementDescription = 0x0008030E, // UT M1 0
157 PrivateDataElementEncoding = 0x0008030F, // UT M1 0
158 PrivateDataElementDefinitionSequence = 0x00080310, // SQ M1 0
159 ScopeOfInventorySequence = 0x00080400, // SQ M1 0
160 InventoryPurpose = 0x00080401, // LT M1 0
161 InventoryInstanceDescription = 0x00080402, // LT M1 0
162 InventoryContentLevel = 0x00080403, // CS M1 0
163 ItemInventoryDateTime = 0x00080404, // DT M1 0
164 RemovedFromOperationalUse = 0x00080405, // CS M1 0
165 ReasonForRemovalCodeSequence = 0x00080406, // SQ M1 0
166 StoredInstanceBaseURI = 0x00080407, // UR M1 0
167 FolderAccessURI = 0x00080408, // UR M1 0
168 FileAccessURI = 0x00080409, // UR M1 0
169 ContainerFileType = 0x0008040A, // CS M1 0
170 FilenameInContainer = 0x0008040B, // UR M1 0
171 FileOffsetInContainer = 0x0008040C, // UV M1 0
172 FileLengthInContainer = 0x0008040D, // UV M1 0
173 StoredInstanceTransferSyntaxUID = 0x0008040E, // UI M1 0
174 ExtendedMatchingMechanisms = 0x0008040F, // CS M1TN 0
175 RangeMatchingSequence = 0x00080410, // SQ M1 0
176 UIDListMatchingSequence = 0x00080411, // SQ M1 0
177 EmptyValueMatchingSequence = 0x00080412, // SQ M1 0
178 GeneralMatchingSequence = 0x00080413, // SQ M1 0
179 RequestedStatusInterval = 0x00080414, // US M1 0
180 RetainInstances = 0x00080415, // CS M1 0
181 ExpirationDateTime = 0x00080416, // DT M1 0
182 TransactionStatus = 0x00080417, // CS M1 0
183 TransactionStatusComment = 0x00080418, // LT M1 0
184 FileSetAccessSequence = 0x00080419, // SQ M1 0
185 FileAccessSequence = 0x0008041A, // SQ M1 0
186 RecordKey = 0x0008041B, // OB M1 0
187 PriorRecordKey = 0x0008041C, // OB M1 0
188 MetadataSequence = 0x0008041D, // SQ M1 0
189 UpdatedMetadataSequence = 0x0008041E, // SQ M1 0
190 StudyUpdateDateTime = 0x0008041F, // DT M1 0
191 InventoryAccessEndPointsSequence = 0x00080420, // SQ M1 0
192 StudyAccessEndPointsSequence = 0x00080421, // SQ M1 0
193 IncorporatedInventoryInstanceSequence = 0x00080422, // SQ M1 0
194 InventoriedStudiesSequence = 0x00080423, // SQ M1 0
195 InventoriedSeriesSequence = 0x00080424, // SQ M1 0
196 InventoriedInstancesSequence = 0x00080425, // SQ M1 0
197 InventoryCompletionStatus = 0x00080426, // CS M1 0
198 NumberOfStudyRecordsInInstance = 0x00080427, // UL M1 0
199 TotalNumberOfStudyRecords = 0x00080428, // UV M1 0
200 NetworkID = 0x00081000, // AE M1 1
201 StationName = 0x00081010, // SH M1 0
202 StudyDescription = 0x00081030, // LO M1 0
203 ProcedureCodeSequence = 0x00081032, // SQ M1 0
204 SeriesDescription = 0x0008103E, // LO M1 0
205 SeriesDescriptionCodeSequence = 0x0008103F, // SQ M1 0
206 InstitutionalDepartmentName = 0x00081040, // LO M1 0
207 InstitutionalDepartmentTypeCodeSequence = 0x00081041, // SQ M1 0
208 PhysiciansOfRecord = 0x00081048, // PN M1TN 0
209 PhysiciansOfRecordIdentificationSequence = 0x00081049, // SQ M1 0
210 PerformingPhysicianName = 0x00081050, // PN M1TN 0
211 PerformingPhysicianIdentificationSequence = 0x00081052, // SQ M1 0
212 NameOfPhysiciansReadingStudy = 0x00081060, // PN M1TN 0
213 PhysiciansReadingStudyIdentificationSequence = 0x00081062, // SQ M1 0
214 OperatorsName = 0x00081070, // PN M1TN 0
215 OperatorIdentificationSequence = 0x00081072, // SQ M1 0
216 AdmittingDiagnosesDescription = 0x00081080, // LO M1TN 0
217 AdmittingDiagnosesCodeSequence = 0x00081084, // SQ M1 0
218 PyramidDescription = 0x00081088, // LO M1 0
219 ManufacturerModelName = 0x00081090, // LO M1 0
220 ReferencedResultsSequence = 0x00081100, // SQ M1 1
221 ReferencedStudySequence = 0x00081110, // SQ M1 0
222 ReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequence = 0x00081111, // SQ M1 0
223 ReferencedSeriesSequence = 0x00081115, // SQ M1 0
224 ReferencedPatientSequence = 0x00081120, // SQ M1 0
225 ReferencedVisitSequence = 0x00081125, // SQ M1 0
226 ReferencedOverlaySequence = 0x00081130, // SQ M1 1
227 ReferencedStereometricInstanceSequence = 0x00081134, // SQ M1 0
228 ReferencedWaveformSequence = 0x0008113A, // SQ M1 0
229 ReferencedImageSequence = 0x00081140, // SQ M1 0
230 ReferencedCurveSequence = 0x00081145, // SQ M1 1
231 ReferencedInstanceSequence = 0x0008114A, // SQ M1 0
232 ReferencedRealWorldValueMappingInstanceSequence = 0x0008114B, // SQ M1 0
233 ReferencedSOPClassUID = 0x00081150, // UI M1 0
234 ReferencedSOPInstanceUID = 0x00081155, // UI M1 0
235 DefinitionSourceSequence = 0x00081156, // SQ M1 0
236 SOPClassesSupported = 0x0008115A, // UI M1TN 0
237 ReferencedFrameNumber = 0x00081160, // IS M1TN 0
238 SimpleFrameList = 0x00081161, // UL M1TN 0
239 CalculatedFrameList = 0x00081162, // UL M3T3N 0
240 TimeRange = 0x00081163, // FD M2 0
241 FrameExtractionSequence = 0x00081164, // SQ M1 0
242 MultiFrameSourceSOPInstanceUID = 0x00081167, // UI M1 0
243 RetrieveURL = 0x00081190, // UR M1 0
244 TransactionUID = 0x00081195, // UI M1 0
245 WarningReason = 0x00081196, // US M1 0
246 FailureReason = 0x00081197, // US M1 0
247 FailedSOPSequence = 0x00081198, // SQ M1 0
248 ReferencedSOPSequence = 0x00081199, // SQ M1 0
249 OtherFailuresSequence = 0x0008119A, // SQ M1 0
250 StudiesContainingOtherReferencedInstancesSequence = 0x00081200, // SQ M1 0
251 RelatedSeriesSequence = 0x00081250, // SQ M1 0
252 LossyImageCompressionRetired = 0x00082110, // CS M1 1
253 DerivationDescription = 0x00082111, // ST M1 0
254 SourceImageSequence = 0x00082112, // SQ M1 0
255 StageName = 0x00082120, // SH M1 0
256 StageNumber = 0x00082122, // IS M1 0
257 NumberOfStages = 0x00082124, // IS M1 0
258 ViewName = 0x00082127, // SH M1 0
259 ViewNumber = 0x00082128, // IS M1 0
260 NumberOfEventTimers = 0x00082129, // IS M1 0
261 NumberOfViewsInStage = 0x0008212A, // IS M1 0
262 EventElapsedTimes = 0x00082130, // DS M1TN 0
263 EventTimerNames = 0x00082132, // LO M1TN 0
264 EventTimerSequence = 0x00082133, // SQ M1 0
265 EventTimeOffset = 0x00082134, // FD M1 0
266 EventCodeSequence = 0x00082135, // SQ M1 0
267 StartTrim = 0x00082142, // IS M1 0
268 StopTrim = 0x00082143, // IS M1 0
269 RecommendedDisplayFrameRate = 0x00082144, // IS M1 0
270 TransducerPosition = 0x00082200, // CS M1 1
271 TransducerOrientation = 0x00082204, // CS M1 1
272 AnatomicStructure = 0x00082208, // CS M1 1
273 AnatomicRegionSequence = 0x00082218, // SQ M1 0
274 AnatomicRegionModifierSequence = 0x00082220, // SQ M1 0
275 PrimaryAnatomicStructureSequence = 0x00082228, // SQ M1 0
276 AnatomicStructureSpaceOrRegionSequence = 0x00082229, // SQ M1 1
277 PrimaryAnatomicStructureModifierSequence = 0x00082230, // SQ M1 0
278 TransducerPositionSequence = 0x00082240, // SQ M1 1
279 TransducerPositionModifierSequence = 0x00082242, // SQ M1 1
280 TransducerOrientationSequence = 0x00082244, // SQ M1 1
281 TransducerOrientationModifierSequence = 0x00082246, // SQ M1 1
282 AnatomicStructureSpaceOrRegionCodeSequenceTrial = 0x00082251, // SQ M1 1
283 AnatomicPortalOfEntranceCodeSequenceTrial = 0x00082253, // SQ M1 1
284 AnatomicApproachDirectionCodeSequenceTrial = 0x00082255, // SQ M1 1
285 AnatomicPerspectiveDescriptionTrial = 0x00082256, // ST M1 1
286 AnatomicPerspectiveCodeSequenceTrial = 0x00082257, // SQ M1 1
287 AnatomicLocationOfExaminingInstrumentDescriptionTrial = 0x00082258, // ST M1 1
288 AnatomicLocationOfExaminingInstrumentCodeSequenceTrial = 0x00082259, // SQ M1 1
289 AnatomicStructureSpaceOrRegionModifierCodeSequenceTrial = 0x0008225A, // SQ M1 1
290 OnAxisBackgroundAnatomicStructureCodeSequenceTrial = 0x0008225C, // SQ M1 1
291 AlternateRepresentationSequence = 0x00083001, // SQ M1 0
292 AvailableTransferSyntaxUID = 0x00083002, // UI M1TN 0
293 IrradiationEventUID = 0x00083010, // UI M1TN 0
294 SourceIrradiationEventSequence = 0x00083011, // SQ M1 0
295 RadiopharmaceuticalAdministrationEventUID = 0x00083012, // UI M1 0
296 IdentifyingComments = 0x00084000, // LT M1 1
297 FrameType = 0x00089007, // CS M4 0
298 ReferencedImageEvidenceSequence = 0x00089092, // SQ M1 0
299 ReferencedRawDataSequence = 0x00089121, // SQ M1 0
300 CreatorVersionUID = 0x00089123, // UI M1 0
301 DerivationImageSequence = 0x00089124, // SQ M1 0
302 SourceImageEvidenceSequence = 0x00089154, // SQ M1 0
303 PixelPresentation = 0x00089205, // CS M1 0
304 VolumetricProperties = 0x00089206, // CS M1 0
305 VolumeBasedCalculationTechnique = 0x00089207, // CS M1 0
306 ComplexImageComponent = 0x00089208, // CS M1 0
307 AcquisitionContrast = 0x00089209, // CS M1 0
308 DerivationCodeSequence = 0x00089215, // SQ M1 0
309 ReferencedPresentationStateSequence = 0x00089237, // SQ M1 0
310 ReferencedOtherPlaneSequence = 0x00089410, // SQ M1 0
311 FrameDisplaySequence = 0x00089458, // SQ M1 0
312 RecommendedDisplayFrameRateInFloat = 0x00089459, // FL M1 0
313 SkipFrameRangeFlag = 0x00089460, // CS M1 0
314 PatientName = 0x00100010, // PN M1 0
315 PatientID = 0x00100020, // LO M1 0
316 IssuerOfPatientID = 0x00100021, // LO M1 0
317 TypeOfPatientID = 0x00100022, // CS M1 0
318 IssuerOfPatientIDQualifiersSequence = 0x00100024, // SQ M1 0
319 SourcePatientGroupIdentificationSequence = 0x00100026, // SQ M1 0
320 GroupOfPatientsIdentificationSequence = 0x00100027, // SQ M1 0
321 SubjectRelativePositionInImage = 0x00100028, // US M3 0
322 PatientBirthDate = 0x00100030, // DA M1 0
323 PatientBirthTime = 0x00100032, // TM M1 0
324 PatientBirthDateInAlternativeCalendar = 0x00100033, // LO M1 0
325 PatientDeathDateInAlternativeCalendar = 0x00100034, // LO M1 0
326 PatientAlternativeCalendar = 0x00100035, // CS M1 0
327 PatientSex = 0x00100040, // CS M1 0
328 PatientInsurancePlanCodeSequence = 0x00100050, // SQ M1 0
329 PatientPrimaryLanguageCodeSequence = 0x00100101, // SQ M1 0
330 PatientPrimaryLanguageModifierCodeSequence = 0x00100102, // SQ M1 0
331 QualityControlSubject = 0x00100200, // CS M1 0
332 QualityControlSubjectTypeCodeSequence = 0x00100201, // SQ M1 0
333 StrainDescription = 0x00100212, // UC M1 0
334 StrainNomenclature = 0x00100213, // LO M1 0
335 StrainStockNumber = 0x00100214, // LO M1 0
336 StrainSourceRegistryCodeSequence = 0x00100215, // SQ M1 0
337 StrainStockSequence = 0x00100216, // SQ M1 0
338 StrainSource = 0x00100217, // LO M1 0
339 StrainAdditionalInformation = 0x00100218, // UT M1 0
340 StrainCodeSequence = 0x00100219, // SQ M1 0
341 GeneticModificationsSequence = 0x00100221, // SQ M1 0
342 GeneticModificationsDescription = 0x00100222, // UC M1 0
343 GeneticModificationsNomenclature = 0x00100223, // LO M1 0
344 GeneticModificationsCodeSequence = 0x00100229, // SQ M1 0
345 OtherPatientIDs = 0x00101000, // LO M1TN 1
346 OtherPatientNames = 0x00101001, // PN M1TN 0
347 OtherPatientIDsSequence = 0x00101002, // SQ M1 0
348 PatientBirthName = 0x00101005, // PN M1 0
349 PatientAge = 0x00101010, // AS M1 0
350 PatientSize = 0x00101020, // DS M1 0
351 PatientSizeCodeSequence = 0x00101021, // SQ M1 0
352 PatientBodyMassIndex = 0x00101022, // DS M1 0
353 MeasuredAPDimension = 0x00101023, // DS M1 0
354 MeasuredLateralDimension = 0x00101024, // DS M1 0
355 PatientWeight = 0x00101030, // DS M1 0
356 PatientAddress = 0x00101040, // LO M1 0
357 InsurancePlanIdentification = 0x00101050, // LO M1TN 1
358 PatientMotherBirthName = 0x00101060, // PN M1 0
359 MilitaryRank = 0x00101080, // LO M1 0
360 BranchOfService = 0x00101081, // LO M1 0
361 MedicalRecordLocator = 0x00101090, // LO M1 1
362 ReferencedPatientPhotoSequence = 0x00101100, // SQ M1 0
363 MedicalAlerts = 0x00102000, // LO M1TN 0
364 Allergies = 0x00102110, // LO M1TN 0
365 CountryOfResidence = 0x00102150, // LO M1 0
366 RegionOfResidence = 0x00102152, // LO M1 0
367 PatientTelephoneNumbers = 0x00102154, // SH M1TN 0
368 PatientTelecomInformation = 0x00102155, // LT M1 0
369 EthnicGroup = 0x00102160, // SH M1 0
370 Occupation = 0x00102180, // SH M1 0
371 SmokingStatus = 0x001021A0, // CS M1 0
372 AdditionalPatientHistory = 0x001021B0, // LT M1 0
373 PregnancyStatus = 0x001021C0, // US M1 0
374 LastMenstrualDate = 0x001021D0, // DA M1 0
375 PatientReligiousPreference = 0x001021F0, // LO M1 0
376 PatientSpeciesDescription = 0x00102201, // LO M1 0
377 PatientSpeciesCodeSequence = 0x00102202, // SQ M1 0
378 PatientSexNeutered = 0x00102203, // CS M1 0
379 AnatomicalOrientationType = 0x00102210, // CS M1 0
380 PatientBreedDescription = 0x00102292, // LO M1 0
381 PatientBreedCodeSequence = 0x00102293, // SQ M1 0
382 BreedRegistrationSequence = 0x00102294, // SQ M1 0
383 BreedRegistrationNumber = 0x00102295, // LO M1 0
384 BreedRegistryCodeSequence = 0x00102296, // SQ M1 0
385 ResponsiblePerson = 0x00102297, // PN M1 0
386 ResponsiblePersonRole = 0x00102298, // CS M1 0
387 ResponsibleOrganization = 0x00102299, // LO M1 0
388 PatientComments = 0x00104000, // LT M1 0
389 ExaminedBodyThickness = 0x00109431, // FL M1 0
390 ClinicalTrialSponsorName = 0x00120010, // LO M1 0
391 ClinicalTrialProtocolID = 0x00120020, // LO M1 0
392 ClinicalTrialProtocolName = 0x00120021, // LO M1 0
393 ClinicalTrialSiteID = 0x00120030, // LO M1 0
394 ClinicalTrialSiteName = 0x00120031, // LO M1 0
395 ClinicalTrialSubjectID = 0x00120040, // LO M1 0
396 ClinicalTrialSubjectReadingID = 0x00120042, // LO M1 0
397 ClinicalTrialTimePointID = 0x00120050, // LO M1 0
398 ClinicalTrialTimePointDescription = 0x00120051, // ST M1 0
399 LongitudinalTemporalOffsetFromEvent = 0x00120052, // FD M1 0
400 LongitudinalTemporalEventType = 0x00120053, // CS M1 0
401 ClinicalTrialCoordinatingCenterName = 0x00120060, // LO M1 0
402 PatientIdentityRemoved = 0x00120062, // CS M1 0
403 DeidentificationMethod = 0x00120063, // LO M1TN 0
404 DeidentificationMethodCodeSequence = 0x00120064, // SQ M1 0
405 ClinicalTrialSeriesID = 0x00120071, // LO M1 0
406 ClinicalTrialSeriesDescription = 0x00120072, // LO M1 0
407 ClinicalTrialProtocolEthicsCommitteeName = 0x00120081, // LO M1 0
408 ClinicalTrialProtocolEthicsCommitteeApprovalNumber = 0x00120082, // LO M1 0
409 ConsentForClinicalTrialUseSequence = 0x00120083, // SQ M1 0
410 DistributionType = 0x00120084, // CS M1 0
411 ConsentForDistributionFlag = 0x00120085, // CS M1 0
412 EthicsCommitteeApprovalEffectivenessStartDate = 0x00120086, // DA M1 0
413 EthicsCommitteeApprovalEffectivenessEndDate = 0x00120087, // DA M1 0
414 CADFileFormat = 0x00140023, // ST M1 1
415 ComponentReferenceSystem = 0x00140024, // ST M1 1
416 ComponentManufacturingProcedure = 0x00140025, // ST M1 DICONDE
417 ComponentManufacturer = 0x00140028, // ST M1 DICONDE
418 MaterialThickness = 0x00140030, // DS M1TN DICONDE
419 MaterialPipeDiameter = 0x00140032, // DS M1TN DICONDE
420 MaterialIsolationDiameter = 0x00140034, // DS M1TN DICONDE
421 MaterialGrade = 0x00140042, // ST M1 DICONDE
422 MaterialPropertiesDescription = 0x00140044, // ST M1 DICONDE
423 MaterialPropertiesFileFormatRetired = 0x00140045, // ST M1 1
424 MaterialNotes = 0x00140046, // LT M1 DICONDE
425 ComponentShape = 0x00140050, // CS M1 DICONDE
426 CurvatureType = 0x00140052, // CS M1 DICONDE
427 OuterDiameter = 0x00140054, // DS M1 DICONDE
428 InnerDiameter = 0x00140056, // DS M1 DICONDE
429 ComponentWelderIDs = 0x00140100, // LO M1TN DICONDE
430 SecondaryApprovalStatus = 0x00140101, // CS M1 DICONDE
431 SecondaryReviewDate = 0x00140102, // DA M1 DICONDE
432 SecondaryReviewTime = 0x00140103, // TM M1 DICONDE
433 SecondaryReviewerName = 0x00140104, // PN M1 DICONDE
434 RepairID = 0x00140105, // ST M1 DICONDE
435 MultipleComponentApprovalSequence = 0x00140106, // SQ M1 DICONDE
436 OtherApprovalStatus = 0x00140107, // CS M1TN DICONDE
437 OtherSecondaryApprovalStatus = 0x00140108, // CS M1TN DICONDE
438 DataElementLabelSequence = 0x00140200, // SQ M1 DICONDE
439 DataElementLabelItemSequence = 0x00140201, // SQ M1 DICONDE
440 DataElement = 0x00140202, // AT M1 DICONDE
441 DataElementName = 0x00140203, // LO M1 DICONDE
442 DataElementDescription = 0x00140204, // LO M1 DICONDE
443 DataElementConditionality = 0x00140205, // CS M1 DICONDE
444 DataElementMinimumCharacters = 0x00140206, // IS M1 DICONDE
445 DataElementMaximumCharacters = 0x00140207, // IS M1 DICONDE
446 ActualEnvironmentalConditions = 0x00141010, // ST M1 DICONDE
447 ExpiryDate = 0x00141020, // DA M1 DICONDE
448 EnvironmentalConditions = 0x00141040, // ST M1 DICONDE
449 EvaluatorSequence = 0x00142002, // SQ M1 DICONDE
450 EvaluatorNumber = 0x00142004, // IS M1 DICONDE
451 EvaluatorName = 0x00142006, // PN M1 DICONDE
452 EvaluationAttempt = 0x00142008, // IS M1 DICONDE
453 IndicationSequence = 0x00142012, // SQ M1 DICONDE
454 IndicationNumber = 0x00142014, // IS M1 DICONDE
455 IndicationLabel = 0x00142016, // SH M1 DICONDE
456 IndicationDescription = 0x00142018, // ST M1 DICONDE
457 IndicationType = 0x0014201A, // CS M1TN DICONDE
458 IndicationDisposition = 0x0014201C, // CS M1 DICONDE
459 IndicationROISequence = 0x0014201E, // SQ M1 DICONDE
460 IndicationPhysicalPropertySequence = 0x00142030, // SQ M1 DICONDE
461 PropertyLabel = 0x00142032, // SH M1 DICONDE
462 CoordinateSystemNumberOfAxes = 0x00142202, // IS M1 DICONDE
463 CoordinateSystemAxesSequence = 0x00142204, // SQ M1 DICONDE
464 CoordinateSystemAxisDescription = 0x00142206, // ST M1 DICONDE
465 CoordinateSystemDataSetMapping = 0x00142208, // CS M1 DICONDE
466 CoordinateSystemAxisNumber = 0x0014220A, // IS M1 DICONDE
467 CoordinateSystemAxisType = 0x0014220C, // CS M1 DICONDE
468 CoordinateSystemAxisUnits = 0x0014220E, // CS M1 DICONDE
469 CoordinateSystemAxisValues = 0x00142210, // OB M1 DICONDE
470 CoordinateSystemTransformSequence = 0x00142220, // SQ M1 DICONDE
471 TransformDescription = 0x00142222, // ST M1 DICONDE
472 TransformNumberOfAxes = 0x00142224, // IS M1 DICONDE
473 TransformOrderOfAxes = 0x00142226, // IS M1TN DICONDE
474 TransformedAxisUnits = 0x00142228, // CS M1 DICONDE
475 CoordinateSystemTransformRotationAndScaleMatrix = 0x0014222A, // DS M1TN DICONDE
476 CoordinateSystemTransformTranslationMatrix = 0x0014222C, // DS M1TN DICONDE
477 InternalDetectorFrameTime = 0x00143011, // DS M1 DICONDE
478 NumberOfFramesIntegrated = 0x00143012, // DS M1 DICONDE
479 DetectorTemperatureSequence = 0x00143020, // SQ M1 DICONDE
480 SensorName = 0x00143022, // ST M1 DICONDE
481 HorizontalOffsetOfSensor = 0x00143024, // DS M1 DICONDE
482 VerticalOffsetOfSensor = 0x00143026, // DS M1 DICONDE
483 SensorTemperature = 0x00143028, // DS M1 DICONDE
484 DarkCurrentSequence = 0x00143040, // SQ M1 DICONDE
485 DarkCurrentCounts = 0x00143050, // OX M1 DICONDE
486 GainCorrectionReferenceSequence = 0x00143060, // SQ M1 DICONDE
487 AirCounts = 0x00143070, // OX M1 DICONDE
488 KVUsedInGainCalibration = 0x00143071, // DS M1 DICONDE
489 MAUsedInGainCalibration = 0x00143072, // DS M1 DICONDE
490 NumberOfFramesUsedForIntegration = 0x00143073, // DS M1 DICONDE
491 FilterMaterialUsedInGainCalibration = 0x00143074, // LO M1 DICONDE
492 FilterThicknessUsedInGainCalibration = 0x00143075, // DS M1 DICONDE
493 DateOfGainCalibration = 0x00143076, // DA M1 DICONDE
494 TimeOfGainCalibration = 0x00143077, // TM M1 DICONDE
495 BadPixelImage = 0x00143080, // OB M1 DICONDE
496 CalibrationNotes = 0x00143099, // LT M1 DICONDE
497 LinearityCorrectionTechnique = 0x00143100, // LT M1 DICONDE
498 BeamHardeningCorrectionTechnique = 0x00143101, // LT M1 DICONDE
499 PulserEquipmentSequence = 0x00144002, // SQ M1 DICONDE
500 PulserType = 0x00144004, // CS M1 DICONDE
501 PulserNotes = 0x00144006, // LT M1 DICONDE
502 ReceiverEquipmentSequence = 0x00144008, // SQ M1 DICONDE
503 AmplifierType = 0x0014400A, // CS M1 DICONDE
504 ReceiverNotes = 0x0014400C, // LT M1 DICONDE
505 PreAmplifierEquipmentSequence = 0x0014400E, // SQ M1 DICONDE
506 PreAmplifierNotes = 0x0014400F, // LT M1 DICONDE
507 TransmitTransducerSequence = 0x00144010, // SQ M1 DICONDE
508 ReceiveTransducerSequence = 0x00144011, // SQ M1 DICONDE
509 NumberOfElements = 0x00144012, // US M1 DICONDE
510 ElementShape = 0x00144013, // CS M1 DICONDE
511 ElementDimensionA = 0x00144014, // DS M1 DICONDE
512 ElementDimensionB = 0x00144015, // DS M1 DICONDE
513 ElementPitchA = 0x00144016, // DS M1 DICONDE
514 MeasuredBeamDimensionA = 0x00144017, // DS M1 DICONDE
515 MeasuredBeamDimensionB = 0x00144018, // DS M1 DICONDE
516 LocationOfMeasuredBeamDiameter = 0x00144019, // DS M1 DICONDE
517 NominalFrequency = 0x0014401A, // DS M1 DICONDE
518 MeasuredCenterFrequency = 0x0014401B, // DS M1 DICONDE
519 MeasuredBandwidth = 0x0014401C, // DS M1 DICONDE
520 ElementPitchB = 0x0014401D, // DS M1 DICONDE
521 PulserSettingsSequence = 0x00144020, // SQ M1 DICONDE
522 PulseWidth = 0x00144022, // DS M1 DICONDE
523 ExcitationFrequency = 0x00144024, // DS M1 DICONDE
524 ModulationType = 0x00144026, // CS M1 DICONDE
525 Damping = 0x00144028, // DS M1 DICONDE
526 ReceiverSettingsSequence = 0x00144030, // SQ M1 DICONDE
527 AcquiredSoundpathLength = 0x00144031, // DS M1 DICONDE
528 AcquisitionCompressionType = 0x00144032, // CS M1 DICONDE
529 AcquisitionSampleSize = 0x00144033, // IS M1 DICONDE
530 RectifierSmoothing = 0x00144034, // DS M1 DICONDE
531 DACSequence = 0x00144035, // SQ M1 DICONDE
532 DACType = 0x00144036, // CS M1 DICONDE
533 DACGainPoints = 0x00144038, // DS M1TN DICONDE
534 DACTimePoints = 0x0014403A, // DS M1TN DICONDE
535 DACAmplitude = 0x0014403C, // DS M1TN DICONDE
536 PreAmplifierSettingsSequence = 0x00144040, // SQ M1 DICONDE
537 TransmitTransducerSettingsSequence = 0x00144050, // SQ M1 DICONDE
538 ReceiveTransducerSettingsSequence = 0x00144051, // SQ M1 DICONDE
539 IncidentAngle = 0x00144052, // DS M1 DICONDE
540 CouplingTechnique = 0x00144054, // ST M1 DICONDE
541 CouplingMedium = 0x00144056, // ST M1 DICONDE
542 CouplingVelocity = 0x00144057, // DS M1 DICONDE
543 ProbeCenterLocationX = 0x00144058, // DS M1 DICONDE
544 ProbeCenterLocationZ = 0x00144059, // DS M1 DICONDE
545 SoundPathLength = 0x0014405A, // DS M1 DICONDE
546 DelayLawIdentifier = 0x0014405C, // ST M1 DICONDE
547 GateSettingsSequence = 0x00144060, // SQ M1 DICONDE
548 GateThreshold = 0x00144062, // DS M1 DICONDE
549 VelocityOfSound = 0x00144064, // DS M1 DICONDE
550 CalibrationSettingsSequence = 0x00144070, // SQ M1 DICONDE
551 CalibrationProcedure = 0x00144072, // ST M1 DICONDE
552 ProcedureVersion = 0x00144074, // SH M1 DICONDE
553 ProcedureCreationDate = 0x00144076, // DA M1 DICONDE
554 ProcedureExpirationDate = 0x00144078, // DA M1 DICONDE
555 ProcedureLastModifiedDate = 0x0014407A, // DA M1 DICONDE
556 CalibrationTime = 0x0014407C, // TM M1TN DICONDE
557 CalibrationDate = 0x0014407E, // DA M1TN DICONDE
558 ProbeDriveEquipmentSequence = 0x00144080, // SQ M1 DICONDE
559 DriveType = 0x00144081, // CS M1 DICONDE
560 ProbeDriveNotes = 0x00144082, // LT M1 DICONDE
561 DriveProbeSequence = 0x00144083, // SQ M1 DICONDE
562 ProbeInductance = 0x00144084, // DS M1 DICONDE
563 ProbeResistance = 0x00144085, // DS M1 DICONDE
564 ReceiveProbeSequence = 0x00144086, // SQ M1 DICONDE
565 ProbeDriveSettingsSequence = 0x00144087, // SQ M1 DICONDE
566 BridgeResistors = 0x00144088, // DS M1 DICONDE
567 ProbeOrientationAngle = 0x00144089, // DS M1 DICONDE
568 UserSelectedGainY = 0x0014408B, // DS M1 DICONDE
569 UserSelectedPhase = 0x0014408C, // DS M1 DICONDE
570 UserSelectedOffsetX = 0x0014408D, // DS M1 DICONDE
571 UserSelectedOffsetY = 0x0014408E, // DS M1 DICONDE
572 ChannelSettingsSequence = 0x00144091, // SQ M1 DICONDE
573 ChannelThreshold = 0x00144092, // DS M1 DICONDE
574 ScannerSettingsSequence = 0x0014409A, // SQ M1 DICONDE
575 ScanProcedure = 0x0014409B, // ST M1 DICONDE
576 TranslationRateX = 0x0014409C, // DS M1 DICONDE
577 TranslationRateY = 0x0014409D, // DS M1 DICONDE
578 ChannelOverlap = 0x0014409F, // DS M1 DICONDE
579 ImageQualityIndicatorType = 0x001440A0, // LO M1TN DICONDE
580 ImageQualityIndicatorMaterial = 0x001440A1, // LO M1TN DICONDE
581 ImageQualityIndicatorSize = 0x001440A2, // LO M1TN DICONDE
582 LINACEnergy = 0x00145002, // IS M1 DICONDE
583 LINACOutput = 0x00145004, // IS M1 DICONDE
584 ActiveAperture = 0x00145100, // US M1 DICONDE
585 TotalAperture = 0x00145101, // DS M1 DICONDE
586 ApertureElevation = 0x00145102, // DS M1 DICONDE
587 MainLobeAngle = 0x00145103, // DS M1 DICONDE
588 MainRoofAngle = 0x00145104, // DS M1 DICONDE
589 ConnectorType = 0x00145105, // CS M1 DICONDE
590 WedgeModelNumber = 0x00145106, // SH M1 DICONDE
591 WedgeAngleFloat = 0x00145107, // DS M1 DICONDE
592 WedgeRoofAngle = 0x00145108, // DS M1 DICONDE
593 WedgeElement1Position = 0x00145109, // CS M1 DICONDE
594 WedgeMaterialVelocity = 0x0014510A, // DS M1 DICONDE
595 WedgeMaterial = 0x0014510B, // SH M1 DICONDE
596 WedgeOffsetZ = 0x0014510C, // DS M1 DICONDE
597 WedgeOriginOffsetX = 0x0014510D, // DS M1 DICONDE
598 WedgeTimeDelay = 0x0014510E, // DS M1 DICONDE
599 WedgeName = 0x0014510F, // SH M1 DICONDE
600 WedgeManufacturerName = 0x00145110, // SH M1 DICONDE
601 WedgeDescription = 0x00145111, // LO M1 DICONDE
602 NominalBeamAngle = 0x00145112, // DS M1 DICONDE
603 WedgeOffsetX = 0x00145113, // DS M1 DICONDE
604 WedgeOffsetY = 0x00145114, // DS M1 DICONDE
605 WedgeTotalLength = 0x00145115, // DS M1 DICONDE
606 WedgeInContactLength = 0x00145116, // DS M1 DICONDE
607 WedgeFrontGap = 0x00145117, // DS M1 DICONDE
608 WedgeTotalHeight = 0x00145118, // DS M1 DICONDE
609 WedgeFrontHeight = 0x00145119, // DS M1 DICONDE
610 WedgeRearHeight = 0x0014511A, // DS M1 DICONDE
611 WedgeTotalWidth = 0x0014511B, // DS M1 DICONDE
612 WedgeInContactWidth = 0x0014511C, // DS M1 DICONDE
613 WedgeChamferHeight = 0x0014511D, // DS M1 DICONDE
614 WedgeCurve = 0x0014511E, // CS M1 DICONDE
615 RadiusAlongWedge = 0x0014511F, // DS M1 DICONDE
616 WhitePoint = 0x00160001, // DS M1 0
617 PrimaryChromaticities = 0x00160002, // DS M3 0
618 BatteryLevel = 0x00160003, // UT M1 0
619 ExposureTimeInSeconds = 0x00160004, // DS M1 0
620 FNumber = 0x00160005, // DS M1 0
621 OECFRows = 0x00160006, // IS M1 0
622 OECFColumns = 0x00160007, // IS M1 0
623 OECFColumnNames = 0x00160008, // UC M1TN 0
624 OECFValues = 0x00160009, // DS M1TN 0
625 SpatialFrequencyResponseRows = 0x0016000A, // IS M1 0
626 SpatialFrequencyResponseColumns = 0x0016000B, // IS M1 0
627 SpatialFrequencyResponseColumnNames = 0x0016000C, // UC M1TN 0
628 SpatialFrequencyResponseValues = 0x0016000D, // DS M1TN 0
629 ColorFilterArrayPatternRows = 0x0016000E, // IS M1 0
630 ColorFilterArrayPatternColumns = 0x0016000F, // IS M1 0
631 ColorFilterArrayPatternValues = 0x00160010, // DS M1TN 0
632 FlashFiringStatus = 0x00160011, // US M1 0
633 FlashReturnStatus = 0x00160012, // US M1 0
634 FlashMode = 0x00160013, // US M1 0
635 FlashFunctionPresent = 0x00160014, // US M1 0
636 FlashRedEyeMode = 0x00160015, // US M1 0
637 ExposureProgram = 0x00160016, // US M1 0
638 SpectralSensitivity = 0x00160017, // UT M1 0
639 PhotographicSensitivity = 0x00160018, // IS M1 0
640 SelfTimerMode = 0x00160019, // IS M1 0
641 SensitivityType = 0x0016001A, // US M1 0
642 StandardOutputSensitivity = 0x0016001B, // IS M1 0
643 RecommendedExposureIndex = 0x0016001C, // IS M1 0
644 ISOSpeed = 0x0016001D, // IS M1 0
645 ISOSpeedLatitudeyyy = 0x0016001E, // IS M1 0
646 ISOSpeedLatitudezzz = 0x0016001F, // IS M1 0
647 EXIFVersion = 0x00160020, // UT M1 0
648 ShutterSpeedValue = 0x00160021, // DS M1 0
649 ApertureValue = 0x00160022, // DS M1 0
650 BrightnessValue = 0x00160023, // DS M1 0
651 ExposureBiasValue = 0x00160024, // DS M1 0
652 MaxApertureValue = 0x00160025, // DS M1 0
653 SubjectDistance = 0x00160026, // DS M1 0
654 MeteringMode = 0x00160027, // US M1 0
655 LightSource = 0x00160028, // US M1 0
656 FocalLength = 0x00160029, // DS M1 0
657 SubjectArea = 0x0016002A, // IS M2T4 0
658 MakerNote = 0x0016002B, // OB M1 0
659 Temperature = 0x00160030, // DS M1 0
660 Humidity = 0x00160031, // DS M1 0
661 Pressure = 0x00160032, // DS M1 0
662 WaterDepth = 0x00160033, // DS M1 0
663 Acceleration = 0x00160034, // DS M1 0
664 CameraElevationAngle = 0x00160035, // DS M1 0
665 FlashEnergy = 0x00160036, // DS M1T2 0
666 SubjectLocation = 0x00160037, // IS M2 0
667 PhotographicExposureIndex = 0x00160038, // DS M1 0
668 SensingMethod = 0x00160039, // US M1 0
669 FileSource = 0x0016003A, // US M1 0
670 SceneType = 0x0016003B, // US M1 0
671 CustomRendered = 0x00160041, // US M1 0
672 ExposureMode = 0x00160042, // US M1 0
673 WhiteBalance = 0x00160043, // US M1 0
674 DigitalZoomRatio = 0x00160044, // DS M1 0
675 FocalLengthIn35mmFilm = 0x00160045, // IS M1 0
676 SceneCaptureType = 0x00160046, // US M1 0
677 GainControl = 0x00160047, // US M1 0
678 Contrast = 0x00160048, // US M1 0
679 Saturation = 0x00160049, // US M1 0
680 Sharpness = 0x0016004A, // US M1 0
681 DeviceSettingDescription = 0x0016004B, // OB M1 0
682 SubjectDistanceRange = 0x0016004C, // US M1 0
683 CameraOwnerName = 0x0016004D, // UT M1 0
684 LensSpecification = 0x0016004E, // DS M4 0
685 LensMake = 0x0016004F, // UT M1 0
686 LensModel = 0x00160050, // UT M1 0
687 LensSerialNumber = 0x00160051, // UT M1 0
688 InteroperabilityIndex = 0x00160061, // CS M1 0
689 InteroperabilityVersion = 0x00160062, // OB M1 0
690 GPSVersionID = 0x00160070, // OB M1 0
691 GPSLatitudeRef = 0x00160071, // CS M1 0
692 GPSLatitude = 0x00160072, // DS M3 0
693 GPSLongitudeRef = 0x00160073, // CS M1 0
694 GPSLongitude = 0x00160074, // DS M3 0
695 GPSAltitudeRef = 0x00160075, // US M1 0
696 GPSAltitude = 0x00160076, // DS M1 0
697 GPSTimeStamp = 0x00160077, // DT M1 0
698 GPSSatellites = 0x00160078, // UT M1 0
699 GPSStatus = 0x00160079, // CS M1 0
700 GPSMeasureMode = 0x0016007A, // CS M1 0
701 GPSDOP = 0x0016007B, // DS M1 0
702 GPSSpeedRef = 0x0016007C, // CS M1 0
703 GPSSpeed = 0x0016007D, // DS M1 0
704 GPSTrackRef = 0x0016007E, // CS M1 0
705 GPSTrack = 0x0016007F, // DS M1 0
706 GPSImgDirectionRef = 0x00160080, // CS M1 0
707 GPSImgDirection = 0x00160081, // DS M1 0
708 GPSMapDatum = 0x00160082, // UT M1 0
709 GPSDestLatitudeRef = 0x00160083, // CS M1 0
710 GPSDestLatitude = 0x00160084, // DS M3 0
711 GPSDestLongitudeRef = 0x00160085, // CS M1 0
712 GPSDestLongitude = 0x00160086, // DS M3 0
713 GPSDestBearingRef = 0x00160087, // CS M1 0
714 GPSDestBearing = 0x00160088, // DS M1 0
715 GPSDestDistanceRef = 0x00160089, // CS M1 0
716 GPSDestDistance = 0x0016008A, // DS M1 0
717 GPSProcessingMethod = 0x0016008B, // OB M1 0
718 GPSAreaInformation = 0x0016008C, // OB M1 0
719 GPSDateStamp = 0x0016008D, // DT M1 0
720 GPSDifferential = 0x0016008E, // IS M1 0
721 LightSourcePolarization = 0x00161001, // CS M1 0
722 EmitterColorTemperature = 0x00161002, // DS M1 0
723 ContactMethod = 0x00161003, // CS M1 0
724 ImmersionMedia = 0x00161004, // CS M1TN 0
725 OpticalMagnificationFactor = 0x00161005, // DS M1 0
726 ContrastBolusAgent = 0x00180010, // LO M1 0
727 ContrastBolusAgentSequence = 0x00180012, // SQ M1 0
728 ContrastBolusT1Relaxivity = 0x00180013, // FL M1 0
729 ContrastBolusAdministrationRouteSequence = 0x00180014, // SQ M1 0
730 BodyPartExamined = 0x00180015, // CS M1 0
731 ScanningSequence = 0x00180020, // CS M1TN 0
732 SequenceVariant = 0x00180021, // CS M1TN 0
733 ScanOptions = 0x00180022, // CS M1TN 0
734 MRAcquisitionType = 0x00180023, // CS M1 0
735 SequenceName = 0x00180024, // SH M1 0
736 AngioFlag = 0x00180025, // CS M1 0
737 InterventionDrugInformationSequence = 0x00180026, // SQ M1 0
738 InterventionDrugStopTime = 0x00180027, // TM M1 0
739 InterventionDrugDose = 0x00180028, // DS M1 0
740 InterventionDrugCodeSequence = 0x00180029, // SQ M1 0
741 AdditionalDrugSequence = 0x0018002A, // SQ M1 0
742 Radionuclide = 0x00180030, // LO M1TN 1
743 Radiopharmaceutical = 0x00180031, // LO M1 0
744 EnergyWindowCenterline = 0x00180032, // DS M1 1
745 EnergyWindowTotalWidth = 0x00180033, // DS M1TN 1
746 InterventionDrugName = 0x00180034, // LO M1 0
747 InterventionDrugStartTime = 0x00180035, // TM M1 0
748 InterventionSequence = 0x00180036, // SQ M1 0
749 TherapyType = 0x00180037, // CS M1 1
750 InterventionStatus = 0x00180038, // CS M1 0
751 TherapyDescription = 0x00180039, // CS M1 1
752 InterventionDescription = 0x0018003A, // ST M1 0
753 CineRate = 0x00180040, // IS M1 0
754 InitialCineRunState = 0x00180042, // CS M1 0
755 SliceThickness = 0x00180050, // DS M1 0
756 KVP = 0x00180060, // DS M1 0
757 CountsAccumulated = 0x00180070, // IS M1 0
758 AcquisitionTerminationCondition = 0x00180071, // CS M1 0
759 EffectiveDuration = 0x00180072, // DS M1 0
760 AcquisitionStartCondition = 0x00180073, // CS M1 0
761 AcquisitionStartConditionData = 0x00180074, // IS M1 0
762 AcquisitionTerminationConditionData = 0x00180075, // IS M1 0
763 RepetitionTime = 0x00180080, // DS M1 0
764 EchoTime = 0x00180081, // DS M1 0
765 InversionTime = 0x00180082, // DS M1 0
766 NumberOfAverages = 0x00180083, // DS M1 0
767 ImagingFrequency = 0x00180084, // DS M1 0
768 ImagedNucleus = 0x00180085, // SH M1 0
769 EchoNumbers = 0x00180086, // IS M1TN 0
770 MagneticFieldStrength = 0x00180087, // DS M1 0
771 SpacingBetweenSlices = 0x00180088, // DS M1 0
772 NumberOfPhaseEncodingSteps = 0x00180089, // IS M1 0
773 DataCollectionDiameter = 0x00180090, // DS M1 0
774 EchoTrainLength = 0x00180091, // IS M1 0
775 PercentSampling = 0x00180093, // DS M1 0
776 PercentPhaseFieldOfView = 0x00180094, // DS M1 0
777 PixelBandwidth = 0x00180095, // DS M1 0
778 DeviceSerialNumber = 0x00181000, // LO M1 0
779 DeviceUID = 0x00181002, // UI M1 0
780 DeviceID = 0x00181003, // LO M1 0
781 PlateID = 0x00181004, // LO M1 0
782 GeneratorID = 0x00181005, // LO M1 0
783 GridID = 0x00181006, // LO M1 0
784 CassetteID = 0x00181007, // LO M1 0
785 GantryID = 0x00181008, // LO M1 0
786 UniqueDeviceIdentifier = 0x00181009, // UT M1 0
787 UDISequence = 0x0018100A, // SQ M1 0
788 ManufacturerDeviceClassUID = 0x0018100B, // UI M1TN 0
789 SecondaryCaptureDeviceID = 0x00181010, // LO M1 0
790 HardcopyCreationDeviceID = 0x00181011, // LO M1 1
791 DateOfSecondaryCapture = 0x00181012, // DA M1 0
792 TimeOfSecondaryCapture = 0x00181014, // TM M1 0
793 SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturer = 0x00181016, // LO M1 0
794 HardcopyDeviceManufacturer = 0x00181017, // LO M1 1
795 SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturerModelName = 0x00181018, // LO M1 0
796 SecondaryCaptureDeviceSoftwareVersions = 0x00181019, // LO M1TN 0
797 HardcopyDeviceSoftwareVersion = 0x0018101A, // LO M1TN 1
798 HardcopyDeviceManufacturerModelName = 0x0018101B, // LO M1 1
799 SoftwareVersions = 0x00181020, // LO M1TN 0
800 VideoImageFormatAcquired = 0x00181022, // SH M1 0
801 DigitalImageFormatAcquired = 0x00181023, // LO M1 0
802 ProtocolName = 0x00181030, // LO M1 0
803 ContrastBolusRoute = 0x00181040, // LO M1 0
804 ContrastBolusVolume = 0x00181041, // DS M1 0
805 ContrastBolusStartTime = 0x00181042, // TM M1 0
806 ContrastBolusStopTime = 0x00181043, // TM M1 0
807 ContrastBolusTotalDose = 0x00181044, // DS M1 0
808 SyringeCounts = 0x00181045, // IS M1 0
809 ContrastFlowRate = 0x00181046, // DS M1TN 0
810 ContrastFlowDuration = 0x00181047, // DS M1TN 0
811 ContrastBolusIngredient = 0x00181048, // CS M1 0
812 ContrastBolusIngredientConcentration = 0x00181049, // DS M1 0
813 SpatialResolution = 0x00181050, // DS M1 0
814 TriggerTime = 0x00181060, // DS M1 0
815 TriggerSourceOrType = 0x00181061, // LO M1 0
816 NominalInterval = 0x00181062, // IS M1 0
817 FrameTime = 0x00181063, // DS M1 0
818 CardiacFramingType = 0x00181064, // LO M1 0
819 FrameTimeVector = 0x00181065, // DS M1TN 0
820 FrameDelay = 0x00181066, // DS M1 0
821 ImageTriggerDelay = 0x00181067, // DS M1 0
822 MultiplexGroupTimeOffset = 0x00181068, // DS M1 0
823 TriggerTimeOffset = 0x00181069, // DS M1 0
824 SynchronizationTrigger = 0x0018106A, // CS M1 0
825 SynchronizationChannel = 0x0018106C, // US M2 0
826 TriggerSamplePosition = 0x0018106E, // UL M1 0
827 RadiopharmaceuticalRoute = 0x00181070, // LO M1 0
828 RadiopharmaceuticalVolume = 0x00181071, // DS M1 0
829 RadiopharmaceuticalStartTime = 0x00181072, // TM M1 0
830 RadiopharmaceuticalStopTime = 0x00181073, // TM M1 0
831 RadionuclideTotalDose = 0x00181074, // DS M1 0
832 RadionuclideHalfLife = 0x00181075, // DS M1 0
833 RadionuclidePositronFraction = 0x00181076, // DS M1 0
834 RadiopharmaceuticalSpecificActivity = 0x00181077, // DS M1 0
835 RadiopharmaceuticalStartDateTime = 0x00181078, // DT M1 0
836 RadiopharmaceuticalStopDateTime = 0x00181079, // DT M1 0
837 BeatRejectionFlag = 0x00181080, // CS M1 0
838 LowRRValue = 0x00181081, // IS M1 0
839 HighRRValue = 0x00181082, // IS M1 0
840 IntervalsAcquired = 0x00181083, // IS M1 0
841 IntervalsRejected = 0x00181084, // IS M1 0
842 PVCRejection = 0x00181085, // LO M1 0
843 SkipBeats = 0x00181086, // IS M1 0
844 HeartRate = 0x00181088, // IS M1 0
845 CardiacNumberOfImages = 0x00181090, // IS M1 0
846 TriggerWindow = 0x00181094, // IS M1 0
847 ReconstructionDiameter = 0x00181100, // DS M1 0
848 DistanceSourceToDetector = 0x00181110, // DS M1 0
849 DistanceSourceToPatient = 0x00181111, // DS M1 0
850 EstimatedRadiographicMagnificationFactor = 0x00181114, // DS M1 0
851 GantryDetectorTilt = 0x00181120, // DS M1 0
852 GantryDetectorSlew = 0x00181121, // DS M1 0
853 TableHeight = 0x00181130, // DS M1 0
854 TableTraverse = 0x00181131, // DS M1 0
855 TableMotion = 0x00181134, // CS M1 0
856 TableVerticalIncrement = 0x00181135, // DS M1TN 0
857 TableLateralIncrement = 0x00181136, // DS M1TN 0
858 TableLongitudinalIncrement = 0x00181137, // DS M1TN 0
859 TableAngle = 0x00181138, // DS M1 0
860 TableType = 0x0018113A, // CS M1 0
861 RotationDirection = 0x00181140, // CS M1 0
862 AngularPosition = 0x00181141, // DS M1 1
863 RadialPosition = 0x00181142, // DS M1TN 0
864 ScanArc = 0x00181143, // DS M1 0
865 AngularStep = 0x00181144, // DS M1 0
866 CenterOfRotationOffset = 0x00181145, // DS M1 0
867 RotationOffset = 0x00181146, // DS M1TN 1
868 FieldOfViewShape = 0x00181147, // CS M1 0
869 FieldOfViewDimensions = 0x00181149, // IS M1T2 0
870 ExposureTime = 0x00181150, // IS M1 0
871 XRayTubeCurrent = 0x00181151, // IS M1 0
872 Exposure = 0x00181152, // IS M1 0
873 ExposureInuAs = 0x00181153, // IS M1 0
874 AveragePulseWidth = 0x00181154, // DS M1 0
875 RadiationSetting = 0x00181155, // CS M1 0
876 RectificationType = 0x00181156, // CS M1 0
877 RadiationMode = 0x0018115A, // CS M1 0
878 ImageAndFluoroscopyAreaDoseProduct = 0x0018115E, // DS M1 0
879 FilterType = 0x00181160, // SH M1 0
880 TypeOfFilters = 0x00181161, // LO M1TN 0
881 IntensifierSize = 0x00181162, // DS M1 0
882 ImagerPixelSpacing = 0x00181164, // DS M2 0
883 Grid = 0x00181166, // CS M1TN 0
884 GeneratorPower = 0x00181170, // IS M1 0
885 CollimatorGridName = 0x00181180, // SH M1 0
886 CollimatorType = 0x00181181, // CS M1 0
887 FocalDistance = 0x00181182, // IS M1T2 0
888 XFocusCenter = 0x00181183, // DS M1T2 0
889 YFocusCenter = 0x00181184, // DS M1T2 0
890 FocalSpots = 0x00181190, // DS M1TN 0
891 AnodeTargetMaterial = 0x00181191, // CS M1 0
892 BodyPartThickness = 0x001811A0, // DS M1 0
893 CompressionForce = 0x001811A2, // DS M1 0
894 CompressionPressure = 0x001811A3, // DS M1 0
895 PaddleDescription = 0x001811A4, // LO M1 0
896 CompressionContactArea = 0x001811A5, // DS M1 0
897 AcquisitionMode = 0x001811B0, // LO M1 0
898 DoseModeName = 0x001811B1, // LO M1 0
899 AcquiredSubtractionMaskFlag = 0x001811B2, // CS M1 0
900 FluoroscopyPersistenceFlag = 0x001811B3, // CS M1 0
901 FluoroscopyLastImageHoldPersistenceFlag = 0x001811B4, // CS M1 0
902 UpperLimitNumberOfPersistentFluoroscopyFrames = 0x001811B5, // IS M1 0
903 ContrastBolusAutoInjectionTriggerFlag = 0x001811B6, // CS M1 0
904 ContrastBolusInjectionDelay = 0x001811B7, // FD M1 0
905 XAAcquisitionPhaseDetailsSequence = 0x001811B8, // SQ M1 0
906 XAAcquisitionFrameRate = 0x001811B9, // FD M1 0
907 XAPlaneDetailsSequence = 0x001811BA, // SQ M1 0
908 AcquisitionFieldOfViewLabel = 0x001811BB, // LO M1 0
909 XRayFilterDetailsSequence = 0x001811BC, // SQ M1 0
910 XAAcquisitionDuration = 0x001811BD, // FD M1 0
911 ReconstructionPipelineType = 0x001811BE, // CS M1 0
912 ImageFilterDetailsSequence = 0x001811BF, // SQ M1 0
913 AppliedMaskSubtractionFlag = 0x001811C0, // CS M1 0
914 RequestedSeriesDescriptionCodeSequence = 0x001811C1, // SQ M1 0
915 DateOfLastCalibration = 0x00181200, // DA M1TN 0
916 TimeOfLastCalibration = 0x00181201, // TM M1TN 0
917 DateTimeOfLastCalibration = 0x00181202, // DT M1 0
918 CalibrationDateTime = 0x00181203, // DT M1 0
919 ConvolutionKernel = 0x00181210, // SH M1TN 0
920 UpperLowerPixelValues = 0x00181240, // IS M1TN 1
921 ActualFrameDuration = 0x00181242, // IS M1 0
922 CountRate = 0x00181243, // IS M1 0
923 PreferredPlaybackSequencing = 0x00181244, // US M1 0
924 ReceiveCoilName = 0x00181250, // SH M1 0
925 TransmitCoilName = 0x00181251, // SH M1 0
926 PlateType = 0x00181260, // SH M1 0
927 PhosphorType = 0x00181261, // LO M1 0
928 WaterEquivalentDiameter = 0x00181271, // FD M1 0
929 WaterEquivalentDiameterCalculationMethodCodeSequence = 0x00181272, // SQ M1 0
930 ScanVelocity = 0x00181300, // DS M1 0
931 WholeBodyTechnique = 0x00181301, // CS M1TN 0
932 ScanLength = 0x00181302, // IS M1 0
933 AcquisitionMatrix = 0x00181310, // US M4 0
934 InPlanePhaseEncodingDirection = 0x00181312, // CS M1 0
935 FlipAngle = 0x00181314, // DS M1 0
936 VariableFlipAngleFlag = 0x00181315, // CS M1 0
937 SAR = 0x00181316, // DS M1 0
938 dBdt = 0x00181318, // DS M1 0
939 B1rms = 0x00181320, // FL M1 0
940 AcquisitionDeviceProcessingDescription = 0x00181400, // LO M1 0
941 AcquisitionDeviceProcessingCode = 0x00181401, // LO M1 0
942 CassetteOrientation = 0x00181402, // CS M1 0
943 CassetteSize = 0x00181403, // CS M1 0
944 ExposuresOnPlate = 0x00181404, // US M1 0
945 RelativeXRayExposure = 0x00181405, // IS M1 0
946 ExposureIndex = 0x00181411, // DS M1 0
947 TargetExposureIndex = 0x00181412, // DS M1 0
948 DeviationIndex = 0x00181413, // DS M1 0
949 ColumnAngulation = 0x00181450, // DS M1 0
950 TomoLayerHeight = 0x00181460, // DS M1 0
951 TomoAngle = 0x00181470, // DS M1 0
952 TomoTime = 0x00181480, // DS M1 0
953 TomoType = 0x00181490, // CS M1 0
954 TomoClass = 0x00181491, // CS M1 0
955 NumberOfTomosynthesisSourceImages = 0x00181495, // IS M1 0
956 PositionerMotion = 0x00181500, // CS M1 0
957 PositionerType = 0x00181508, // CS M1 0
958 PositionerPrimaryAngle = 0x00181510, // DS M1 0
959 PositionerSecondaryAngle = 0x00181511, // DS M1 0
960 PositionerPrimaryAngleIncrement = 0x00181520, // DS M1TN 0
961 PositionerSecondaryAngleIncrement = 0x00181521, // DS M1TN 0
962 DetectorPrimaryAngle = 0x00181530, // DS M1 0
963 DetectorSecondaryAngle = 0x00181531, // DS M1 0
964 ShutterShape = 0x00181600, // CS M1T3 0
965 ShutterLeftVerticalEdge = 0x00181602, // IS M1 0
966 ShutterRightVerticalEdge = 0x00181604, // IS M1 0
967 ShutterUpperHorizontalEdge = 0x00181606, // IS M1 0
968 ShutterLowerHorizontalEdge = 0x00181608, // IS M1 0
969 CenterOfCircularShutter = 0x00181610, // IS M2 0
970 RadiusOfCircularShutter = 0x00181612, // IS M1 0
971 VerticesOfThePolygonalShutter = 0x00181620, // IS M2T2N 0
972 ShutterPresentationValue = 0x00181622, // US M1 0
973 ShutterOverlayGroup = 0x00181623, // US M1 0
974 ShutterPresentationColorCIELabValue = 0x00181624, // US M3 0
975 OutlineShapeType = 0x00181630, // CS M1 0
976 OutlineLeftVerticalEdge = 0x00181631, // FD M1 0
977 OutlineRightVerticalEdge = 0x00181632, // FD M1 0
978 OutlineUpperHorizontalEdge = 0x00181633, // FD M1 0
979 OutlineLowerHorizontalEdge = 0x00181634, // FD M1 0
980 CenterOfCircularOutline = 0x00181635, // FD M2 0
981 DiameterOfCircularOutline = 0x00181636, // FD M1 0
982 NumberOfPolygonalVertices = 0x00181637, // UL M1 0
983 VerticesOfThePolygonalOutline = 0x00181638, // OF M1 0
984 CollimatorShape = 0x00181700, // CS M1T3 0
985 CollimatorLeftVerticalEdge = 0x00181702, // IS M1 0
986 CollimatorRightVerticalEdge = 0x00181704, // IS M1 0
987 CollimatorUpperHorizontalEdge = 0x00181706, // IS M1 0
988 CollimatorLowerHorizontalEdge = 0x00181708, // IS M1 0
989 CenterOfCircularCollimator = 0x00181710, // IS M2 0
990 RadiusOfCircularCollimator = 0x00181712, // IS M1 0
991 VerticesOfThePolygonalCollimator = 0x00181720, // IS M2T2N 0
992 AcquisitionTimeSynchronized = 0x00181800, // CS M1 0
993 TimeSource = 0x00181801, // SH M1 0
994 TimeDistributionProtocol = 0x00181802, // CS M1 0
995 NTPSourceAddress = 0x00181803, // LO M1 0
996 PageNumberVector = 0x00182001, // IS M1TN 0
997 FrameLabelVector = 0x00182002, // SH M1TN 0
998 FramePrimaryAngleVector = 0x00182003, // DS M1TN 0
999 FrameSecondaryAngleVector = 0x00182004, // DS M1TN 0
1000 SliceLocationVector = 0x00182005, // DS M1TN 0
1001 DisplayWindowLabelVector = 0x00182006, // SH M1TN 0
1002 NominalScannedPixelSpacing = 0x00182010, // DS M2 0
1003 DigitizingDeviceTransportDirection = 0x00182020, // CS M1 0
1004 RotationOfScannedFilm = 0x00182030, // DS M1 0
1005 BiopsyTargetSequence = 0x00182041, // SQ M1 0
1006 TargetUID = 0x00182042, // UI M1 0
1007 LocalizingCursorPosition = 0x00182043, // FL M2 0
1008 CalculatedTargetPosition = 0x00182044, // FL M3 0
1009 TargetLabel = 0x00182045, // SH M1 0
1010 DisplayedZValue = 0x00182046, // FL M1 0
1011 IVUSAcquisition = 0x00183100, // CS M1 0
1012 IVUSPullbackRate = 0x00183101, // DS M1 0
1013 IVUSGatedRate = 0x00183102, // DS M1 0
1014 IVUSPullbackStartFrameNumber = 0x00183103, // IS M1 0
1015 IVUSPullbackStopFrameNumber = 0x00183104, // IS M1 0
1016 LesionNumber = 0x00183105, // IS M1TN 0
1017 AcquisitionComments = 0x00184000, // LT M1 1
1018 OutputPower = 0x00185000, // SH M1TN 0
1019 TransducerData = 0x00185010, // LO M1TN 0
1020 TransducerIdentificationSequence = 0x00185011, // SQ M1 0
1021 FocusDepth = 0x00185012, // DS M1 0
1022 ProcessingFunction = 0x00185020, // LO M1 0
1023 PostprocessingFunction = 0x00185021, // LO M1 1
1024 MechanicalIndex = 0x00185022, // DS M1 0
1025 BoneThermalIndex = 0x00185024, // DS M1 0
1026 CranialThermalIndex = 0x00185026, // DS M1 0
1027 SoftTissueThermalIndex = 0x00185027, // DS M1 0
1028 SoftTissueFocusThermalIndex = 0x00185028, // DS M1 0
1029 SoftTissueSurfaceThermalIndex = 0x00185029, // DS M1 0
1030 DynamicRange = 0x00185030, // DS M1 1
1031 TotalGain = 0x00185040, // DS M1 1
1032 DepthOfScanField = 0x00185050, // IS M1 0
1033 PatientPosition = 0x00185100, // CS M1 0
1034 ViewPosition = 0x00185101, // CS M1 0
1035 ProjectionEponymousNameCodeSequence = 0x00185104, // SQ M1 0
1036 ImageTransformationMatrix = 0x00185210, // DS M6 1
1037 ImageTranslationVector = 0x00185212, // DS M3 1
1038 Sensitivity = 0x00186000, // DS M1 0
1039 SequenceOfUltrasoundRegions = 0x00186011, // SQ M1 0
1040 RegionSpatialFormat = 0x00186012, // US M1 0
1041 RegionDataType = 0x00186014, // US M1 0
1042 RegionFlags = 0x00186016, // UL M1 0
1043 RegionLocationMinX0 = 0x00186018, // UL M1 0
1044 RegionLocationMinY0 = 0x0018601A, // UL M1 0
1045 RegionLocationMaxX1 = 0x0018601C, // UL M1 0
1046 RegionLocationMaxY1 = 0x0018601E, // UL M1 0
1047 ReferencePixelX0 = 0x00186020, // SL M1 0
1048 ReferencePixelY0 = 0x00186022, // SL M1 0
1049 PhysicalUnitsXDirection = 0x00186024, // US M1 0
1050 PhysicalUnitsYDirection = 0x00186026, // US M1 0
1051 ReferencePixelPhysicalValueX = 0x00186028, // FD M1 0
1052 ReferencePixelPhysicalValueY = 0x0018602A, // FD M1 0
1053 PhysicalDeltaX = 0x0018602C, // FD M1 0
1054 PhysicalDeltaY = 0x0018602E, // FD M1 0
1055 TransducerFrequency = 0x00186030, // UL M1 0
1056 TransducerType = 0x00186031, // CS M1 0
1057 PulseRepetitionFrequency = 0x00186032, // UL M1 0
1058 DopplerCorrectionAngle = 0x00186034, // FD M1 0
1059 SteeringAngle = 0x00186036, // FD M1 0
1060 DopplerSampleVolumeXPositionRetired = 0x00186038, // UL M1 1
1061 DopplerSampleVolumeXPosition = 0x00186039, // SL M1 0
1062 DopplerSampleVolumeYPositionRetired = 0x0018603A, // UL M1 1
1063 DopplerSampleVolumeYPosition = 0x0018603B, // SL M1 0
1064 TMLinePositionX0Retired = 0x0018603C, // UL M1 1
1065 TMLinePositionX0 = 0x0018603D, // SL M1 0
1066 TMLinePositionY0Retired = 0x0018603E, // UL M1 1
1067 TMLinePositionY0 = 0x0018603F, // SL M1 0
1068 TMLinePositionX1Retired = 0x00186040, // UL M1 1
1069 TMLinePositionX1 = 0x00186041, // SL M1 0
1070 TMLinePositionY1Retired = 0x00186042, // UL M1 1
1071 TMLinePositionY1 = 0x00186043, // SL M1 0
1072 PixelComponentOrganization = 0x00186044, // US M1 0
1073 PixelComponentMask = 0x00186046, // UL M1 0
1074 PixelComponentRangeStart = 0x00186048, // UL M1 0
1075 PixelComponentRangeStop = 0x0018604A, // UL M1 0
1076 PixelComponentPhysicalUnits = 0x0018604C, // US M1 0
1077 PixelComponentDataType = 0x0018604E, // US M1 0
1078 NumberOfTableBreakPoints = 0x00186050, // UL M1 0
1079 TableOfXBreakPoints = 0x00186052, // UL M1TN 0
1080 TableOfYBreakPoints = 0x00186054, // FD M1TN 0
1081 NumberOfTableEntries = 0x00186056, // UL M1 0
1082 TableOfPixelValues = 0x00186058, // UL M1TN 0
1083 TableOfParameterValues = 0x0018605A, // FL M1TN 0
1084 RWaveTimeVector = 0x00186060, // FL M1TN 0
1085 ActiveImageAreaOverlayGroup = 0x00186070, // US M1 0
1086 DetectorConditionsNominalFlag = 0x00187000, // CS M1 0
1087 DetectorTemperature = 0x00187001, // DS M1 0
1088 DetectorType = 0x00187004, // CS M1 0
1089 DetectorConfiguration = 0x00187005, // CS M1 0
1090 DetectorDescription = 0x00187006, // LT M1 0
1091 DetectorMode = 0x00187008, // LT M1 0
1092 DetectorID = 0x0018700A, // SH M1 0
1093 DateOfLastDetectorCalibration = 0x0018700C, // DA M1 0
1094 TimeOfLastDetectorCalibration = 0x0018700E, // TM M1 0
1095 ExposuresOnDetectorSinceLastCalibration = 0x00187010, // IS M1 0
1096 ExposuresOnDetectorSinceManufactured = 0x00187011, // IS M1 0
1097 DetectorTimeSinceLastExposure = 0x00187012, // DS M1 0
1098 DetectorActiveTime = 0x00187014, // DS M1 0
1099 DetectorActivationOffsetFromExposure = 0x00187016, // DS M1 0
1100 DetectorBinning = 0x0018701A, // DS M2 0
1101 DetectorElementPhysicalSize = 0x00187020, // DS M2 0
1102 DetectorElementSpacing = 0x00187022, // DS M2 0
1103 DetectorActiveShape = 0x00187024, // CS M1 0
1104 DetectorActiveDimensions = 0x00187026, // DS M1T2 0
1105 DetectorActiveOrigin = 0x00187028, // DS M2 0
1106 DetectorManufacturerName = 0x0018702A, // LO M1 0
1107 DetectorManufacturerModelName = 0x0018702B, // LO M1 0
1108 FieldOfViewOrigin = 0x00187030, // DS M2 0
1109 FieldOfViewRotation = 0x00187032, // DS M1 0
1110 FieldOfViewHorizontalFlip = 0x00187034, // CS M1 0
1111 PixelDataAreaOriginRelativeToFOV = 0x00187036, // FL M2 0
1112 PixelDataAreaRotationAngleRelativeToFOV = 0x00187038, // FL M1 0
1113 GridAbsorbingMaterial = 0x00187040, // LT M1 0
1114 GridSpacingMaterial = 0x00187041, // LT M1 0
1115 GridThickness = 0x00187042, // DS M1 0
1116 GridPitch = 0x00187044, // DS M1 0
1117 GridAspectRatio = 0x00187046, // IS M2 0
1118 GridPeriod = 0x00187048, // DS M1 0
1119 GridFocalDistance = 0x0018704C, // DS M1 0
1120 FilterMaterial = 0x00187050, // CS M1TN 0
1121 FilterThicknessMinimum = 0x00187052, // DS M1TN 0
1122 FilterThicknessMaximum = 0x00187054, // DS M1TN 0
1123 FilterBeamPathLengthMinimum = 0x00187056, // FL M1TN 0
1124 FilterBeamPathLengthMaximum = 0x00187058, // FL M1TN 0
1125 ExposureControlMode = 0x00187060, // CS M1 0
1126 ExposureControlModeDescription = 0x00187062, // LT M1 0
1127 ExposureStatus = 0x00187064, // CS M1 0
1128 PhototimerSetting = 0x00187065, // DS M1 0
1129 ExposureTimeInuS = 0x00188150, // DS M1 0
1130 XRayTubeCurrentInuA = 0x00188151, // DS M1 0
1131 ContentQualification = 0x00189004, // CS M1 0
1132 PulseSequenceName = 0x00189005, // SH M1 0
1133 MRImagingModifierSequence = 0x00189006, // SQ M1 0
1134 EchoPulseSequence = 0x00189008, // CS M1 0
1135 InversionRecovery = 0x00189009, // CS M1 0
1136 FlowCompensation = 0x00189010, // CS M1 0
1137 MultipleSpinEcho = 0x00189011, // CS M1 0
1138 MultiPlanarExcitation = 0x00189012, // CS M1 0
1139 PhaseContrast = 0x00189014, // CS M1 0
1140 TimeOfFlightContrast = 0x00189015, // CS M1 0
1141 Spoiling = 0x00189016, // CS M1 0
1142 SteadyStatePulseSequence = 0x00189017, // CS M1 0
1143 EchoPlanarPulseSequence = 0x00189018, // CS M1 0
1144 TagAngleFirstAxis = 0x00189019, // FD M1 0
1145 MagnetizationTransfer = 0x00189020, // CS M1 0
1146 T2Preparation = 0x00189021, // CS M1 0
1147 BloodSignalNulling = 0x00189022, // CS M1 0
1148 SaturationRecovery = 0x00189024, // CS M1 0
1149 SpectrallySelectedSuppression = 0x00189025, // CS M1 0
1150 SpectrallySelectedExcitation = 0x00189026, // CS M1 0
1151 SpatialPresaturation = 0x00189027, // CS M1 0
1152 Tagging = 0x00189028, // CS M1 0
1153 OversamplingPhase = 0x00189029, // CS M1 0
1154 TagSpacingFirstDimension = 0x00189030, // FD M1 0
1155 GeometryOfKSpaceTraversal = 0x00189032, // CS M1 0
1156 SegmentedKSpaceTraversal = 0x00189033, // CS M1 0
1157 RectilinearPhaseEncodeReordering = 0x00189034, // CS M1 0
1158 TagThickness = 0x00189035, // FD M1 0
1159 PartialFourierDirection = 0x00189036, // CS M1 0
1160 CardiacSynchronizationTechnique = 0x00189037, // CS M1 0
1161 ReceiveCoilManufacturerName = 0x00189041, // LO M1 0
1162 MRReceiveCoilSequence = 0x00189042, // SQ M1 0
1163 ReceiveCoilType = 0x00189043, // CS M1 0
1164 QuadratureReceiveCoil = 0x00189044, // CS M1 0
1165 MultiCoilDefinitionSequence = 0x00189045, // SQ M1 0
1166 MultiCoilConfiguration = 0x00189046, // LO M1 0
1167 MultiCoilElementName = 0x00189047, // SH M1 0
1168 MultiCoilElementUsed = 0x00189048, // CS M1 0
1169 MRTransmitCoilSequence = 0x00189049, // SQ M1 0
1170 TransmitCoilManufacturerName = 0x00189050, // LO M1 0
1171 TransmitCoilType = 0x00189051, // CS M1 0
1172 SpectralWidth = 0x00189052, // FD M1T2 0
1173 ChemicalShiftReference = 0x00189053, // FD M1T2 0
1174 VolumeLocalizationTechnique = 0x00189054, // CS M1 0
1175 MRAcquisitionFrequencyEncodingSteps = 0x00189058, // US M1 0
1176 Decoupling = 0x00189059, // CS M1 0
1177 DecoupledNucleus = 0x00189060, // CS M1T2 0
1178 DecouplingFrequency = 0x00189061, // FD M1T2 0
1179 DecouplingMethod = 0x00189062, // CS M1 0
1180 DecouplingChemicalShiftReference = 0x00189063, // FD M1T2 0
1181 KSpaceFiltering = 0x00189064, // CS M1 0
1182 TimeDomainFiltering = 0x00189065, // CS M1T2 0
1183 NumberOfZeroFills = 0x00189066, // US M1T2 0
1184 BaselineCorrection = 0x00189067, // CS M1 0
1185 ParallelReductionFactorInPlane = 0x00189069, // FD M1 0
1186 CardiacRRIntervalSpecified = 0x00189070, // FD M1 0
1187 AcquisitionDuration = 0x00189073, // FD M1 0
1188 FrameAcquisitionDateTime = 0x00189074, // DT M1 0
1189 DiffusionDirectionality = 0x00189075, // CS M1 0
1190 DiffusionGradientDirectionSequence = 0x00189076, // SQ M1 0
1191 ParallelAcquisition = 0x00189077, // CS M1 0
1192 ParallelAcquisitionTechnique = 0x00189078, // CS M1 0
1193 InversionTimes = 0x00189079, // FD M1TN 0
1194 MetaboliteMapDescription = 0x00189080, // ST M1 0
1195 PartialFourier = 0x00189081, // CS M1 0
1196 EffectiveEchoTime = 0x00189082, // FD M1 0
1197 MetaboliteMapCodeSequence = 0x00189083, // SQ M1 0
1198 ChemicalShiftSequence = 0x00189084, // SQ M1 0
1199 CardiacSignalSource = 0x00189085, // CS M1 0
1200 DiffusionBValue = 0x00189087, // FD M1 0
1201 DiffusionGradientOrientation = 0x00189089, // FD M3 0
1202 VelocityEncodingDirection = 0x00189090, // FD M3 0
1203 VelocityEncodingMinimumValue = 0x00189091, // FD M1 0
1204 VelocityEncodingAcquisitionSequence = 0x00189092, // SQ M1 0
1205 NumberOfKSpaceTrajectories = 0x00189093, // US M1 0
1206 CoverageOfKSpace = 0x00189094, // CS M1 0
1207 SpectroscopyAcquisitionPhaseRows = 0x00189095, // UL M1 0
1208 ParallelReductionFactorInPlaneRetired = 0x00189096, // FD M1 1
1209 TransmitterFrequency = 0x00189098, // FD M1T2 0
1210 ResonantNucleus = 0x00189100, // CS M1T2 0
1211 FrequencyCorrection = 0x00189101, // CS M1 0
1212 MRSpectroscopyFOVGeometrySequence = 0x00189103, // SQ M1 0
1213 SlabThickness = 0x00189104, // FD M1 0
1214 SlabOrientation = 0x00189105, // FD M3 0
1215 MidSlabPosition = 0x00189106, // FD M3 0
1216 MRSpatialSaturationSequence = 0x00189107, // SQ M1 0
1217 MRTimingAndRelatedParametersSequence = 0x00189112, // SQ M1 0
1218 MREchoSequence = 0x00189114, // SQ M1 0
1219 MRModifierSequence = 0x00189115, // SQ M1 0
1220 MRDiffusionSequence = 0x00189117, // SQ M1 0
1221 CardiacSynchronizationSequence = 0x00189118, // SQ M1 0
1222 MRAveragesSequence = 0x00189119, // SQ M1 0
1223 MRFOVGeometrySequence = 0x00189125, // SQ M1 0
1224 VolumeLocalizationSequence = 0x00189126, // SQ M1 0
1225 SpectroscopyAcquisitionDataColumns = 0x00189127, // UL M1 0
1226 DiffusionAnisotropyType = 0x00189147, // CS M1 0
1227 FrameReferenceDateTime = 0x00189151, // DT M1 0
1228 MRMetaboliteMapSequence = 0x00189152, // SQ M1 0
1229 ParallelReductionFactorOutOfPlane = 0x00189155, // FD M1 0
1230 SpectroscopyAcquisitionOutOfPlanePhaseSteps = 0x00189159, // UL M1 0
1231 BulkMotionStatus = 0x00189166, // CS M1 1
1232 ParallelReductionFactorSecondInPlane = 0x00189168, // FD M1 0
1233 CardiacBeatRejectionTechnique = 0x00189169, // CS M1 0
1234 RespiratoryMotionCompensationTechnique = 0x00189170, // CS M1 0
1235 RespiratorySignalSource = 0x00189171, // CS M1 0
1236 BulkMotionCompensationTechnique = 0x00189172, // CS M1 0
1237 BulkMotionSignalSource = 0x00189173, // CS M1 0
1238 ApplicableSafetyStandardAgency = 0x00189174, // CS M1 0
1239 ApplicableSafetyStandardDescription = 0x00189175, // LO M1 0
1240 OperatingModeSequence = 0x00189176, // SQ M1 0
1241 OperatingModeType = 0x00189177, // CS M1 0
1242 OperatingMode = 0x00189178, // CS M1 0
1243 SpecificAbsorptionRateDefinition = 0x00189179, // CS M1 0
1244 GradientOutputType = 0x00189180, // CS M1 0
1245 SpecificAbsorptionRateValue = 0x00189181, // FD M1 0
1246 GradientOutput = 0x00189182, // FD M1 0
1247 FlowCompensationDirection = 0x00189183, // CS M1 0
1248 TaggingDelay = 0x00189184, // FD M1 0
1249 RespiratoryMotionCompensationTechniqueDescription = 0x00189185, // ST M1 0
1250 RespiratorySignalSourceID = 0x00189186, // SH M1 0
1251 ChemicalShiftMinimumIntegrationLimitInHz = 0x00189195, // FD M1 1
1252 ChemicalShiftMaximumIntegrationLimitInHz = 0x00189196, // FD M1 1
1253 MRVelocityEncodingSequence = 0x00189197, // SQ M1 0
1254 FirstOrderPhaseCorrection = 0x00189198, // CS M1 0
1255 WaterReferencedPhaseCorrection = 0x00189199, // CS M1 0
1256 MRSpectroscopyAcquisitionType = 0x00189200, // CS M1 0
1257 RespiratoryCyclePosition = 0x00189214, // CS M1 0
1258 VelocityEncodingMaximumValue = 0x00189217, // FD M1 0
1259 TagSpacingSecondDimension = 0x00189218, // FD M1 0
1260 TagAngleSecondAxis = 0x00189219, // SS M1 0
1261 FrameAcquisitionDuration = 0x00189220, // FD M1 0
1262 MRImageFrameTypeSequence = 0x00189226, // SQ M1 0
1263 MRSpectroscopyFrameTypeSequence = 0x00189227, // SQ M1 0
1264 MRAcquisitionPhaseEncodingStepsInPlane = 0x00189231, // US M1 0
1265 MRAcquisitionPhaseEncodingStepsOutOfPlane = 0x00189232, // US M1 0
1266 SpectroscopyAcquisitionPhaseColumns = 0x00189234, // UL M1 0
1267 CardiacCyclePosition = 0x00189236, // CS M1 0
1268 SpecificAbsorptionRateSequence = 0x00189239, // SQ M1 0
1269 RFEchoTrainLength = 0x00189240, // US M1 0
1270 GradientEchoTrainLength = 0x00189241, // US M1 0
1271 ArterialSpinLabelingContrast = 0x00189250, // CS M1 0
1272 MRArterialSpinLabelingSequence = 0x00189251, // SQ M1 0
1273 ASLTechniqueDescription = 0x00189252, // LO M1 0
1274 ASLSlabNumber = 0x00189253, // US M1 0
1275 ASLSlabThickness = 0x00189254, // FD M1 0
1276 ASLSlabOrientation = 0x00189255, // FD M3 0
1277 ASLMidSlabPosition = 0x00189256, // FD M3 0
1278 ASLContext = 0x00189257, // CS M1 0
1279 ASLPulseTrainDuration = 0x00189258, // UL M1 0
1280 ASLCrusherFlag = 0x00189259, // CS M1 0
1281 ASLCrusherFlowLimit = 0x0018925A, // FD M1 0
1282 ASLCrusherDescription = 0x0018925B, // LO M1 0
1283 ASLBolusCutoffFlag = 0x0018925C, // CS M1 0
1284 ASLBolusCutoffTimingSequence = 0x0018925D, // SQ M1 0
1285 ASLBolusCutoffTechnique = 0x0018925E, // LO M1 0
1286 ASLBolusCutoffDelayTime = 0x0018925F, // UL M1 0
1287 ASLSlabSequence = 0x00189260, // SQ M1 0
1288 ChemicalShiftMinimumIntegrationLimitInppm = 0x00189295, // FD M1 0
1289 ChemicalShiftMaximumIntegrationLimitInppm = 0x00189296, // FD M1 0
1290 WaterReferenceAcquisition = 0x00189297, // CS M1 0
1291 EchoPeakPosition = 0x00189298, // IS M1 0
1292 CTAcquisitionTypeSequence = 0x00189301, // SQ M1 0
1293 AcquisitionType = 0x00189302, // CS M1 0
1294 TubeAngle = 0x00189303, // FD M1 0
1295 CTAcquisitionDetailsSequence = 0x00189304, // SQ M1 0
1296 RevolutionTime = 0x00189305, // FD M1 0
1297 SingleCollimationWidth = 0x00189306, // FD M1 0
1298 TotalCollimationWidth = 0x00189307, // FD M1 0
1299 CTTableDynamicsSequence = 0x00189308, // SQ M1 0
1300 TableSpeed = 0x00189309, // FD M1 0
1301 TableFeedPerRotation = 0x00189310, // FD M1 0
1302 SpiralPitchFactor = 0x00189311, // FD M1 0
1303 CTGeometrySequence = 0x00189312, // SQ M1 0
1304 DataCollectionCenterPatient = 0x00189313, // FD M3 0
1305 CTReconstructionSequence = 0x00189314, // SQ M1 0
1306 ReconstructionAlgorithm = 0x00189315, // CS M1 0
1307 ConvolutionKernelGroup = 0x00189316, // CS M1 0
1308 ReconstructionFieldOfView = 0x00189317, // FD M2 0
1309 ReconstructionTargetCenterPatient = 0x00189318, // FD M3 0
1310 ReconstructionAngle = 0x00189319, // FD M1 0
1311 ImageFilter = 0x00189320, // SH M1 0
1312 CTExposureSequence = 0x00189321, // SQ M1 0
1313 ReconstructionPixelSpacing = 0x00189322, // FD M2 0
1314 ExposureModulationType = 0x00189323, // CS M1TN 0
1315 EstimatedDoseSaving = 0x00189324, // FD M1 1
1316 CTXRayDetailsSequence = 0x00189325, // SQ M1 0
1317 CTPositionSequence = 0x00189326, // SQ M1 0
1318 TablePosition = 0x00189327, // FD M1 0
1319 ExposureTimeInms = 0x00189328, // FD M1 0
1320 CTImageFrameTypeSequence = 0x00189329, // SQ M1 0
1321 XRayTubeCurrentInmA = 0x00189330, // FD M1 0
1322 ExposureInmAs = 0x00189332, // FD M1 0
1323 ConstantVolumeFlag = 0x00189333, // CS M1 0
1324 FluoroscopyFlag = 0x00189334, // CS M1 0
1325 DistanceSourceToDataCollectionCenter = 0x00189335, // FD M1 0
1326 ContrastBolusAgentNumber = 0x00189337, // US M1 0
1327 ContrastBolusIngredientCodeSequence = 0x00189338, // SQ M1 0
1328 ContrastAdministrationProfileSequence = 0x00189340, // SQ M1 0
1329 ContrastBolusUsageSequence = 0x00189341, // SQ M1 0
1330 ContrastBolusAgentAdministered = 0x00189342, // CS M1 0
1331 ContrastBolusAgentDetected = 0x00189343, // CS M1 0
1332 ContrastBolusAgentPhase = 0x00189344, // CS M1 0
1333 CTDIvol = 0x00189345, // FD M1 0
1334 CTDIPhantomTypeCodeSequence = 0x00189346, // SQ M1 0
1335 CalciumScoringMassFactorPatient = 0x00189351, // FL M1 0
1336 CalciumScoringMassFactorDevice = 0x00189352, // FL M3 0
1337 EnergyWeightingFactor = 0x00189353, // FL M1 0
1338 CTAdditionalXRaySourceSequence = 0x00189360, // SQ M1 0
1339 MultienergyCTAcquisition = 0x00189361, // CS M1 0
1340 MultienergyCTAcquisitionSequence = 0x00189362, // SQ M1 0
1341 MultienergyCTProcessingSequence = 0x00189363, // SQ M1 0
1342 MultienergyCTCharacteristicsSequence = 0x00189364, // SQ M1 0
1343 MultienergyCTXRaySourceSequence = 0x00189365, // SQ M1 0
1344 XRaySourceIndex = 0x00189366, // US M1 0
1345 XRaySourceID = 0x00189367, // UC M1 0
1346 MultienergySourceTechnique = 0x00189368, // CS M1 0
1347 SourceStartDateTime = 0x00189369, // DT M1 0
1348 SourceEndDateTime = 0x0018936A, // DT M1 0
1349 SwitchingPhaseNumber = 0x0018936B, // US M1 0
1350 SwitchingPhaseNominalDuration = 0x0018936C, // DS M1 0
1351 SwitchingPhaseTransitionDuration = 0x0018936D, // DS M1 0
1352 EffectiveBinEnergy = 0x0018936E, // DS M1 0
1353 MultienergyCTXRayDetectorSequence = 0x0018936F, // SQ M1 0
1354 XRayDetectorIndex = 0x00189370, // US M1 0
1355 XRayDetectorID = 0x00189371, // UC M1 0
1356 MultienergyDetectorType = 0x00189372, // CS M1 0
1357 XRayDetectorLabel = 0x00189373, // ST M1 0
1358 NominalMaxEnergy = 0x00189374, // DS M1 0
1359 NominalMinEnergy = 0x00189375, // DS M1 0
1360 ReferencedXRayDetectorIndex = 0x00189376, // US M1TN 0
1361 ReferencedXRaySourceIndex = 0x00189377, // US M1TN 0
1362 ReferencedPathIndex = 0x00189378, // US M1TN 0
1363 MultienergyCTPathSequence = 0x00189379, // SQ M1 0
1364 MultienergyCTPathIndex = 0x0018937A, // US M1 0
1365 MultienergyAcquisitionDescription = 0x0018937B, // UT M1 0
1366 MonoenergeticEnergyEquivalent = 0x0018937C, // FD M1 0
1367 MaterialCodeSequence = 0x0018937D, // SQ M1 0
1368 DecompositionMethod = 0x0018937E, // CS M1 0
1369 DecompositionDescription = 0x0018937F, // UT M1 0
1370 DecompositionAlgorithmIdentificationSequence = 0x00189380, // SQ M1 0
1371 DecompositionMaterialSequence = 0x00189381, // SQ M1 0
1372 MaterialAttenuationSequence = 0x00189382, // SQ M1 0
1373 PhotonEnergy = 0x00189383, // DS M1 0
1374 XRayMassAttenuationCoefficient = 0x00189384, // DS M1 0
1375 ProjectionPixelCalibrationSequence = 0x00189401, // SQ M1 0
1376 DistanceSourceToIsocenter = 0x00189402, // FL M1 0
1377 DistanceObjectToTableTop = 0x00189403, // FL M1 0
1378 ObjectPixelSpacingInCenterOfBeam = 0x00189404, // FL M2 0
1379 PositionerPositionSequence = 0x00189405, // SQ M1 0
1380 TablePositionSequence = 0x00189406, // SQ M1 0
1381 CollimatorShapeSequence = 0x00189407, // SQ M1 0
1382 PlanesInAcquisition = 0x00189410, // CS M1 0
1383 XAXRFFrameCharacteristicsSequence = 0x00189412, // SQ M1 0
1384 FrameAcquisitionSequence = 0x00189417, // SQ M1 0
1385 XRayReceptorType = 0x00189420, // CS M1 0
1386 AcquisitionProtocolName = 0x00189423, // LO M1 0
1387 AcquisitionProtocolDescription = 0x00189424, // LT M1 0
1388 ContrastBolusIngredientOpaque = 0x00189425, // CS M1 0
1389 DistanceReceptorPlaneToDetectorHousing = 0x00189426, // FL M1 0
1390 IntensifierActiveShape = 0x00189427, // CS M1 0
1391 IntensifierActiveDimensions = 0x00189428, // FL M1T2 0
1392 PhysicalDetectorSize = 0x00189429, // FL M2 0
1393 PositionOfIsocenterProjection = 0x00189430, // FL M2 0
1394 FieldOfViewSequence = 0x00189432, // SQ M1 0
1395 FieldOfViewDescription = 0x00189433, // LO M1 0
1396 ExposureControlSensingRegionsSequence = 0x00189434, // SQ M1 0
1397 ExposureControlSensingRegionShape = 0x00189435, // CS M1 0
1398 ExposureControlSensingRegionLeftVerticalEdge = 0x00189436, // SS M1 0
1399 ExposureControlSensingRegionRightVerticalEdge = 0x00189437, // SS M1 0
1400 ExposureControlSensingRegionUpperHorizontalEdge = 0x00189438, // SS M1 0
1401 ExposureControlSensingRegionLowerHorizontalEdge = 0x00189439, // SS M1 0
1402 CenterOfCircularExposureControlSensingRegion = 0x00189440, // SS M2 0
1403 RadiusOfCircularExposureControlSensingRegion = 0x00189441, // US M1 0
1404 VerticesOfThePolygonalExposureControlSensingRegion = 0x00189442, // SS M2TN 0
1405 ColumnAngulationPatient = 0x00189447, // FL M1 0
1406 BeamAngle = 0x00189449, // FL M1 0
1407 FrameDetectorParametersSequence = 0x00189451, // SQ M1 0
1408 CalculatedAnatomyThickness = 0x00189452, // FL M1 0
1409 CalibrationSequence = 0x00189455, // SQ M1 0
1410 ObjectThicknessSequence = 0x00189456, // SQ M1 0
1411 PlaneIdentification = 0x00189457, // CS M1 0
1412 FieldOfViewDimensionsInFloat = 0x00189461, // FL M1T2 0
1413 IsocenterReferenceSystemSequence = 0x00189462, // SQ M1 0
1414 PositionerIsocenterPrimaryAngle = 0x00189463, // FL M1 0
1415 PositionerIsocenterSecondaryAngle = 0x00189464, // FL M1 0
1416 PositionerIsocenterDetectorRotationAngle = 0x00189465, // FL M1 0
1417 TableXPositionToIsocenter = 0x00189466, // FL M1 0
1418 TableYPositionToIsocenter = 0x00189467, // FL M1 0
1419 TableZPositionToIsocenter = 0x00189468, // FL M1 0
1420 TableHorizontalRotationAngle = 0x00189469, // FL M1 0
1421 TableHeadTiltAngle = 0x00189470, // FL M1 0
1422 TableCradleTiltAngle = 0x00189471, // FL M1 0
1423 FrameDisplayShutterSequence = 0x00189472, // SQ M1 0
1424 AcquiredImageAreaDoseProduct = 0x00189473, // FL M1 0
1425 CArmPositionerTabletopRelationship = 0x00189474, // CS M1 0
1426 XRayGeometrySequence = 0x00189476, // SQ M1 0
1427 IrradiationEventIdentificationSequence = 0x00189477, // SQ M1 0
1428 XRay3DFrameTypeSequence = 0x00189504, // SQ M1 0
1429 ContributingSourcesSequence = 0x00189506, // SQ M1 0
1430 XRay3DAcquisitionSequence = 0x00189507, // SQ M1 0
1431 PrimaryPositionerScanArc = 0x00189508, // FL M1 0
1432 SecondaryPositionerScanArc = 0x00189509, // FL M1 0
1433 PrimaryPositionerScanStartAngle = 0x00189510, // FL M1 0
1434 SecondaryPositionerScanStartAngle = 0x00189511, // FL M1 0
1435 PrimaryPositionerIncrement = 0x00189514, // FL M1 0
1436 SecondaryPositionerIncrement = 0x00189515, // FL M1 0
1437 StartAcquisitionDateTime = 0x00189516, // DT M1 0
1438 EndAcquisitionDateTime = 0x00189517, // DT M1 0
1439 PrimaryPositionerIncrementSign = 0x00189518, // SS M1 0
1440 SecondaryPositionerIncrementSign = 0x00189519, // SS M1 0
1441 ApplicationName = 0x00189524, // LO M1 0
1442 ApplicationVersion = 0x00189525, // LO M1 0
1443 ApplicationManufacturer = 0x00189526, // LO M1 0
1444 AlgorithmType = 0x00189527, // CS M1 0
1445 AlgorithmDescription = 0x00189528, // LO M1 0
1446 XRay3DReconstructionSequence = 0x00189530, // SQ M1 0
1447 ReconstructionDescription = 0x00189531, // LO M1 0
1448 PerProjectionAcquisitionSequence = 0x00189538, // SQ M1 0
1449 DetectorPositionSequence = 0x00189541, // SQ M1 0
1450 XRayAcquisitionDoseSequence = 0x00189542, // SQ M1 0
1451 XRaySourceIsocenterPrimaryAngle = 0x00189543, // FD M1 0
1452 XRaySourceIsocenterSecondaryAngle = 0x00189544, // FD M1 0
1453 BreastSupportIsocenterPrimaryAngle = 0x00189545, // FD M1 0
1454 BreastSupportIsocenterSecondaryAngle = 0x00189546, // FD M1 0
1455 BreastSupportXPositionToIsocenter = 0x00189547, // FD M1 0
1456 BreastSupportYPositionToIsocenter = 0x00189548, // FD M1 0
1457 BreastSupportZPositionToIsocenter = 0x00189549, // FD M1 0
1458 DetectorIsocenterPrimaryAngle = 0x00189550, // FD M1 0
1459 DetectorIsocenterSecondaryAngle = 0x00189551, // FD M1 0
1460 DetectorXPositionToIsocenter = 0x00189552, // FD M1 0
1461 DetectorYPositionToIsocenter = 0x00189553, // FD M1 0
1462 DetectorZPositionToIsocenter = 0x00189554, // FD M1 0
1463 XRayGridSequence = 0x00189555, // SQ M1 0
1464 XRayFilterSequence = 0x00189556, // SQ M1 0
1465 DetectorActiveAreaTLHCPosition = 0x00189557, // FD M3 0
1466 DetectorActiveAreaOrientation = 0x00189558, // FD M6 0
1467 PositionerPrimaryAngleDirection = 0x00189559, // CS M1 0
1468 DiffusionBMatrixSequence = 0x00189601, // SQ M1 0
1469 DiffusionBValueXX = 0x00189602, // FD M1 0
1470 DiffusionBValueXY = 0x00189603, // FD M1 0
1471 DiffusionBValueXZ = 0x00189604, // FD M1 0
1472 DiffusionBValueYY = 0x00189605, // FD M1 0
1473 DiffusionBValueYZ = 0x00189606, // FD M1 0
1474 DiffusionBValueZZ = 0x00189607, // FD M1 0
1475 FunctionalMRSequence = 0x00189621, // SQ M1 0
1476 FunctionalSettlingPhaseFramesPresent = 0x00189622, // CS M1 0
1477 FunctionalSyncPulse = 0x00189623, // DT M1 0
1478 SettlingPhaseFrame = 0x00189624, // CS M1 0
1479 DecayCorrectionDateTime = 0x00189701, // DT M1 0
1480 StartDensityThreshold = 0x00189715, // FD M1 0
1481 StartRelativeDensityDifferenceThreshold = 0x00189716, // FD M1 0
1482 StartCardiacTriggerCountThreshold = 0x00189717, // FD M1 0
1483 StartRespiratoryTriggerCountThreshold = 0x00189718, // FD M1 0
1484 TerminationCountsThreshold = 0x00189719, // FD M1 0
1485 TerminationDensityThreshold = 0x00189720, // FD M1 0
1486 TerminationRelativeDensityThreshold = 0x00189721, // FD M1 0
1487 TerminationTimeThreshold = 0x00189722, // FD M1 0
1488 TerminationCardiacTriggerCountThreshold = 0x00189723, // FD M1 0
1489 TerminationRespiratoryTriggerCountThreshold = 0x00189724, // FD M1 0
1490 DetectorGeometry = 0x00189725, // CS M1 0
1491 TransverseDetectorSeparation = 0x00189726, // FD M1 0
1492 AxialDetectorDimension = 0x00189727, // FD M1 0
1493 RadiopharmaceuticalAgentNumber = 0x00189729, // US M1 0
1494 PETFrameAcquisitionSequence = 0x00189732, // SQ M1 0
1495 PETDetectorMotionDetailsSequence = 0x00189733, // SQ M1 0
1496 PETTableDynamicsSequence = 0x00189734, // SQ M1 0
1497 PETPositionSequence = 0x00189735, // SQ M1 0
1498 PETFrameCorrectionFactorsSequence = 0x00189736, // SQ M1 0
1499 RadiopharmaceuticalUsageSequence = 0x00189737, // SQ M1 0
1500 AttenuationCorrectionSource = 0x00189738, // CS M1 0
1501 NumberOfIterations = 0x00189739, // US M1 0
1502 NumberOfSubsets = 0x00189740, // US M1 0
1503 PETReconstructionSequence = 0x00189749, // SQ M1 0
1504 PETFrameTypeSequence = 0x00189751, // SQ M1 0
1505 TimeOfFlightInformationUsed = 0x00189755, // CS M1 0
1506 ReconstructionType = 0x00189756, // CS M1 0
1507 DecayCorrected = 0x00189758, // CS M1 0
1508 AttenuationCorrected = 0x00189759, // CS M1 0
1509 ScatterCorrected = 0x00189760, // CS M1 0
1510 DeadTimeCorrected = 0x00189761, // CS M1 0
1511 GantryMotionCorrected = 0x00189762, // CS M1 0
1512 PatientMotionCorrected = 0x00189763, // CS M1 0
1513 CountLossNormalizationCorrected = 0x00189764, // CS M1 0
1514 RandomsCorrected = 0x00189765, // CS M1 0
1515 NonUniformRadialSamplingCorrected = 0x00189766, // CS M1 0
1516 SensitivityCalibrated = 0x00189767, // CS M1 0
1517 DetectorNormalizationCorrection = 0x00189768, // CS M1 0
1518 IterativeReconstructionMethod = 0x00189769, // CS M1 0
1519 AttenuationCorrectionTemporalRelationship = 0x00189770, // CS M1 0
1520 PatientPhysiologicalStateSequence = 0x00189771, // SQ M1 0
1521 PatientPhysiologicalStateCodeSequence = 0x00189772, // SQ M1 0
1522 DepthsOfFocus = 0x00189801, // FD M1TN 0
1523 ExcludedIntervalsSequence = 0x00189803, // SQ M1 0
1524 ExclusionStartDateTime = 0x00189804, // DT M1 0
1525 ExclusionDuration = 0x00189805, // FD M1 0
1526 USImageDescriptionSequence = 0x00189806, // SQ M1 0
1527 ImageDataTypeSequence = 0x00189807, // SQ M1 0
1528 DataType = 0x00189808, // CS M1 0
1529 TransducerScanPatternCodeSequence = 0x00189809, // SQ M1 0
1530 AliasedDataType = 0x0018980B, // CS M1 0
1531 PositionMeasuringDeviceUsed = 0x0018980C, // CS M1 0
1532 TransducerGeometryCodeSequence = 0x0018980D, // SQ M1 0
1533 TransducerBeamSteeringCodeSequence = 0x0018980E, // SQ M1 0
1534 TransducerApplicationCodeSequence = 0x0018980F, // SQ M1 0
1535 ZeroVelocityPixelValue = 0x00189810, // XS M1 0
1536 ReferenceLocationLabel = 0x00189900, // LO M1 0
1537 ReferenceLocationDescription = 0x00189901, // UT M1 0
1538 ReferenceBasisCodeSequence = 0x00189902, // SQ M1 0
1539 ReferenceGeometryCodeSequence = 0x00189903, // SQ M1 0
1540 OffsetDistance = 0x00189904, // DS M1 0
1541 OffsetDirection = 0x00189905, // CS M1 0
1542 PotentialScheduledProtocolCodeSequence = 0x00189906, // SQ M1 0
1543 PotentialRequestedProcedureCodeSequence = 0x00189907, // SQ M1 0
1544 PotentialReasonsForProcedure = 0x00189908, // UC M1TN 0
1545 PotentialReasonsForProcedureCodeSequence = 0x00189909, // SQ M1 0
1546 PotentialDiagnosticTasks = 0x0018990A, // UC M1TN 0
1547 ContraindicationsCodeSequence = 0x0018990B, // SQ M1 0
1548 ReferencedDefinedProtocolSequence = 0x0018990C, // SQ M1 0
1549 ReferencedPerformedProtocolSequence = 0x0018990D, // SQ M1 0
1550 PredecessorProtocolSequence = 0x0018990E, // SQ M1 0
1551 ProtocolPlanningInformation = 0x0018990F, // UT M1 0
1552 ProtocolDesignRationale = 0x00189910, // UT M1 0
1553 PatientSpecificationSequence = 0x00189911, // SQ M1 0
1554 ModelSpecificationSequence = 0x00189912, // SQ M1 0
1555 ParametersSpecificationSequence = 0x00189913, // SQ M1 0
1556 InstructionSequence = 0x00189914, // SQ M1 0
1557 InstructionIndex = 0x00189915, // US M1 0
1558 InstructionText = 0x00189916, // LO M1 0
1559 InstructionDescription = 0x00189917, // UT M1 0
1560 InstructionPerformedFlag = 0x00189918, // CS M1 0
1561 InstructionPerformedDateTime = 0x00189919, // DT M1 0
1562 InstructionPerformanceComment = 0x0018991A, // UT M1 0
1563 PatientPositioningInstructionSequence = 0x0018991B, // SQ M1 0
1564 PositioningMethodCodeSequence = 0x0018991C, // SQ M1 0
1565 PositioningLandmarkSequence = 0x0018991D, // SQ M1 0
1566 TargetFrameOfReferenceUID = 0x0018991E, // UI M1 0
1567 AcquisitionProtocolElementSpecificationSequence = 0x0018991F, // SQ M1 0
1568 AcquisitionProtocolElementSequence = 0x00189920, // SQ M1 0
1569 ProtocolElementNumber = 0x00189921, // US M1 0
1570 ProtocolElementName = 0x00189922, // LO M1 0
1571 ProtocolElementCharacteristicsSummary = 0x00189923, // UT M1 0
1572 ProtocolElementPurpose = 0x00189924, // UT M1 0
1573 AcquisitionMotion = 0x00189930, // CS M1 0
1574 AcquisitionStartLocationSequence = 0x00189931, // SQ M1 0
1575 AcquisitionEndLocationSequence = 0x00189932, // SQ M1 0
1576 ReconstructionProtocolElementSpecificationSequence = 0x00189933, // SQ M1 0
1577 ReconstructionProtocolElementSequence = 0x00189934, // SQ M1 0
1578 StorageProtocolElementSpecificationSequence = 0x00189935, // SQ M1 0
1579 StorageProtocolElementSequence = 0x00189936, // SQ M1 0
1580 RequestedSeriesDescription = 0x00189937, // LO M1 0
1581 SourceAcquisitionProtocolElementNumber = 0x00189938, // US M1TN 0
1582 SourceAcquisitionBeamNumber = 0x00189939, // US M1TN 0
1583 SourceReconstructionProtocolElementNumber = 0x0018993A, // US M1TN 0
1584 ReconstructionStartLocationSequence = 0x0018993B, // SQ M1 0
1585 ReconstructionEndLocationSequence = 0x0018993C, // SQ M1 0
1586 ReconstructionAlgorithmSequence = 0x0018993D, // SQ M1 0
1587 ReconstructionTargetCenterLocationSequence = 0x0018993E, // SQ M1 0
1588 ImageFilterDescription = 0x00189941, // UT M1 0
1589 CTDIvolNotificationTrigger = 0x00189942, // FD M1 0
1590 DLPNotificationTrigger = 0x00189943, // FD M1 0
1591 AutoKVPSelectionType = 0x00189944, // CS M1 0
1592 AutoKVPUpperBound = 0x00189945, // FD M1 0
1593 AutoKVPLowerBound = 0x00189946, // FD M1 0
1594 ProtocolDefinedPatientPosition = 0x00189947, // CS M1 0
1595 ContributingEquipmentSequence = 0x0018A001, // SQ M1 0
1596 ContributionDateTime = 0x0018A002, // DT M1 0
1597 ContributionDescription = 0x0018A003, // ST M1 0
1598 StudyInstanceUID = 0x0020000D, // UI M1 0
1599 SeriesInstanceUID = 0x0020000E, // UI M1 0
1600 StudyID = 0x00200010, // SH M1 0
1601 SeriesNumber = 0x00200011, // IS M1 0
1602 AcquisitionNumber = 0x00200012, // IS M1 0
1603 InstanceNumber = 0x00200013, // IS M1 0
1604 IsotopeNumber = 0x00200014, // IS M1 1
1605 PhaseNumber = 0x00200015, // IS M1 1
1606 IntervalNumber = 0x00200016, // IS M1 1
1607 TimeSlotNumber = 0x00200017, // IS M1 1
1608 AngleNumber = 0x00200018, // IS M1 1
1609 ItemNumber = 0x00200019, // IS M1 0
1610 PatientOrientation = 0x00200020, // CS M2 0
1611 OverlayNumber = 0x00200022, // IS M1 1
1612 CurveNumber = 0x00200024, // IS M1 1
1613 LUTNumber = 0x00200026, // IS M1 1
1614 PyramidLabel = 0x00200027, // LO M1 0
1615 ImagePosition = 0x00200030, // DS M3 1
1616 ImagePositionPatient = 0x00200032, // DS M3 0
1617 ImageOrientation = 0x00200035, // DS M6 1
1618 ImageOrientationPatient = 0x00200037, // DS M6 0
1619 Location = 0x00200050, // DS M1 1
1620 FrameOfReferenceUID = 0x00200052, // UI M1 0
1621 Laterality = 0x00200060, // CS M1 0
1622 ImageLaterality = 0x00200062, // CS M1 0
1623 ImageGeometryType = 0x00200070, // LO M1 1
1624 MaskingImage = 0x00200080, // CS M1TN 1
1625 ReportNumber = 0x002000AA, // IS M1 1
1626 TemporalPositionIdentifier = 0x00200100, // IS M1 0
1627 NumberOfTemporalPositions = 0x00200105, // IS M1 0
1628 TemporalResolution = 0x00200110, // DS M1 0
1629 SynchronizationFrameOfReferenceUID = 0x00200200, // UI M1 0
1630 SOPInstanceUIDOfConcatenationSource = 0x00200242, // UI M1 0
1631 SeriesInStudy = 0x00201000, // IS M1 1
1632 AcquisitionsInSeries = 0x00201001, // IS M1 1
1633 ImagesInAcquisition = 0x00201002, // IS M1 0
1634 ImagesInSeries = 0x00201003, // IS M1 1
1635 AcquisitionsInStudy = 0x00201004, // IS M1 1
1636 ImagesInStudy = 0x00201005, // IS M1 1
1637 Reference = 0x00201020, // LO M1TN 1
1638 TargetPositionReferenceIndicator = 0x0020103F, // LO M1 0
1639 PositionReferenceIndicator = 0x00201040, // LO M1 0
1640 SliceLocation = 0x00201041, // DS M1 0
1641 OtherStudyNumbers = 0x00201070, // IS M1TN 1
1642 NumberOfPatientRelatedStudies = 0x00201200, // IS M1 0
1643 NumberOfPatientRelatedSeries = 0x00201202, // IS M1 0
1644 NumberOfPatientRelatedInstances = 0x00201204, // IS M1 0
1645 NumberOfStudyRelatedSeries = 0x00201206, // IS M1 0
1646 NumberOfStudyRelatedInstances = 0x00201208, // IS M1 0
1647 NumberOfSeriesRelatedInstances = 0x00201209, // IS M1 0
1648 SourceImageIDs = 0x00203100, // CS M1TN 1
1649 ModifyingDeviceID = 0x00203401, // CS M1 1
1650 ModifiedImageID = 0x00203402, // CS M1 1
1651 ModifiedImageDate = 0x00203403, // DA M1 1
1652 ModifyingDeviceManufacturer = 0x00203404, // LO M1 1
1653 ModifiedImageTime = 0x00203405, // TM M1 1
1654 ModifiedImageDescription = 0x00203406, // LO M1 1
1655 ImageComments = 0x00204000, // LT M1 0
1656 OriginalImageIdentification = 0x00205000, // AT M1TN 1
1657 OriginalImageIdentificationNomenclature = 0x00205002, // LO M1TN 1
1658 StackID = 0x00209056, // SH M1 0
1659 InStackPositionNumber = 0x00209057, // UL M1 0
1660 FrameAnatomySequence = 0x00209071, // SQ M1 0
1661 FrameLaterality = 0x00209072, // CS M1 0
1662 FrameContentSequence = 0x00209111, // SQ M1 0
1663 PlanePositionSequence = 0x00209113, // SQ M1 0
1664 PlaneOrientationSequence = 0x00209116, // SQ M1 0
1665 TemporalPositionIndex = 0x00209128, // UL M1 0
1666 NominalCardiacTriggerDelayTime = 0x00209153, // FD M1 0
1667 NominalCardiacTriggerTimePriorToRPeak = 0x00209154, // FL M1 0
1668 ActualCardiacTriggerTimePriorToRPeak = 0x00209155, // FL M1 0
1669 FrameAcquisitionNumber = 0x00209156, // US M1 0
1670 DimensionIndexValues = 0x00209157, // UL M1TN 0
1671 FrameComments = 0x00209158, // LT M1 0
1672 ConcatenationUID = 0x00209161, // UI M1 0
1673 InConcatenationNumber = 0x00209162, // US M1 0
1674 InConcatenationTotalNumber = 0x00209163, // US M1 0
1675 DimensionOrganizationUID = 0x00209164, // UI M1 0
1676 DimensionIndexPointer = 0x00209165, // AT M1 0
1677 FunctionalGroupPointer = 0x00209167, // AT M1 0
1678 UnassignedSharedConvertedAttributesSequence = 0x00209170, // SQ M1 0
1679 UnassignedPerFrameConvertedAttributesSequence = 0x00209171, // SQ M1 0
1680 ConversionSourceAttributesSequence = 0x00209172, // SQ M1 0
1681 DimensionIndexPrivateCreator = 0x00209213, // LO M1 0
1682 DimensionOrganizationSequence = 0x00209221, // SQ M1 0
1683 DimensionIndexSequence = 0x00209222, // SQ M1 0
1684 ConcatenationFrameOffsetNumber = 0x00209228, // UL M1 0
1685 FunctionalGroupPrivateCreator = 0x00209238, // LO M1 0
1686 NominalPercentageOfCardiacPhase = 0x00209241, // FL M1 0
1687 NominalPercentageOfRespiratoryPhase = 0x00209245, // FL M1 0
1688 StartingRespiratoryAmplitude = 0x00209246, // FL M1 0
1689 StartingRespiratoryPhase = 0x00209247, // CS M1 0
1690 EndingRespiratoryAmplitude = 0x00209248, // FL M1 0
1691 EndingRespiratoryPhase = 0x00209249, // CS M1 0
1692 RespiratoryTriggerType = 0x00209250, // CS M1 0
1693 RRIntervalTimeNominal = 0x00209251, // FD M1 0
1694 ActualCardiacTriggerDelayTime = 0x00209252, // FD M1 0
1695 RespiratorySynchronizationSequence = 0x00209253, // SQ M1 0
1696 RespiratoryIntervalTime = 0x00209254, // FD M1 0
1697 NominalRespiratoryTriggerDelayTime = 0x00209255, // FD M1 0
1698 RespiratoryTriggerDelayThreshold = 0x00209256, // FD M1 0
1699 ActualRespiratoryTriggerDelayTime = 0x00209257, // FD M1 0
1700 ImagePositionVolume = 0x00209301, // FD M3 0
1701 ImageOrientationVolume = 0x00209302, // FD M6 0
1702 UltrasoundAcquisitionGeometry = 0x00209307, // CS M1 0
1703 ApexPosition = 0x00209308, // FD M3 0
1704 VolumeToTransducerMappingMatrix = 0x00209309, // FD M16 0
1705 VolumeToTableMappingMatrix = 0x0020930A, // FD M16 0
1706 VolumeToTransducerRelationship = 0x0020930B, // CS M1 0
1707 PatientFrameOfReferenceSource = 0x0020930C, // CS M1 0
1708 TemporalPositionTimeOffset = 0x0020930D, // FD M1 0
1709 PlanePositionVolumeSequence = 0x0020930E, // SQ M1 0
1710 PlaneOrientationVolumeSequence = 0x0020930F, // SQ M1 0
1711 TemporalPositionSequence = 0x00209310, // SQ M1 0
1712 DimensionOrganizationType = 0x00209311, // CS M1 0
1713 VolumeFrameOfReferenceUID = 0x00209312, // UI M1 0
1714 TableFrameOfReferenceUID = 0x00209313, // UI M1 0
1715 DimensionDescriptionLabel = 0x00209421, // LO M1 0
1716 PatientOrientationInFrameSequence = 0x00209450, // SQ M1 0
1717 FrameLabel = 0x00209453, // LO M1 0
1718 AcquisitionIndex = 0x00209518, // US M1TN 0
1719 ContributingSOPInstancesReferenceSequence = 0x00209529, // SQ M1 0
1720 ReconstructionIndex = 0x00209536, // US M1 0
1721 LightPathFilterPassThroughWavelength = 0x00220001, // US M1 0
1722 LightPathFilterPassBand = 0x00220002, // US M2 0
1723 ImagePathFilterPassThroughWavelength = 0x00220003, // US M1 0
1724 ImagePathFilterPassBand = 0x00220004, // US M2 0
1725 PatientEyeMovementCommanded = 0x00220005, // CS M1 0
1726 PatientEyeMovementCommandCodeSequence = 0x00220006, // SQ M1 0
1727 SphericalLensPower = 0x00220007, // FL M1 0
1728 CylinderLensPower = 0x00220008, // FL M1 0
1729 CylinderAxis = 0x00220009, // FL M1 0
1730 EmmetropicMagnification = 0x0022000A, // FL M1 0
1731 IntraOcularPressure = 0x0022000B, // FL M1 0
1732 HorizontalFieldOfView = 0x0022000C, // FL M1 0
1733 PupilDilated = 0x0022000D, // CS M1 0
1734 DegreeOfDilation = 0x0022000E, // FL M1 0
1735 StereoBaselineAngle = 0x00220010, // FL M1 0
1736 StereoBaselineDisplacement = 0x00220011, // FL M1 0
1737 StereoHorizontalPixelOffset = 0x00220012, // FL M1 0
1738 StereoVerticalPixelOffset = 0x00220013, // FL M1 0
1739 StereoRotation = 0x00220014, // FL M1 0
1740 AcquisitionDeviceTypeCodeSequence = 0x00220015, // SQ M1 0
1741 IlluminationTypeCodeSequence = 0x00220016, // SQ M1 0
1742 LightPathFilterTypeStackCodeSequence = 0x00220017, // SQ M1 0
1743 ImagePathFilterTypeStackCodeSequence = 0x00220018, // SQ M1 0
1744 LensesCodeSequence = 0x00220019, // SQ M1 0
1745 ChannelDescriptionCodeSequence = 0x0022001A, // SQ M1 0
1746 RefractiveStateSequence = 0x0022001B, // SQ M1 0
1747 MydriaticAgentCodeSequence = 0x0022001C, // SQ M1 0
1748 RelativeImagePositionCodeSequence = 0x0022001D, // SQ M1 0
1749 CameraAngleOfView = 0x0022001E, // FL M1 0
1750 StereoPairsSequence = 0x00220020, // SQ M1 0
1751 LeftImageSequence = 0x00220021, // SQ M1 0
1752 RightImageSequence = 0x00220022, // SQ M1 0
1753 StereoPairsPresent = 0x00220028, // CS M1 0
1754 AxialLengthOfTheEye = 0x00220030, // FL M1 0
1755 OphthalmicFrameLocationSequence = 0x00220031, // SQ M1 0
1756 ReferenceCoordinates = 0x00220032, // FL M2T2N 0
1757 DepthSpatialResolution = 0x00220035, // FL M1 0
1758 MaximumDepthDistortion = 0x00220036, // FL M1 0
1759 AlongScanSpatialResolution = 0x00220037, // FL M1 0
1760 MaximumAlongScanDistortion = 0x00220038, // FL M1 0
1761 OphthalmicImageOrientation = 0x00220039, // CS M1 0
1762 DepthOfTransverseImage = 0x00220041, // FL M1 0
1763 MydriaticAgentConcentrationUnitsSequence = 0x00220042, // SQ M1 0
1764 AcrossScanSpatialResolution = 0x00220048, // FL M1 0
1765 MaximumAcrossScanDistortion = 0x00220049, // FL M1 0
1766 MydriaticAgentConcentration = 0x0022004E, // DS M1 0
1767 IlluminationWaveLength = 0x00220055, // FL M1 0
1768 IlluminationPower = 0x00220056, // FL M1 0
1769 IlluminationBandwidth = 0x00220057, // FL M1 0
1770 MydriaticAgentSequence = 0x00220058, // SQ M1 0
1771 OphthalmicAxialMeasurementsRightEyeSequence = 0x00221007, // SQ M1 0
1772 OphthalmicAxialMeasurementsLeftEyeSequence = 0x00221008, // SQ M1 0
1773 OphthalmicAxialMeasurementsDeviceType = 0x00221009, // CS M1 0
1774 OphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsType = 0x00221010, // CS M1 0
1775 OphthalmicAxialLengthSequence = 0x00221012, // SQ M1 0
1776 OphthalmicAxialLength = 0x00221019, // FL M1 0
1777 LensStatusCodeSequence = 0x00221024, // SQ M1 0
1778 VitreousStatusCodeSequence = 0x00221025, // SQ M1 0
1779 IOLFormulaCodeSequence = 0x00221028, // SQ M1 0
1780 IOLFormulaDetail = 0x00221029, // LO M1 0
1781 KeratometerIndex = 0x00221033, // FL M1 0
1782 SourceOfOphthalmicAxialLengthCodeSequence = 0x00221035, // SQ M1 0
1783 SourceOfCornealSizeDataCodeSequence = 0x00221036, // SQ M1 0
1784 TargetRefraction = 0x00221037, // FL M1 0
1785 RefractiveProcedureOccurred = 0x00221039, // CS M1 0
1786 RefractiveSurgeryTypeCodeSequence = 0x00221040, // SQ M1 0
1787 OphthalmicUltrasoundMethodCodeSequence = 0x00221044, // SQ M1 0
1788 SurgicallyInducedAstigmatismSequence = 0x00221045, // SQ M1 0
1789 TypeOfOpticalCorrection = 0x00221046, // CS M1 0
1790 ToricIOLPowerSequence = 0x00221047, // SQ M1 0
1791 PredictedToricErrorSequence = 0x00221048, // SQ M1 0
1792 PreSelectedForImplantation = 0x00221049, // CS M1 0
1793 ToricIOLPowerForExactEmmetropiaSequence = 0x0022104A, // SQ M1 0
1794 ToricIOLPowerForExactTargetRefractionSequence = 0x0022104B, // SQ M1 0
1795 OphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsSequence = 0x00221050, // SQ M1 0
1796 IOLPower = 0x00221053, // FL M1 0
1797 PredictedRefractiveError = 0x00221054, // FL M1 0
1798 OphthalmicAxialLengthVelocity = 0x00221059, // FL M1 0
1799 LensStatusDescription = 0x00221065, // LO M1 0
1800 VitreousStatusDescription = 0x00221066, // LO M1 0
1801 IOLPowerSequence = 0x00221090, // SQ M1 0
1802 LensConstantSequence = 0x00221092, // SQ M1 0
1803 IOLManufacturer = 0x00221093, // LO M1 0
1804 LensConstantDescription = 0x00221094, // LO M1 1
1805 ImplantName = 0x00221095, // LO M1 0
1806 KeratometryMeasurementTypeCodeSequence = 0x00221096, // SQ M1 0
1807 ImplantPartNumber = 0x00221097, // LO M1 0
1808 ReferencedOphthalmicAxialMeasurementsSequence = 0x00221100, // SQ M1 0
1809 OphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsSegmentNameCodeSequence = 0x00221101, // SQ M1 0
1810 RefractiveErrorBeforeRefractiveSurgeryCodeSequence = 0x00221103, // SQ M1 0
1811 IOLPowerForExactEmmetropia = 0x00221121, // FL M1 0
1812 IOLPowerForExactTargetRefraction = 0x00221122, // FL M1 0
1813 AnteriorChamberDepthDefinitionCodeSequence = 0x00221125, // SQ M1 0
1814 LensThicknessSequence = 0x00221127, // SQ M1 0
1815 AnteriorChamberDepthSequence = 0x00221128, // SQ M1 0
1816 CalculationCommentSequence = 0x0022112A, // SQ M1 0
1817 CalculationCommentType = 0x0022112B, // CS M1 0
1818 CalculationComment = 0x0022112C, // LT M1 0
1819 LensThickness = 0x00221130, // FL M1 0
1820 AnteriorChamberDepth = 0x00221131, // FL M1 0
1821 SourceOfLensThicknessDataCodeSequence = 0x00221132, // SQ M1 0
1822 SourceOfAnteriorChamberDepthDataCodeSequence = 0x00221133, // SQ M1 0
1823 SourceOfRefractiveMeasurementsSequence = 0x00221134, // SQ M1 0
1824 SourceOfRefractiveMeasurementsCodeSequence = 0x00221135, // SQ M1 0
1825 OphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementModified = 0x00221140, // CS M1 0
1826 OphthalmicAxialLengthDataSourceCodeSequence = 0x00221150, // SQ M1 0
1827 OphthalmicAxialLengthAcquisitionMethodCodeSequence = 0x00221153, // SQ M1 1
1828 SignalToNoiseRatio = 0x00221155, // FL M1 0
1829 OphthalmicAxialLengthDataSourceDescription = 0x00221159, // LO M1 0
1830 OphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsTotalLengthSequence = 0x00221210, // SQ M1 0
1831 OphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsSegmentalLengthSequence = 0x00221211, // SQ M1 0
1832 OphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsLengthSummationSequence = 0x00221212, // SQ M1 0
1833 UltrasoundOphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsSequence = 0x00221220, // SQ M1 0
1834 OpticalOphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsSequence = 0x00221225, // SQ M1 0
1835 UltrasoundSelectedOphthalmicAxialLengthSequence = 0x00221230, // SQ M1 0
1836 OphthalmicAxialLengthSelectionMethodCodeSequence = 0x00221250, // SQ M1 0
1837 OpticalSelectedOphthalmicAxialLengthSequence = 0x00221255, // SQ M1 0
1838 SelectedSegmentalOphthalmicAxialLengthSequence = 0x00221257, // SQ M1 0
1839 SelectedTotalOphthalmicAxialLengthSequence = 0x00221260, // SQ M1 0
1840 OphthalmicAxialLengthQualityMetricSequence = 0x00221262, // SQ M1 0
1841 OphthalmicAxialLengthQualityMetricTypeCodeSequence = 0x00221265, // SQ M1 1
1842 OphthalmicAxialLengthQualityMetricTypeDescription = 0x00221273, // LO M1 1
1843 IntraocularLensCalculationsRightEyeSequence = 0x00221300, // SQ M1 0
1844 IntraocularLensCalculationsLeftEyeSequence = 0x00221310, // SQ M1 0
1845 ReferencedOphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementQCImageSequence = 0x00221330, // SQ M1 0
1846 OphthalmicMappingDeviceType = 0x00221415, // CS M1 0
1847 AcquisitionMethodCodeSequence = 0x00221420, // SQ M1 0
1848 AcquisitionMethodAlgorithmSequence = 0x00221423, // SQ M1 0
1849 OphthalmicThicknessMapTypeCodeSequence = 0x00221436, // SQ M1 0
1850 OphthalmicThicknessMappingNormalsSequence = 0x00221443, // SQ M1 0
1851 RetinalThicknessDefinitionCodeSequence = 0x00221445, // SQ M1 0
1852 PixelValueMappingToCodedConceptSequence = 0x00221450, // SQ M1 0
1853 MappedPixelValue = 0x00221452, // XS M1 0
1854 PixelValueMappingExplanation = 0x00221454, // LO M1 0
1855 OphthalmicThicknessMapQualityThresholdSequence = 0x00221458, // SQ M1 0
1856 OphthalmicThicknessMapThresholdQualityRating = 0x00221460, // FL M1 0
1857 AnatomicStructureReferencePoint = 0x00221463, // FL M2 0
1858 RegistrationToLocalizerSequence = 0x00221465, // SQ M1 0
1859 RegisteredLocalizerUnits = 0x00221466, // CS M1 0
1860 RegisteredLocalizerTopLeftHandCorner = 0x00221467, // FL M2 0
1861 RegisteredLocalizerBottomRightHandCorner = 0x00221468, // FL M2 0
1862 OphthalmicThicknessMapQualityRatingSequence = 0x00221470, // SQ M1 0
1863 RelevantOPTAttributesSequence = 0x00221472, // SQ M1 0
1864 TransformationMethodCodeSequence = 0x00221512, // SQ M1 0
1865 TransformationAlgorithmSequence = 0x00221513, // SQ M1 0
1866 OphthalmicAxialLengthMethod = 0x00221515, // CS M1 0
1867 OphthalmicFOV = 0x00221517, // FL M1 0
1868 TwoDimensionalToThreeDimensionalMapSequence = 0x00221518, // SQ M1 0
1869 WideFieldOphthalmicPhotographyQualityRatingSequence = 0x00221525, // SQ M1 0
1870 WideFieldOphthalmicPhotographyQualityThresholdSequence = 0x00221526, // SQ M1 0
1871 WideFieldOphthalmicPhotographyThresholdQualityRating = 0x00221527, // FL M1 0
1872 XCoordinatesCenterPixelViewAngle = 0x00221528, // FL M1 0
1873 YCoordinatesCenterPixelViewAngle = 0x00221529, // FL M1 0
1874 NumberOfMapPoints = 0x00221530, // UL M1 0
1875 TwoDimensionalToThreeDimensionalMapData = 0x00221531, // OF M1 0
1876 DerivationAlgorithmSequence = 0x00221612, // SQ M1 0
1877 OphthalmicImageTypeCodeSequence = 0x00221615, // SQ M1 0
1878 OphthalmicImageTypeDescription = 0x00221616, // LO M1 0
1879 ScanPatternTypeCodeSequence = 0x00221618, // SQ M1 0
1880 ReferencedSurfaceMeshIdentificationSequence = 0x00221620, // SQ M1 0
1881 OphthalmicVolumetricPropertiesFlag = 0x00221622, // CS M1 0
1882 OphthalmicAnatomicReferencePointXCoordinate = 0x00221624, // FL M1 0
1883 OphthalmicAnatomicReferencePointYCoordinate = 0x00221626, // FL M1 0
1884 OphthalmicEnFaceImageQualityRatingSequence = 0x00221628, // SQ M1 0
1885 QualityThreshold = 0x00221630, // DS M1 0
1886 OCTBscanAnalysisAcquisitionParametersSequence = 0x00221640, // SQ M1 0
1887 NumberOfBscansPerFrame = 0x00221642, // UL M1 0
1888 BscanSlabThickness = 0x00221643, // FL M1 0
1889 DistanceBetweenBscanSlabs = 0x00221644, // FL M1 0
1890 BscanCycleTime = 0x00221645, // FL M1 0
1891 BscanCycleTimeVector = 0x00221646, // FL M1TN 0
1892 AscanRate = 0x00221649, // FL M1 0
1893 BscanRate = 0x00221650, // FL M1 0
1894 SurfaceMeshZPixelOffset = 0x00221658, // UL M1 0
1895 VisualFieldHorizontalExtent = 0x00240010, // FL M1 0
1896 VisualFieldVerticalExtent = 0x00240011, // FL M1 0
1897 VisualFieldShape = 0x00240012, // CS M1 0
1898 ScreeningTestModeCodeSequence = 0x00240016, // SQ M1 0
1899 MaximumStimulusLuminance = 0x00240018, // FL M1 0
1900 BackgroundLuminance = 0x00240020, // FL M1 0
1901 StimulusColorCodeSequence = 0x00240021, // SQ M1 0
1902 BackgroundIlluminationColorCodeSequence = 0x00240024, // SQ M1 0
1903 StimulusArea = 0x00240025, // FL M1 0
1904 StimulusPresentationTime = 0x00240028, // FL M1 0
1905 FixationSequence = 0x00240032, // SQ M1 0
1906 FixationMonitoringCodeSequence = 0x00240033, // SQ M1 0
1907 VisualFieldCatchTrialSequence = 0x00240034, // SQ M1 0
1908 FixationCheckedQuantity = 0x00240035, // US M1 0
1909 PatientNotProperlyFixatedQuantity = 0x00240036, // US M1 0
1910 PresentedVisualStimuliDataFlag = 0x00240037, // CS M1 0
1911 NumberOfVisualStimuli = 0x00240038, // US M1 0
1912 ExcessiveFixationLossesDataFlag = 0x00240039, // CS M1 0
1913 ExcessiveFixationLosses = 0x00240040, // CS M1 0
1914 StimuliRetestingQuantity = 0x00240042, // US M1 0
1915 CommentsOnPatientPerformanceOfVisualField = 0x00240044, // LT M1 0
1916 FalseNegativesEstimateFlag = 0x00240045, // CS M1 0
1917 FalseNegativesEstimate = 0x00240046, // FL M1 0
1918 NegativeCatchTrialsQuantity = 0x00240048, // US M1 0
1919 FalseNegativesQuantity = 0x00240050, // US M1 0
1920 ExcessiveFalseNegativesDataFlag = 0x00240051, // CS M1 0
1921 ExcessiveFalseNegatives = 0x00240052, // CS M1 0
1922 FalsePositivesEstimateFlag = 0x00240053, // CS M1 0
1923 FalsePositivesEstimate = 0x00240054, // FL M1 0
1924 CatchTrialsDataFlag = 0x00240055, // CS M1 0
1925 PositiveCatchTrialsQuantity = 0x00240056, // US M1 0
1926 TestPointNormalsDataFlag = 0x00240057, // CS M1 0
1927 TestPointNormalsSequence = 0x00240058, // SQ M1 0
1928 GlobalDeviationProbabilityNormalsFlag = 0x00240059, // CS M1 0
1929 FalsePositivesQuantity = 0x00240060, // US M1 0
1930 ExcessiveFalsePositivesDataFlag = 0x00240061, // CS M1 0
1931 ExcessiveFalsePositives = 0x00240062, // CS M1 0
1932 VisualFieldTestNormalsFlag = 0x00240063, // CS M1 0
1933 ResultsNormalsSequence = 0x00240064, // SQ M1 0
1934 AgeCorrectedSensitivityDeviationAlgorithmSequence = 0x00240065, // SQ M1 0
1935 GlobalDeviationFromNormal = 0x00240066, // FL M1 0
1936 GeneralizedDefectSensitivityDeviationAlgorithmSequence = 0x00240067, // SQ M1 0
1937 LocalizedDeviationFromNormal = 0x00240068, // FL M1 0
1938 PatientReliabilityIndicator = 0x00240069, // LO M1 0
1939 VisualFieldMeanSensitivity = 0x00240070, // FL M1 0
1940 GlobalDeviationProbability = 0x00240071, // FL M1 0
1941 LocalDeviationProbabilityNormalsFlag = 0x00240072, // CS M1 0
1942 LocalizedDeviationProbability = 0x00240073, // FL M1 0
1943 ShortTermFluctuationCalculated = 0x00240074, // CS M1 0
1944 ShortTermFluctuation = 0x00240075, // FL M1 0
1945 ShortTermFluctuationProbabilityCalculated = 0x00240076, // CS M1 0
1946 ShortTermFluctuationProbability = 0x00240077, // FL M1 0
1947 CorrectedLocalizedDeviationFromNormalCalculated = 0x00240078, // CS M1 0
1948 CorrectedLocalizedDeviationFromNormal = 0x00240079, // FL M1 0
1949 CorrectedLocalizedDeviationFromNormalProbabilityCalculated = 0x00240080, // CS M1 0
1950 CorrectedLocalizedDeviationFromNormalProbability = 0x00240081, // FL M1 0
1951 GlobalDeviationProbabilitySequence = 0x00240083, // SQ M1 0
1952 LocalizedDeviationProbabilitySequence = 0x00240085, // SQ M1 0
1953 FovealSensitivityMeasured = 0x00240086, // CS M1 0
1954 FovealSensitivity = 0x00240087, // FL M1 0
1955 VisualFieldTestDuration = 0x00240088, // FL M1 0
1956 VisualFieldTestPointSequence = 0x00240089, // SQ M1 0
1957 VisualFieldTestPointXCoordinate = 0x00240090, // FL M1 0
1958 VisualFieldTestPointYCoordinate = 0x00240091, // FL M1 0
1959 AgeCorrectedSensitivityDeviationValue = 0x00240092, // FL M1 0
1960 StimulusResults = 0x00240093, // CS M1 0
1961 SensitivityValue = 0x00240094, // FL M1 0
1962 RetestStimulusSeen = 0x00240095, // CS M1 0
1963 RetestSensitivityValue = 0x00240096, // FL M1 0
1964 VisualFieldTestPointNormalsSequence = 0x00240097, // SQ M1 0
1965 QuantifiedDefect = 0x00240098, // FL M1 0
1966 AgeCorrectedSensitivityDeviationProbabilityValue = 0x00240100, // FL M1 0
1967 GeneralizedDefectCorrectedSensitivityDeviationFlag = 0x00240102, // CS M1 0
1968 GeneralizedDefectCorrectedSensitivityDeviationValue = 0x00240103, // FL M1 0
1969 GeneralizedDefectCorrectedSensitivityDeviationProbabilityValue = 0x00240104, // FL M1 0
1970 MinimumSensitivityValue = 0x00240105, // FL M1 0
1971 BlindSpotLocalized = 0x00240106, // CS M1 0
1972 BlindSpotXCoordinate = 0x00240107, // FL M1 0
1973 BlindSpotYCoordinate = 0x00240108, // FL M1 0
1974 VisualAcuityMeasurementSequence = 0x00240110, // SQ M1 0
1975 RefractiveParametersUsedOnPatientSequence = 0x00240112, // SQ M1 0
1976 MeasurementLaterality = 0x00240113, // CS M1 0
1977 OphthalmicPatientClinicalInformationLeftEyeSequence = 0x00240114, // SQ M1 0
1978 OphthalmicPatientClinicalInformationRightEyeSequence = 0x00240115, // SQ M1 0
1979 FovealPointNormativeDataFlag = 0x00240117, // CS M1 0
1980 FovealPointProbabilityValue = 0x00240118, // FL M1 0
1981 ScreeningBaselineMeasured = 0x00240120, // CS M1 0
1982 ScreeningBaselineMeasuredSequence = 0x00240122, // SQ M1 0
1983 ScreeningBaselineType = 0x00240124, // CS M1 0
1984 ScreeningBaselineValue = 0x00240126, // FL M1 0
1985 AlgorithmSource = 0x00240202, // LO M1 0
1986 DataSetName = 0x00240306, // LO M1 0
1987 DataSetVersion = 0x00240307, // LO M1 0
1988 DataSetSource = 0x00240308, // LO M1 0
1989 DataSetDescription = 0x00240309, // LO M1 0
1990 VisualFieldTestReliabilityGlobalIndexSequence = 0x00240317, // SQ M1 0
1991 VisualFieldGlobalResultsIndexSequence = 0x00240320, // SQ M1 0
1992 DataObservationSequence = 0x00240325, // SQ M1 0
1993 IndexNormalsFlag = 0x00240338, // CS M1 0
1994 IndexProbability = 0x00240341, // FL M1 0
1995 IndexProbabilitySequence = 0x00240344, // SQ M1 0
1996 SamplesPerPixel = 0x00280002, // US M1 0
1997 SamplesPerPixelUsed = 0x00280003, // US M1 0
1998 PhotometricInterpretation = 0x00280004, // CS M1 0
1999 ImageDimensions = 0x00280005, // US M1 1
2000 PlanarConfiguration = 0x00280006, // US M1 0
2001 NumberOfFrames = 0x00280008, // IS M1 0
2002 FrameIncrementPointer = 0x00280009, // AT M1TN 0
2003 FrameDimensionPointer = 0x0028000A, // AT M1TN 0
2004 Rows = 0x00280010, // US M1 0
2005 Columns = 0x00280011, // US M1 0
2006 Planes = 0x00280012, // US M1 1
2007 UltrasoundColorDataPresent = 0x00280014, // US M1 0
2008 PixelSpacing = 0x00280030, // DS M2 0
2009 ZoomFactor = 0x00280031, // DS M2 0
2010 ZoomCenter = 0x00280032, // DS M2 0
2011 PixelAspectRatio = 0x00280034, // IS M2 0
2012 ImageFormat = 0x00280040, // CS M1 1
2013 ManipulatedImage = 0x00280050, // LO M1TN 1
2014 CorrectedImage = 0x00280051, // CS M1TN 0
2015 CompressionRecognitionCode = 0x0028005F, // LO M1 1
2016 CompressionCode = 0x00280060, // CS M1 1
2017 CompressionOriginator = 0x00280061, // SH M1 1
2018 CompressionLabel = 0x00280062, // LO M1 1
2019 CompressionDescription = 0x00280063, // SH M1 1
2020 CompressionSequence = 0x00280065, // CS M1TN 1
2021 CompressionStepPointers = 0x00280066, // AT M1TN 1
2022 RepeatInterval = 0x00280068, // US M1 1
2023 BitsGrouped = 0x00280069, // US M1 1
2024 PerimeterTable = 0x00280070, // US M1TN 1
2025 PerimeterValue = 0x00280071, // XS M1 1
2026 PredictorRows = 0x00280080, // US M1 1
2027 PredictorColumns = 0x00280081, // US M1 1
2028 PredictorConstants = 0x00280082, // US M1TN 1
2029 BlockedPixels = 0x00280090, // CS M1 1
2030 BlockRows = 0x00280091, // US M1 1
2031 BlockColumns = 0x00280092, // US M1 1
2032 RowOverlap = 0x00280093, // US M1 1
2033 ColumnOverlap = 0x00280094, // US M1 1
2034 BitsAllocated = 0x00280100, // US M1 0
2035 BitsStored = 0x00280101, // US M1 0
2036 HighBit = 0x00280102, // US M1 0
2037 PixelRepresentation = 0x00280103, // US M1 0
2038 SmallestValidPixelValue = 0x00280104, // XS M1 1
2039 LargestValidPixelValue = 0x00280105, // XS M1 1
2040 SmallestImagePixelValue = 0x00280106, // XS M1 0
2041 LargestImagePixelValue = 0x00280107, // XS M1 0
2042 SmallestPixelValueInSeries = 0x00280108, // XS M1 0
2043 LargestPixelValueInSeries = 0x00280109, // XS M1 0
2044 SmallestImagePixelValueInPlane = 0x00280110, // XS M1 1
2045 LargestImagePixelValueInPlane = 0x00280111, // XS M1 1
2046 PixelPaddingValue = 0x00280120, // XS M1 0
2047 PixelPaddingRangeLimit = 0x00280121, // XS M1 0
2048 FloatPixelPaddingValue = 0x00280122, // FL M1 0
2049 DoubleFloatPixelPaddingValue = 0x00280123, // FD M1 0
2050 FloatPixelPaddingRangeLimit = 0x00280124, // FL M1 0
2051 DoubleFloatPixelPaddingRangeLimit = 0x00280125, // FD M1 0
2052 ImageLocation = 0x00280200, // US M1 1
2053 QualityControlImage = 0x00280300, // CS M1 0
2054 BurnedInAnnotation = 0x00280301, // CS M1 0
2055 RecognizableVisualFeatures = 0x00280302, // CS M1 0
2056 LongitudinalTemporalInformationModified = 0x00280303, // CS M1 0
2057 ReferencedColorPaletteInstanceUID = 0x00280304, // UI M1 0
2058 TransformLabel = 0x00280400, // LO M1 1
2059 TransformVersionNumber = 0x00280401, // LO M1 1
2060 NumberOfTransformSteps = 0x00280402, // US M1 1
2061 SequenceOfCompressedData = 0x00280403, // LO M1TN 1
2062 DetailsOfCoefficients = 0x00280404, // AT M1TN 1
2063 RowsForNthOrderCoefficients = 0x00280410, // US M1 1
2064 ColumnsForNthOrderCoefficients = 0x00280411, // US M1 1
2065 CoefficientCoding = 0x00280412, // LO M1TN 1
2066 CoefficientCodingPointers = 0x00280413, // AT M1TN 1
2067 DCTLabel = 0x00280700, // LO M1 1
2068 DataBlockDescription = 0x00280701, // CS M1TN 1
2069 DataBlock = 0x00280702, // AT M1TN 1
2070 NormalizationFactorFormat = 0x00280710, // US M1 1
2071 ZonalMapNumberFormat = 0x00280720, // US M1 1
2072 ZonalMapLocation = 0x00280721, // AT M1TN 1
2073 ZonalMapFormat = 0x00280722, // US M1 1
2074 AdaptiveMapFormat = 0x00280730, // US M1 1
2075 CodeNumberFormat = 0x00280740, // US M1 1
2076 CodeLabel = 0x00280810, // CS M1TN 1
2077 NumberOfTables = 0x00280812, // US M1 1
2078 CodeTableLocation = 0x00280813, // AT M1TN 1
2079 BitsForCodeWord = 0x00280814, // US M1 1
2080 ImageDataLocation = 0x00280818, // AT M1TN 1
2081 PixelSpacingCalibrationType = 0x00280A02, // CS M1 0
2082 PixelSpacingCalibrationDescription = 0x00280A04, // LO M1 0
2083 PixelIntensityRelationship = 0x00281040, // CS M1 0
2084 PixelIntensityRelationshipSign = 0x00281041, // SS M1 0
2085 WindowCenter = 0x00281050, // DS M1TN 0
2086 WindowWidth = 0x00281051, // DS M1TN 0
2087 RescaleIntercept = 0x00281052, // DS M1 0
2088 RescaleSlope = 0x00281053, // DS M1 0
2089 RescaleType = 0x00281054, // LO M1 0
2090 WindowCenterWidthExplanation = 0x00281055, // LO M1TN 0
2091 VOILUTFunction = 0x00281056, // CS M1 0
2092 GrayScale = 0x00281080, // CS M1 1
2093 RecommendedViewingMode = 0x00281090, // CS M1 0
2094 GrayLookupTableDescriptor = 0x00281100, // XS M3 1
2095 RedPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor = 0x00281101, // XS M3 0
2096 GreenPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor = 0x00281102, // XS M3 0
2097 BluePaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor = 0x00281103, // XS M3 0
2098 AlphaPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor = 0x00281104, // US M3 0
2099 LargeRedPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor = 0x00281111, // XS M4 1
2100 LargeGreenPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor = 0x00281112, // XS M4 1
2101 LargeBluePaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor = 0x00281113, // XS M4 1
2102 PaletteColorLookupTableUID = 0x00281199, // UI M1 0
2103 GrayLookupTableData = 0x00281200, // OW M1 1
2104 RedPaletteColorLookupTableData = 0x00281201, // OW M1 0
2105 GreenPaletteColorLookupTableData = 0x00281202, // OW M1 0
2106 BluePaletteColorLookupTableData = 0x00281203, // OW M1 0
2107 AlphaPaletteColorLookupTableData = 0x00281204, // OW M1 0
2108 LargeRedPaletteColorLookupTableData = 0x00281211, // OW M1 1
2109 LargeGreenPaletteColorLookupTableData = 0x00281212, // OW M1 1
2110 LargeBluePaletteColorLookupTableData = 0x00281213, // OW M1 1
2111 LargePaletteColorLookupTableUID = 0x00281214, // UI M1 1
2112 SegmentedRedPaletteColorLookupTableData = 0x00281221, // OW M1 0
2113 SegmentedGreenPaletteColorLookupTableData = 0x00281222, // OW M1 0
2114 SegmentedBluePaletteColorLookupTableData = 0x00281223, // OW M1 0
2115 SegmentedAlphaPaletteColorLookupTableData = 0x00281224, // OW M1 0
2116 StoredValueColorRangeSequence = 0x00281230, // SQ M1 0
2117 MinimumStoredValueMapped = 0x00281231, // FD M1 0
2118 MaximumStoredValueMapped = 0x00281232, // FD M1 0
2119 BreastImplantPresent = 0x00281300, // CS M1 0
2120 PartialView = 0x00281350, // CS M1 0
2121 PartialViewDescription = 0x00281351, // ST M1 0
2122 PartialViewCodeSequence = 0x00281352, // SQ M1 0
2123 SpatialLocationsPreserved = 0x0028135A, // CS M1 0
2124 DataFrameAssignmentSequence = 0x00281401, // SQ M1 0
2125 DataPathAssignment = 0x00281402, // CS M1 0
2126 BitsMappedToColorLookupTable = 0x00281403, // US M1 0
2127 BlendingLUT1Sequence = 0x00281404, // SQ M1 0
2128 BlendingLUT1TransferFunction = 0x00281405, // CS M1 0
2129 BlendingWeightConstant = 0x00281406, // FD M1 0
2130 BlendingLookupTableDescriptor = 0x00281407, // US M3 0
2131 BlendingLookupTableData = 0x00281408, // OW M1 0
2132 EnhancedPaletteColorLookupTableSequence = 0x0028140B, // SQ M1 0
2133 BlendingLUT2Sequence = 0x0028140C, // SQ M1 0
2134 BlendingLUT2TransferFunction = 0x0028140D, // CS M1 0
2135 DataPathID = 0x0028140E, // CS M1 0
2136 RGBLUTTransferFunction = 0x0028140F, // CS M1 0
2137 AlphaLUTTransferFunction = 0x00281410, // CS M1 0
2138 ICCProfile = 0x00282000, // OB M1 0
2139 ColorSpace = 0x00282002, // CS M1 0
2140 LossyImageCompression = 0x00282110, // CS M1 0
2141 LossyImageCompressionRatio = 0x00282112, // DS M1TN 0
2142 LossyImageCompressionMethod = 0x00282114, // CS M1TN 0
2143 ModalityLUTSequence = 0x00283000, // SQ M1 0
2144 LUTDescriptor = 0x00283002, // XS M3 0
2145 LUTExplanation = 0x00283003, // LO M1 0
2146 ModalityLUTType = 0x00283004, // LO M1 0
2147 LUTData = 0x00283006, // OW M1 0
2148 VOILUTSequence = 0x00283010, // SQ M1 0
2149 SoftcopyVOILUTSequence = 0x00283110, // SQ M1 0
2150 ImagePresentationComments = 0x00284000, // LT M1 1
2151 BiPlaneAcquisitionSequence = 0x00285000, // SQ M1 1
2152 RepresentativeFrameNumber = 0x00286010, // US M1 0
2153 FrameNumbersOfInterest = 0x00286020, // US M1TN 0
2154 FrameOfInterestDescription = 0x00286022, // LO M1TN 0
2155 FrameOfInterestType = 0x00286023, // CS M1TN 0
2156 MaskPointers = 0x00286030, // US M1TN 1
2157 RWavePointer = 0x00286040, // US M1TN 0
2158 MaskSubtractionSequence = 0x00286100, // SQ M1 0
2159 MaskOperation = 0x00286101, // CS M1 0
2160 ApplicableFrameRange = 0x00286102, // US M2T2N 0
2161 MaskFrameNumbers = 0x00286110, // US M1TN 0
2162 ContrastFrameAveraging = 0x00286112, // US M1 0
2163 MaskSubPixelShift = 0x00286114, // FL M2 0
2164 TIDOffset = 0x00286120, // SS M1 0
2165 MaskOperationExplanation = 0x00286190, // ST M1 0
2166 EquipmentAdministratorSequence = 0x00287000, // SQ M1 0
2167 NumberOfDisplaySubsystems = 0x00287001, // US M1 0
2168 CurrentConfigurationID = 0x00287002, // US M1 0
2169 DisplaySubsystemID = 0x00287003, // US M1 0
2170 DisplaySubsystemName = 0x00287004, // SH M1 0
2171 DisplaySubsystemDescription = 0x00287005, // LO M1 0
2172 SystemStatus = 0x00287006, // CS M1 0
2173 SystemStatusComment = 0x00287007, // LO M1 0
2174 TargetLuminanceCharacteristicsSequence = 0x00287008, // SQ M1 0
2175 LuminanceCharacteristicsID = 0x00287009, // US M1 0
2176 DisplaySubsystemConfigurationSequence = 0x0028700A, // SQ M1 0
2177 ConfigurationID = 0x0028700B, // US M1 0
2178 ConfigurationName = 0x0028700C, // SH M1 0
2179 ConfigurationDescription = 0x0028700D, // LO M1 0
2180 ReferencedTargetLuminanceCharacteristicsID = 0x0028700E, // US M1 0
2181 QAResultsSequence = 0x0028700F, // SQ M1 0
2182 DisplaySubsystemQAResultsSequence = 0x00287010, // SQ M1 0
2183 ConfigurationQAResultsSequence = 0x00287011, // SQ M1 0
2184 MeasurementEquipmentSequence = 0x00287012, // SQ M1 0
2185 MeasurementFunctions = 0x00287013, // CS M1TN 0
2186 MeasurementEquipmentType = 0x00287014, // CS M1 0
2187 VisualEvaluationResultSequence = 0x00287015, // SQ M1 0
2188 DisplayCalibrationResultSequence = 0x00287016, // SQ M1 0
2189 DDLValue = 0x00287017, // US M1 0
2190 CIExyWhitePoint = 0x00287018, // FL M2 0
2191 DisplayFunctionType = 0x00287019, // CS M1 0
2192 GammaValue = 0x0028701A, // FL M1 0
2193 NumberOfLuminancePoints = 0x0028701B, // US M1 0
2194 LuminanceResponseSequence = 0x0028701C, // SQ M1 0
2195 TargetMinimumLuminance = 0x0028701D, // FL M1 0
2196 TargetMaximumLuminance = 0x0028701E, // FL M1 0
2197 LuminanceValue = 0x0028701F, // FL M1 0
2198 LuminanceResponseDescription = 0x00287020, // LO M1 0
2199 WhitePointFlag = 0x00287021, // CS M1 0
2200 DisplayDeviceTypeCodeSequence = 0x00287022, // SQ M1 0
2201 DisplaySubsystemSequence = 0x00287023, // SQ M1 0
2202 LuminanceResultSequence = 0x00287024, // SQ M1 0
2203 AmbientLightValueSource = 0x00287025, // CS M1 0
2204 MeasuredCharacteristics = 0x00287026, // CS M1TN 0
2205 LuminanceUniformityResultSequence = 0x00287027, // SQ M1 0
2206 VisualEvaluationTestSequence = 0x00287028, // SQ M1 0
2207 TestResult = 0x00287029, // CS M1 0
2208 TestResultComment = 0x0028702A, // LO M1 0
2209 TestImageValidation = 0x0028702B, // CS M1 0
2210 TestPatternCodeSequence = 0x0028702C, // SQ M1 0
2211 MeasurementPatternCodeSequence = 0x0028702D, // SQ M1 0
2212 VisualEvaluationMethodCodeSequence = 0x0028702E, // SQ M1 0
2213 PixelDataProviderURL = 0x00287FE0, // UR M1 0
2214 DataPointRows = 0x00289001, // UL M1 0
2215 DataPointColumns = 0x00289002, // UL M1 0
2216 SignalDomainColumns = 0x00289003, // CS M1 0
2217 LargestMonochromePixelValue = 0x00289099, // US M1 1
2218 DataRepresentation = 0x00289108, // CS M1 0
2219 PixelMeasuresSequence = 0x00289110, // SQ M1 0
2220 FrameVOILUTSequence = 0x00289132, // SQ M1 0
2221 PixelValueTransformationSequence = 0x00289145, // SQ M1 0
2222 SignalDomainRows = 0x00289235, // CS M1 0
2223 DisplayFilterPercentage = 0x00289411, // FL M1 0
2224 FramePixelShiftSequence = 0x00289415, // SQ M1 0
2225 SubtractionItemID = 0x00289416, // US M1 0
2226 PixelIntensityRelationshipLUTSequence = 0x00289422, // SQ M1 0
2227 FramePixelDataPropertiesSequence = 0x00289443, // SQ M1 0
2228 GeometricalProperties = 0x00289444, // CS M1 0
2229 GeometricMaximumDistortion = 0x00289445, // FL M1 0
2230 ImageProcessingApplied = 0x00289446, // CS M1TN 0
2231 MaskSelectionMode = 0x00289454, // CS M1 0
2232 LUTFunction = 0x00289474, // CS M1 0
2233 MaskVisibilityPercentage = 0x00289478, // FL M1 0
2234 PixelShiftSequence = 0x00289501, // SQ M1 0
2235 RegionPixelShiftSequence = 0x00289502, // SQ M1 0
2236 VerticesOfTheRegion = 0x00289503, // SS M2T2N 0
2237 MultiFramePresentationSequence = 0x00289505, // SQ M1 0
2238 PixelShiftFrameRange = 0x00289506, // US M2T2N 0
2239 LUTFrameRange = 0x00289507, // US M2T2N 0
2240 ImageToEquipmentMappingMatrix = 0x00289520, // DS M16 0
2241 EquipmentCoordinateSystemIdentification = 0x00289537, // CS M1 0
2242 StudyStatusID = 0x0032000A, // CS M1 1
2243 StudyPriorityID = 0x0032000C, // CS M1 1
2244 StudyIDIssuer = 0x00320012, // LO M1 1
2245 StudyVerifiedDate = 0x00320032, // DA M1 1
2246 StudyVerifiedTime = 0x00320033, // TM M1 1
2247 StudyReadDate = 0x00320034, // DA M1 1
2248 StudyReadTime = 0x00320035, // TM M1 1
2249 ScheduledStudyStartDate = 0x00321000, // DA M1 1
2250 ScheduledStudyStartTime = 0x00321001, // TM M1 1
2251 ScheduledStudyStopDate = 0x00321010, // DA M1 1
2252 ScheduledStudyStopTime = 0x00321011, // TM M1 1
2253 ScheduledStudyLocation = 0x00321020, // LO M1 1
2254 ScheduledStudyLocationAETitle = 0x00321021, // AE M1TN 1
2255 ReasonForStudy = 0x00321030, // LO M1 1
2256 RequestingPhysicianIdentificationSequence = 0x00321031, // SQ M1 0
2257 RequestingPhysician = 0x00321032, // PN M1 0
2258 RequestingService = 0x00321033, // LO M1 0
2259 RequestingServiceCodeSequence = 0x00321034, // SQ M1 0
2260 StudyArrivalDate = 0x00321040, // DA M1 1
2261 StudyArrivalTime = 0x00321041, // TM M1 1
2262 StudyCompletionDate = 0x00321050, // DA M1 1
2263 StudyCompletionTime = 0x00321051, // TM M1 1
2264 StudyComponentStatusID = 0x00321055, // CS M1 1
2265 RequestedProcedureDescription = 0x00321060, // LO M1 0
2266 RequestedProcedureCodeSequence = 0x00321064, // SQ M1 0
2267 RequestedLateralityCodeSequence = 0x00321065, // SQ M1 0
2268 ReasonForVisit = 0x00321066, // UT M1 0
2269 ReasonForVisitCodeSequence = 0x00321067, // SQ M1 0
2270 RequestedContrastAgent = 0x00321070, // LO M1 0
2271 StudyComments = 0x00324000, // LT M1 1
2272 FlowIdentifierSequence = 0x00340001, // SQ M1 0
2273 FlowIdentifier = 0x00340002, // OB M1 0
2274 FlowTransferSyntaxUID = 0x00340003, // UI M1 0
2275 FlowRTPSamplingRate = 0x00340004, // UL M1 0
2276 SourceIdentifier = 0x00340005, // OB M1 0
2277 FrameOriginTimestamp = 0x00340007, // OB M1 0
2278 IncludesImagingSubject = 0x00340008, // CS M1 0
2279 FrameUsefulnessGroupSequence = 0x00340009, // SQ M1 0
2280 RealTimeBulkDataFlowSequence = 0x0034000A, // SQ M1 0
2281 CameraPositionGroupSequence = 0x0034000B, // SQ M1 0
2282 IncludesInformation = 0x0034000C, // CS M1 0
2283 TimeOfFrameGroupSequence = 0x0034000D, // SQ M1 0
2284 ReferencedPatientAliasSequence = 0x00380004, // SQ M1 0
2285 VisitStatusID = 0x00380008, // CS M1 0
2286 AdmissionID = 0x00380010, // LO M1 0
2287 IssuerOfAdmissionID = 0x00380011, // LO M1 1
2288 IssuerOfAdmissionIDSequence = 0x00380014, // SQ M1 0
2289 RouteOfAdmissions = 0x00380016, // LO M1 0
2290 ScheduledAdmissionDate = 0x0038001A, // DA M1 1
2291 ScheduledAdmissionTime = 0x0038001B, // TM M1 1
2292 ScheduledDischargeDate = 0x0038001C, // DA M1 1
2293 ScheduledDischargeTime = 0x0038001D, // TM M1 1
2294 ScheduledPatientInstitutionResidence = 0x0038001E, // LO M1 1
2295 AdmittingDate = 0x00380020, // DA M1 0
2296 AdmittingTime = 0x00380021, // TM M1 0
2297 DischargeDate = 0x00380030, // DA M1 1
2298 DischargeTime = 0x00380032, // TM M1 1
2299 DischargeDiagnosisDescription = 0x00380040, // LO M1 1
2300 DischargeDiagnosisCodeSequence = 0x00380044, // SQ M1 1
2301 SpecialNeeds = 0x00380050, // LO M1 0
2302 ServiceEpisodeID = 0x00380060, // LO M1 0
2303 IssuerOfServiceEpisodeID = 0x00380061, // LO M1 1
2304 ServiceEpisodeDescription = 0x00380062, // LO M1 0
2305 IssuerOfServiceEpisodeIDSequence = 0x00380064, // SQ M1 0
2306 PertinentDocumentsSequence = 0x00380100, // SQ M1 0
2307 PertinentResourcesSequence = 0x00380101, // SQ M1 0
2308 ResourceDescription = 0x00380102, // LO M1 0
2309 CurrentPatientLocation = 0x00380300, // LO M1 0
2310 PatientInstitutionResidence = 0x00380400, // LO M1 0
2311 PatientState = 0x00380500, // LO M1 0
2312 PatientClinicalTrialParticipationSequence = 0x00380502, // SQ M1 0
2313 VisitComments = 0x00384000, // LT M1 0
2314 WaveformOriginality = 0x003A0004, // CS M1 0
2315 NumberOfWaveformChannels = 0x003A0005, // US M1 0
2316 NumberOfWaveformSamples = 0x003A0010, // UL M1 0
2317 SamplingFrequency = 0x003A001A, // DS M1 0
2318 MultiplexGroupLabel = 0x003A0020, // SH M1 0
2319 ChannelDefinitionSequence = 0x003A0200, // SQ M1 0
2320 WaveformChannelNumber = 0x003A0202, // IS M1 0
2321 ChannelLabel = 0x003A0203, // SH M1 0
2322 ChannelStatus = 0x003A0205, // CS M1TN 0
2323 ChannelSourceSequence = 0x003A0208, // SQ M1 0
2324 ChannelSourceModifiersSequence = 0x003A0209, // SQ M1 0
2325 SourceWaveformSequence = 0x003A020A, // SQ M1 0
2326 ChannelDerivationDescription = 0x003A020C, // LO M1 0
2327 ChannelSensitivity = 0x003A0210, // DS M1 0
2328 ChannelSensitivityUnitsSequence = 0x003A0211, // SQ M1 0
2329 ChannelSensitivityCorrectionFactor = 0x003A0212, // DS M1 0
2330 ChannelBaseline = 0x003A0213, // DS M1 0
2331 ChannelTimeSkew = 0x003A0214, // DS M1 0
2332 ChannelSampleSkew = 0x003A0215, // DS M1 0
2333 ChannelOffset = 0x003A0218, // DS M1 0
2334 WaveformBitsStored = 0x003A021A, // US M1 0
2335 FilterLowFrequency = 0x003A0220, // DS M1 0
2336 FilterHighFrequency = 0x003A0221, // DS M1 0
2337 NotchFilterFrequency = 0x003A0222, // DS M1 0
2338 NotchFilterBandwidth = 0x003A0223, // DS M1 0
2339 WaveformDataDisplayScale = 0x003A0230, // FL M1 0
2340 WaveformDisplayBackgroundCIELabValue = 0x003A0231, // US M3 0
2341 WaveformPresentationGroupSequence = 0x003A0240, // SQ M1 0
2342 PresentationGroupNumber = 0x003A0241, // US M1 0
2343 ChannelDisplaySequence = 0x003A0242, // SQ M1 0
2344 ChannelRecommendedDisplayCIELabValue = 0x003A0244, // US M3 0
2345 ChannelPosition = 0x003A0245, // FL M1 0
2346 DisplayShadingFlag = 0x003A0246, // CS M1 0
2347 FractionalChannelDisplayScale = 0x003A0247, // FL M1 0
2348 AbsoluteChannelDisplayScale = 0x003A0248, // FL M1 0
2349 MultiplexedAudioChannelsDescriptionCodeSequence = 0x003A0300, // SQ M1 0
2350 ChannelIdentificationCode = 0x003A0301, // IS M1 0
2351 ChannelMode = 0x003A0302, // CS M1 0
2352 MultiplexGroupUID = 0x003A0310, // UI M1 0
2353 PowerlineFrequency = 0x003A0311, // DS M1 0
2354 ChannelImpedanceSequence = 0x003A0312, // SQ M1 0
2355 ImpedanceValue = 0x003A0313, // DS M1 0
2356 ImpedanceMeasurementDateTime = 0x003A0314, // DT M1 0
2357 ImpedanceMeasurementFrequency = 0x003A0315, // DS M1 0
2358 ImpedanceMeasurementCurrentType = 0x003A0316, // CS M1 0
2359 WaveformAmplifierType = 0x003A0317, // CS M1 0
2360 FilterLowFrequencyCharacteristicsSequence = 0x003A0318, // SQ M1 0
2361 FilterHighFrequencyCharacteristicsSequence = 0x003A0319, // SQ M1 0
2362 SummarizedFilterLookupTable = 0x003A0320, // SQ M1 0
2363 NotchFilterCharacteristicsSequence = 0x003A0321, // SQ M1 0
2364 WaveformFilterType = 0x003A0322, // CS M1 0
2365 AnalogFilterCharacteristicsSequence = 0x003A0323, // SQ M1 0
2366 AnalogFilterRollOff = 0x003A0324, // DS M1 0
2367 AnalogFilterType = 0x003A0325, // SQ M1 0
2368 DigitalFilterCharacteristicsSequence = 0x003A0326, // SQ M1 0
2369 DigitalFilterOrder = 0x003A0327, // IS M1 0
2370 DigitalFilterTypeCodeSequence = 0x003A0328, // SQ M1 0
2371 WaveformFilterDescription = 0x003A0329, // ST M1 0
2372 FilterLookupTableSequence = 0x003A032A, // SQ M1 0
2373 FilterLookupTableDescription = 0x003A032B, // ST M1 0
2374 FrequencyEncodingCodeSequence = 0x003A032C, // SQ M1 0
2375 MagnitudeEncodingCodeSequence = 0x003A032D, // SQ M1 0
2376 FilterLookupTableData = 0x003A032E, // OD M1 0
2377 ScheduledStationAETitle = 0x00400001, // AE M1TN 0
2378 ScheduledProcedureStepStartDate = 0x00400002, // DA M1 0
2379 ScheduledProcedureStepStartTime = 0x00400003, // TM M1 0
2380 ScheduledProcedureStepEndDate = 0x00400004, // DA M1 0
2381 ScheduledProcedureStepEndTime = 0x00400005, // TM M1 0
2382 ScheduledPerformingPhysicianName = 0x00400006, // PN M1 0
2383 ScheduledProcedureStepDescription = 0x00400007, // LO M1 0
2384 ScheduledProtocolCodeSequence = 0x00400008, // SQ M1 0
2385 ScheduledProcedureStepID = 0x00400009, // SH M1 0
2386 StageCodeSequence = 0x0040000A, // SQ M1 0
2387 ScheduledPerformingPhysicianIdentificationSequence = 0x0040000B, // SQ M1 0
2388 ScheduledStationName = 0x00400010, // SH M1TN 0
2389 ScheduledProcedureStepLocation = 0x00400011, // SH M1 0
2390 PreMedication = 0x00400012, // LO M1 0
2391 ScheduledProcedureStepStatus = 0x00400020, // CS M1 0
2392 OrderPlacerIdentifierSequence = 0x00400026, // SQ M1 0
2393 OrderFillerIdentifierSequence = 0x00400027, // SQ M1 0
2394 LocalNamespaceEntityID = 0x00400031, // UT M1 0
2395 UniversalEntityID = 0x00400032, // UT M1 0
2396 UniversalEntityIDType = 0x00400033, // CS M1 0
2397 IdentifierTypeCode = 0x00400035, // CS M1 0
2398 AssigningFacilitySequence = 0x00400036, // SQ M1 0
2399 AssigningJurisdictionCodeSequence = 0x00400039, // SQ M1 0
2400 AssigningAgencyOrDepartmentCodeSequence = 0x0040003A, // SQ M1 0
2401 ScheduledProcedureStepSequence = 0x00400100, // SQ M1 0
2402 ReferencedNonImageCompositeSOPInstanceSequence = 0x00400220, // SQ M1 0
2403 PerformedStationAETitle = 0x00400241, // AE M1 0
2404 PerformedStationName = 0x00400242, // SH M1 0
2405 PerformedLocation = 0x00400243, // SH M1 0
2406 PerformedProcedureStepStartDate = 0x00400244, // DA M1 0
2407 PerformedProcedureStepStartTime = 0x00400245, // TM M1 0
2408 PerformedProcedureStepEndDate = 0x00400250, // DA M1 0
2409 PerformedProcedureStepEndTime = 0x00400251, // TM M1 0
2410 PerformedProcedureStepStatus = 0x00400252, // CS M1 0
2411 PerformedProcedureStepID = 0x00400253, // SH M1 0
2412 PerformedProcedureStepDescription = 0x00400254, // LO M1 0
2413 PerformedProcedureTypeDescription = 0x00400255, // LO M1 0
2414 PerformedProtocolCodeSequence = 0x00400260, // SQ M1 0
2415 PerformedProtocolType = 0x00400261, // CS M1 0
2416 ScheduledStepAttributesSequence = 0x00400270, // SQ M1 0
2417 RequestAttributesSequence = 0x00400275, // SQ M1 0
2418 CommentsOnThePerformedProcedureStep = 0x00400280, // ST M1 0
2419 PerformedProcedureStepDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequence = 0x00400281, // SQ M1 0
2420 QuantitySequence = 0x00400293, // SQ M1 0
2421 Quantity = 0x00400294, // DS M1 0
2422 MeasuringUnitsSequence = 0x00400295, // SQ M1 0
2423 BillingItemSequence = 0x00400296, // SQ M1 0
2424 TotalTimeOfFluoroscopy = 0x00400300, // US M1 1
2425 TotalNumberOfExposures = 0x00400301, // US M1 1
2426 EntranceDose = 0x00400302, // US M1 0
2427 ExposedArea = 0x00400303, // US M1T2 0
2428 DistanceSourceToEntrance = 0x00400306, // DS M1 0
2429 DistanceSourceToSupport = 0x00400307, // DS M1 1
2430 ExposureDoseSequence = 0x0040030E, // SQ M1 1
2431 CommentsOnRadiationDose = 0x00400310, // ST M1 0
2432 XRayOutput = 0x00400312, // DS M1 0
2433 HalfValueLayer = 0x00400314, // DS M1 0
2434 OrganDose = 0x00400316, // DS M1 0
2435 OrganExposed = 0x00400318, // CS M1 0
2436 BillingProcedureStepSequence = 0x00400320, // SQ M1 0
2437 FilmConsumptionSequence = 0x00400321, // SQ M1 0
2438 BillingSuppliesAndDevicesSequence = 0x00400324, // SQ M1 0
2439 ReferencedProcedureStepSequence = 0x00400330, // SQ M1 1
2440 PerformedSeriesSequence = 0x00400340, // SQ M1 0
2441 CommentsOnTheScheduledProcedureStep = 0x00400400, // LT M1 0
2442 ProtocolContextSequence = 0x00400440, // SQ M1 0
2443 ContentItemModifierSequence = 0x00400441, // SQ M1 0
2444 ScheduledSpecimenSequence = 0x00400500, // SQ M1 0
2445 SpecimenAccessionNumber = 0x0040050A, // LO M1 1
2446 ContainerIdentifier = 0x00400512, // LO M1 0
2447 IssuerOfTheContainerIdentifierSequence = 0x00400513, // SQ M1 0
2448 AlternateContainerIdentifierSequence = 0x00400515, // SQ M1 0
2449 ContainerTypeCodeSequence = 0x00400518, // SQ M1 0
2450 ContainerDescription = 0x0040051A, // LO M1 0
2451 ContainerComponentSequence = 0x00400520, // SQ M1 0
2452 SpecimenSequence = 0x00400550, // SQ M1 1
2453 SpecimenIdentifier = 0x00400551, // LO M1 0
2454 SpecimenDescriptionSequenceTrial = 0x00400552, // SQ M1 1
2455 SpecimenDescriptionTrial = 0x00400553, // ST M1 1
2456 SpecimenUID = 0x00400554, // UI M1 0
2457 AcquisitionContextSequence = 0x00400555, // SQ M1 0
2458 AcquisitionContextDescription = 0x00400556, // ST M1 0
2459 SpecimenTypeCodeSequence = 0x0040059A, // SQ M1 0
2460 SpecimenDescriptionSequence = 0x00400560, // SQ M1 0
2461 IssuerOfTheSpecimenIdentifierSequence = 0x00400562, // SQ M1 0
2462 SpecimenShortDescription = 0x00400600, // LO M1 0
2463 SpecimenDetailedDescription = 0x00400602, // UT M1 0
2464 SpecimenPreparationSequence = 0x00400610, // SQ M1 0
2465 SpecimenPreparationStepContentItemSequence = 0x00400612, // SQ M1 0
2466 SpecimenLocalizationContentItemSequence = 0x00400620, // SQ M1 0
2467 SlideIdentifier = 0x004006FA, // LO M1 1
2468 WholeSlideMicroscopyImageFrameTypeSequence = 0x00400710, // SQ M1 0
2469 ImageCenterPointCoordinatesSequence = 0x0040071A, // SQ M1 0
2470 XOffsetInSlideCoordinateSystem = 0x0040072A, // DS M1 0
2471 YOffsetInSlideCoordinateSystem = 0x0040073A, // DS M1 0
2472 ZOffsetInSlideCoordinateSystem = 0x0040074A, // DS M1 0
2473 PixelSpacingSequence = 0x004008D8, // SQ M1 1
2474 CoordinateSystemAxisCodeSequence = 0x004008DA, // SQ M1 1
2475 MeasurementUnitsCodeSequence = 0x004008EA, // SQ M1 0
2476 VitalStainCodeSequenceTrial = 0x004009F8, // SQ M1 1
2477 RequestedProcedureID = 0x00401001, // SH M1 0
2478 ReasonForTheRequestedProcedure = 0x00401002, // LO M1 0
2479 RequestedProcedurePriority = 0x00401003, // SH M1 0
2480 PatientTransportArrangements = 0x00401004, // LO M1 0
2481 RequestedProcedureLocation = 0x00401005, // LO M1 0
2482 PlacerOrderNumberProcedure = 0x00401006, // SH M1 1
2483 FillerOrderNumberProcedure = 0x00401007, // SH M1 1
2484 ConfidentialityCode = 0x00401008, // LO M1 0
2485 ReportingPriority = 0x00401009, // SH M1 0
2486 ReasonForRequestedProcedureCodeSequence = 0x0040100A, // SQ M1 0
2487 NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResults = 0x00401010, // PN M1TN 0
2488 IntendedRecipientsOfResultsIdentificationSequence = 0x00401011, // SQ M1 0
2489 ReasonForPerformedProcedureCodeSequence = 0x00401012, // SQ M1 0
2490 RequestedProcedureDescriptionTrial = 0x00401060, // LO M1 1
2491 PersonIdentificationCodeSequence = 0x00401101, // SQ M1 0
2492 PersonAddress = 0x00401102, // ST M1 0
2493 PersonTelephoneNumbers = 0x00401103, // LO M1TN 0
2494 PersonTelecomInformation = 0x00401104, // LT M1 0
2495 RequestedProcedureComments = 0x00401400, // LT M1 0
2496 ReasonForTheImagingServiceRequest = 0x00402001, // LO M1 1
2497 IssueDateOfImagingServiceRequest = 0x00402004, // DA M1 0
2498 IssueTimeOfImagingServiceRequest = 0x00402005, // TM M1 0
2499 PlacerOrderNumberImagingServiceRequestRetired = 0x00402006, // SH M1 1
2500 FillerOrderNumberImagingServiceRequestRetired = 0x00402007, // SH M1 1
2501 OrderEnteredBy = 0x00402008, // PN M1 0
2502 OrderEntererLocation = 0x00402009, // SH M1 0
2503 OrderCallbackPhoneNumber = 0x00402010, // SH M1 0
2504 OrderCallbackTelecomInformation = 0x00402011, // LT M1 0
2505 PlacerOrderNumberImagingServiceRequest = 0x00402016, // LO M1 0
2506 FillerOrderNumberImagingServiceRequest = 0x00402017, // LO M1 0
2507 ImagingServiceRequestComments = 0x00402400, // LT M1 0
2508 ConfidentialityConstraintOnPatientDataDescription = 0x00403001, // LO M1 0
2509 GeneralPurposeScheduledProcedureStepStatus = 0x00404001, // CS M1 1
2510 GeneralPurposePerformedProcedureStepStatus = 0x00404002, // CS M1 1
2511 GeneralPurposeScheduledProcedureStepPriority = 0x00404003, // CS M1 1
2512 ScheduledProcessingApplicationsCodeSequence = 0x00404004, // SQ M1 1
2513 ScheduledProcedureStepStartDateTime = 0x00404005, // DT M1 0
2514 MultipleCopiesFlag = 0x00404006, // CS M1 1
2515 PerformedProcessingApplicationsCodeSequence = 0x00404007, // SQ M1 1
2516 ScheduledProcedureStepExpirationDateTime = 0x00404008, // DT M1 0
2517 HumanPerformerCodeSequence = 0x00404009, // SQ M1 0
2518 ScheduledProcedureStepModificationDateTime = 0x00404010, // DT M1 0
2519 ExpectedCompletionDateTime = 0x00404011, // DT M1 0
2520 ResultingGeneralPurposePerformedProcedureStepsSequence = 0x00404015, // SQ M1 1
2521 ReferencedGeneralPurposeScheduledProcedureStepSequence = 0x00404016, // SQ M1 1
2522 ScheduledWorkitemCodeSequence = 0x00404018, // SQ M1 0
2523 PerformedWorkitemCodeSequence = 0x00404019, // SQ M1 0
2524 InputAvailabilityFlag = 0x00404020, // CS M1 1
2525 InputInformationSequence = 0x00404021, // SQ M1 0
2526 RelevantInformationSequence = 0x00404022, // SQ M1 1
2527 ReferencedGeneralPurposeScheduledProcedureStepTransactionUID = 0x00404023, // UI M1 1
2528 ScheduledStationNameCodeSequence = 0x00404025, // SQ M1 0
2529 ScheduledStationClassCodeSequence = 0x00404026, // SQ M1 0
2530 ScheduledStationGeographicLocationCodeSequence = 0x00404027, // SQ M1 0
2531 PerformedStationNameCodeSequence = 0x00404028, // SQ M1 0
2532 PerformedStationClassCodeSequence = 0x00404029, // SQ M1 0
2533 PerformedStationGeographicLocationCodeSequence = 0x00404030, // SQ M1 0
2534 RequestedSubsequentWorkitemCodeSequence = 0x00404031, // SQ M1 1
2535 NonDICOMOutputCodeSequence = 0x00404032, // SQ M1 1
2536 OutputInformationSequence = 0x00404033, // SQ M1 0
2537 ScheduledHumanPerformersSequence = 0x00404034, // SQ M1 0
2538 ActualHumanPerformersSequence = 0x00404035, // SQ M1 0
2539 HumanPerformerOrganization = 0x00404036, // LO M1 0
2540 HumanPerformerName = 0x00404037, // PN M1 0
2541 RawDataHandling = 0x00404040, // CS M1 0
2542 InputReadinessState = 0x00404041, // CS M1 0
2543 PerformedProcedureStepStartDateTime = 0x00404050, // DT M1 0
2544 PerformedProcedureStepEndDateTime = 0x00404051, // DT M1 0
2545 ProcedureStepCancellationDateTime = 0x00404052, // DT M1 0
2546 OutputDestinationSequence = 0x00404070, // SQ M1 0
2547 DICOMStorageSequence = 0x00404071, // SQ M1 0
2548 STOWRSStorageSequence = 0x00404072, // SQ M1 0
2549 StorageURL = 0x00404073, // UR M1 0
2550 XDSStorageSequence = 0x00404074, // SQ M1 0
2551 EntranceDoseInmGy = 0x00408302, // DS M1 0
2552 EntranceDoseDerivation = 0x00408303, // CS M1 0
2553 ParametricMapFrameTypeSequence = 0x00409092, // SQ M1 0
2554 ReferencedImageRealWorldValueMappingSequence = 0x00409094, // SQ M1 0
2555 RealWorldValueMappingSequence = 0x00409096, // SQ M1 0
2556 PixelValueMappingCodeSequence = 0x00409098, // SQ M1 0
2557 LUTLabel = 0x00409210, // SH M1 0
2558 RealWorldValueLastValueMapped = 0x00409211, // XS M1 0
2559 RealWorldValueLUTData = 0x00409212, // FD M1TN 0
2560 DoubleFloatRealWorldValueLastValueMapped = 0x00409213, // FD M1 0
2561 DoubleFloatRealWorldValueFirstValueMapped = 0x00409214, // FD M1 0
2562 RealWorldValueFirstValueMapped = 0x00409216, // XS M1 0
2563 QuantityDefinitionSequence = 0x00409220, // SQ M1 0
2564 RealWorldValueIntercept = 0x00409224, // FD M1 0
2565 RealWorldValueSlope = 0x00409225, // FD M1 0
2566 FindingsFlagTrial = 0x0040A007, // CS M1 1
2567 RelationshipType = 0x0040A010, // CS M1 0
2568 FindingsSequenceTrial = 0x0040A020, // SQ M1 1
2569 FindingsGroupUIDTrial = 0x0040A021, // UI M1 1
2570 ReferencedFindingsGroupUIDTrial = 0x0040A022, // UI M1 1
2571 FindingsGroupRecordingDateTrial = 0x0040A023, // DA M1 1
2572 FindingsGroupRecordingTimeTrial = 0x0040A024, // TM M1 1
2573 FindingsSourceCategoryCodeSequenceTrial = 0x0040A026, // SQ M1 1
2574 VerifyingOrganization = 0x0040A027, // LO M1 0
2575 DocumentingOrganizationIdentifierCodeSequenceTrial = 0x0040A028, // SQ M1 1
2576 VerificationDateTime = 0x0040A030, // DT M1 0
2577 ObservationDateTime = 0x0040A032, // DT M1 0
2578 ObservationStartDateTime = 0x0040A033, // DT M1 0
2579 ValueType = 0x0040A040, // CS M1 0
2580 ConceptNameCodeSequence = 0x0040A043, // SQ M1 0
2581 MeasurementPrecisionDescriptionTrial = 0x0040A047, // LO M1 1
2582 ContinuityOfContent = 0x0040A050, // CS M1 0
2583 UrgencyOrPriorityAlertsTrial = 0x0040A057, // CS M1TN 1
2584 SequencingIndicatorTrial = 0x0040A060, // LO M1 1
2585 DocumentIdentifierCodeSequenceTrial = 0x0040A066, // SQ M1 1
2586 DocumentAuthorTrial = 0x0040A067, // PN M1 1
2587 DocumentAuthorIdentifierCodeSequenceTrial = 0x0040A068, // SQ M1 1
2588 IdentifierCodeSequenceTrial = 0x0040A070, // SQ M1 1
2589 VerifyingObserverSequence = 0x0040A073, // SQ M1 0
2590 ObjectBinaryIdentifierTrial = 0x0040A074, // OB M1 1
2591 VerifyingObserverName = 0x0040A075, // PN M1 0
2592 DocumentingObserverIdentifierCodeSequenceTrial = 0x0040A076, // SQ M1 1
2593 AuthorObserverSequence = 0x0040A078, // SQ M1 0
2594 ParticipantSequence = 0x0040A07A, // SQ M1 0
2595 CustodialOrganizationSequence = 0x0040A07C, // SQ M1 0
2596 ParticipationType = 0x0040A080, // CS M1 0
2597 ParticipationDateTime = 0x0040A082, // DT M1 0
2598 ObserverType = 0x0040A084, // CS M1 0
2599 ProcedureIdentifierCodeSequenceTrial = 0x0040A085, // SQ M1 1
2600 VerifyingObserverIdentificationCodeSequence = 0x0040A088, // SQ M1 0
2601 ObjectDirectoryBinaryIdentifierTrial = 0x0040A089, // OB M1 1
2602 EquivalentCDADocumentSequence = 0x0040A090, // SQ M1 1
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2605 TimeOfDocumentCreationOrVerbalTransactionTrial = 0x0040A112, // TM M1 1
2606 DateTime = 0x0040A120, // DT M1 0
2607 Date = 0x0040A121, // DA M1 0
2608 Time = 0x0040A122, // TM M1 0
2609 PersonName = 0x0040A123, // PN M1 0
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2611 ReportStatusIDTrial = 0x0040A125, // CS M2 1
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2613 ReferencedSamplePositions = 0x0040A132, // UL M1TN 0
2614 ReferencedFrameNumbers = 0x0040A136, // US M1TN 1
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2621 ObservationCategoryCodeSequenceTrial = 0x0040A167, // SQ M1 1
2622 ConceptCodeSequence = 0x0040A168, // SQ M1 0
2623 BibliographicCitationTrial = 0x0040A16A, // ST M1 1
2624 PurposeOfReferenceCodeSequence = 0x0040A170, // SQ M1 0
2625 ObservationUID = 0x0040A171, // UI M1 0
2626 ReferencedObservationUIDTrial = 0x0040A172, // UI M1 1
2627 ReferencedObservationClassTrial = 0x0040A173, // CS M1 1
2628 ReferencedObjectObservationClassTrial = 0x0040A174, // CS M1 1
2629 AnnotationGroupNumber = 0x0040A180, // US M1 0
2630 ObservationDateTrial = 0x0040A192, // DA M1 1
2631 ObservationTimeTrial = 0x0040A193, // TM M1 1
2632 MeasurementAutomationTrial = 0x0040A194, // CS M1 1
2633 ModifierCodeSequence = 0x0040A195, // SQ M1 0
2634 IdentificationDescriptionTrial = 0x0040A224, // ST M1 1
2635 CoordinatesSetGeometricTypeTrial = 0x0040A290, // CS M1 1
2636 AlgorithmCodeSequenceTrial = 0x0040A296, // SQ M1 1
2637 AlgorithmDescriptionTrial = 0x0040A297, // ST M1 1
2638 PixelCoordinatesSetTrial = 0x0040A29A, // SL M2T2N 1
2639 MeasuredValueSequence = 0x0040A300, // SQ M1 0
2640 NumericValueQualifierCodeSequence = 0x0040A301, // SQ M1 0
2641 CurrentObserverTrial = 0x0040A307, // PN M1 1
2642 NumericValue = 0x0040A30A, // DS M1TN 0
2643 ReferencedAccessionSequenceTrial = 0x0040A313, // SQ M1 1
2644 ReportStatusCommentTrial = 0x0040A33A, // ST M1 1
2645 ProcedureContextSequenceTrial = 0x0040A340, // SQ M1 1
2646 VerbalSourceTrial = 0x0040A352, // PN M1 1
2647 AddressTrial = 0x0040A353, // ST M1 1
2648 TelephoneNumberTrial = 0x0040A354, // LO M1 1
2649 VerbalSourceIdentifierCodeSequenceTrial = 0x0040A358, // SQ M1 1
2650 PredecessorDocumentsSequence = 0x0040A360, // SQ M1 0
2651 ReferencedRequestSequence = 0x0040A370, // SQ M1 0
2652 PerformedProcedureCodeSequence = 0x0040A372, // SQ M1 0
2653 CurrentRequestedProcedureEvidenceSequence = 0x0040A375, // SQ M1 0
2654 ReportDetailSequenceTrial = 0x0040A380, // SQ M1 1
2655 PertinentOtherEvidenceSequence = 0x0040A385, // SQ M1 0
2656 HL7StructuredDocumentReferenceSequence = 0x0040A390, // SQ M1 0
2657 ObservationSubjectUIDTrial = 0x0040A402, // UI M1 1
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2659 ObservationSubjectTypeCodeSequenceTrial = 0x0040A404, // SQ M1 1
2660 CompletionFlag = 0x0040A491, // CS M1 0
2661 CompletionFlagDescription = 0x0040A492, // LO M1 0
2662 VerificationFlag = 0x0040A493, // CS M1 0
2663 ArchiveRequested = 0x0040A494, // CS M1 0
2664 PreliminaryFlag = 0x0040A496, // CS M1 0
2665 ContentTemplateSequence = 0x0040A504, // SQ M1 0
2666 IdenticalDocumentsSequence = 0x0040A525, // SQ M1 0
2667 ObservationSubjectContextFlagTrial = 0x0040A600, // CS M1 1
2668 ObserverContextFlagTrial = 0x0040A601, // CS M1 1
2669 ProcedureContextFlagTrial = 0x0040A603, // CS M1 1
2670 ContentSequence = 0x0040A730, // SQ M1 0
2671 RelationshipSequenceTrial = 0x0040A731, // SQ M1 1
2672 RelationshipTypeCodeSequenceTrial = 0x0040A732, // SQ M1 1
2673 LanguageCodeSequenceTrial = 0x0040A744, // SQ M1 1
2674 TabulatedValuesSequence = 0x0040A801, // SQ M1 0
2675 NumberOfTableRows = 0x0040A802, // UL M1 0
2676 NumberOfTableColumns = 0x0040A803, // UL M1 0
2677 TableRowNumber = 0x0040A804, // UL M1 0
2678 TableColumnNumber = 0x0040A805, // UL M1 0
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2680 TableColumnDefinitionSequence = 0x0040A807, // SQ M1 0
2681 CellValuesSequence = 0x0040A808, // SQ M1 0
2682 UniformResourceLocatorTrial = 0x0040A992, // ST M1 1
2683 WaveformAnnotationSequence = 0x0040B020, // SQ M1 0
2684 TemplateIdentifier = 0x0040DB00, // CS M1 0
2685 TemplateVersion = 0x0040DB06, // DT M1 1
2686 TemplateLocalVersion = 0x0040DB07, // DT M1 1
2687 TemplateExtensionFlag = 0x0040DB0B, // CS M1 1
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2689 TemplateExtensionCreatorUID = 0x0040DB0D, // UI M1 1
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2697 TypeOfInstances = 0x0040E020, // CS M1 0
2698 DICOMRetrievalSequence = 0x0040E021, // SQ M1 0
2699 DICOMMediaRetrievalSequence = 0x0040E022, // SQ M1 0
2700 WADORetrievalSequence = 0x0040E023, // SQ M1 0
2701 XDSRetrievalSequence = 0x0040E024, // SQ M1 0
2702 WADORSRetrievalSequence = 0x0040E025, // SQ M1 0
2703 RepositoryUniqueID = 0x0040E030, // UI M1 0
2704 HomeCommunityID = 0x0040E031, // UI M1 0
2705 DocumentTitle = 0x00420010, // ST M1 0
2706 EncapsulatedDocument = 0x00420011, // OB M1 0
2707 MIMETypeOfEncapsulatedDocument = 0x00420012, // LO M1 0
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2714 ApprovalStatusDateTime = 0x00440004, // DT M1 0
2715 ProductTypeCodeSequence = 0x00440007, // SQ M1 0
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2723 ProductParameterSequence = 0x00440013, // SQ M1 0
2724 SubstanceAdministrationParameterSequence = 0x00440019, // SQ M1 0
2725 ApprovalSequence = 0x00440100, // SQ M1 0
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2734 ApprovalSubjectSequence = 0x00440109, // SQ M1 0
2735 OrganizationalRoleCodeSequence = 0x0044010A, // SQ M1 0
2736 LensDescription = 0x00460012, // LO M1 0
2737 RightLensSequence = 0x00460014, // SQ M1 0
2738 LeftLensSequence = 0x00460015, // SQ M1 0
2739 UnspecifiedLateralityLensSequence = 0x00460016, // SQ M1 0
2740 CylinderSequence = 0x00460018, // SQ M1 0
2741 PrismSequence = 0x00460028, // SQ M1 0
2742 HorizontalPrismPower = 0x00460030, // FD M1 0
2743 HorizontalPrismBase = 0x00460032, // CS M1 0
2744 VerticalPrismPower = 0x00460034, // FD M1 0
2745 VerticalPrismBase = 0x00460036, // CS M1 0
2746 LensSegmentType = 0x00460038, // CS M1 0
2747 OpticalTransmittance = 0x00460040, // FD M1 0
2748 ChannelWidth = 0x00460042, // FD M1 0
2749 PupilSize = 0x00460044, // FD M1 0
2750 CornealSize = 0x00460046, // FD M1 0
2751 CornealSizeSequence = 0x00460047, // SQ M1 0
2752 AutorefractionRightEyeSequence = 0x00460050, // SQ M1 0
2753 AutorefractionLeftEyeSequence = 0x00460052, // SQ M1 0
2754 DistancePupillaryDistance = 0x00460060, // FD M1 0
2755 NearPupillaryDistance = 0x00460062, // FD M1 0
2756 IntermediatePupillaryDistance = 0x00460063, // FD M1 0
2757 OtherPupillaryDistance = 0x00460064, // FD M1 0
2758 KeratometryRightEyeSequence = 0x00460070, // SQ M1 0
2759 KeratometryLeftEyeSequence = 0x00460071, // SQ M1 0
2760 SteepKeratometricAxisSequence = 0x00460074, // SQ M1 0
2761 RadiusOfCurvature = 0x00460075, // FD M1 0
2762 KeratometricPower = 0x00460076, // FD M1 0
2763 KeratometricAxis = 0x00460077, // FD M1 0
2764 FlatKeratometricAxisSequence = 0x00460080, // SQ M1 0
2765 BackgroundColor = 0x00460092, // CS M1 0
2766 Optotype = 0x00460094, // CS M1 0
2767 OptotypePresentation = 0x00460095, // CS M1 0
2768 SubjectiveRefractionRightEyeSequence = 0x00460097, // SQ M1 0
2769 SubjectiveRefractionLeftEyeSequence = 0x00460098, // SQ M1 0
2770 AddNearSequence = 0x00460100, // SQ M1 0
2771 AddIntermediateSequence = 0x00460101, // SQ M1 0
2772 AddOtherSequence = 0x00460102, // SQ M1 0
2773 AddPower = 0x00460104, // FD M1 0
2774 ViewingDistance = 0x00460106, // FD M1 0
2775 CorneaMeasurementsSequence = 0x00460110, // SQ M1 0
2776 SourceOfCorneaMeasurementDataCodeSequence = 0x00460111, // SQ M1 0
2777 SteepCornealAxisSequence = 0x00460112, // SQ M1 0
2778 FlatCornealAxisSequence = 0x00460113, // SQ M1 0
2779 CornealPower = 0x00460114, // FD M1 0
2780 CornealAxis = 0x00460115, // FD M1 0
2781 CorneaMeasurementMethodCodeSequence = 0x00460116, // SQ M1 0
2782 RefractiveIndexOfCornea = 0x00460117, // FL M1 0
2783 RefractiveIndexOfAqueousHumor = 0x00460118, // FL M1 0
2784 VisualAcuityTypeCodeSequence = 0x00460121, // SQ M1 0
2785 VisualAcuityRightEyeSequence = 0x00460122, // SQ M1 0
2786 VisualAcuityLeftEyeSequence = 0x00460123, // SQ M1 0
2787 VisualAcuityBothEyesOpenSequence = 0x00460124, // SQ M1 0
2788 ViewingDistanceType = 0x00460125, // CS M1 0
2789 VisualAcuityModifiers = 0x00460135, // SS M2 0
2790 DecimalVisualAcuity = 0x00460137, // FD M1 0
2791 OptotypeDetailedDefinition = 0x00460139, // LO M1 0
2792 ReferencedRefractiveMeasurementsSequence = 0x00460145, // SQ M1 0
2793 SpherePower = 0x00460146, // FD M1 0
2794 CylinderPower = 0x00460147, // FD M1 0
2795 CornealTopographySurface = 0x00460201, // CS M1 0
2796 CornealVertexLocation = 0x00460202, // FL M2 0
2797 PupilCentroidXCoordinate = 0x00460203, // FL M1 0
2798 PupilCentroidYCoordinate = 0x00460204, // FL M1 0
2799 EquivalentPupilRadius = 0x00460205, // FL M1 0
2800 CornealTopographyMapTypeCodeSequence = 0x00460207, // SQ M1 0
2801 VerticesOfTheOutlineOfPupil = 0x00460208, // IS M2T2N 0
2802 CornealTopographyMappingNormalsSequence = 0x00460210, // SQ M1 0
2803 MaximumCornealCurvatureSequence = 0x00460211, // SQ M1 0
2804 MaximumCornealCurvature = 0x00460212, // FL M1 0
2805 MaximumCornealCurvatureLocation = 0x00460213, // FL M2 0
2806 MinimumKeratometricSequence = 0x00460215, // SQ M1 0
2807 SimulatedKeratometricCylinderSequence = 0x00460218, // SQ M1 0
2808 AverageCornealPower = 0x00460220, // FL M1 0
2809 CornealISValue = 0x00460224, // FL M1 0
2810 AnalyzedArea = 0x00460227, // FL M1 0
2811 SurfaceRegularityIndex = 0x00460230, // FL M1 0
2812 SurfaceAsymmetryIndex = 0x00460232, // FL M1 0
2813 CornealEccentricityIndex = 0x00460234, // FL M1 0
2814 KeratoconusPredictionIndex = 0x00460236, // FL M1 0
2815 DecimalPotentialVisualAcuity = 0x00460238, // FL M1 0
2816 CornealTopographyMapQualityEvaluation = 0x00460242, // CS M1 0
2817 SourceImageCornealProcessedDataSequence = 0x00460244, // SQ M1 0
2818 CornealPointLocation = 0x00460247, // FL M3 0
2819 CornealPointEstimated = 0x00460248, // CS M1 0
2820 AxialPower = 0x00460249, // FL M1 0
2821 TangentialPower = 0x00460250, // FL M1 0
2822 RefractivePower = 0x00460251, // FL M1 0
2823 RelativeElevation = 0x00460252, // FL M1 0
2824 CornealWavefront = 0x00460253, // FL M1 0
2825 ImagedVolumeWidth = 0x00480001, // FL M1 0
2826 ImagedVolumeHeight = 0x00480002, // FL M1 0
2827 ImagedVolumeDepth = 0x00480003, // FL M1 0
2828 TotalPixelMatrixColumns = 0x00480006, // UL M1 0
2829 TotalPixelMatrixRows = 0x00480007, // UL M1 0
2830 TotalPixelMatrixOriginSequence = 0x00480008, // SQ M1 0
2831 SpecimenLabelInImage = 0x00480010, // CS M1 0
2832 FocusMethod = 0x00480011, // CS M1 0
2833 ExtendedDepthOfField = 0x00480012, // CS M1 0
2834 NumberOfFocalPlanes = 0x00480013, // US M1 0
2835 DistanceBetweenFocalPlanes = 0x00480014, // FL M1 0
2836 RecommendedAbsentPixelCIELabValue = 0x00480015, // US M3 0
2837 IlluminatorTypeCodeSequence = 0x00480100, // SQ M1 0
2838 ImageOrientationSlide = 0x00480102, // DS M6 0
2839 OpticalPathSequence = 0x00480105, // SQ M1 0
2840 OpticalPathIdentifier = 0x00480106, // SH M1 0
2841 OpticalPathDescription = 0x00480107, // ST M1 0
2842 IlluminationColorCodeSequence = 0x00480108, // SQ M1 0
2843 SpecimenReferenceSequence = 0x00480110, // SQ M1 0
2844 CondenserLensPower = 0x00480111, // DS M1 0
2845 ObjectiveLensPower = 0x00480112, // DS M1 0
2846 ObjectiveLensNumericalAperture = 0x00480113, // DS M1 0
2847 PaletteColorLookupTableSequence = 0x00480120, // SQ M1 0
2848 ReferencedImageNavigationSequence = 0x00480200, // SQ M1 1
2849 TopLeftHandCornerOfLocalizerArea = 0x00480201, // US M2 1
2850 BottomRightHandCornerOfLocalizerArea = 0x00480202, // US M2 1
2851 OpticalPathIdentificationSequence = 0x00480207, // SQ M1 0
2852 PlanePositionSlideSequence = 0x0048021A, // SQ M1 0
2853 ColumnPositionInTotalImagePixelMatrix = 0x0048021E, // SL M1 0
2854 RowPositionInTotalImagePixelMatrix = 0x0048021F, // SL M1 0
2855 PixelOriginInterpretation = 0x00480301, // CS M1 0
2856 NumberOfOpticalPaths = 0x00480302, // UL M1 0
2857 TotalPixelMatrixFocalPlanes = 0x00480303, // UL M1 0
2858 CalibrationImage = 0x00500004, // CS M1 0
2859 DeviceSequence = 0x00500010, // SQ M1 0
2860 ContainerComponentTypeCodeSequence = 0x00500012, // SQ M1 0
2861 ContainerComponentThickness = 0x00500013, // FD M1 0
2862 DeviceLength = 0x00500014, // DS M1 0
2863 ContainerComponentWidth = 0x00500015, // FD M1 0
2864 DeviceDiameter = 0x00500016, // DS M1 0
2865 DeviceDiameterUnits = 0x00500017, // CS M1 0
2866 DeviceVolume = 0x00500018, // DS M1 0
2867 InterMarkerDistance = 0x00500019, // DS M1 0
2868 ContainerComponentMaterial = 0x0050001A, // CS M1 0
2869 ContainerComponentID = 0x0050001B, // LO M1 0
2870 ContainerComponentLength = 0x0050001C, // FD M1 0
2871 ContainerComponentDiameter = 0x0050001D, // FD M1 0
2872 ContainerComponentDescription = 0x0050001E, // LO M1 0
2873 DeviceDescription = 0x00500020, // LO M1 0
2874 LongDeviceDescription = 0x00500021, // ST M1 0
2875 ContrastBolusIngredientPercentByVolume = 0x00520001, // FL M1 0
2876 OCTFocalDistance = 0x00520002, // FD M1 0
2877 BeamSpotSize = 0x00520003, // FD M1 0
2878 EffectiveRefractiveIndex = 0x00520004, // FD M1 0
2879 OCTAcquisitionDomain = 0x00520006, // CS M1 0
2880 OCTOpticalCenterWavelength = 0x00520007, // FD M1 0
2881 AxialResolution = 0x00520008, // FD M1 0
2882 RangingDepth = 0x00520009, // FD M1 0
2883 ALineRate = 0x00520011, // FD M1 0
2884 ALinesPerFrame = 0x00520012, // US M1 0
2885 CatheterRotationalRate = 0x00520013, // FD M1 0
2886 ALinePixelSpacing = 0x00520014, // FD M1 0
2887 ModeOfPercutaneousAccessSequence = 0x00520016, // SQ M1 0
2888 IntravascularOCTFrameTypeSequence = 0x00520025, // SQ M1 0
2889 OCTZOffsetApplied = 0x00520026, // CS M1 0
2890 IntravascularFrameContentSequence = 0x00520027, // SQ M1 0
2891 IntravascularLongitudinalDistance = 0x00520028, // FD M1 0
2892 IntravascularOCTFrameContentSequence = 0x00520029, // SQ M1 0
2893 OCTZOffsetCorrection = 0x00520030, // SS M1 0
2894 CatheterDirectionOfRotation = 0x00520031, // CS M1 0
2895 SeamLineLocation = 0x00520033, // FD M1 0
2896 FirstALineLocation = 0x00520034, // FD M1 0
2897 SeamLineIndex = 0x00520036, // US M1 0
2898 NumberOfPaddedALines = 0x00520038, // US M1 0
2899 InterpolationType = 0x00520039, // CS M1 0
2900 RefractiveIndexApplied = 0x0052003A, // CS M1 0
2901 EnergyWindowVector = 0x00540010, // US M1TN 0
2902 NumberOfEnergyWindows = 0x00540011, // US M1 0
2903 EnergyWindowInformationSequence = 0x00540012, // SQ M1 0
2904 EnergyWindowRangeSequence = 0x00540013, // SQ M1 0
2905 EnergyWindowLowerLimit = 0x00540014, // DS M1 0
2906 EnergyWindowUpperLimit = 0x00540015, // DS M1 0
2907 RadiopharmaceuticalInformationSequence = 0x00540016, // SQ M1 0
2908 ResidualSyringeCounts = 0x00540017, // IS M1 0
2909 EnergyWindowName = 0x00540018, // SH M1 0
2910 DetectorVector = 0x00540020, // US M1TN 0
2911 NumberOfDetectors = 0x00540021, // US M1 0
2912 DetectorInformationSequence = 0x00540022, // SQ M1 0
2913 PhaseVector = 0x00540030, // US M1TN 0
2914 NumberOfPhases = 0x00540031, // US M1 0
2915 PhaseInformationSequence = 0x00540032, // SQ M1 0
2916 NumberOfFramesInPhase = 0x00540033, // US M1 0
2917 PhaseDelay = 0x00540036, // IS M1 0
2918 PauseBetweenFrames = 0x00540038, // IS M1 0
2919 PhaseDescription = 0x00540039, // CS M1 0
2920 RotationVector = 0x00540050, // US M1TN 0
2921 NumberOfRotations = 0x00540051, // US M1 0
2922 RotationInformationSequence = 0x00540052, // SQ M1 0
2923 NumberOfFramesInRotation = 0x00540053, // US M1 0
2924 RRIntervalVector = 0x00540060, // US M1TN 0
2925 NumberOfRRIntervals = 0x00540061, // US M1 0
2926 GatedInformationSequence = 0x00540062, // SQ M1 0
2927 DataInformationSequence = 0x00540063, // SQ M1 0
2928 TimeSlotVector = 0x00540070, // US M1TN 0
2929 NumberOfTimeSlots = 0x00540071, // US M1 0
2930 TimeSlotInformationSequence = 0x00540072, // SQ M1 0
2931 TimeSlotTime = 0x00540073, // DS M1 0
2932 SliceVector = 0x00540080, // US M1TN 0
2933 NumberOfSlices = 0x00540081, // US M1 0
2934 AngularViewVector = 0x00540090, // US M1TN 0
2935 TimeSliceVector = 0x00540100, // US M1TN 0
2936 NumberOfTimeSlices = 0x00540101, // US M1 0
2937 StartAngle = 0x00540200, // DS M1 0
2938 TypeOfDetectorMotion = 0x00540202, // CS M1 0
2939 TriggerVector = 0x00540210, // IS M1TN 0
2940 NumberOfTriggersInPhase = 0x00540211, // US M1 0
2941 ViewCodeSequence = 0x00540220, // SQ M1 0
2942 ViewModifierCodeSequence = 0x00540222, // SQ M1 0
2943 RadionuclideCodeSequence = 0x00540300, // SQ M1 0
2944 AdministrationRouteCodeSequence = 0x00540302, // SQ M1 0
2945 RadiopharmaceuticalCodeSequence = 0x00540304, // SQ M1 0
2946 CalibrationDataSequence = 0x00540306, // SQ M1 0
2947 EnergyWindowNumber = 0x00540308, // US M1 0
2948 ImageID = 0x00540400, // SH M1 0
2949 PatientOrientationCodeSequence = 0x00540410, // SQ M1 0
2950 PatientOrientationModifierCodeSequence = 0x00540412, // SQ M1 0
2951 PatientGantryRelationshipCodeSequence = 0x00540414, // SQ M1 0
2952 SliceProgressionDirection = 0x00540500, // CS M1 0
2953 ScanProgressionDirection = 0x00540501, // CS M1 0
2954 SeriesType = 0x00541000, // CS M2 0
2955 Units = 0x00541001, // CS M1 0
2956 CountsSource = 0x00541002, // CS M1 0
2957 ReprojectionMethod = 0x00541004, // CS M1 0
2958 SUVType = 0x00541006, // CS M1 0
2959 RandomsCorrectionMethod = 0x00541100, // CS M1 0
2960 AttenuationCorrectionMethod = 0x00541101, // LO M1 0
2961 DecayCorrection = 0x00541102, // CS M1 0
2962 ReconstructionMethod = 0x00541103, // LO M1 0
2963 DetectorLinesOfResponseUsed = 0x00541104, // LO M1 0
2964 ScatterCorrectionMethod = 0x00541105, // LO M1 0
2965 AxialAcceptance = 0x00541200, // DS M1 0
2966 AxialMash = 0x00541201, // IS M2 0
2967 TransverseMash = 0x00541202, // IS M1 0
2968 DetectorElementSize = 0x00541203, // DS M2 0
2969 CoincidenceWindowWidth = 0x00541210, // DS M1 0
2970 SecondaryCountsType = 0x00541220, // CS M1TN 0
2971 FrameReferenceTime = 0x00541300, // DS M1 0
2972 PrimaryPromptsCountsAccumulated = 0x00541310, // IS M1 0
2973 SecondaryCountsAccumulated = 0x00541311, // IS M1TN 0
2974 SliceSensitivityFactor = 0x00541320, // DS M1 0
2975 DecayFactor = 0x00541321, // DS M1 0
2976 DoseCalibrationFactor = 0x00541322, // DS M1 0
2977 ScatterFractionFactor = 0x00541323, // DS M1 0
2978 DeadTimeFactor = 0x00541324, // DS M1 0
2979 ImageIndex = 0x00541330, // US M1 0
2980 CountsIncluded = 0x00541400, // CS M1TN 1
2981 DeadTimeCorrectionFlag = 0x00541401, // CS M1 1
2982 HistogramSequence = 0x00603000, // SQ M1 0
2983 HistogramNumberOfBins = 0x00603002, // US M1 0
2984 HistogramFirstBinValue = 0x00603004, // XS M1 0
2985 HistogramLastBinValue = 0x00603006, // XS M1 0
2986 HistogramBinWidth = 0x00603008, // US M1 0
2987 HistogramExplanation = 0x00603010, // LO M1 0
2988 HistogramData = 0x00603020, // UL M1TN 0
2989 SegmentationType = 0x00620001, // CS M1 0
2990 SegmentSequence = 0x00620002, // SQ M1 0
2991 SegmentedPropertyCategoryCodeSequence = 0x00620003, // SQ M1 0
2992 SegmentNumber = 0x00620004, // US M1 0
2993 SegmentLabel = 0x00620005, // LO M1 0
2994 SegmentDescription = 0x00620006, // ST M1 0
2995 SegmentationAlgorithmIdentificationSequence = 0x00620007, // SQ M1 0
2996 SegmentAlgorithmType = 0x00620008, // CS M1 0
2997 SegmentAlgorithmName = 0x00620009, // LO M1TN 0
2998 SegmentIdentificationSequence = 0x0062000A, // SQ M1 0
2999 ReferencedSegmentNumber = 0x0062000B, // US M1TN 0
3000 RecommendedDisplayGrayscaleValue = 0x0062000C, // US M1 0
3001 RecommendedDisplayCIELabValue = 0x0062000D, // US M3 0
3002 MaximumFractionalValue = 0x0062000E, // US M1 0
3003 SegmentedPropertyTypeCodeSequence = 0x0062000F, // SQ M1 0
3004 SegmentationFractionalType = 0x00620010, // CS M1 0
3005 SegmentedPropertyTypeModifierCodeSequence = 0x00620011, // SQ M1 0
3006 UsedSegmentsSequence = 0x00620012, // SQ M1 0
3007 SegmentsOverlap = 0x00620013, // CS M1 0
3008 TrackingID = 0x00620020, // UT M1 0
3009 TrackingUID = 0x00620021, // UI M1 0
3010 DeformableRegistrationSequence = 0x00640002, // SQ M1 0
3011 SourceFrameOfReferenceUID = 0x00640003, // UI M1 0
3012 DeformableRegistrationGridSequence = 0x00640005, // SQ M1 0
3013 GridDimensions = 0x00640007, // UL M3 0
3014 GridResolution = 0x00640008, // FD M3 0
3015 VectorGridData = 0x00640009, // OF M1 0
3016 PreDeformationMatrixRegistrationSequence = 0x0064000F, // SQ M1 0
3017 PostDeformationMatrixRegistrationSequence = 0x00640010, // SQ M1 0
3018 NumberOfSurfaces = 0x00660001, // UL M1 0
3019 SurfaceSequence = 0x00660002, // SQ M1 0
3020 SurfaceNumber = 0x00660003, // UL M1 0
3021 SurfaceComments = 0x00660004, // LT M1 0
3022 SurfaceProcessing = 0x00660009, // CS M1 0
3023 SurfaceProcessingRatio = 0x0066000A, // FL M1 0
3024 SurfaceProcessingDescription = 0x0066000B, // LO M1 0
3025 RecommendedPresentationOpacity = 0x0066000C, // FL M1 0
3026 RecommendedPresentationType = 0x0066000D, // CS M1 0
3027 FiniteVolume = 0x0066000E, // CS M1 0
3028 Manifold = 0x00660010, // CS M1 0
3029 SurfacePointsSequence = 0x00660011, // SQ M1 0
3030 SurfacePointsNormalsSequence = 0x00660012, // SQ M1 0
3031 SurfaceMeshPrimitivesSequence = 0x00660013, // SQ M1 0
3032 NumberOfSurfacePoints = 0x00660015, // UL M1 0
3033 PointCoordinatesData = 0x00660016, // OF M1 0
3034 PointPositionAccuracy = 0x00660017, // FL M3 0
3035 MeanPointDistance = 0x00660018, // FL M1 0
3036 MaximumPointDistance = 0x00660019, // FL M1 0
3037 PointsBoundingBoxCoordinates = 0x0066001A, // FL M6 0
3038 AxisOfRotation = 0x0066001B, // FL M3 0
3039 CenterOfRotation = 0x0066001C, // FL M3 0
3040 NumberOfVectors = 0x0066001E, // UL M1 0
3041 VectorDimensionality = 0x0066001F, // US M1 0
3042 VectorAccuracy = 0x00660020, // FL M1TN 0
3043 VectorCoordinateData = 0x00660021, // OF M1 0
3044 DoublePointCoordinatesData = 0x00660022, // OD M1 0
3045 TrianglePointIndexList = 0x00660023, // OW M1 1
3046 EdgePointIndexList = 0x00660024, // OW M1 1
3047 VertexPointIndexList = 0x00660025, // OW M1 1
3048 TriangleStripSequence = 0x00660026, // SQ M1 0
3049 TriangleFanSequence = 0x00660027, // SQ M1 0
3050 LineSequence = 0x00660028, // SQ M1 0
3051 PrimitivePointIndexList = 0x00660029, // OW M1 1
3052 SurfaceCount = 0x0066002A, // UL M1 0
3053 ReferencedSurfaceSequence = 0x0066002B, // SQ M1 0
3054 ReferencedSurfaceNumber = 0x0066002C, // UL M1 0
3055 SegmentSurfaceGenerationAlgorithmIdentificationSequence = 0x0066002D, // SQ M1 0
3056 SegmentSurfaceSourceInstanceSequence = 0x0066002E, // SQ M1 0
3057 AlgorithmFamilyCodeSequence = 0x0066002F, // SQ M1 0
3058 AlgorithmNameCodeSequence = 0x00660030, // SQ M1 0
3059 AlgorithmVersion = 0x00660031, // LO M1 0
3060 AlgorithmParameters = 0x00660032, // LT M1 0
3061 FacetSequence = 0x00660034, // SQ M1 0
3062 SurfaceProcessingAlgorithmIdentificationSequence = 0x00660035, // SQ M1 0
3063 AlgorithmName = 0x00660036, // LO M1 0
3064 RecommendedPointRadius = 0x00660037, // FL M1 0
3065 RecommendedLineThickness = 0x00660038, // FL M1 0
3066 LongPrimitivePointIndexList = 0x00660040, // OL M1 0
3067 LongTrianglePointIndexList = 0x00660041, // OL M1 0
3068 LongEdgePointIndexList = 0x00660042, // OL M1 0
3069 LongVertexPointIndexList = 0x00660043, // OL M1 0
3070 TrackSetSequence = 0x00660101, // SQ M1 0
3071 TrackSequence = 0x00660102, // SQ M1 0
3072 RecommendedDisplayCIELabValueList = 0x00660103, // OW M1 0
3073 TrackingAlgorithmIdentificationSequence = 0x00660104, // SQ M1 0
3074 TrackSetNumber = 0x00660105, // UL M1 0
3075 TrackSetLabel = 0x00660106, // LO M1 0
3076 TrackSetDescription = 0x00660107, // UT M1 0
3077 TrackSetAnatomicalTypeCodeSequence = 0x00660108, // SQ M1 0
3078 MeasurementsSequence = 0x00660121, // SQ M1 0
3079 TrackSetStatisticsSequence = 0x00660124, // SQ M1 0
3080 FloatingPointValues = 0x00660125, // OF M1 0
3081 TrackPointIndexList = 0x00660129, // OL M1 0
3082 TrackStatisticsSequence = 0x00660130, // SQ M1 0
3083 MeasurementValuesSequence = 0x00660132, // SQ M1 0
3084 DiffusionAcquisitionCodeSequence = 0x00660133, // SQ M1 0
3085 DiffusionModelCodeSequence = 0x00660134, // SQ M1 0
3086 ImplantSize = 0x00686210, // LO M1 0
3087 ImplantTemplateVersion = 0x00686221, // LO M1 0
3088 ReplacedImplantTemplateSequence = 0x00686222, // SQ M1 0
3089 ImplantType = 0x00686223, // CS M1 0
3090 DerivationImplantTemplateSequence = 0x00686224, // SQ M1 0
3091 OriginalImplantTemplateSequence = 0x00686225, // SQ M1 0
3092 EffectiveDateTime = 0x00686226, // DT M1 0
3093 ImplantTargetAnatomySequence = 0x00686230, // SQ M1 0
3094 InformationFromManufacturerSequence = 0x00686260, // SQ M1 0
3095 NotificationFromManufacturerSequence = 0x00686265, // SQ M1 0
3096 InformationIssueDateTime = 0x00686270, // DT M1 0
3097 InformationSummary = 0x00686280, // ST M1 0
3098 ImplantRegulatoryDisapprovalCodeSequence = 0x006862A0, // SQ M1 0
3099 OverallTemplateSpatialTolerance = 0x006862A5, // FD M1 0
3100 HPGLDocumentSequence = 0x006862C0, // SQ M1 0
3101 HPGLDocumentID = 0x006862D0, // US M1 0
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3104 ViewOrientationModifierCodeSequence = 0x006862F0, // SQ M1 0
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3106 HPGLDocument = 0x00686300, // OB M1 0
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3109 HPGLPenNumber = 0x00686330, // US M1 0
3110 HPGLPenLabel = 0x00686340, // LO M1 0
3111 HPGLPenDescription = 0x00686345, // ST M1 0
3112 RecommendedRotationPoint = 0x00686346, // FD M2 0
3113 BoundingRectangle = 0x00686347, // FD M4 0
3114 ImplantTemplate3DModelSurfaceNumber = 0x00686350, // US M1TN 0
3115 SurfaceModelDescriptionSequence = 0x00686360, // SQ M1 0
3116 SurfaceModelLabel = 0x00686380, // LO M1 0
3117 SurfaceModelScalingFactor = 0x00686390, // FD M1 0
3118 MaterialsCodeSequence = 0x006863A0, // SQ M1 0
3119 CoatingMaterialsCodeSequence = 0x006863A4, // SQ M1 0
3120 ImplantTypeCodeSequence = 0x006863A8, // SQ M1 0
3121 FixationMethodCodeSequence = 0x006863AC, // SQ M1 0
3122 MatingFeatureSetsSequence = 0x006863B0, // SQ M1 0
3123 MatingFeatureSetID = 0x006863C0, // US M1 0
3124 MatingFeatureSetLabel = 0x006863D0, // LO M1 0
3125 MatingFeatureSequence = 0x006863E0, // SQ M1 0
3126 MatingFeatureID = 0x006863F0, // US M1 0
3127 MatingFeatureDegreeOfFreedomSequence = 0x00686400, // SQ M1 0
3128 DegreeOfFreedomID = 0x00686410, // US M1 0
3129 DegreeOfFreedomType = 0x00686420, // CS M1 0
3130 TwoDMatingFeatureCoordinatesSequence = 0x00686430, // SQ M1 0
3131 ReferencedHPGLDocumentID = 0x00686440, // US M1 0
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3135 ThreeDDegreeOfFreedomAxis = 0x00686490, // FD M3 0
3136 RangeOfFreedom = 0x006864A0, // FD M2 0
3137 ThreeDMatingPoint = 0x006864C0, // FD M3 0
3138 ThreeDMatingAxes = 0x006864D0, // FD M9 0
3139 TwoDDegreeOfFreedomAxis = 0x006864F0, // FD M3 0
3140 PlanningLandmarkPointSequence = 0x00686500, // SQ M1 0
3141 PlanningLandmarkLineSequence = 0x00686510, // SQ M1 0
3142 PlanningLandmarkPlaneSequence = 0x00686520, // SQ M1 0
3143 PlanningLandmarkID = 0x00686530, // US M1 0
3144 PlanningLandmarkDescription = 0x00686540, // LO M1 0
3145 PlanningLandmarkIdentificationCodeSequence = 0x00686545, // SQ M1 0
3146 TwoDPointCoordinatesSequence = 0x00686550, // SQ M1 0
3147 TwoDPointCoordinates = 0x00686560, // FD M2 0
3148 ThreeDPointCoordinates = 0x00686590, // FD M3 0
3149 TwoDLineCoordinatesSequence = 0x006865A0, // SQ M1 0
3150 TwoDLineCoordinates = 0x006865B0, // FD M4 0
3151 ThreeDLineCoordinates = 0x006865D0, // FD M6 0
3152 TwoDPlaneCoordinatesSequence = 0x006865E0, // SQ M1 0
3153 TwoDPlaneIntersection = 0x006865F0, // FD M4 0
3154 ThreeDPlaneOrigin = 0x00686610, // FD M3 0
3155 ThreeDPlaneNormal = 0x00686620, // FD M3 0
3156 ModelModification = 0x00687001, // CS M1 0
3157 ModelMirroring = 0x00687002, // CS M1 0
3158 ModelUsageCodeSequence = 0x00687003, // SQ M1 0
3159 ModelGroupUID = 0x00687004, // UI M1 0
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3169 AnnotationPropertyTypeCodeSequence = 0x006A000A, // SQ M1 0
3170 AnnotationPropertyTypeModifierCodeSequence = 0x006A000B, // SQ M1 0
3171 NumberOfAnnotations = 0x006A000C, // UL M1 0
3172 AnnotationAppliesToAllOpticalPaths = 0x006A000D, // CS M1 0
3173 ReferencedOpticalPathIdentifier = 0x006A000E, // SH M1TN 0
3174 AnnotationAppliesToAllZPlanes = 0x006A000F, // CS M1 0
3175 CommonZCoordinateValue = 0x006A0010, // FD M1TN 0
3176 AnnotationIndexList = 0x006A0011, // OL M1 0
3177 GraphicAnnotationSequence = 0x00700001, // SQ M1 0
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3325 RenderFieldOfView = 0x00701606, // FD M6 0
3326 SamplingStepSize = 0x00701607, // FD M1 0
3327 ShadingStyle = 0x00701701, // CS M1 0
3328 AmbientReflectionIntensity = 0x00701702, // FD M1 0
3329 LightDirection = 0x00701703, // FD M3 0
3330 DiffuseReflectionIntensity = 0x00701704, // FD M1 0
3331 SpecularReflectionIntensity = 0x00701705, // FD M1 0
3332 Shininess = 0x00701706, // FD M1 0
3333 PresentationStateClassificationComponentSequence = 0x00701801, // SQ M1 0
3334 ComponentType = 0x00701802, // CS M1 0
3335 ComponentInputSequence = 0x00701803, // SQ M1 0
3336 VolumetricPresentationInputIndex = 0x00701804, // US M1 0
3337 PresentationStateCompositorComponentSequence = 0x00701805, // SQ M1 0
3338 WeightingTransferFunctionSequence = 0x00701806, // SQ M1 0
3339 WeightingLookupTableDescriptor = 0x00701807, // US M3 0
3340 WeightingLookupTableData = 0x00701808, // OB M1 0
3341 VolumetricAnnotationSequence = 0x00701901, // SQ M1 0
3342 ReferencedStructuredContextSequence = 0x00701903, // SQ M1 0
3343 ReferencedContentItem = 0x00701904, // UI M1 0
3344 VolumetricPresentationInputAnnotationSequence = 0x00701905, // SQ M1 0
3345 AnnotationClipping = 0x00701907, // CS M1 0
3346 PresentationAnimationStyle = 0x00701A01, // CS M1 0
3347 RecommendedAnimationRate = 0x00701A03, // FD M1 0
3348 AnimationCurveSequence = 0x00701A04, // SQ M1 0
3349 AnimationStepSize = 0x00701A05, // FD M1 0
3350 SwivelRange = 0x00701A06, // FD M1 0
3351 VolumetricCurveUpDirections = 0x00701A07, // OD M1 0
3352 VolumeStreamSequence = 0x00701A08, // SQ M1 0
3353 RGBATransferFunctionDescription = 0x00701A09, // LO M1 0
3354 AdvancedBlendingSequence = 0x00701B01, // SQ M1 0
3355 BlendingInputNumber = 0x00701B02, // US M1 0
3356 BlendingDisplayInputSequence = 0x00701B03, // SQ M1 0
3357 BlendingDisplaySequence = 0x00701B04, // SQ M1 0
3358 BlendingMode = 0x00701B06, // CS M1 0
3359 TimeSeriesBlending = 0x00701B07, // CS M1 0
3360 GeometryForDisplay = 0x00701B08, // CS M1 0
3361 ThresholdSequence = 0x00701B11, // SQ M1 0
3362 ThresholdValueSequence = 0x00701B12, // SQ M1 0
3363 ThresholdType = 0x00701B13, // CS M1 0
3364 ThresholdValue = 0x00701B14, // FD M1 0
3365 HangingProtocolName = 0x00720002, // SH M1 0
3366 HangingProtocolDescription = 0x00720004, // LO M1 0
3367 HangingProtocolLevel = 0x00720006, // CS M1 0
3368 HangingProtocolCreator = 0x00720008, // LO M1 0
3369 HangingProtocolCreationDateTime = 0x0072000A, // DT M1 0
3370 HangingProtocolDefinitionSequence = 0x0072000C, // SQ M1 0
3371 HangingProtocolUserIdentificationCodeSequence = 0x0072000E, // SQ M1 0
3372 HangingProtocolUserGroupName = 0x00720010, // LO M1 0
3373 SourceHangingProtocolSequence = 0x00720012, // SQ M1 0
3374 NumberOfPriorsReferenced = 0x00720014, // US M1 0
3375 ImageSetsSequence = 0x00720020, // SQ M1 0
3376 ImageSetSelectorSequence = 0x00720022, // SQ M1 0
3377 ImageSetSelectorUsageFlag = 0x00720024, // CS M1 0
3378 SelectorAttribute = 0x00720026, // AT M1 0
3379 SelectorValueNumber = 0x00720028, // US M1 0
3380 TimeBasedImageSetsSequence = 0x00720030, // SQ M1 0
3381 ImageSetNumber = 0x00720032, // US M1 0
3382 ImageSetSelectorCategory = 0x00720034, // CS M1 0
3383 RelativeTime = 0x00720038, // US M2 0
3384 RelativeTimeUnits = 0x0072003A, // CS M1 0
3385 AbstractPriorValue = 0x0072003C, // SS M2 0
3386 AbstractPriorCodeSequence = 0x0072003E, // SQ M1 0
3387 ImageSetLabel = 0x00720040, // LO M1 0
3388 SelectorAttributeVR = 0x00720050, // CS M1 0
3389 SelectorSequencePointer = 0x00720052, // AT M1TN 0
3390 SelectorSequencePointerPrivateCreator = 0x00720054, // LO M1TN 0
3391 SelectorAttributePrivateCreator = 0x00720056, // LO M1 0
3392 SelectorAEValue = 0x0072005E, // AE M1TN 0
3393 SelectorASValue = 0x0072005F, // AS M1TN 0
3394 SelectorATValue = 0x00720060, // AT M1TN 0
3395 SelectorDAValue = 0x00720061, // DA M1TN 0
3396 SelectorCSValue = 0x00720062, // CS M1TN 0
3397 SelectorDTValue = 0x00720063, // DT M1TN 0
3398 SelectorISValue = 0x00720064, // IS M1TN 0
3399 SelectorOBValue = 0x00720065, // OB M1 0
3400 SelectorLOValue = 0x00720066, // LO M1TN 0
3401 SelectorOFValue = 0x00720067, // OF M1 0
3402 SelectorLTValue = 0x00720068, // LT M1 0
3403 SelectorOWValue = 0x00720069, // OW M1 0
3404 SelectorPNValue = 0x0072006A, // PN M1TN 0
3405 SelectorTMValue = 0x0072006B, // TM M1TN 0
3406 SelectorSHValue = 0x0072006C, // SH M1TN 0
3407 SelectorUNValue = 0x0072006D, // UN M1 0
3408 SelectorSTValue = 0x0072006E, // ST M1 0
3409 SelectorUCValue = 0x0072006F, // UC M1TN 0
3410 SelectorUTValue = 0x00720070, // UT M1 0
3411 SelectorURValue = 0x00720071, // UR M1 0
3412 SelectorDSValue = 0x00720072, // DS M1TN 0
3413 SelectorODValue = 0x00720073, // OD M1 0
3414 SelectorFDValue = 0x00720074, // FD M1TN 0
3415 SelectorOLValue = 0x00720075, // OL M1 0
3416 SelectorFLValue = 0x00720076, // FL M1TN 0
3417 SelectorULValue = 0x00720078, // UL M1TN 0
3418 SelectorUSValue = 0x0072007A, // US M1TN 0
3419 SelectorSLValue = 0x0072007C, // SL M1TN 0
3420 SelectorSSValue = 0x0072007E, // SS M1TN 0
3421 SelectorUIValue = 0x0072007F, // UI M1TN 0
3422 SelectorCodeSequenceValue = 0x00720080, // SQ M1 0
3423 SelectorOVValue = 0x00720081, // OV M1 0
3424 SelectorSVValue = 0x00720082, // SV M1TN 0
3425 SelectorUVValue = 0x00720083, // UV M1TN 0
3426 NumberOfScreens = 0x00720100, // US M1 0
3427 NominalScreenDefinitionSequence = 0x00720102, // SQ M1 0
3428 NumberOfVerticalPixels = 0x00720104, // US M1 0
3429 NumberOfHorizontalPixels = 0x00720106, // US M1 0
3430 DisplayEnvironmentSpatialPosition = 0x00720108, // FD M4 0
3431 ScreenMinimumGrayscaleBitDepth = 0x0072010A, // US M1 0
3432 ScreenMinimumColorBitDepth = 0x0072010C, // US M1 0
3433 ApplicationMaximumRepaintTime = 0x0072010E, // US M1 0
3434 DisplaySetsSequence = 0x00720200, // SQ M1 0
3435 DisplaySetNumber = 0x00720202, // US M1 0
3436 DisplaySetLabel = 0x00720203, // LO M1 0
3437 DisplaySetPresentationGroup = 0x00720204, // US M1 0
3438 DisplaySetPresentationGroupDescription = 0x00720206, // LO M1 0
3439 PartialDataDisplayHandling = 0x00720208, // CS M1 0
3440 SynchronizedScrollingSequence = 0x00720210, // SQ M1 0
3441 DisplaySetScrollingGroup = 0x00720212, // US M2TN 0
3442 NavigationIndicatorSequence = 0x00720214, // SQ M1 0
3443 NavigationDisplaySet = 0x00720216, // US M1 0
3444 ReferenceDisplaySets = 0x00720218, // US M1TN 0
3445 ImageBoxesSequence = 0x00720300, // SQ M1 0
3446 ImageBoxNumber = 0x00720302, // US M1 0
3447 ImageBoxLayoutType = 0x00720304, // CS M1 0
3448 ImageBoxTileHorizontalDimension = 0x00720306, // US M1 0
3449 ImageBoxTileVerticalDimension = 0x00720308, // US M1 0
3450 ImageBoxScrollDirection = 0x00720310, // CS M1 0
3451 ImageBoxSmallScrollType = 0x00720312, // CS M1 0
3452 ImageBoxSmallScrollAmount = 0x00720314, // US M1 0
3453 ImageBoxLargeScrollType = 0x00720316, // CS M1 0
3454 ImageBoxLargeScrollAmount = 0x00720318, // US M1 0
3455 ImageBoxOverlapPriority = 0x00720320, // US M1 0
3456 CineRelativeToRealTime = 0x00720330, // FD M1 0
3457 FilterOperationsSequence = 0x00720400, // SQ M1 0
3458 FilterByCategory = 0x00720402, // CS M1 0
3459 FilterByAttributePresence = 0x00720404, // CS M1 0
3460 FilterByOperator = 0x00720406, // CS M1 0
3461 StructuredDisplayBackgroundCIELabValue = 0x00720420, // US M3 0
3462 EmptyImageBoxCIELabValue = 0x00720421, // US M3 0
3463 StructuredDisplayImageBoxSequence = 0x00720422, // SQ M1 0
3464 StructuredDisplayTextBoxSequence = 0x00720424, // SQ M1 0
3465 ReferencedFirstFrameSequence = 0x00720427, // SQ M1 0
3466 ImageBoxSynchronizationSequence = 0x00720430, // SQ M1 0
3467 SynchronizedImageBoxList = 0x00720432, // US M2TN 0
3468 TypeOfSynchronization = 0x00720434, // CS M1 0
3469 BlendingOperationType = 0x00720500, // CS M1 0
3470 ReformattingOperationType = 0x00720510, // CS M1 0
3471 ReformattingThickness = 0x00720512, // FD M1 0
3472 ReformattingInterval = 0x00720514, // FD M1 0
3473 ReformattingOperationInitialViewDirection = 0x00720516, // CS M1 0
3474 ThreeDRenderingType = 0x00720520, // CS M1TN 0
3475 SortingOperationsSequence = 0x00720600, // SQ M1 0
3476 SortByCategory = 0x00720602, // CS M1 0
3477 SortingDirection = 0x00720604, // CS M1 0
3478 DisplaySetPatientOrientation = 0x00720700, // CS M2 0
3479 VOIType = 0x00720702, // CS M1 0
3480 PseudoColorType = 0x00720704, // CS M1 0
3481 PseudoColorPaletteInstanceReferenceSequence = 0x00720705, // SQ M1 0
3482 ShowGrayscaleInverted = 0x00720706, // CS M1 0
3483 ShowImageTrueSizeFlag = 0x00720710, // CS M1 0
3484 ShowGraphicAnnotationFlag = 0x00720712, // CS M1 0
3485 ShowPatientDemographicsFlag = 0x00720714, // CS M1 0
3486 ShowAcquisitionTechniquesFlag = 0x00720716, // CS M1 0
3487 DisplaySetHorizontalJustification = 0x00720717, // CS M1 0
3488 DisplaySetVerticalJustification = 0x00720718, // CS M1 0
3489 ContinuationStartMeterset = 0x00740120, // FD M1 0
3490 ContinuationEndMeterset = 0x00740121, // FD M1 0
3491 ProcedureStepState = 0x00741000, // CS M1 0
3492 ProcedureStepProgressInformationSequence = 0x00741002, // SQ M1 0
3493 ProcedureStepProgress = 0x00741004, // DS M1 0
3494 ProcedureStepProgressDescription = 0x00741006, // ST M1 0
3495 ProcedureStepProgressParametersSequence = 0x00741007, // SQ M1 0
3496 ProcedureStepCommunicationsURISequence = 0x00741008, // SQ M1 0
3497 ContactURI = 0x0074100A, // UR M1 0
3498 ContactDisplayName = 0x0074100C, // LO M1 0
3499 ProcedureStepDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequence = 0x0074100E, // SQ M1 0
3500 BeamTaskSequence = 0x00741020, // SQ M1 0
3501 BeamTaskType = 0x00741022, // CS M1 0
3502 BeamOrderIndexTrial = 0x00741024, // IS M1 1
3503 AutosequenceFlag = 0x00741025, // CS M1 0
3504 TableTopVerticalAdjustedPosition = 0x00741026, // FD M1 0
3505 TableTopLongitudinalAdjustedPosition = 0x00741027, // FD M1 0
3506 TableTopLateralAdjustedPosition = 0x00741028, // FD M1 0
3507 PatientSupportAdjustedAngle = 0x0074102A, // FD M1 0
3508 TableTopEccentricAdjustedAngle = 0x0074102B, // FD M1 0
3509 TableTopPitchAdjustedAngle = 0x0074102C, // FD M1 0
3510 TableTopRollAdjustedAngle = 0x0074102D, // FD M1 0
3511 DeliveryVerificationImageSequence = 0x00741030, // SQ M1 0
3512 VerificationImageTiming = 0x00741032, // CS M1 0
3513 DoubleExposureFlag = 0x00741034, // CS M1 0
3514 DoubleExposureOrdering = 0x00741036, // CS M1 0
3515 DoubleExposureMetersetTrial = 0x00741038, // DS M1 1
3516 DoubleExposureFieldDeltaTrial = 0x0074103A, // DS M4 1
3517 RelatedReferenceRTImageSequence = 0x00741040, // SQ M1 0
3518 GeneralMachineVerificationSequence = 0x00741042, // SQ M1 0
3519 ConventionalMachineVerificationSequence = 0x00741044, // SQ M1 0
3520 IonMachineVerificationSequence = 0x00741046, // SQ M1 0
3521 FailedAttributesSequence = 0x00741048, // SQ M1 0
3522 OverriddenAttributesSequence = 0x0074104A, // SQ M1 0
3523 ConventionalControlPointVerificationSequence = 0x0074104C, // SQ M1 0
3524 IonControlPointVerificationSequence = 0x0074104E, // SQ M1 0
3525 AttributeOccurrenceSequence = 0x00741050, // SQ M1 0
3526 AttributeOccurrencePointer = 0x00741052, // AT M1 0
3527 AttributeItemSelector = 0x00741054, // UL M1 0
3528 AttributeOccurrencePrivateCreator = 0x00741056, // LO M1 0
3529 SelectorSequencePointerItems = 0x00741057, // IS M1TN 0
3530 ScheduledProcedureStepPriority = 0x00741200, // CS M1 0
3531 WorklistLabel = 0x00741202, // LO M1 0
3532 ProcedureStepLabel = 0x00741204, // LO M1 0
3533 ScheduledProcessingParametersSequence = 0x00741210, // SQ M1 0
3534 PerformedProcessingParametersSequence = 0x00741212, // SQ M1 0
3535 UnifiedProcedureStepPerformedProcedureSequence = 0x00741216, // SQ M1 0
3536 RelatedProcedureStepSequence = 0x00741220, // SQ M1 1
3537 ProcedureStepRelationshipType = 0x00741222, // LO M1 1
3538 ReplacedProcedureStepSequence = 0x00741224, // SQ M1 0
3539 DeletionLock = 0x00741230, // LO M1 0
3540 ReceivingAE = 0x00741234, // AE M1 0
3541 RequestingAE = 0x00741236, // AE M1 0
3542 ReasonForCancellation = 0x00741238, // LT M1 0
3543 SCPStatus = 0x00741242, // CS M1 0
3544 SubscriptionListStatus = 0x00741244, // CS M1 0
3545 UnifiedProcedureStepListStatus = 0x00741246, // CS M1 0
3546 BeamOrderIndex = 0x00741324, // UL M1 0
3547 DoubleExposureMeterset = 0x00741338, // FD M1 0
3548 DoubleExposureFieldDelta = 0x0074133A, // FD M4 0
3549 BrachyTaskSequence = 0x00741401, // SQ M1 0
3550 ContinuationStartTotalReferenceAirKerma = 0x00741402, // DS M1 0
3551 ContinuationEndTotalReferenceAirKerma = 0x00741403, // DS M1 0
3552 ContinuationPulseNumber = 0x00741404, // IS M1 0
3553 ChannelDeliveryOrderSequence = 0x00741405, // SQ M1 0
3554 ReferencedChannelNumber = 0x00741406, // IS M1 0
3555 StartCumulativeTimeWeight = 0x00741407, // DS M1 0
3556 EndCumulativeTimeWeight = 0x00741408, // DS M1 0
3557 OmittedChannelSequence = 0x00741409, // SQ M1 0
3558 ReasonForChannelOmission = 0x0074140A, // CS M1 0
3559 ReasonForChannelOmissionDescription = 0x0074140B, // LO M1 0
3560 ChannelDeliveryOrderIndex = 0x0074140C, // IS M1 0
3561 ChannelDeliveryContinuationSequence = 0x0074140D, // SQ M1 0
3562 OmittedApplicationSetupSequence = 0x0074140E, // SQ M1 0
3563 ImplantAssemblyTemplateName = 0x00760001, // LO M1 0
3564 ImplantAssemblyTemplateIssuer = 0x00760003, // LO M1 0
3565 ImplantAssemblyTemplateVersion = 0x00760006, // LO M1 0
3566 ReplacedImplantAssemblyTemplateSequence = 0x00760008, // SQ M1 0
3567 ImplantAssemblyTemplateType = 0x0076000A, // CS M1 0
3568 OriginalImplantAssemblyTemplateSequence = 0x0076000C, // SQ M1 0
3569 DerivationImplantAssemblyTemplateSequence = 0x0076000E, // SQ M1 0
3570 ImplantAssemblyTemplateTargetAnatomySequence = 0x00760010, // SQ M1 0
3571 ProcedureTypeCodeSequence = 0x00760020, // SQ M1 0
3572 SurgicalTechnique = 0x00760030, // LO M1 0
3573 ComponentTypesSequence = 0x00760032, // SQ M1 0
3574 ComponentTypeCodeSequence = 0x00760034, // SQ M1 0
3575 ExclusiveComponentType = 0x00760036, // CS M1 0
3576 MandatoryComponentType = 0x00760038, // CS M1 0
3577 ComponentSequence = 0x00760040, // SQ M1 0
3578 ComponentID = 0x00760055, // US M1 0
3579 ComponentAssemblySequence = 0x00760060, // SQ M1 0
3580 Component1ReferencedID = 0x00760070, // US M1 0
3581 Component1ReferencedMatingFeatureSetID = 0x00760080, // US M1 0
3582 Component1ReferencedMatingFeatureID = 0x00760090, // US M1 0
3583 Component2ReferencedID = 0x007600A0, // US M1 0
3584 Component2ReferencedMatingFeatureSetID = 0x007600B0, // US M1 0
3585 Component2ReferencedMatingFeatureID = 0x007600C0, // US M1 0
3586 ImplantTemplateGroupName = 0x00780001, // LO M1 0
3587 ImplantTemplateGroupDescription = 0x00780010, // ST M1 0
3588 ImplantTemplateGroupIssuer = 0x00780020, // LO M1 0
3589 ImplantTemplateGroupVersion = 0x00780024, // LO M1 0
3590 ReplacedImplantTemplateGroupSequence = 0x00780026, // SQ M1 0
3591 ImplantTemplateGroupTargetAnatomySequence = 0x00780028, // SQ M1 0
3592 ImplantTemplateGroupMembersSequence = 0x0078002A, // SQ M1 0
3593 ImplantTemplateGroupMemberID = 0x0078002E, // US M1 0
3594 ThreeDImplantTemplateGroupMemberMatchingPoint = 0x00780050, // FD M3 0
3595 ThreeDImplantTemplateGroupMemberMatchingAxes = 0x00780060, // FD M9 0
3596 ImplantTemplateGroupMemberMatching2DCoordinatesSequence = 0x00780070, // SQ M1 0
3597 TwoDImplantTemplateGroupMemberMatchingPoint = 0x00780090, // FD M2 0
3598 TwoDImplantTemplateGroupMemberMatchingAxes = 0x007800A0, // FD M4 0
3599 ImplantTemplateGroupVariationDimensionSequence = 0x007800B0, // SQ M1 0
3600 ImplantTemplateGroupVariationDimensionName = 0x007800B2, // LO M1 0
3601 ImplantTemplateGroupVariationDimensionRankSequence = 0x007800B4, // SQ M1 0
3602 ReferencedImplantTemplateGroupMemberID = 0x007800B6, // US M1 0
3603 ImplantTemplateGroupVariationDimensionRank = 0x007800B8, // US M1 0
3604 SurfaceScanAcquisitionTypeCodeSequence = 0x00800001, // SQ M1 0
3605 SurfaceScanModeCodeSequence = 0x00800002, // SQ M1 0
3606 RegistrationMethodCodeSequence = 0x00800003, // SQ M1 0
3607 ShotDurationTime = 0x00800004, // FD M1 0
3608 ShotOffsetTime = 0x00800005, // FD M1 0
3609 SurfacePointPresentationValueData = 0x00800006, // US M1TN 0
3610 SurfacePointColorCIELabValueData = 0x00800007, // US M3T3N 0
3611 UVMappingSequence = 0x00800008, // SQ M1 0
3612 TextureLabel = 0x00800009, // SH M1 0
3613 UValueData = 0x00800010, // OF M1 0
3614 VValueData = 0x00800011, // OF M1 0
3615 ReferencedTextureSequence = 0x00800012, // SQ M1 0
3616 ReferencedSurfaceDataSequence = 0x00800013, // SQ M1 0
3617 AssessmentSummary = 0x00820001, // CS M1 0
3618 AssessmentSummaryDescription = 0x00820003, // UT M1 0
3619 AssessedSOPInstanceSequence = 0x00820004, // SQ M1 0
3620 ReferencedComparisonSOPInstanceSequence = 0x00820005, // SQ M1 0
3621 NumberOfAssessmentObservations = 0x00820006, // UL M1 0
3622 AssessmentObservationsSequence = 0x00820007, // SQ M1 0
3623 ObservationSignificance = 0x00820008, // CS M1 0
3624 ObservationDescription = 0x0082000A, // UT M1 0
3625 StructuredConstraintObservationSequence = 0x0082000C, // SQ M1 0
3626 AssessedAttributeValueSequence = 0x00820010, // SQ M1 0
3627 AssessmentSetID = 0x00820016, // LO M1 0
3628 AssessmentRequesterSequence = 0x00820017, // SQ M1 0
3629 SelectorAttributeName = 0x00820018, // LO M1 0
3630 SelectorAttributeKeyword = 0x00820019, // LO M1 0
3631 AssessmentTypeCodeSequence = 0x00820021, // SQ M1 0
3632 ObservationBasisCodeSequence = 0x00820022, // SQ M1 0
3633 AssessmentLabel = 0x00820023, // LO M1 0
3634 ConstraintType = 0x00820032, // CS M1 0
3635 SpecificationSelectionGuidance = 0x00820033, // UT M1 0
3636 ConstraintValueSequence = 0x00820034, // SQ M1 0
3637 RecommendedDefaultValueSequence = 0x00820035, // SQ M1 0
3638 ConstraintViolationSignificance = 0x00820036, // CS M1 0
3639 ConstraintViolationCondition = 0x00820037, // UT M1 0
3640 ModifiableConstraintFlag = 0x00820038, // CS M1 0
3641 StorageMediaFileSetID = 0x00880130, // SH M1 0
3642 StorageMediaFileSetUID = 0x00880140, // UI M1 0
3643 IconImageSequence = 0x00880200, // SQ M1 0
3644 TopicTitle = 0x00880904, // LO M1 1
3645 TopicSubject = 0x00880906, // ST M1 1
3646 TopicAuthor = 0x00880910, // LO M1 1
3647 TopicKeywords = 0x00880912, // LO M1T32 1
3648 SOPInstanceStatus = 0x01000410, // CS M1 0
3649 SOPAuthorizationDateTime = 0x01000420, // DT M1 0
3650 SOPAuthorizationComment = 0x01000424, // LT M1 0
3651 AuthorizationEquipmentCertificationNumber = 0x01000426, // LO M1 0
3652 MACIDNumber = 0x04000005, // US M1 0
3653 MACCalculationTransferSyntaxUID = 0x04000010, // UI M1 0
3654 MACAlgorithm = 0x04000015, // CS M1 0
3655 DataElementsSigned = 0x04000020, // AT M1TN 0
3656 DigitalSignatureUID = 0x04000100, // UI M1 0
3657 DigitalSignatureDateTime = 0x04000105, // DT M1 0
3658 CertificateType = 0x04000110, // CS M1 0
3659 CertificateOfSigner = 0x04000115, // OB M1 0
3660 Signature = 0x04000120, // OB M1 0
3661 CertifiedTimestampType = 0x04000305, // CS M1 0
3662 CertifiedTimestamp = 0x04000310, // OB M1 0
3663 DigitalSignaturePurposeCodeSequence = 0x04000401, // SQ M1 0
3664 ReferencedDigitalSignatureSequence = 0x04000402, // SQ M1 0
3665 ReferencedSOPInstanceMACSequence = 0x04000403, // SQ M1 0
3666 MAC = 0x04000404, // OB M1 0
3667 EncryptedAttributesSequence = 0x04000500, // SQ M1 0
3668 EncryptedContentTransferSyntaxUID = 0x04000510, // UI M1 0
3669 EncryptedContent = 0x04000520, // OB M1 0
3670 ModifiedAttributesSequence = 0x04000550, // SQ M1 0
3671 NonconformingModifiedAttributesSequence = 0x04000551, // SQ M1 0
3672 NonconformingDataElementValue = 0x04000552, // OB M1 0
3673 OriginalAttributesSequence = 0x04000561, // SQ M1 0
3674 AttributeModificationDateTime = 0x04000562, // DT M1 0
3675 ModifyingSystem = 0x04000563, // LO M1 0
3676 SourceOfPreviousValues = 0x04000564, // LO M1 0
3677 ReasonForTheAttributeModification = 0x04000565, // CS M1 0
3678 InstanceOriginStatus = 0x04000600, // CS M1 0
3679 EscapeTriplet = 0x10000000, // US M3 1
3680 RunLengthTriplet = 0x10000001, // US M3 1
3681 HuffmanTableSize = 0x10000002, // US M1 1
3682 HuffmanTableTriplet = 0x10000003, // US M3 1
3683 ShiftTableSize = 0x10000004, // US M1 1
3684 ShiftTableTriplet = 0x10000005, // US M3 1
3685 ZonalMap = 0x10100000, // US M1TN 1
3686 NumberOfCopies = 0x20000010, // IS M1 0
3687 PrinterConfigurationSequence = 0x2000001E, // SQ M1 0
3688 PrintPriority = 0x20000020, // CS M1 0
3689 MediumType = 0x20000030, // CS M1 0
3690 FilmDestination = 0x20000040, // CS M1 0
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3816 RTImageSID = 0x30020026, // DS M1 0
3817 SourceToReferenceObjectDistance = 0x30020028, // DS M1 0
3818 FractionNumber = 0x30020029, // IS M1 0
3819 ExposureSequence = 0x30020030, // SQ M1 0
3820 MetersetExposure = 0x30020032, // DS M1 0
3821 DiaphragmPosition = 0x30020034, // DS M4 0
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3828 DVHType = 0x30040001, // CS M1 0
3829 DoseUnits = 0x30040002, // CS M1 0
3830 DoseType = 0x30040004, // CS M1 0
3831 SpatialTransformOfDose = 0x30040005, // CS M1 0
3832 DoseComment = 0x30040006, // LO M1 0
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3834 DoseSummationType = 0x3004000A, // CS M1 0
3835 GridFrameOffsetVector = 0x3004000C, // DS M2TN 0
3836 DoseGridScaling = 0x3004000E, // DS M1 0
3837 RTDoseROISequence = 0x30040010, // SQ M1 0
3838 DoseValue = 0x30040012, // DS M1 0
3839 TissueHeterogeneityCorrection = 0x30040014, // CS M1T3 0
3840 DVHNormalizationPoint = 0x30040040, // DS M3 0
3841 DVHNormalizationDoseValue = 0x30040042, // DS M1 0
3842 DVHSequence = 0x30040050, // SQ M1 0
3843 DVHDoseScaling = 0x30040052, // DS M1 0
3844 DVHVolumeUnits = 0x30040054, // CS M1 0
3845 DVHNumberOfBins = 0x30040056, // IS M1 0
3846 DVHData = 0x30040058, // DS M2T2N 0
3847 DVHReferencedROISequence = 0x30040060, // SQ M1 0
3848 DVHROIContributionType = 0x30040062, // CS M1 0
3849 DVHMinimumDose = 0x30040070, // DS M1 0
3850 DVHMaximumDose = 0x30040072, // DS M1 0
3851 DVHMeanDose = 0x30040074, // DS M1 0
3852 StructureSetLabel = 0x30060002, // SH M1 0
3853 StructureSetName = 0x30060004, // LO M1 0
3854 StructureSetDescription = 0x30060006, // ST M1 0
3855 StructureSetDate = 0x30060008, // DA M1 0
3856 StructureSetTime = 0x30060009, // TM M1 0
3857 ReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence = 0x30060010, // SQ M1 0
3858 RTReferencedStudySequence = 0x30060012, // SQ M1 0
3859 RTReferencedSeriesSequence = 0x30060014, // SQ M1 0
3860 ContourImageSequence = 0x30060016, // SQ M1 0
3861 PredecessorStructureSetSequence = 0x30060018, // SQ M1 0
3862 StructureSetROISequence = 0x30060020, // SQ M1 0
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3864 ReferencedFrameOfReferenceUID = 0x30060024, // UI M1 0
3865 ROIName = 0x30060026, // LO M1 0
3866 ROIDescription = 0x30060028, // ST M1 0
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3869 RTRelatedROISequence = 0x30060030, // SQ M1 0
3870 RTROIRelationship = 0x30060033, // CS M1 0
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3872 ROIDerivationAlgorithmIdentificationSequence = 0x30060037, // SQ M1 0
3873 ROIGenerationDescription = 0x30060038, // LO M1 0
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3875 ContourSequence = 0x30060040, // SQ M1 0
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3879 NumberOfContourPoints = 0x30060046, // IS M1 0
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3881 AttachedContours = 0x30060049, // IS M1TN 1
3882 SourcePixelPlanesCharacteristicsSequence = 0x3006004A, // SQ M1 0
3883 ContourData = 0x30060050, // DS M3T3N 0
3884 RTROIObservationsSequence = 0x30060080, // SQ M1 0
3885 ObservationNumber = 0x30060082, // IS M1 0
3886 ReferencedROINumber = 0x30060084, // IS M1 0
3887 ROIObservationLabel = 0x30060085, // SH M1 1
3888 RTROIIdentificationCodeSequence = 0x30060086, // SQ M1 0
3889 ROIObservationDescription = 0x30060088, // ST M1 1
3890 RelatedRTROIObservationsSequence = 0x300600A0, // SQ M1 0
3891 RTROIInterpretedType = 0x300600A4, // CS M1 0
3892 ROIInterpreter = 0x300600A6, // PN M1 0
3893 ROIPhysicalPropertiesSequence = 0x300600B0, // SQ M1 0
3894 ROIPhysicalProperty = 0x300600B2, // CS M1 0
3895 ROIPhysicalPropertyValue = 0x300600B4, // DS M1 0
3896 ROIElementalCompositionSequence = 0x300600B6, // SQ M1 0
3897 ROIElementalCompositionAtomicNumber = 0x300600B7, // US M1 0
3898 ROIElementalCompositionAtomicMassFraction = 0x300600B8, // FL M1 0
3899 AdditionalRTROIIdentificationCodeSequence = 0x300600B9, // SQ M1 1
3900 FrameOfReferenceRelationshipSequence = 0x300600C0, // SQ M1 1
3901 RelatedFrameOfReferenceUID = 0x300600C2, // UI M1 1
3902 FrameOfReferenceTransformationType = 0x300600C4, // CS M1 1
3903 FrameOfReferenceTransformationMatrix = 0x300600C6, // DS M16 0
3904 FrameOfReferenceTransformationComment = 0x300600C8, // LO M1 0
3905 PatientLocationCoordinatesSequence = 0x300600C9, // SQ M1 0
3906 PatientLocationCoordinatesCodeSequence = 0x300600CA, // SQ M1 0
3907 PatientSupportPositionSequence = 0x300600CB, // SQ M1 0
3908 MeasuredDoseReferenceSequence = 0x30080010, // SQ M1 0
3909 MeasuredDoseDescription = 0x30080012, // ST M1 0
3910 MeasuredDoseType = 0x30080014, // CS M1 0
3911 MeasuredDoseValue = 0x30080016, // DS M1 0
3912 TreatmentSessionBeamSequence = 0x30080020, // SQ M1 0
3913 TreatmentSessionIonBeamSequence = 0x30080021, // SQ M1 0
3914 CurrentFractionNumber = 0x30080022, // IS M1 0
3915 TreatmentControlPointDate = 0x30080024, // DA M1 0
3916 TreatmentControlPointTime = 0x30080025, // TM M1 0
3917 TreatmentTerminationStatus = 0x3008002A, // CS M1 0
3918 TreatmentTerminationCode = 0x3008002B, // SH M1 0
3919 TreatmentVerificationStatus = 0x3008002C, // CS M1 0
3920 ReferencedTreatmentRecordSequence = 0x30080030, // SQ M1 0
3921 SpecifiedPrimaryMeterset = 0x30080032, // DS M1 0
3922 SpecifiedSecondaryMeterset = 0x30080033, // DS M1 0
3923 DeliveredPrimaryMeterset = 0x30080036, // DS M1 0
3924 DeliveredSecondaryMeterset = 0x30080037, // DS M1 0
3925 SpecifiedTreatmentTime = 0x3008003A, // DS M1 0
3926 DeliveredTreatmentTime = 0x3008003B, // DS M1 0
3927 ControlPointDeliverySequence = 0x30080040, // SQ M1 0
3928 IonControlPointDeliverySequence = 0x30080041, // SQ M1 0
3929 SpecifiedMeterset = 0x30080042, // DS M1 0
3930 DeliveredMeterset = 0x30080044, // DS M1 0
3931 MetersetRateSet = 0x30080045, // FL M1 0
3932 MetersetRateDelivered = 0x30080046, // FL M1 0
3933 ScanSpotMetersetsDelivered = 0x30080047, // FL M1TN 0
3934 DoseRateDelivered = 0x30080048, // DS M1 0
3935 TreatmentSummaryCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence = 0x30080050, // SQ M1 0
3936 CumulativeDoseToDoseReference = 0x30080052, // DS M1 0
3937 FirstTreatmentDate = 0x30080054, // DA M1 0
3938 MostRecentTreatmentDate = 0x30080056, // DA M1 0
3939 NumberOfFractionsDelivered = 0x3008005A, // IS M1 0
3940 OverrideSequence = 0x30080060, // SQ M1 0
3941 ParameterSequencePointer = 0x30080061, // AT M1 0
3942 OverrideParameterPointer = 0x30080062, // AT M1 0
3943 ParameterItemIndex = 0x30080063, // IS M1 0
3944 MeasuredDoseReferenceNumber = 0x30080064, // IS M1 0
3945 ParameterPointer = 0x30080065, // AT M1 0
3946 OverrideReason = 0x30080066, // ST M1 0
3947 ParameterValueNumber = 0x30080067, // US M1 0
3948 CorrectedParameterSequence = 0x30080068, // SQ M1 0
3949 CorrectionValue = 0x3008006A, // FL M1 0
3950 CalculatedDoseReferenceSequence = 0x30080070, // SQ M1 0
3951 CalculatedDoseReferenceNumber = 0x30080072, // IS M1 0
3952 CalculatedDoseReferenceDescription = 0x30080074, // ST M1 0
3953 CalculatedDoseReferenceDoseValue = 0x30080076, // DS M1 0
3954 StartMeterset = 0x30080078, // DS M1 0
3955 EndMeterset = 0x3008007A, // DS M1 0
3956 ReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence = 0x30080080, // SQ M1 0
3957 ReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceNumber = 0x30080082, // IS M1 0
3958 ReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence = 0x30080090, // SQ M1 0
3959 ReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceNumber = 0x30080092, // IS M1 0
3960 BeamLimitingDeviceLeafPairsSequence = 0x300800A0, // SQ M1 0
3961 RecordedWedgeSequence = 0x300800B0, // SQ M1 0
3962 RecordedCompensatorSequence = 0x300800C0, // SQ M1 0
3963 RecordedBlockSequence = 0x300800D0, // SQ M1 0
3964 RecordedBlockSlabSequence = 0x300800D1, // SQ M1 0
3965 TreatmentSummaryMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence = 0x300800E0, // SQ M1 0
3966 RecordedSnoutSequence = 0x300800F0, // SQ M1 0
3967 RecordedRangeShifterSequence = 0x300800F2, // SQ M1 0
3968 RecordedLateralSpreadingDeviceSequence = 0x300800F4, // SQ M1 0
3969 RecordedRangeModulatorSequence = 0x300800F6, // SQ M1 0
3970 RecordedSourceSequence = 0x30080100, // SQ M1 0
3971 SourceSerialNumber = 0x30080105, // LO M1 0
3972 TreatmentSessionApplicationSetupSequence = 0x30080110, // SQ M1 0
3973 ApplicationSetupCheck = 0x30080116, // CS M1 0
3974 RecordedBrachyAccessoryDeviceSequence = 0x30080120, // SQ M1 0
3975 ReferencedBrachyAccessoryDeviceNumber = 0x30080122, // IS M1 0
3976 RecordedChannelSequence = 0x30080130, // SQ M1 0
3977 SpecifiedChannelTotalTime = 0x30080132, // DS M1 0
3978 DeliveredChannelTotalTime = 0x30080134, // DS M1 0
3979 SpecifiedNumberOfPulses = 0x30080136, // IS M1 0
3980 DeliveredNumberOfPulses = 0x30080138, // IS M1 0
3981 SpecifiedPulseRepetitionInterval = 0x3008013A, // DS M1 0
3982 DeliveredPulseRepetitionInterval = 0x3008013C, // DS M1 0
3983 RecordedSourceApplicatorSequence = 0x30080140, // SQ M1 0
3984 ReferencedSourceApplicatorNumber = 0x30080142, // IS M1 0
3985 RecordedChannelShieldSequence = 0x30080150, // SQ M1 0
3986 ReferencedChannelShieldNumber = 0x30080152, // IS M1 0
3987 BrachyControlPointDeliveredSequence = 0x30080160, // SQ M1 0
3988 SafePositionExitDate = 0x30080162, // DA M1 0
3989 SafePositionExitTime = 0x30080164, // TM M1 0
3990 SafePositionReturnDate = 0x30080166, // DA M1 0
3991 SafePositionReturnTime = 0x30080168, // TM M1 0
3992 PulseSpecificBrachyControlPointDeliveredSequence = 0x30080171, // SQ M1 0
3993 PulseNumber = 0x30080172, // US M1 0
3994 BrachyPulseControlPointDeliveredSequence = 0x30080173, // SQ M1 0
3995 CurrentTreatmentStatus = 0x30080200, // CS M1 0
3996 TreatmentStatusComment = 0x30080202, // ST M1 0
3997 FractionGroupSummarySequence = 0x30080220, // SQ M1 0
3998 ReferencedFractionNumber = 0x30080223, // IS M1 0
3999 FractionGroupType = 0x30080224, // CS M1 0
4000 BeamStopperPosition = 0x30080230, // CS M1 0
4001 FractionStatusSummarySequence = 0x30080240, // SQ M1 0
4002 TreatmentDate = 0x30080250, // DA M1 0
4003 TreatmentTime = 0x30080251, // TM M1 0
4004 RTPlanLabel = 0x300A0002, // SH M1 0
4005 RTPlanName = 0x300A0003, // LO M1 0
4006 RTPlanDescription = 0x300A0004, // ST M1 0
4007 RTPlanDate = 0x300A0006, // DA M1 0
4008 RTPlanTime = 0x300A0007, // TM M1 0
4009 TreatmentProtocols = 0x300A0009, // LO M1TN 0
4010 PlanIntent = 0x300A000A, // CS M1 0
4011 TreatmentSites = 0x300A000B, // LO M1TN 1
4012 RTPlanGeometry = 0x300A000C, // CS M1 0
4013 PrescriptionDescription = 0x300A000E, // ST M1 0
4014 DoseReferenceSequence = 0x300A0010, // SQ M1 0
4015 DoseReferenceNumber = 0x300A0012, // IS M1 0
4016 DoseReferenceUID = 0x300A0013, // UI M1 0
4017 DoseReferenceStructureType = 0x300A0014, // CS M1 0
4018 NominalBeamEnergyUnit = 0x300A0015, // CS M1 0
4019 DoseReferenceDescription = 0x300A0016, // LO M1 0
4020 DoseReferencePointCoordinates = 0x300A0018, // DS M3 0
4021 NominalPriorDose = 0x300A001A, // DS M1 0
4022 DoseReferenceType = 0x300A0020, // CS M1 0
4023 ConstraintWeight = 0x300A0021, // DS M1 0
4024 DeliveryWarningDose = 0x300A0022, // DS M1 0
4025 DeliveryMaximumDose = 0x300A0023, // DS M1 0
4026 TargetMinimumDose = 0x300A0025, // DS M1 0
4027 TargetPrescriptionDose = 0x300A0026, // DS M1 0
4028 TargetMaximumDose = 0x300A0027, // DS M1 0
4029 TargetUnderdoseVolumeFraction = 0x300A0028, // DS M1 0
4030 OrganAtRiskFullVolumeDose = 0x300A002A, // DS M1 0
4031 OrganAtRiskLimitDose = 0x300A002B, // DS M1 0
4032 OrganAtRiskMaximumDose = 0x300A002C, // DS M1 0
4033 OrganAtRiskOverdoseVolumeFraction = 0x300A002D, // DS M1 0
4034 ToleranceTableSequence = 0x300A0040, // SQ M1 0
4035 ToleranceTableNumber = 0x300A0042, // IS M1 0
4036 ToleranceTableLabel = 0x300A0043, // SH M1 0
4037 GantryAngleTolerance = 0x300A0044, // DS M1 0
4038 BeamLimitingDeviceAngleTolerance = 0x300A0046, // DS M1 0
4039 BeamLimitingDeviceToleranceSequence = 0x300A0048, // SQ M1 0
4040 BeamLimitingDevicePositionTolerance = 0x300A004A, // DS M1 0
4041 SnoutPositionTolerance = 0x300A004B, // FL M1 0
4042 PatientSupportAngleTolerance = 0x300A004C, // DS M1 0
4043 TableTopEccentricAngleTolerance = 0x300A004E, // DS M1 0
4044 TableTopPitchAngleTolerance = 0x300A004F, // FL M1 0
4045 TableTopRollAngleTolerance = 0x300A0050, // FL M1 0
4046 TableTopVerticalPositionTolerance = 0x300A0051, // DS M1 0
4047 TableTopLongitudinalPositionTolerance = 0x300A0052, // DS M1 0
4048 TableTopLateralPositionTolerance = 0x300A0053, // DS M1 0
4049 RTPlanRelationship = 0x300A0055, // CS M1 0
4050 FractionGroupSequence = 0x300A0070, // SQ M1 0
4051 FractionGroupNumber = 0x300A0071, // IS M1 0
4052 FractionGroupDescription = 0x300A0072, // LO M1 0
4053 NumberOfFractionsPlanned = 0x300A0078, // IS M1 0
4054 NumberOfFractionPatternDigitsPerDay = 0x300A0079, // IS M1 0
4055 RepeatFractionCycleLength = 0x300A007A, // IS M1 0
4056 FractionPattern = 0x300A007B, // LT M1 0
4057 NumberOfBeams = 0x300A0080, // IS M1 0
4058 BeamDoseSpecificationPoint = 0x300A0082, // DS M3 1
4059 ReferencedDoseReferenceUID = 0x300A0083, // UI M1 0
4060 BeamDose = 0x300A0084, // DS M1 0
4061 BeamMeterset = 0x300A0086, // DS M1 0
4062 BeamDosePointDepth = 0x300A0088, // FL M1 0
4063 BeamDosePointEquivalentDepth = 0x300A0089, // FL M1 0
4064 BeamDosePointSSD = 0x300A008A, // FL M1 0
4065 BeamDoseMeaning = 0x300A008B, // CS M1 0
4066 BeamDoseVerificationControlPointSequence = 0x300A008C, // SQ M1 0
4067 AverageBeamDosePointDepth = 0x300A008D, // FL M1 1
4068 AverageBeamDosePointEquivalentDepth = 0x300A008E, // FL M1 1
4069 AverageBeamDosePointSSD = 0x300A008F, // FL M1 1
4070 BeamDoseType = 0x300A0090, // CS M1 0
4071 AlternateBeamDose = 0x300A0091, // DS M1 0
4072 AlternateBeamDoseType = 0x300A0092, // CS M1 0
4073 DepthValueAveragingFlag = 0x300A0093, // CS M1 0
4074 BeamDosePointSourceToExternalContourDistance = 0x300A0094, // DS M1 0
4075 NumberOfBrachyApplicationSetups = 0x300A00A0, // IS M1 0
4076 BrachyApplicationSetupDoseSpecificationPoint = 0x300A00A2, // DS M3 0
4077 BrachyApplicationSetupDose = 0x300A00A4, // DS M1 0
4078 BeamSequence = 0x300A00B0, // SQ M1 0
4079 TreatmentMachineName = 0x300A00B2, // SH M1 0
4080 PrimaryDosimeterUnit = 0x300A00B3, // CS M1 0
4081 SourceAxisDistance = 0x300A00B4, // DS M1 0
4082 BeamLimitingDeviceSequence = 0x300A00B6, // SQ M1 0
4083 RTBeamLimitingDeviceType = 0x300A00B8, // CS M1 0
4084 SourceToBeamLimitingDeviceDistance = 0x300A00BA, // DS M1 0
4085 IsocenterToBeamLimitingDeviceDistance = 0x300A00BB, // FL M1 0
4086 NumberOfLeafJawPairs = 0x300A00BC, // IS M1 0
4087 LeafPositionBoundaries = 0x300A00BE, // DS M3TN 0
4088 BeamNumber = 0x300A00C0, // IS M1 0
4089 BeamName = 0x300A00C2, // LO M1 0
4090 BeamDescription = 0x300A00C3, // ST M1 0
4091 BeamType = 0x300A00C4, // CS M1 0
4092 BeamDeliveryDurationLimit = 0x300A00C5, // FD M1 0
4093 RadiationType = 0x300A00C6, // CS M1 0
4094 HighDoseTechniqueType = 0x300A00C7, // CS M1 0
4095 ReferenceImageNumber = 0x300A00C8, // IS M1 0
4096 PlannedVerificationImageSequence = 0x300A00CA, // SQ M1 0
4097 ImagingDeviceSpecificAcquisitionParameters = 0x300A00CC, // LO M1TN 0
4098 TreatmentDeliveryType = 0x300A00CE, // CS M1 0
4099 NumberOfWedges = 0x300A00D0, // IS M1 0
4100 WedgeSequence = 0x300A00D1, // SQ M1 0
4101 WedgeNumber = 0x300A00D2, // IS M1 0
4102 WedgeType = 0x300A00D3, // CS M1 0
4103 WedgeID = 0x300A00D4, // SH M1 0
4104 WedgeAngle = 0x300A00D5, // IS M1 0
4105 WedgeFactor = 0x300A00D6, // DS M1 0
4106 TotalWedgeTrayWaterEquivalentThickness = 0x300A00D7, // FL M1 0
4107 WedgeOrientation = 0x300A00D8, // DS M1 0
4108 IsocenterToWedgeTrayDistance = 0x300A00D9, // FL M1 0
4109 SourceToWedgeTrayDistance = 0x300A00DA, // DS M1 0
4110 WedgeThinEdgePosition = 0x300A00DB, // FL M1 0
4111 BolusID = 0x300A00DC, // SH M1 0
4112 BolusDescription = 0x300A00DD, // ST M1 0
4113 EffectiveWedgeAngle = 0x300A00DE, // DS M1 0
4114 NumberOfCompensators = 0x300A00E0, // IS M1 0
4115 MaterialID = 0x300A00E1, // SH M1 0
4116 TotalCompensatorTrayFactor = 0x300A00E2, // DS M1 0
4117 CompensatorSequence = 0x300A00E3, // SQ M1 0
4118 CompensatorNumber = 0x300A00E4, // IS M1 0
4119 CompensatorID = 0x300A00E5, // SH M1 0
4120 SourceToCompensatorTrayDistance = 0x300A00E6, // DS M1 0
4121 CompensatorRows = 0x300A00E7, // IS M1 0
4122 CompensatorColumns = 0x300A00E8, // IS M1 0
4123 CompensatorPixelSpacing = 0x300A00E9, // DS M2 0
4124 CompensatorPosition = 0x300A00EA, // DS M2 0
4125 CompensatorTransmissionData = 0x300A00EB, // DS M1TN 0
4126 CompensatorThicknessData = 0x300A00EC, // DS M1TN 0
4127 NumberOfBoli = 0x300A00ED, // IS M1 0
4128 CompensatorType = 0x300A00EE, // CS M1 0
4129 CompensatorTrayID = 0x300A00EF, // SH M1 0
4130 NumberOfBlocks = 0x300A00F0, // IS M1 0
4131 TotalBlockTrayFactor = 0x300A00F2, // DS M1 0
4132 TotalBlockTrayWaterEquivalentThickness = 0x300A00F3, // FL M1 0
4133 BlockSequence = 0x300A00F4, // SQ M1 0
4134 BlockTrayID = 0x300A00F5, // SH M1 0
4135 SourceToBlockTrayDistance = 0x300A00F6, // DS M1 0
4136 IsocenterToBlockTrayDistance = 0x300A00F7, // FL M1 0
4137 BlockType = 0x300A00F8, // CS M1 0
4138 AccessoryCode = 0x300A00F9, // LO M1 0
4139 BlockDivergence = 0x300A00FA, // CS M1 0
4140 BlockMountingPosition = 0x300A00FB, // CS M1 0
4141 BlockNumber = 0x300A00FC, // IS M1 0
4142 BlockName = 0x300A00FE, // LO M1 0
4143 BlockThickness = 0x300A0100, // DS M1 0
4144 BlockTransmission = 0x300A0102, // DS M1 0
4145 BlockNumberOfPoints = 0x300A0104, // IS M1 0
4146 BlockData = 0x300A0106, // DS M2T2N 0
4147 ApplicatorSequence = 0x300A0107, // SQ M1 0
4148 ApplicatorID = 0x300A0108, // SH M1 0
4149 ApplicatorType = 0x300A0109, // CS M1 0
4150 ApplicatorDescription = 0x300A010A, // LO M1 0
4151 CumulativeDoseReferenceCoefficient = 0x300A010C, // DS M1 0
4152 FinalCumulativeMetersetWeight = 0x300A010E, // DS M1 0
4153 NumberOfControlPoints = 0x300A0110, // IS M1 0
4154 ControlPointSequence = 0x300A0111, // SQ M1 0
4155 ControlPointIndex = 0x300A0112, // IS M1 0
4156 NominalBeamEnergy = 0x300A0114, // DS M1 0
4157 DoseRateSet = 0x300A0115, // DS M1 0
4158 WedgePositionSequence = 0x300A0116, // SQ M1 0
4159 WedgePosition = 0x300A0118, // CS M1 0
4160 BeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence = 0x300A011A, // SQ M1 0
4161 LeafJawPositions = 0x300A011C, // DS M2T2N 0
4162 GantryAngle = 0x300A011E, // DS M1 0
4163 GantryRotationDirection = 0x300A011F, // CS M1 0
4164 BeamLimitingDeviceAngle = 0x300A0120, // DS M1 0
4165 BeamLimitingDeviceRotationDirection = 0x300A0121, // CS M1 0
4166 PatientSupportAngle = 0x300A0122, // DS M1 0
4167 PatientSupportRotationDirection = 0x300A0123, // CS M1 0
4168 TableTopEccentricAxisDistance = 0x300A0124, // DS M1 0
4169 TableTopEccentricAngle = 0x300A0125, // DS M1 0
4170 TableTopEccentricRotationDirection = 0x300A0126, // CS M1 0
4171 TableTopVerticalPosition = 0x300A0128, // DS M1 0
4172 TableTopLongitudinalPosition = 0x300A0129, // DS M1 0
4173 TableTopLateralPosition = 0x300A012A, // DS M1 0
4174 IsocenterPosition = 0x300A012C, // DS M3 0
4175 SurfaceEntryPoint = 0x300A012E, // DS M3 0
4176 SourceToSurfaceDistance = 0x300A0130, // DS M1 0
4177 AverageBeamDosePointSourceToExternalContourDistance = 0x300A0131, // FL M1 0
4178 SourceToExternalContourDistance = 0x300A0132, // FL M1 0
4179 ExternalContourEntryPoint = 0x300A0133, // FL M3 0
4180 CumulativeMetersetWeight = 0x300A0134, // DS M1 0
4181 TableTopPitchAngle = 0x300A0140, // FL M1 0
4182 TableTopPitchRotationDirection = 0x300A0142, // CS M1 0
4183 TableTopRollAngle = 0x300A0144, // FL M1 0
4184 TableTopRollRotationDirection = 0x300A0146, // CS M1 0
4185 HeadFixationAngle = 0x300A0148, // FL M1 0
4186 GantryPitchAngle = 0x300A014A, // FL M1 0
4187 GantryPitchRotationDirection = 0x300A014C, // CS M1 0
4188 GantryPitchAngleTolerance = 0x300A014E, // FL M1 0
4189 FixationEye = 0x300A0150, // CS M1 0
4190 ChairHeadFramePosition = 0x300A0151, // DS M1 0
4191 HeadFixationAngleTolerance = 0x300A0152, // DS M1 0
4192 ChairHeadFramePositionTolerance = 0x300A0153, // DS M1 0
4193 FixationLightAzimuthalAngleTolerance = 0x300A0154, // DS M1 0
4194 FixationLightPolarAngleTolerance = 0x300A0155, // DS M1 0
4195 PatientSetupSequence = 0x300A0180, // SQ M1 0
4196 PatientSetupNumber = 0x300A0182, // IS M1 0
4197 PatientSetupLabel = 0x300A0183, // LO M1 0
4198 PatientAdditionalPosition = 0x300A0184, // LO M1 0
4199 FixationDeviceSequence = 0x300A0190, // SQ M1 0
4200 FixationDeviceType = 0x300A0192, // CS M1 0
4201 FixationDeviceLabel = 0x300A0194, // SH M1 0
4202 FixationDeviceDescription = 0x300A0196, // ST M1 0
4203 FixationDevicePosition = 0x300A0198, // SH M1 0
4204 FixationDevicePitchAngle = 0x300A0199, // FL M1 0
4205 FixationDeviceRollAngle = 0x300A019A, // FL M1 0
4206 ShieldingDeviceSequence = 0x300A01A0, // SQ M1 0
4207 ShieldingDeviceType = 0x300A01A2, // CS M1 0
4208 ShieldingDeviceLabel = 0x300A01A4, // SH M1 0
4209 ShieldingDeviceDescription = 0x300A01A6, // ST M1 0
4210 ShieldingDevicePosition = 0x300A01A8, // SH M1 0
4211 SetupTechnique = 0x300A01B0, // CS M1 0
4212 SetupTechniqueDescription = 0x300A01B2, // ST M1 0
4213 SetupDeviceSequence = 0x300A01B4, // SQ M1 0
4214 SetupDeviceType = 0x300A01B6, // CS M1 0
4215 SetupDeviceLabel = 0x300A01B8, // SH M1 0
4216 SetupDeviceDescription = 0x300A01BA, // ST M1 0
4217 SetupDeviceParameter = 0x300A01BC, // DS M1 0
4218 SetupReferenceDescription = 0x300A01D0, // ST M1 0
4219 TableTopVerticalSetupDisplacement = 0x300A01D2, // DS M1 0
4220 TableTopLongitudinalSetupDisplacement = 0x300A01D4, // DS M1 0
4221 TableTopLateralSetupDisplacement = 0x300A01D6, // DS M1 0
4222 BrachyTreatmentTechnique = 0x300A0200, // CS M1 0
4223 BrachyTreatmentType = 0x300A0202, // CS M1 0
4224 TreatmentMachineSequence = 0x300A0206, // SQ M1 0
4225 SourceSequence = 0x300A0210, // SQ M1 0
4226 SourceNumber = 0x300A0212, // IS M1 0
4227 SourceType = 0x300A0214, // CS M1 0
4228 SourceManufacturer = 0x300A0216, // LO M1 0
4229 ActiveSourceDiameter = 0x300A0218, // DS M1 0
4230 ActiveSourceLength = 0x300A021A, // DS M1 0
4231 SourceModelID = 0x300A021B, // SH M1 0
4232 SourceDescription = 0x300A021C, // LO M1 0
4233 SourceEncapsulationNominalThickness = 0x300A0222, // DS M1 0
4234 SourceEncapsulationNominalTransmission = 0x300A0224, // DS M1 0
4235 SourceIsotopeName = 0x300A0226, // LO M1 0
4236 SourceIsotopeHalfLife = 0x300A0228, // DS M1 0
4237 SourceStrengthUnits = 0x300A0229, // CS M1 0
4238 ReferenceAirKermaRate = 0x300A022A, // DS M1 0
4239 SourceStrength = 0x300A022B, // DS M1 0
4240 SourceStrengthReferenceDate = 0x300A022C, // DA M1 0
4241 SourceStrengthReferenceTime = 0x300A022E, // TM M1 0
4242 ApplicationSetupSequence = 0x300A0230, // SQ M1 0
4243 ApplicationSetupType = 0x300A0232, // CS M1 0
4244 ApplicationSetupNumber = 0x300A0234, // IS M1 0
4245 ApplicationSetupName = 0x300A0236, // LO M1 0
4246 ApplicationSetupManufacturer = 0x300A0238, // LO M1 0
4247 TemplateNumber = 0x300A0240, // IS M1 0
4248 TemplateType = 0x300A0242, // SH M1 0
4249 TemplateName = 0x300A0244, // LO M1 0
4250 TotalReferenceAirKerma = 0x300A0250, // DS M1 0
4251 BrachyAccessoryDeviceSequence = 0x300A0260, // SQ M1 0
4252 BrachyAccessoryDeviceNumber = 0x300A0262, // IS M1 0
4253 BrachyAccessoryDeviceID = 0x300A0263, // SH M1 0
4254 BrachyAccessoryDeviceType = 0x300A0264, // CS M1 0
4255 BrachyAccessoryDeviceName = 0x300A0266, // LO M1 0
4256 BrachyAccessoryDeviceNominalThickness = 0x300A026A, // DS M1 0
4257 BrachyAccessoryDeviceNominalTransmission = 0x300A026C, // DS M1 0
4258 ChannelEffectiveLength = 0x300A0271, // DS M1 0
4259 ChannelInnerLength = 0x300A0272, // DS M1 0
4260 AfterloaderChannelID = 0x300A0273, // SH M1 0
4261 SourceApplicatorTipLength = 0x300A0274, // DS M1 0
4262 ChannelSequence = 0x300A0280, // SQ M1 0
4263 ChannelNumber = 0x300A0282, // IS M1 0
4264 ChannelLength = 0x300A0284, // DS M1 0
4265 ChannelTotalTime = 0x300A0286, // DS M1 0
4266 SourceMovementType = 0x300A0288, // CS M1 0
4267 NumberOfPulses = 0x300A028A, // IS M1 0
4268 PulseRepetitionInterval = 0x300A028C, // DS M1 0
4269 SourceApplicatorNumber = 0x300A0290, // IS M1 0
4270 SourceApplicatorID = 0x300A0291, // SH M1 0
4271 SourceApplicatorType = 0x300A0292, // CS M1 0
4272 SourceApplicatorName = 0x300A0294, // LO M1 0
4273 SourceApplicatorLength = 0x300A0296, // DS M1 0
4274 SourceApplicatorManufacturer = 0x300A0298, // LO M1 0
4275 SourceApplicatorWallNominalThickness = 0x300A029C, // DS M1 0
4276 SourceApplicatorWallNominalTransmission = 0x300A029E, // DS M1 0
4277 SourceApplicatorStepSize = 0x300A02A0, // DS M1 0
4278 ApplicatorShapeReferencedROINumber = 0x300A02A1, // IS M1 0
4279 TransferTubeNumber = 0x300A02A2, // IS M1 0
4280 TransferTubeLength = 0x300A02A4, // DS M1 0
4281 ChannelShieldSequence = 0x300A02B0, // SQ M1 0
4282 ChannelShieldNumber = 0x300A02B2, // IS M1 0
4283 ChannelShieldID = 0x300A02B3, // SH M1 0
4284 ChannelShieldName = 0x300A02B4, // LO M1 0
4285 ChannelShieldNominalThickness = 0x300A02B8, // DS M1 0
4286 ChannelShieldNominalTransmission = 0x300A02BA, // DS M1 0
4287 FinalCumulativeTimeWeight = 0x300A02C8, // DS M1 0
4288 BrachyControlPointSequence = 0x300A02D0, // SQ M1 0
4289 ControlPointRelativePosition = 0x300A02D2, // DS M1 0
4290 ControlPoint3DPosition = 0x300A02D4, // DS M3 0
4291 CumulativeTimeWeight = 0x300A02D6, // DS M1 0
4292 CompensatorDivergence = 0x300A02E0, // CS M1 0
4293 CompensatorMountingPosition = 0x300A02E1, // CS M1 0
4294 SourceToCompensatorDistance = 0x300A02E2, // DS M1TN 0
4295 TotalCompensatorTrayWaterEquivalentThickness = 0x300A02E3, // FL M1 0
4296 IsocenterToCompensatorTrayDistance = 0x300A02E4, // FL M1 0
4297 CompensatorColumnOffset = 0x300A02E5, // FL M1 0
4298 IsocenterToCompensatorDistances = 0x300A02E6, // FL M1TN 0
4299 CompensatorRelativeStoppingPowerRatio = 0x300A02E7, // FL M1 0
4300 CompensatorMillingToolDiameter = 0x300A02E8, // FL M1 0
4301 IonRangeCompensatorSequence = 0x300A02EA, // SQ M1 0
4302 CompensatorDescription = 0x300A02EB, // LT M1 0
4303 RadiationMassNumber = 0x300A0302, // IS M1 0
4304 RadiationAtomicNumber = 0x300A0304, // IS M1 0
4305 RadiationChargeState = 0x300A0306, // SS M1 0
4306 ScanMode = 0x300A0308, // CS M1 0
4307 ModulatedScanModeType = 0x300A0309, // CS M1 0
4308 VirtualSourceAxisDistances = 0x300A030A, // FL M2 0
4309 SnoutSequence = 0x300A030C, // SQ M1 0
4310 SnoutPosition = 0x300A030D, // FL M1 0
4311 SnoutID = 0x300A030F, // SH M1 0
4312 NumberOfRangeShifters = 0x300A0312, // IS M1 0
4313 RangeShifterSequence = 0x300A0314, // SQ M1 0
4314 RangeShifterNumber = 0x300A0316, // IS M1 0
4315 RangeShifterID = 0x300A0318, // SH M1 0
4316 RangeShifterType = 0x300A0320, // CS M1 0
4317 RangeShifterDescription = 0x300A0322, // LO M1 0
4318 NumberOfLateralSpreadingDevices = 0x300A0330, // IS M1 0
4319 LateralSpreadingDeviceSequence = 0x300A0332, // SQ M1 0
4320 LateralSpreadingDeviceNumber = 0x300A0334, // IS M1 0
4321 LateralSpreadingDeviceID = 0x300A0336, // SH M1 0
4322 LateralSpreadingDeviceType = 0x300A0338, // CS M1 0
4323 LateralSpreadingDeviceDescription = 0x300A033A, // LO M1 0
4324 LateralSpreadingDeviceWaterEquivalentThickness = 0x300A033C, // FL M1 0
4325 NumberOfRangeModulators = 0x300A0340, // IS M1 0
4326 RangeModulatorSequence = 0x300A0342, // SQ M1 0
4327 RangeModulatorNumber = 0x300A0344, // IS M1 0
4328 RangeModulatorID = 0x300A0346, // SH M1 0
4329 RangeModulatorType = 0x300A0348, // CS M1 0
4330 RangeModulatorDescription = 0x300A034A, // LO M1 0
4331 BeamCurrentModulationID = 0x300A034C, // SH M1 0
4332 PatientSupportType = 0x300A0350, // CS M1 0
4333 PatientSupportID = 0x300A0352, // SH M1 0
4334 PatientSupportAccessoryCode = 0x300A0354, // LO M1 0
4335 TrayAccessoryCode = 0x300A0355, // LO M1 0
4336 FixationLightAzimuthalAngle = 0x300A0356, // FL M1 0
4337 FixationLightPolarAngle = 0x300A0358, // FL M1 0
4338 MetersetRate = 0x300A035A, // FL M1 0
4339 RangeShifterSettingsSequence = 0x300A0360, // SQ M1 0
4340 RangeShifterSetting = 0x300A0362, // LO M1 0
4341 IsocenterToRangeShifterDistance = 0x300A0364, // FL M1 0
4342 RangeShifterWaterEquivalentThickness = 0x300A0366, // FL M1 0
4343 LateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequence = 0x300A0370, // SQ M1 0
4344 LateralSpreadingDeviceSetting = 0x300A0372, // LO M1 0
4345 IsocenterToLateralSpreadingDeviceDistance = 0x300A0374, // FL M1 0
4346 RangeModulatorSettingsSequence = 0x300A0380, // SQ M1 0
4347 RangeModulatorGatingStartValue = 0x300A0382, // FL M1 0
4348 RangeModulatorGatingStopValue = 0x300A0384, // FL M1 0
4349 RangeModulatorGatingStartWaterEquivalentThickness = 0x300A0386, // FL M1 0
4350 RangeModulatorGatingStopWaterEquivalentThickness = 0x300A0388, // FL M1 0
4351 IsocenterToRangeModulatorDistance = 0x300A038A, // FL M1 0
4352 ScanSpotTimeOffset = 0x300A038F, // FL M1TN 0
4353 ScanSpotTuneID = 0x300A0390, // SH M1 0
4354 ScanSpotPrescribedIndices = 0x300A0391, // IS M1TN 0
4355 NumberOfScanSpotPositions = 0x300A0392, // IS M1 0
4356 ScanSpotReordered = 0x300A0393, // CS M1 0
4357 ScanSpotPositionMap = 0x300A0394, // FL M1TN 0
4358 ScanSpotReorderingAllowed = 0x300A0395, // CS M1 0
4359 ScanSpotMetersetWeights = 0x300A0396, // FL M1TN 0
4360 ScanningSpotSize = 0x300A0398, // FL M2 0
4361 ScanSpotSizesDelivered = 0x300A0399, // FL M2T2N 0
4362 NumberOfPaintings = 0x300A039A, // IS M1 0
4363 IonToleranceTableSequence = 0x300A03A0, // SQ M1 0
4364 IonBeamSequence = 0x300A03A2, // SQ M1 0
4365 IonBeamLimitingDeviceSequence = 0x300A03A4, // SQ M1 0
4366 IonBlockSequence = 0x300A03A6, // SQ M1 0
4367 IonControlPointSequence = 0x300A03A8, // SQ M1 0
4368 IonWedgeSequence = 0x300A03AA, // SQ M1 0
4369 IonWedgePositionSequence = 0x300A03AC, // SQ M1 0
4370 ReferencedSetupImageSequence = 0x300A0401, // SQ M1 0
4371 SetupImageComment = 0x300A0402, // ST M1 0
4372 MotionSynchronizationSequence = 0x300A0410, // SQ M1 0
4373 ControlPointOrientation = 0x300A0412, // FL M3 0
4374 GeneralAccessorySequence = 0x300A0420, // SQ M1 0
4375 GeneralAccessoryID = 0x300A0421, // SH M1 0
4376 GeneralAccessoryDescription = 0x300A0422, // ST M1 0
4377 GeneralAccessoryType = 0x300A0423, // CS M1 0
4378 GeneralAccessoryNumber = 0x300A0424, // IS M1 0
4379 SourceToGeneralAccessoryDistance = 0x300A0425, // FL M1 0
4380 IsocenterToGeneralAccessoryDistance = 0x300A0426, // DS M1 0
4381 ApplicatorGeometrySequence = 0x300A0431, // SQ M1 0
4382 ApplicatorApertureShape = 0x300A0432, // CS M1 0
4383 ApplicatorOpening = 0x300A0433, // FL M1 0
4384 ApplicatorOpeningX = 0x300A0434, // FL M1 0
4385 ApplicatorOpeningY = 0x300A0435, // FL M1 0
4386 SourceToApplicatorMountingPositionDistance = 0x300A0436, // FL M1 0
4387 NumberOfBlockSlabItems = 0x300A0440, // IS M1 0
4388 BlockSlabSequence = 0x300A0441, // SQ M1 0
4389 BlockSlabThickness = 0x300A0442, // DS M1 0
4390 BlockSlabNumber = 0x300A0443, // US M1 0
4391 DeviceMotionControlSequence = 0x300A0450, // SQ M1 0
4392 DeviceMotionExecutionMode = 0x300A0451, // CS M1 0
4393 DeviceMotionObservationMode = 0x300A0452, // CS M1 0
4394 DeviceMotionParameterCodeSequence = 0x300A0453, // SQ M1 0
4395 DistalDepthFraction = 0x300A0501, // FL M1 0
4396 DistalDepth = 0x300A0502, // FL M1 0
4397 NominalRangeModulationFractions = 0x300A0503, // FL M2 0
4398 NominalRangeModulatedRegionDepths = 0x300A0504, // FL M2 0
4399 DepthDoseParametersSequence = 0x300A0505, // SQ M1 0
4400 DeliveredDepthDoseParametersSequence = 0x300A0506, // SQ M1 0
4401 DeliveredDistalDepthFraction = 0x300A0507, // FL M1 0
4402 DeliveredDistalDepth = 0x300A0508, // FL M1 0
4403 DeliveredNominalRangeModulationFractions = 0x300A0509, // FL M2 0
4404 DeliveredNominalRangeModulatedRegionDepths = 0x300A0510, // FL M2 0
4405 DeliveredReferenceDoseDefinition = 0x300A0511, // CS M1 0
4406 ReferenceDoseDefinition = 0x300A0512, // CS M1 0
4407 RTControlPointIndex = 0x300A0600, // US M1 0
4408 RadiationGenerationModeIndex = 0x300A0601, // US M1 0
4409 ReferencedDefinedDeviceIndex = 0x300A0602, // US M1 0
4410 RadiationDoseIdentificationIndex = 0x300A0603, // US M1 0
4411 NumberOfRTControlPoints = 0x300A0604, // US M1 0
4412 ReferencedRadiationGenerationModeIndex = 0x300A0605, // US M1 0
4413 TreatmentPositionIndex = 0x300A0606, // US M1 0
4414 ReferencedDeviceIndex = 0x300A0607, // US M1 0
4415 TreatmentPositionGroupLabel = 0x300A0608, // LO M1 0
4416 TreatmentPositionGroupUID = 0x300A0609, // UI M1 0
4417 TreatmentPositionGroupSequence = 0x300A060A, // SQ M1 0
4418 ReferencedTreatmentPositionIndex = 0x300A060B, // US M1 0
4419 ReferencedRadiationDoseIdentificationIndex = 0x300A060C, // US M1 0
4420 RTAccessoryHolderWaterEquivalentThickness = 0x300A060D, // FD M1 0
4421 ReferencedRTAccessoryHolderDeviceIndex = 0x300A060E, // US M1 0
4422 RTAccessoryHolderSlotExistenceFlag = 0x300A060F, // CS M1 0
4423 RTAccessoryHolderSlotSequence = 0x300A0610, // SQ M1 0
4424 RTAccessoryHolderSlotID = 0x300A0611, // LO M1 0
4425 RTAccessoryHolderSlotDistance = 0x300A0612, // FD M1 0
4426 RTAccessorySlotDistance = 0x300A0613, // FD M1 0
4427 RTAccessoryHolderDefinitionSequence = 0x300A0614, // SQ M1 0
4428 RTAccessoryDeviceSlotID = 0x300A0615, // LO M1 0
4429 RTRadiationSequence = 0x300A0616, // SQ M1 0
4430 RadiationDoseSequence = 0x300A0617, // SQ M1 0
4431 RadiationDoseIdentificationSequence = 0x300A0618, // SQ M1 0
4432 RadiationDoseIdentificationLabel = 0x300A0619, // LO M1 0
4433 ReferenceDoseType = 0x300A061A, // CS M1 0
4434 PrimaryDoseValueIndicator = 0x300A061B, // CS M1 0
4435 DoseValuesSequence = 0x300A061C, // SQ M1 0
4436 DoseValuePurpose = 0x300A061D, // CS M1TN 0
4437 ReferenceDosePointCoordinates = 0x300A061E, // FD M3 0
4438 RadiationDoseValuesParametersSequence = 0x300A061F, // SQ M1 0
4439 MetersetToDoseMappingSequence = 0x300A0620, // SQ M1 0
4440 ExpectedInVivoMeasurementValuesSequence = 0x300A0621, // SQ M1 0
4441 ExpectedInVivoMeasurementValueIndex = 0x300A0622, // US M1 0
4442 RadiationDoseInVivoMeasurementLabel = 0x300A0623, // LO M1 0
4443 RadiationDoseCentralAxisDisplacement = 0x300A0624, // FD M2 0
4444 RadiationDoseValue = 0x300A0625, // FD M1 0
4445 RadiationDoseSourceToSkinDistance = 0x300A0626, // FD M1 0
4446 RadiationDoseMeasurementPointCoordinates = 0x300A0627, // FD M3 0
4447 RadiationDoseSourceToExternalContourDistance = 0x300A0628, // FD M1 0
4448 RTToleranceSetSequence = 0x300A0629, // SQ M1 0
4449 RTToleranceSetLabel = 0x300A062A, // LO M1 0
4450 AttributeToleranceValuesSequence = 0x300A062B, // SQ M1 0
4451 ToleranceValue = 0x300A062C, // FD M1 0
4452 PatientSupportPositionToleranceSequence = 0x300A062D, // SQ M1 0
4453 TreatmentTimeLimit = 0x300A062E, // FD M1 0
4454 CArmPhotonElectronControlPointSequence = 0x300A062F, // SQ M1 0
4455 ReferencedRTRadiationSequence = 0x300A0630, // SQ M1 0
4456 ReferencedRTInstanceSequence = 0x300A0631, // SQ M1 0
4457 ReferencedRTPatientSetupSequence = 0x300A0632, // SQ M1 1
4458 SourceToPatientSurfaceDistance = 0x300A0634, // FD M1 0
4459 TreatmentMachineSpecialModeCodeSequence = 0x300A0635, // SQ M1 0
4460 IntendedNumberOfFractions = 0x300A0636, // US M1 0
4461 RTRadiationSetIntent = 0x300A0637, // CS M1 0
4462 RTRadiationPhysicalAndGeometricContentDetailFlag = 0x300A0638, // CS M1 0
4463 RTRecordFlag = 0x300A0639, // CS M1 0
4464 TreatmentDeviceIdentificationSequence = 0x300A063A, // SQ M1 0
4465 ReferencedRTPhysicianIntentSequence = 0x300A063B, // SQ M1 0
4466 CumulativeMeterset = 0x300A063C, // FD M1 0
4467 DeliveryRate = 0x300A063D, // FD M1 0
4468 DeliveryRateUnitSequence = 0x300A063E, // SQ M1 0
4469 TreatmentPositionSequence = 0x300A063F, // SQ M1 0
4470 RadiationSourceAxisDistance = 0x300A0640, // FD M1 0
4471 NumberOfRTBeamLimitingDevices = 0x300A0641, // US M1 0
4472 RTBeamLimitingDeviceProximalDistance = 0x300A0642, // FD M1 0
4473 RTBeamLimitingDeviceDistalDistance = 0x300A0643, // FD M1 0
4474 ParallelRTBeamDelimiterDeviceOrientationLabelCodeSequence = 0x300A0644, // SQ M1 0
4475 BeamModifierOrientationAngle = 0x300A0645, // FD M1 0
4476 FixedRTBeamDelimiterDeviceSequence = 0x300A0646, // SQ M1 0
4477 ParallelRTBeamDelimiterDeviceSequence = 0x300A0647, // SQ M1 0
4478 NumberOfParallelRTBeamDelimiters = 0x300A0648, // US M1 0
4479 ParallelRTBeamDelimiterBoundaries = 0x300A0649, // FD M2TN 0
4480 ParallelRTBeamDelimiterPositions = 0x300A064A, // FD M2TN 0
4481 RTBeamLimitingDeviceOffset = 0x300A064B, // FD M2 0
4482 RTBeamDelimiterGeometrySequence = 0x300A064C, // SQ M1 0
4483 RTBeamLimitingDeviceDefinitionSequence = 0x300A064D, // SQ M1 0
4484 ParallelRTBeamDelimiterOpeningMode = 0x300A064E, // CS M1 0
4485 ParallelRTBeamDelimiterLeafMountingSide = 0x300A064F, // CS M1TN 0
4486 PatientSetupUID = 0x300A0650, // UI M1 1
4487 WedgeDefinitionSequence = 0x300A0651, // SQ M1 0
4488 RadiationBeamWedgeAngle = 0x300A0652, // FD M1 0
4489 RadiationBeamWedgeThinEdgeDistance = 0x300A0653, // FD M1 0
4490 RadiationBeamEffectiveWedgeAngle = 0x300A0654, // FD M1 0
4491 NumberOfWedgePositions = 0x300A0655, // US M1 0
4492 RTBeamLimitingDeviceOpeningSequence = 0x300A0656, // SQ M1 0
4493 NumberOfRTBeamLimitingDeviceOpenings = 0x300A0657, // US M1 0
4494 RadiationDosimeterUnitSequence = 0x300A0658, // SQ M1 0
4495 RTDeviceDistanceReferenceLocationCodeSequence = 0x300A0659, // SQ M1 0
4496 RadiationDeviceConfigurationAndCommissioningKeySequence = 0x300A065A, // SQ M1 0
4497 PatientSupportPositionParameterSequence = 0x300A065B, // SQ M1 0
4498 PatientSupportPositionSpecificationMethod = 0x300A065C, // CS M1 0
4499 PatientSupportPositionDeviceParameterSequence = 0x300A065D, // SQ M1 0
4500 DeviceOrderIndex = 0x300A065E, // US M1 0
4501 PatientSupportPositionParameterOrderIndex = 0x300A065F, // US M1 0
4502 PatientSupportPositionDeviceToleranceSequence = 0x300A0660, // SQ M1 0
4503 PatientSupportPositionToleranceOrderIndex = 0x300A0661, // US M1 0
4504 CompensatorDefinitionSequence = 0x300A0662, // SQ M1 0
4505 CompensatorMapOrientation = 0x300A0663, // CS M1 0
4506 CompensatorProximalThicknessMap = 0x300A0664, // OF M1 0
4507 CompensatorDistalThicknessMap = 0x300A0665, // OF M1 0
4508 CompensatorBasePlaneOffset = 0x300A0666, // FD M1 0
4509 CompensatorShapeFabricationCodeSequence = 0x300A0667, // SQ M1 0
4510 CompensatorShapeSequence = 0x300A0668, // SQ M1 0
4511 RadiationBeamCompensatorMillingToolDiameter = 0x300A0669, // FD M1 0
4512 BlockDefinitionSequence = 0x300A066A, // SQ M1 0
4513 BlockEdgeData = 0x300A066B, // OF M1 0
4514 BlockOrientation = 0x300A066C, // CS M1 0
4515 RadiationBeamBlockThickness = 0x300A066D, // FD M1 0
4516 RadiationBeamBlockSlabThickness = 0x300A066E, // FD M1 0
4517 BlockEdgeDataSequence = 0x300A066F, // SQ M1 0
4518 NumberOfRTAccessoryHolders = 0x300A0670, // US M1 0
4519 GeneralAccessoryDefinitionSequence = 0x300A0671, // SQ M1 0
4520 NumberOfGeneralAccessories = 0x300A0672, // US M1 0
4521 BolusDefinitionSequence = 0x300A0673, // SQ M1 0
4522 NumberOfBoluses = 0x300A0674, // US M1 0
4523 EquipmentFrameOfReferenceUID = 0x300A0675, // UI M1 0
4524 EquipmentFrameOfReferenceDescription = 0x300A0676, // ST M1 0
4525 EquipmentReferencePointCoordinatesSequence = 0x300A0677, // SQ M1 0
4526 EquipmentReferencePointCodeSequence = 0x300A0678, // SQ M1 0
4527 RTBeamLimitingDeviceAngle = 0x300A0679, // FD M1 0
4528 SourceRollAngle = 0x300A067A, // FD M1 0
4529 RadiationGenerationModeSequence = 0x300A067B, // SQ M1 0
4530 RadiationGenerationModeLabel = 0x300A067C, // SH M1 0
4531 RadiationGenerationModeDescription = 0x300A067D, // ST M1 0
4532 RadiationGenerationModeMachineCodeSequence = 0x300A067E, // SQ M1 0
4533 RadiationTypeCodeSequence = 0x300A067F, // SQ M1 0
4534 NominalEnergy = 0x300A0680, // DS M1 0
4535 MinimumNominalEnergy = 0x300A0681, // DS M1 0
4536 MaximumNominalEnergy = 0x300A0682, // DS M1 0
4537 RadiationFluenceModifierCodeSequence = 0x300A0683, // SQ M1 0
4538 EnergyUnitCodeSequence = 0x300A0684, // SQ M1 0
4539 NumberOfRadiationGenerationModes = 0x300A0685, // US M1 0
4540 PatientSupportDevicesSequence = 0x300A0686, // SQ M1 0
4541 NumberOfPatientSupportDevices = 0x300A0687, // US M1 0
4542 RTBeamModifierDefinitionDistance = 0x300A0688, // FD M1 0
4543 BeamAreaLimitSequence = 0x300A0689, // SQ M1 0
4544 ReferencedRTPrescriptionSequence = 0x300A068A, // SQ M1 0
4545 TreatmentSessionUID = 0x300A0700, // UI M1 0
4546 RTRadiationUsage = 0x300A0701, // CS M1 0
4547 ReferencedRTRadiationSetSequence = 0x300A0702, // SQ M1 0
4548 ReferencedRTRadiationRecordSequence = 0x300A0703, // SQ M1 0
4549 RTRadiationSetDeliveryNumber = 0x300A0704, // US M1 0
4550 ClinicalFractionNumber = 0x300A0705, // US M1 0
4551 RTTreatmentFractionCompletionStatus = 0x300A0706, // CS M1 0
4552 RTRadiationSetUsage = 0x300A0707, // CS M1 0
4553 TreatmentDeliveryContinuationFlag = 0x300A0708, // CS M1 0
4554 TreatmentRecordContentOrigin = 0x300A0709, // CS M1 0
4555 RTTreatmentTerminationStatus = 0x300A0714, // CS M1 0
4556 RTTreatmentTerminationReasonCodeSequence = 0x300A0715, // SQ M1 0
4557 MachineSpecificTreatmentTerminationCodeSequence = 0x300A0716, // SQ M1 0
4558 RTRadiationSalvageRecordControlPointSequence = 0x300A0722, // SQ M1 0
4559 StartingMetersetValueKnownFlag = 0x300A0723, // CS M1 0
4560 TreatmentTerminationDescription = 0x300A0730, // ST M1 0
4561 TreatmentToleranceViolationSequence = 0x300A0731, // SQ M1 0
4562 TreatmentToleranceViolationCategory = 0x300A0732, // CS M1 0
4563 TreatmentToleranceViolationAttributeSequence = 0x300A0733, // SQ M1 0
4564 TreatmentToleranceViolationDescription = 0x300A0734, // ST M1 0
4565 TreatmentToleranceViolationIdentification = 0x300A0735, // ST M1 0
4566 TreatmentToleranceViolationDateTime = 0x300A0736, // DT M1 0
4567 RecordedRTControlPointDateTime = 0x300A073A, // DT M1 0
4568 ReferencedRadiationRTControlPointIndex = 0x300A073B, // US M1 0
4569 AlternateValueSequence = 0x300A073E, // SQ M1 0
4570 ConfirmationSequence = 0x300A073F, // SQ M1 0
4571 InterlockSequence = 0x300A0740, // SQ M1 0
4572 InterlockDateTime = 0x300A0741, // DT M1 0
4573 InterlockDescription = 0x300A0742, // ST M1 0
4574 InterlockOriginatingDeviceSequence = 0x300A0743, // SQ M1 0
4575 InterlockCodeSequence = 0x300A0744, // SQ M1 0
4576 InterlockResolutionCodeSequence = 0x300A0745, // SQ M1 0
4577 InterlockResolutionUserSequence = 0x300A0746, // SQ M1 0
4578 OverrideDateTime = 0x300A0760, // DT M1 0
4579 TreatmentToleranceViolationTypeCodeSequence = 0x300A0761, // SQ M1 0
4580 TreatmentToleranceViolationCauseCodeSequence = 0x300A0762, // SQ M1 0
4581 MeasuredMetersetToDoseMappingSequence = 0x300A0772, // SQ M1 0
4582 ReferencedExpectedInVivoMeasurementValueIndex = 0x300A0773, // US M1 0
4583 DoseMeasurementDeviceCodeSequence = 0x300A0774, // SQ M1 0
4584 AdditionalParameterRecordingInstanceSequence = 0x300A0780, // SQ M1 0
4585 InterlockOriginDescription = 0x300A0783, // ST M1 0
4586 RTPatientPositionScopeSequence = 0x300A0784, // SQ M1 0
4587 ReferencedTreatmentPositionGroupUID = 0x300A0785, // UI M1 0
4588 RadiationOrderIndex = 0x300A0786, // US M1 0
4589 OmittedRadiationSequence = 0x300A0787, // SQ M1 0
4590 ReasonForOmissionCodeSequence = 0x300A0788, // SQ M1 0
4591 RTDeliveryStartPatientPositionSequence = 0x300A0789, // SQ M1 0
4592 RTTreatmentPreparationPatientPositionSequence = 0x300A078A, // SQ M1 0
4593 ReferencedRTTreatmentPreparationSequence = 0x300A078B, // SQ M1 0
4594 ReferencedPatientSetupPhotoSequence = 0x300A078C, // SQ M1 0
4595 PatientTreatmentPreparationMethodCodeSequence = 0x300A078D, // SQ M1 0
4596 PatientTreatmentPreparationProcedureParameterDescription = 0x300A078E, // LT M1 0
4597 PatientTreatmentPreparationDeviceSequence = 0x300A078F, // SQ M1 0
4598 PatientTreatmentPreparationProcedureSequence = 0x300A0790, // SQ M1 0
4599 PatientTreatmentPreparationProcedureCodeSequence = 0x300A0791, // SQ M1 0
4600 PatientTreatmentPreparationMethodDescription = 0x300A0792, // LT M1 0
4601 PatientTreatmentPreparationProcedureParameterSequence = 0x300A0793, // SQ M1 0
4602 PatientSetupPhotoDescription = 0x300A0794, // LT M1 0
4603 PatientTreatmentPreparationProcedureIndex = 0x300A0795, // US M1 0
4604 ReferencedPatientSetupProcedureIndex = 0x300A0796, // US M1 0
4605 RTRadiationTaskSequence = 0x300A0797, // SQ M1 0
4606 RTPatientPositionDisplacementSequence = 0x300A0798, // SQ M1 0
4607 RTPatientPositionSequence = 0x300A0799, // SQ M1 0
4608 DisplacementReferenceLabel = 0x300A079A, // LO M1 0
4609 DisplacementMatrix = 0x300A079B, // FD M16 0
4610 PatientSupportDisplacementSequence = 0x300A079C, // SQ M1 0
4611 DisplacementReferenceLocationCodeSequence = 0x300A079D, // SQ M1 0
4612 RTRadiationSetDeliveryUsage = 0x300A079E, // CS M1 0
4613 ReferencedRTPlanSequence = 0x300C0002, // SQ M1 0
4614 ReferencedBeamSequence = 0x300C0004, // SQ M1 0
4615 ReferencedBeamNumber = 0x300C0006, // IS M1 0
4616 ReferencedReferenceImageNumber = 0x300C0007, // IS M1 0
4617 StartCumulativeMetersetWeight = 0x300C0008, // DS M1 0
4618 EndCumulativeMetersetWeight = 0x300C0009, // DS M1 0
4619 ReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequence = 0x300C000A, // SQ M1 0
4620 ReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupNumber = 0x300C000C, // IS M1 0
4621 ReferencedSourceNumber = 0x300C000E, // IS M1 0
4622 ReferencedFractionGroupSequence = 0x300C0020, // SQ M1 0
4623 ReferencedFractionGroupNumber = 0x300C0022, // IS M1 0
4624 ReferencedVerificationImageSequence = 0x300C0040, // SQ M1 0
4625 ReferencedReferenceImageSequence = 0x300C0042, // SQ M1 0
4626 ReferencedDoseReferenceSequence = 0x300C0050, // SQ M1 0
4627 ReferencedDoseReferenceNumber = 0x300C0051, // IS M1 0
4628 BrachyReferencedDoseReferenceSequence = 0x300C0055, // SQ M1 0
4629 ReferencedStructureSetSequence = 0x300C0060, // SQ M1 0
4630 ReferencedPatientSetupNumber = 0x300C006A, // IS M1 0
4631 ReferencedDoseSequence = 0x300C0080, // SQ M1 0
4632 ReferencedToleranceTableNumber = 0x300C00A0, // IS M1 0
4633 ReferencedBolusSequence = 0x300C00B0, // SQ M1 0
4634 ReferencedWedgeNumber = 0x300C00C0, // IS M1 0
4635 ReferencedCompensatorNumber = 0x300C00D0, // IS M1 0
4636 ReferencedBlockNumber = 0x300C00E0, // IS M1 0
4637 ReferencedControlPointIndex = 0x300C00F0, // IS M1 0
4638 ReferencedControlPointSequence = 0x300C00F2, // SQ M1 0
4639 ReferencedStartControlPointIndex = 0x300C00F4, // IS M1 0
4640 ReferencedStopControlPointIndex = 0x300C00F6, // IS M1 0
4641 ReferencedRangeShifterNumber = 0x300C0100, // IS M1 0
4642 ReferencedLateralSpreadingDeviceNumber = 0x300C0102, // IS M1 0
4643 ReferencedRangeModulatorNumber = 0x300C0104, // IS M1 0
4644 OmittedBeamTaskSequence = 0x300C0111, // SQ M1 0
4645 ReasonForOmission = 0x300C0112, // CS M1 0
4646 ReasonForOmissionDescription = 0x300C0113, // LO M1 0
4647 PrescriptionOverviewSequence = 0x300C0114, // SQ M1 0
4648 TotalPrescriptionDose = 0x300C0115, // FL M1 0
4649 PlanOverviewSequence = 0x300C0116, // SQ M1 0
4650 PlanOverviewIndex = 0x300C0117, // US M1 0
4651 ReferencedPlanOverviewIndex = 0x300C0118, // US M1 0
4652 NumberOfFractionsIncluded = 0x300C0119, // US M1 0
4653 DoseCalibrationConditionsSequence = 0x300C0120, // SQ M1 0
4654 AbsorbedDoseToMetersetRatio = 0x300C0121, // FD M1 0
4655 DelineatedRadiationFieldSize = 0x300C0122, // FD M2 0
4656 DoseCalibrationConditionsVerifiedFlag = 0x300C0123, // CS M1 0
4657 CalibrationReferencePointDepth = 0x300C0124, // FD M1 0
4658 GatingBeamHoldTransitionSequence = 0x300C0125, // SQ M1 0
4659 BeamHoldTransition = 0x300C0126, // CS M1 0
4660 BeamHoldTransitionDateTime = 0x300C0127, // DT M1 0
4661 BeamHoldOriginatingDeviceSequence = 0x300C0128, // SQ M1 0
4662 ApprovalStatus = 0x300E0002, // CS M1 0
4663 ReviewDate = 0x300E0004, // DA M1 0
4664 ReviewTime = 0x300E0005, // TM M1 0
4665 ReviewerName = 0x300E0008, // PN M1 0
4666 RadiobiologicalDoseEffectSequence = 0x30100001, // SQ M1 0
4667 RadiobiologicalDoseEffectFlag = 0x30100002, // CS M1 0
4668 EffectiveDoseCalculationMethodCategoryCodeSequence = 0x30100003, // SQ M1 0
4669 EffectiveDoseCalculationMethodCodeSequence = 0x30100004, // SQ M1 0
4670 EffectiveDoseCalculationMethodDescription = 0x30100005, // LO M1 0
4671 ConceptualVolumeUID = 0x30100006, // UI M1 0
4672 OriginatingSOPInstanceReferenceSequence = 0x30100007, // SQ M1 0
4673 ConceptualVolumeConstituentSequence = 0x30100008, // SQ M1 0
4674 EquivalentConceptualVolumeInstanceReferenceSequence = 0x30100009, // SQ M1 0
4675 EquivalentConceptualVolumesSequence = 0x3010000A, // SQ M1 0
4676 ReferencedConceptualVolumeUID = 0x3010000B, // UI M1 0
4677 ConceptualVolumeCombinationExpression = 0x3010000C, // UT M1 0
4678 ConceptualVolumeConstituentIndex = 0x3010000D, // US M1 0
4679 ConceptualVolumeCombinationFlag = 0x3010000E, // CS M1 0
4680 ConceptualVolumeCombinationDescription = 0x3010000F, // ST M1 0
4681 ConceptualVolumeSegmentationDefinedFlag = 0x30100010, // CS M1 0
4682 ConceptualVolumeSegmentationReferenceSequence = 0x30100011, // SQ M1 0
4683 ConceptualVolumeConstituentSegmentationReferenceSequence = 0x30100012, // SQ M1 0
4684 ConstituentConceptualVolumeUID = 0x30100013, // UI M1 0
4685 DerivationConceptualVolumeSequence = 0x30100014, // SQ M1 0
4686 SourceConceptualVolumeUID = 0x30100015, // UI M1 0
4687 ConceptualVolumeDerivationAlgorithmSequence = 0x30100016, // SQ M1 0
4688 ConceptualVolumeDescription = 0x30100017, // ST M1 0
4689 SourceConceptualVolumeSequence = 0x30100018, // SQ M1 0
4690 AuthorIdentificationSequence = 0x30100019, // SQ M1 0
4691 ManufacturerModelVersion = 0x3010001A, // LO M1 0
4692 DeviceAlternateIdentifier = 0x3010001B, // UC M1 0
4693 DeviceAlternateIdentifierType = 0x3010001C, // CS M1 0
4694 DeviceAlternateIdentifierFormat = 0x3010001D, // LT M1 0
4695 SegmentationCreationTemplateLabel = 0x3010001E, // LO M1 0
4696 SegmentationTemplateUID = 0x3010001F, // UI M1 0
4697 ReferencedSegmentReferenceIndex = 0x30100020, // US M1 0
4698 SegmentReferenceSequence = 0x30100021, // SQ M1 0
4699 SegmentReferenceIndex = 0x30100022, // US M1 0
4700 DirectSegmentReferenceSequence = 0x30100023, // SQ M1 0
4701 CombinationSegmentReferenceSequence = 0x30100024, // SQ M1 0
4702 ConceptualVolumeSequence = 0x30100025, // SQ M1 0
4703 SegmentedRTAccessoryDeviceSequence = 0x30100026, // SQ M1 0
4704 SegmentCharacteristicsSequence = 0x30100027, // SQ M1 0
4705 RelatedSegmentCharacteristicsSequence = 0x30100028, // SQ M1 0
4706 SegmentCharacteristicsPrecedence = 0x30100029, // US M1 0
4707 RTSegmentAnnotationSequence = 0x3010002A, // SQ M1 0
4708 SegmentAnnotationCategoryCodeSequence = 0x3010002B, // SQ M1 0
4709 SegmentAnnotationTypeCodeSequence = 0x3010002C, // SQ M1 0
4710 DeviceLabel = 0x3010002D, // LO M1 0
4711 DeviceTypeCodeSequence = 0x3010002E, // SQ M1 0
4712 SegmentAnnotationTypeModifierCodeSequence = 0x3010002F, // SQ M1 0
4713 PatientEquipmentRelationshipCodeSequence = 0x30100030, // SQ M1 0
4714 ReferencedFiducialsUID = 0x30100031, // UI M1 0
4715 PatientTreatmentOrientationSequence = 0x30100032, // SQ M1 0
4716 UserContentLabel = 0x30100033, // SH M1 0
4717 UserContentLongLabel = 0x30100034, // LO M1 0
4718 EntityLabel = 0x30100035, // SH M1 0
4719 EntityName = 0x30100036, // LO M1 0
4720 EntityDescription = 0x30100037, // ST M1 0
4721 EntityLongLabel = 0x30100038, // LO M1 0
4722 DeviceIndex = 0x30100039, // US M1 0
4723 RTTreatmentPhaseIndex = 0x3010003A, // US M1 0
4724 RTTreatmentPhaseUID = 0x3010003B, // UI M1 0
4725 RTPrescriptionIndex = 0x3010003C, // US M1 0
4726 RTSegmentAnnotationIndex = 0x3010003D, // US M1 0
4727 BasisRTTreatmentPhaseIndex = 0x3010003E, // US M1 0
4728 RelatedRTTreatmentPhaseIndex = 0x3010003F, // US M1 0
4729 ReferencedRTTreatmentPhaseIndex = 0x30100040, // US M1 0
4730 ReferencedRTPrescriptionIndex = 0x30100041, // US M1 0
4731 ReferencedParentRTPrescriptionIndex = 0x30100042, // US M1 0
4732 ManufacturerDeviceIdentifier = 0x30100043, // ST M1 0
4733 InstanceLevelReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequence = 0x30100044, // SQ M1 0
4734 RTTreatmentPhaseIntentPresenceFlag = 0x30100045, // CS M1 0
4735 RadiotherapyTreatmentType = 0x30100046, // CS M1 0
4736 TeletherapyRadiationType = 0x30100047, // CS M1TN 0
4737 BrachytherapySourceType = 0x30100048, // CS M1TN 0
4738 ReferencedRTTreatmentPhaseSequence = 0x30100049, // SQ M1 0
4739 ReferencedDirectSegmentInstanceSequence = 0x3010004A, // SQ M1 0
4740 IntendedRTTreatmentPhaseSequence = 0x3010004B, // SQ M1 0
4741 IntendedPhaseStartDate = 0x3010004C, // DA M1 0
4742 IntendedPhaseEndDate = 0x3010004D, // DA M1 0
4743 RTTreatmentPhaseIntervalSequence = 0x3010004E, // SQ M1 0
4744 TemporalRelationshipIntervalAnchor = 0x3010004F, // CS M1 0
4745 MinimumNumberOfIntervalDays = 0x30100050, // FD M1 0
4746 MaximumNumberOfIntervalDays = 0x30100051, // FD M1 0
4747 PertinentSOPClassesInStudy = 0x30100052, // UI M1TN 0
4748 PertinentSOPClassesInSeries = 0x30100053, // UI M1TN 0
4749 RTPrescriptionLabel = 0x30100054, // LO M1 0
4750 RTPhysicianIntentPredecessorSequence = 0x30100055, // SQ M1 0
4751 RTTreatmentApproachLabel = 0x30100056, // LO M1 0
4752 RTPhysicianIntentSequence = 0x30100057, // SQ M1 0
4753 RTPhysicianIntentIndex = 0x30100058, // US M1 0
4754 RTTreatmentIntentType = 0x30100059, // CS M1 0
4755 RTPhysicianIntentNarrative = 0x3010005A, // UT M1 0
4756 RTProtocolCodeSequence = 0x3010005B, // SQ M1 0
4757 ReasonForSuperseding = 0x3010005C, // ST M1 0
4758 RTDiagnosisCodeSequence = 0x3010005D, // SQ M1 0
4759 ReferencedRTPhysicianIntentIndex = 0x3010005E, // US M1 0
4760 RTPhysicianIntentInputInstanceSequence = 0x3010005F, // SQ M1 0
4761 RTAnatomicPrescriptionSequence = 0x30100060, // SQ M1 0
4762 PriorTreatmentDoseDescription = 0x30100061, // UT M1 0
4763 PriorTreatmentReferenceSequence = 0x30100062, // SQ M1 0
4764 DosimetricObjectiveEvaluationScope = 0x30100063, // CS M1 0
4765 TherapeuticRoleCategoryCodeSequence = 0x30100064, // SQ M1 0
4766 TherapeuticRoleTypeCodeSequence = 0x30100065, // SQ M1 0
4767 ConceptualVolumeOptimizationPrecedence = 0x30100066, // US M1 0
4768 ConceptualVolumeCategoryCodeSequence = 0x30100067, // SQ M1 0
4769 ConceptualVolumeBlockingConstraint = 0x30100068, // CS M1 0
4770 ConceptualVolumeTypeCodeSequence = 0x30100069, // SQ M1 0
4771 ConceptualVolumeTypeModifierCodeSequence = 0x3010006A, // SQ M1 0
4772 RTPrescriptionSequence = 0x3010006B, // SQ M1 0
4773 DosimetricObjectiveSequence = 0x3010006C, // SQ M1 0
4774 DosimetricObjectiveTypeCodeSequence = 0x3010006D, // SQ M1 0
4775 DosimetricObjectiveUID = 0x3010006E, // UI M1 0
4776 ReferencedDosimetricObjectiveUID = 0x3010006F, // UI M1 0
4777 DosimetricObjectiveParameterSequence = 0x30100070, // SQ M1 0
4778 ReferencedDosimetricObjectivesSequence = 0x30100071, // SQ M1 0
4779 AbsoluteDosimetricObjectiveFlag = 0x30100073, // CS M1 0
4780 DosimetricObjectiveWeight = 0x30100074, // FD M1 0
4781 DosimetricObjectivePurpose = 0x30100075, // CS M1 0
4782 PlanningInputInformationSequence = 0x30100076, // SQ M1 0
4783 TreatmentSite = 0x30100077, // LO M1 0
4784 TreatmentSiteCodeSequence = 0x30100078, // SQ M1 0
4785 FractionPatternSequence = 0x30100079, // SQ M1 0
4786 TreatmentTechniqueNotes = 0x3010007A, // UT M1 0
4787 PrescriptionNotes = 0x3010007B, // UT M1 0
4788 NumberOfIntervalFractions = 0x3010007C, // IS M1 0
4789 NumberOfFractions = 0x3010007D, // US M1 0
4790 IntendedDeliveryDuration = 0x3010007E, // US M1 0
4791 FractionationNotes = 0x3010007F, // UT M1 0
4792 RTTreatmentTechniqueCodeSequence = 0x30100080, // SQ M1 0
4793 PrescriptionNotesSequence = 0x30100081, // SQ M1 0
4794 FractionBasedRelationshipSequence = 0x30100082, // SQ M1 0
4795 FractionBasedRelationshipIntervalAnchor = 0x30100083, // CS M1 0
4796 MinimumHoursBetweenFractions = 0x30100084, // FD M1 0
4797 IntendedFractionStartTime = 0x30100085, // TM M1TN 0
4798 IntendedStartDayOfWeek = 0x30100086, // LT M1 0
4799 WeekdayFractionPatternSequence = 0x30100087, // SQ M1 0
4800 DeliveryTimeStructureCodeSequence = 0x30100088, // SQ M1 0
4801 TreatmentSiteModifierCodeSequence = 0x30100089, // SQ M1 0
4802 RoboticBaseLocationIndicator = 0x30100090, // CS M1 0
4803 RoboticPathNodeSetCodeSequence = 0x30100091, // SQ M1 0
4804 RoboticNodeIdentifier = 0x30100092, // UL M1 0
4805 RTTreatmentSourceCoordinates = 0x30100093, // FD M3 0
4806 RadiationSourceCoordinateSystemYawAngle = 0x30100094, // FD M1 0
4807 RadiationSourceCoordinateSystemRollAngle = 0x30100095, // FD M1 0
4808 RadiationSourceCoordinateSystemPitchAngle = 0x30100096, // FD M1 0
4809 RoboticPathControlPointSequence = 0x30100097, // SQ M1 0
4810 TomotherapeuticControlPointSequence = 0x30100098, // SQ M1 0
4811 TomotherapeuticLeafOpenDurations = 0x30100099, // FD M1TN 0
4812 TomotherapeuticLeafInitialClosedDurations = 0x3010009A, // FD M1TN 0
4813 ConceptualVolumeIdentificationSequence = 0x301000A0, // SQ M1 0
4814 Arbitrary = 0x40000010, // LT M1 1
4815 TextComments = 0x40004000, // LT M1 1
4816 ResultsID = 0x40080040, // SH M1 1
4817 ResultsIDIssuer = 0x40080042, // LO M1 1
4818 ReferencedInterpretationSequence = 0x40080050, // SQ M1 1
4819 ReportProductionStatusTrial = 0x400800FF, // CS M1 1
4820 InterpretationRecordedDate = 0x40080100, // DA M1 1
4821 InterpretationRecordedTime = 0x40080101, // TM M1 1
4822 InterpretationRecorder = 0x40080102, // PN M1 1
4823 ReferenceToRecordedSound = 0x40080103, // LO M1 1
4824 InterpretationTranscriptionDate = 0x40080108, // DA M1 1
4825 InterpretationTranscriptionTime = 0x40080109, // TM M1 1
4826 InterpretationTranscriber = 0x4008010A, // PN M1 1
4827 InterpretationText = 0x4008010B, // ST M1 1
4828 InterpretationAuthor = 0x4008010C, // PN M1 1
4829 InterpretationApproverSequence = 0x40080111, // SQ M1 1
4830 InterpretationApprovalDate = 0x40080112, // DA M1 1
4831 InterpretationApprovalTime = 0x40080113, // TM M1 1
4832 PhysicianApprovingInterpretation = 0x40080114, // PN M1 1
4833 InterpretationDiagnosisDescription = 0x40080115, // LT M1 1
4834 InterpretationDiagnosisCodeSequence = 0x40080117, // SQ M1 1
4835 ResultsDistributionListSequence = 0x40080118, // SQ M1 1
4836 DistributionName = 0x40080119, // PN M1 1
4837 DistributionAddress = 0x4008011A, // LO M1 1
4838 InterpretationID = 0x40080200, // SH M1 1
4839 InterpretationIDIssuer = 0x40080202, // LO M1 1
4840 InterpretationTypeID = 0x40080210, // CS M1 1
4841 InterpretationStatusID = 0x40080212, // CS M1 1
4842 Impressions = 0x40080300, // ST M1 1
4843 ResultsComments = 0x40084000, // ST M1 1
4844 LowEnergyDetectors = 0x40100001, // CS M1 DICOS
4845 HighEnergyDetectors = 0x40100002, // CS M1 DICOS
4846 DetectorGeometrySequence = 0x40100004, // SQ M1 DICOS
4847 ThreatROIVoxelSequence = 0x40101001, // SQ M1 DICOS
4848 ThreatROIBase = 0x40101004, // FL M3 DICOS
4849 ThreatROIExtents = 0x40101005, // FL M3 DICOS
4850 ThreatROIBitmap = 0x40101006, // OB M1 DICOS
4851 RouteSegmentID = 0x40101007, // SH M1 DICOS
4852 GantryType = 0x40101008, // CS M1 DICOS
4853 OOIOwnerType = 0x40101009, // CS M1 DICOS
4854 RouteSegmentSequence = 0x4010100A, // SQ M1 DICOS
4855 PotentialThreatObjectID = 0x40101010, // US M1 DICOS
4856 ThreatSequence = 0x40101011, // SQ M1 DICOS
4857 ThreatCategory = 0x40101012, // CS M1 DICOS
4858 ThreatCategoryDescription = 0x40101013, // LT M1 DICOS
4859 ATDAbilityAssessment = 0x40101014, // CS M1 DICOS
4860 ATDAssessmentFlag = 0x40101015, // CS M1 DICOS
4861 ATDAssessmentProbability = 0x40101016, // FL M1 DICOS
4862 Mass = 0x40101017, // FL M1 DICOS
4863 Density = 0x40101018, // FL M1 DICOS
4864 ZEffective = 0x40101019, // FL M1 DICOS
4865 BoardingPassID = 0x4010101A, // SH M1 DICOS
4866 CenterOfMass = 0x4010101B, // FL M3 DICOS
4867 CenterOfPTO = 0x4010101C, // FL M3 DICOS
4868 BoundingPolygon = 0x4010101D, // FL M6TN DICOS
4869 RouteSegmentStartLocationID = 0x4010101E, // SH M1 DICOS
4870 RouteSegmentEndLocationID = 0x4010101F, // SH M1 DICOS
4871 RouteSegmentLocationIDType = 0x40101020, // CS M1 DICOS
4872 AbortReason = 0x40101021, // CS M1TN DICOS
4873 VolumeOfPTO = 0x40101023, // FL M1 DICOS
4874 AbortFlag = 0x40101024, // CS M1 DICOS
4875 RouteSegmentStartTime = 0x40101025, // DT M1 DICOS
4876 RouteSegmentEndTime = 0x40101026, // DT M1 DICOS
4877 TDRType = 0x40101027, // CS M1 DICOS
4878 InternationalRouteSegment = 0x40101028, // CS M1 DICOS
4879 ThreatDetectionAlgorithmAndVersion = 0x40101029, // LO M1TN DICOS
4880 AssignedLocation = 0x4010102A, // SH M1 DICOS
4881 AlarmDecisionTime = 0x4010102B, // DT M1 DICOS
4882 AlarmDecision = 0x40101031, // CS M1 DICOS
4883 NumberOfTotalObjects = 0x40101033, // US M1 DICOS
4884 NumberOfAlarmObjects = 0x40101034, // US M1 DICOS
4885 PTORepresentationSequence = 0x40101037, // SQ M1 DICOS
4886 ATDAssessmentSequence = 0x40101038, // SQ M1 DICOS
4887 TIPType = 0x40101039, // CS M1 DICOS
4888 DICOSVersion = 0x4010103A, // CS M1 DICOS
4889 OOIOwnerCreationTime = 0x40101041, // DT M1 DICOS
4890 OOIType = 0x40101042, // CS M1 DICOS
4891 OOISize = 0x40101043, // FL M3 DICOS
4892 AcquisitionStatus = 0x40101044, // CS M1 DICOS
4893 BasisMaterialsCodeSequence = 0x40101045, // SQ M1 DICOS
4894 PhantomType = 0x40101046, // CS M1 DICOS
4895 OOIOwnerSequence = 0x40101047, // SQ M1 DICOS
4896 ScanType = 0x40101048, // CS M1 DICOS
4897 ItineraryID = 0x40101051, // LO M1 DICOS
4898 ItineraryIDType = 0x40101052, // SH M1 DICOS
4899 ItineraryIDAssigningAuthority = 0x40101053, // LO M1 DICOS
4900 RouteID = 0x40101054, // SH M1 DICOS
4901 RouteIDAssigningAuthority = 0x40101055, // SH M1 DICOS
4902 InboundArrivalType = 0x40101056, // CS M1 DICOS
4903 CarrierID = 0x40101058, // SH M1 DICOS
4904 CarrierIDAssigningAuthority = 0x40101059, // CS M1 DICOS
4905 SourceOrientation = 0x40101060, // FL M3 DICOS
4906 SourcePosition = 0x40101061, // FL M3 DICOS
4907 BeltHeight = 0x40101062, // FL M1 DICOS
4908 AlgorithmRoutingCodeSequence = 0x40101064, // SQ M1 DICOS
4909 TransportClassification = 0x40101067, // CS M1 DICOS
4910 OOITypeDescriptor = 0x40101068, // LT M1 DICOS
4911 TotalProcessingTime = 0x40101069, // FL M1 DICOS
4912 DetectorCalibrationData = 0x4010106C, // OB M1 DICOS
4913 AdditionalScreeningPerformed = 0x4010106D, // CS M1 DICOS
4914 AdditionalInspectionSelectionCriteria = 0x4010106E, // CS M1 DICOS
4915 AdditionalInspectionMethodSequence = 0x4010106F, // SQ M1 DICOS
4916 AITDeviceType = 0x40101070, // CS M1 DICOS
4917 QRMeasurementsSequence = 0x40101071, // SQ M1 DICOS
4918 TargetMaterialSequence = 0x40101072, // SQ M1 DICOS
4919 SNRThreshold = 0x40101073, // FD M1 DICOS
4920 ImageScaleRepresentation = 0x40101075, // DS M1 DICOS
4921 ReferencedPTOSequence = 0x40101076, // SQ M1 DICOS
4922 ReferencedTDRInstanceSequence = 0x40101077, // SQ M1 DICOS
4923 PTOLocationDescription = 0x40101078, // ST M1 DICOS
4924 AnomalyLocatorIndicatorSequence = 0x40101079, // SQ M1 DICOS
4925 AnomalyLocatorIndicator = 0x4010107A, // FL M3 DICOS
4926 PTORegionSequence = 0x4010107B, // SQ M1 DICOS
4927 InspectionSelectionCriteria = 0x4010107C, // CS M1 DICOS
4928 SecondaryInspectionMethodSequence = 0x4010107D, // SQ M1 DICOS
4929 PRCSToRCSOrientation = 0x4010107E, // DS M6 DICOS
4930 MACParametersSequence = 0x4FFE0001, // SQ M1 0
4931 CurveDimensions = 0x50000005, // US M1 1
4932 NumberOfPoints = 0x50000010, // US M1 1
4933 TypeOfData = 0x50000020, // CS M1 1
4934 CurveDescription = 0x50000022, // LO M1 1
4935 AxisUnits = 0x50000030, // SH M1TN 1
4936 AxisLabels = 0x50000040, // SH M1TN 1
4937 DataValueRepresentation = 0x50000103, // US M1 1
4938 MinimumCoordinateValue = 0x50000104, // US M1TN 1
4939 MaximumCoordinateValue = 0x50000105, // US M1TN 1
4940 CurveRange = 0x50000106, // SH M1TN 1
4941 CurveDataDescriptor = 0x50000110, // US M1TN 1
4942 CoordinateStartValue = 0x50000112, // US M1TN 1
4943 CoordinateStepValue = 0x50000114, // US M1TN 1
4944 CurveActivationLayer = 0x50001001, // CS M1 1
4945 AudioType = 0x50002000, // US M1 1
4946 AudioSampleFormat = 0x50002002, // US M1 1
4947 NumberOfChannels = 0x50002004, // US M1 1
4948 NumberOfSamples = 0x50002006, // UL M1 1
4949 SampleRate = 0x50002008, // UL M1 1
4950 TotalTime = 0x5000200A, // UL M1 1
4951 AudioSampleData = 0x5000200C, // OX M1 1
4952 AudioComments = 0x5000200E, // LT M1 1
4953 CurveLabel = 0x50002500, // LO M1 1
4954 CurveReferencedOverlaySequence = 0x50002600, // SQ M1 1
4955 CurveReferencedOverlayGroup = 0x50002610, // US M1 1
4956 CurveData = 0x50003000, // OX M1 1
4957 CurveDimensions2 = 0x50020005, // US M1 1
4958 NumberOfPoints2 = 0x50020010, // US M1 1
4959 TypeOfData2 = 0x50020020, // CS M1 1
4960 CurveDescription2 = 0x50020022, // LO M1 1
4961 AxisUnits2 = 0x50020030, // SH M1TN 1
4962 AxisLabels2 = 0x50020040, // SH M1TN 1
4963 DataValueRepresentation2 = 0x50020103, // US M1 1
4964 MinimumCoordinateValue2 = 0x50020104, // US M1TN 1
4965 MaximumCoordinateValue2 = 0x50020105, // US M1TN 1
4966 CurveRange2 = 0x50020106, // SH M1TN 1
4967 CurveDataDescriptor2 = 0x50020110, // US M1TN 1
4968 CoordinateStartValue2 = 0x50020112, // US M1TN 1
4969 CoordinateStepValue2 = 0x50020114, // US M1TN 1
4970 CurveActivationLayer2 = 0x50021001, // CS M1 1
4971 AudioType2 = 0x50022000, // US M1 1
4972 AudioSampleFormat2 = 0x50022002, // US M1 1
4973 NumberOfChannels2 = 0x50022004, // US M1 1
4974 NumberOfSamples2 = 0x50022006, // UL M1 1
4975 SampleRate2 = 0x50022008, // UL M1 1
4976 TotalTime2 = 0x5002200A, // UL M1 1
4977 AudioSampleData2 = 0x5002200C, // OX M1 1
4978 AudioComments2 = 0x5002200E, // LT M1 1
4979 CurveLabel2 = 0x50022500, // LO M1 1
4980 CurveReferencedOverlaySequence2 = 0x50022600, // SQ M1 1
4981 CurveReferencedOverlayGroup2 = 0x50022610, // US M1 1
4982 CurveData2 = 0x50023000, // OX M1 1
4983 CurveDimensions3 = 0x50040005, // US M1 1
4984 NumberOfPoints3 = 0x50040010, // US M1 1
4985 TypeOfData3 = 0x50040020, // CS M1 1
4986 CurveDescription3 = 0x50040022, // LO M1 1
4987 AxisUnits3 = 0x50040030, // SH M1TN 1
4988 AxisLabels3 = 0x50040040, // SH M1TN 1
4989 DataValueRepresentation3 = 0x50040103, // US M1 1
4990 MinimumCoordinateValue3 = 0x50040104, // US M1TN 1
4991 MaximumCoordinateValue3 = 0x50040105, // US M1TN 1
4992 CurveRange3 = 0x50040106, // SH M1TN 1
4993 CurveDataDescriptor3 = 0x50040110, // US M1TN 1
4994 CoordinateStartValue3 = 0x50040112, // US M1TN 1
4995 CoordinateStepValue3 = 0x50040114, // US M1TN 1
4996 CurveActivationLayer3 = 0x50041001, // CS M1 1
4997 AudioType3 = 0x50042000, // US M1 1
4998 AudioSampleFormat3 = 0x50042002, // US M1 1
4999 NumberOfChannels3 = 0x50042004, // US M1 1
5000 NumberOfSamples3 = 0x50042006, // UL M1 1
5001 SampleRate3 = 0x50042008, // UL M1 1
5002 TotalTime3 = 0x5004200A, // UL M1 1
5003 AudioSampleData3 = 0x5004200C, // OX M1 1
5004 AudioComments3 = 0x5004200E, // LT M1 1
5005 CurveLabel3 = 0x50042500, // LO M1 1
5006 CurveReferencedOverlaySequence3 = 0x50042600, // SQ M1 1
5007 CurveReferencedOverlayGroup3 = 0x50042610, // US M1 1
5008 CurveData3 = 0x50043000, // OX M1 1
5009 CurveDimensions4 = 0x50060005, // US M1 1
5010 NumberOfPoints4 = 0x50060010, // US M1 1
5011 TypeOfData4 = 0x50060020, // CS M1 1
5012 CurveDescription4 = 0x50060022, // LO M1 1
5013 AxisUnits4 = 0x50060030, // SH M1TN 1
5014 AxisLabels4 = 0x50060040, // SH M1TN 1
5015 DataValueRepresentation4 = 0x50060103, // US M1 1
5016 MinimumCoordinateValue4 = 0x50060104, // US M1TN 1
5017 MaximumCoordinateValue4 = 0x50060105, // US M1TN 1
5018 CurveRange4 = 0x50060106, // SH M1TN 1
5019 CurveDataDescriptor4 = 0x50060110, // US M1TN 1
5020 CoordinateStartValue4 = 0x50060112, // US M1TN 1
5021 CoordinateStepValue4 = 0x50060114, // US M1TN 1
5022 CurveActivationLayer4 = 0x50061001, // CS M1 1
5023 AudioType4 = 0x50062000, // US M1 1
5024 AudioSampleFormat4 = 0x50062002, // US M1 1
5025 NumberOfChannels4 = 0x50062004, // US M1 1
5026 NumberOfSamples4 = 0x50062006, // UL M1 1
5027 SampleRate4 = 0x50062008, // UL M1 1
5028 TotalTime4 = 0x5006200A, // UL M1 1
5029 AudioSampleData4 = 0x5006200C, // OX M1 1
5030 AudioComments4 = 0x5006200E, // LT M1 1
5031 CurveLabel4 = 0x50062500, // LO M1 1
5032 CurveReferencedOverlaySequence4 = 0x50062600, // SQ M1 1
5033 CurveReferencedOverlayGroup4 = 0x50062610, // US M1 1
5034 CurveData4 = 0x50063000, // OX M1 1
5035 CurveDimensions5 = 0x50080005, // US M1 1
5036 NumberOfPoints5 = 0x50080010, // US M1 1
5037 TypeOfData5 = 0x50080020, // CS M1 1
5038 CurveDescription5 = 0x50080022, // LO M1 1
5039 AxisUnits5 = 0x50080030, // SH M1TN 1
5040 AxisLabels5 = 0x50080040, // SH M1TN 1
5041 DataValueRepresentation5 = 0x50080103, // US M1 1
5042 MinimumCoordinateValue5 = 0x50080104, // US M1TN 1
5043 MaximumCoordinateValue5 = 0x50080105, // US M1TN 1
5044 CurveRange5 = 0x50080106, // SH M1TN 1
5045 CurveDataDescriptor5 = 0x50080110, // US M1TN 1
5046 CoordinateStartValue5 = 0x50080112, // US M1TN 1
5047 CoordinateStepValue5 = 0x50080114, // US M1TN 1
5048 CurveActivationLayer5 = 0x50081001, // CS M1 1
5049 AudioType5 = 0x50082000, // US M1 1
5050 AudioSampleFormat5 = 0x50082002, // US M1 1
5051 NumberOfChannels5 = 0x50082004, // US M1 1
5052 NumberOfSamples5 = 0x50082006, // UL M1 1
5053 SampleRate5 = 0x50082008, // UL M1 1
5054 TotalTime5 = 0x5008200A, // UL M1 1
5055 AudioSampleData5 = 0x5008200C, // OX M1 1
5056 AudioComments5 = 0x5008200E, // LT M1 1
5057 CurveLabel5 = 0x50082500, // LO M1 1
5058 CurveReferencedOverlaySequence5 = 0x50082600, // SQ M1 1
5059 CurveReferencedOverlayGroup5 = 0x50082610, // US M1 1
5060 CurveData5 = 0x50083000, // OX M1 1
5061 CurveDimensions6 = 0x500A0005, // US M1 1
5062 NumberOfPoints6 = 0x500A0010, // US M1 1
5063 TypeOfData6 = 0x500A0020, // CS M1 1
5064 CurveDescription6 = 0x500A0022, // LO M1 1
5065 AxisUnits6 = 0x500A0030, // SH M1TN 1
5066 AxisLabels6 = 0x500A0040, // SH M1TN 1
5067 DataValueRepresentation6 = 0x500A0103, // US M1 1
5068 MinimumCoordinateValue6 = 0x500A0104, // US M1TN 1
5069 MaximumCoordinateValue6 = 0x500A0105, // US M1TN 1
5070 CurveRange6 = 0x500A0106, // SH M1TN 1
5071 CurveDataDescriptor6 = 0x500A0110, // US M1TN 1
5072 CoordinateStartValue6 = 0x500A0112, // US M1TN 1
5073 CoordinateStepValue6 = 0x500A0114, // US M1TN 1
5074 CurveActivationLayer6 = 0x500A1001, // CS M1 1
5075 AudioType6 = 0x500A2000, // US M1 1
5076 AudioSampleFormat6 = 0x500A2002, // US M1 1
5077 NumberOfChannels6 = 0x500A2004, // US M1 1
5078 NumberOfSamples6 = 0x500A2006, // UL M1 1
5079 SampleRate6 = 0x500A2008, // UL M1 1
5080 TotalTime6 = 0x500A200A, // UL M1 1
5081 AudioSampleData6 = 0x500A200C, // OX M1 1
5082 AudioComments6 = 0x500A200E, // LT M1 1
5083 CurveLabel6 = 0x500A2500, // LO M1 1
5084 CurveReferencedOverlaySequence6 = 0x500A2600, // SQ M1 1
5085 CurveReferencedOverlayGroup6 = 0x500A2610, // US M1 1
5086 CurveData6 = 0x500A3000, // OX M1 1
5087 CurveDimensions7 = 0x500C0005, // US M1 1
5088 NumberOfPoints7 = 0x500C0010, // US M1 1
5089 TypeOfData7 = 0x500C0020, // CS M1 1
5090 CurveDescription7 = 0x500C0022, // LO M1 1
5091 AxisUnits7 = 0x500C0030, // SH M1TN 1
5092 AxisLabels7 = 0x500C0040, // SH M1TN 1
5093 DataValueRepresentation7 = 0x500C0103, // US M1 1
5094 MinimumCoordinateValue7 = 0x500C0104, // US M1TN 1
5095 MaximumCoordinateValue7 = 0x500C0105, // US M1TN 1
5096 CurveRange7 = 0x500C0106, // SH M1TN 1
5097 CurveDataDescriptor7 = 0x500C0110, // US M1TN 1
5098 CoordinateStartValue7 = 0x500C0112, // US M1TN 1
5099 CoordinateStepValue7 = 0x500C0114, // US M1TN 1
5100 CurveActivationLayer7 = 0x500C1001, // CS M1 1
5101 AudioType7 = 0x500C2000, // US M1 1
5102 AudioSampleFormat7 = 0x500C2002, // US M1 1
5103 NumberOfChannels7 = 0x500C2004, // US M1 1
5104 NumberOfSamples7 = 0x500C2006, // UL M1 1
5105 SampleRate7 = 0x500C2008, // UL M1 1
5106 TotalTime7 = 0x500C200A, // UL M1 1
5107 AudioSampleData7 = 0x500C200C, // OX M1 1
5108 AudioComments7 = 0x500C200E, // LT M1 1
5109 CurveLabel7 = 0x500C2500, // LO M1 1
5110 CurveReferencedOverlaySequence7 = 0x500C2600, // SQ M1 1
5111 CurveReferencedOverlayGroup7 = 0x500C2610, // US M1 1
5112 CurveData7 = 0x500C3000, // OX M1 1
5113 CurveDimensions8 = 0x500E0005, // US M1 1
5114 NumberOfPoints8 = 0x500E0010, // US M1 1
5115 TypeOfData8 = 0x500E0020, // CS M1 1
5116 CurveDescription8 = 0x500E0022, // LO M1 1
5117 AxisUnits8 = 0x500E0030, // SH M1TN 1
5118 AxisLabels8 = 0x500E0040, // SH M1TN 1
5119 DataValueRepresentation8 = 0x500E0103, // US M1 1
5120 MinimumCoordinateValue8 = 0x500E0104, // US M1TN 1
5121 MaximumCoordinateValue8 = 0x500E0105, // US M1TN 1
5122 CurveRange8 = 0x500E0106, // SH M1TN 1
5123 CurveDataDescriptor8 = 0x500E0110, // US M1TN 1
5124 CoordinateStartValue8 = 0x500E0112, // US M1TN 1
5125 CoordinateStepValue8 = 0x500E0114, // US M1TN 1
5126 CurveActivationLayer8 = 0x500E1001, // CS M1 1
5127 AudioType8 = 0x500E2000, // US M1 1
5128 AudioSampleFormat8 = 0x500E2002, // US M1 1
5129 NumberOfChannels8 = 0x500E2004, // US M1 1
5130 NumberOfSamples8 = 0x500E2006, // UL M1 1
5131 SampleRate8 = 0x500E2008, // UL M1 1
5132 TotalTime8 = 0x500E200A, // UL M1 1
5133 AudioSampleData8 = 0x500E200C, // OX M1 1
5134 AudioComments8 = 0x500E200E, // LT M1 1
5135 CurveLabel8 = 0x500E2500, // LO M1 1
5136 CurveReferencedOverlaySequence8 = 0x500E2600, // SQ M1 1
5137 CurveReferencedOverlayGroup8 = 0x500E2610, // US M1 1
5138 CurveData8 = 0x500E3000, // OX M1 1
5139 CurveDimensions9 = 0x50100005, // US M1 1
5140 NumberOfPoints9 = 0x50100010, // US M1 1
5141 TypeOfData9 = 0x50100020, // CS M1 1
5142 CurveDescription9 = 0x50100022, // LO M1 1
5143 AxisUnits9 = 0x50100030, // SH M1TN 1
5144 AxisLabels9 = 0x50100040, // SH M1TN 1
5145 DataValueRepresentation9 = 0x50100103, // US M1 1
5146 MinimumCoordinateValue9 = 0x50100104, // US M1TN 1
5147 MaximumCoordinateValue9 = 0x50100105, // US M1TN 1
5148 CurveRange9 = 0x50100106, // SH M1TN 1
5149 CurveDataDescriptor9 = 0x50100110, // US M1TN 1
5150 CoordinateStartValue9 = 0x50100112, // US M1TN 1
5151 CoordinateStepValue9 = 0x50100114, // US M1TN 1
5152 CurveActivationLayer9 = 0x50101001, // CS M1 1
5153 AudioType9 = 0x50102000, // US M1 1
5154 AudioSampleFormat9 = 0x50102002, // US M1 1
5155 NumberOfChannels9 = 0x50102004, // US M1 1
5156 NumberOfSamples9 = 0x50102006, // UL M1 1
5157 SampleRate9 = 0x50102008, // UL M1 1
5158 TotalTime9 = 0x5010200A, // UL M1 1
5159 AudioSampleData9 = 0x5010200C, // OX M1 1
5160 AudioComments9 = 0x5010200E, // LT M1 1
5161 CurveLabel9 = 0x50102500, // LO M1 1
5162 CurveReferencedOverlaySequence9 = 0x50102600, // SQ M1 1
5163 CurveReferencedOverlayGroup9 = 0x50102610, // US M1 1
5164 CurveData9 = 0x50103000, // OX M1 1
5165 CurveDimensions10 = 0x50120005, // US M1 1
5166 NumberOfPoints10 = 0x50120010, // US M1 1
5167 TypeOfData10 = 0x50120020, // CS M1 1
5168 CurveDescription10 = 0x50120022, // LO M1 1
5169 AxisUnits10 = 0x50120030, // SH M1TN 1
5170 AxisLabels10 = 0x50120040, // SH M1TN 1
5171 DataValueRepresentation10 = 0x50120103, // US M1 1
5172 MinimumCoordinateValue10 = 0x50120104, // US M1TN 1
5173 MaximumCoordinateValue10 = 0x50120105, // US M1TN 1
5174 CurveRange10 = 0x50120106, // SH M1TN 1
5175 CurveDataDescriptor10 = 0x50120110, // US M1TN 1
5176 CoordinateStartValue10 = 0x50120112, // US M1TN 1
5177 CoordinateStepValue10 = 0x50120114, // US M1TN 1
5178 CurveActivationLayer10 = 0x50121001, // CS M1 1
5179 AudioType10 = 0x50122000, // US M1 1
5180 AudioSampleFormat10 = 0x50122002, // US M1 1
5181 NumberOfChannels10 = 0x50122004, // US M1 1
5182 NumberOfSamples10 = 0x50122006, // UL M1 1
5183 SampleRate10 = 0x50122008, // UL M1 1
5184 TotalTime10 = 0x5012200A, // UL M1 1
5185 AudioSampleData10 = 0x5012200C, // OX M1 1
5186 AudioComments10 = 0x5012200E, // LT M1 1
5187 CurveLabel10 = 0x50122500, // LO M1 1
5188 CurveReferencedOverlaySequence10 = 0x50122600, // SQ M1 1
5189 CurveReferencedOverlayGroup10 = 0x50122610, // US M1 1
5190 CurveData10 = 0x50123000, // OX M1 1
5191 CurveDimensions11 = 0x50140005, // US M1 1
5192 NumberOfPoints11 = 0x50140010, // US M1 1
5193 TypeOfData11 = 0x50140020, // CS M1 1
5194 CurveDescription11 = 0x50140022, // LO M1 1
5195 AxisUnits11 = 0x50140030, // SH M1TN 1
5196 AxisLabels11 = 0x50140040, // SH M1TN 1
5197 DataValueRepresentation11 = 0x50140103, // US M1 1
5198 MinimumCoordinateValue11 = 0x50140104, // US M1TN 1
5199 MaximumCoordinateValue11 = 0x50140105, // US M1TN 1
5200 CurveRange11 = 0x50140106, // SH M1TN 1
5201 CurveDataDescriptor11 = 0x50140110, // US M1TN 1
5202 CoordinateStartValue11 = 0x50140112, // US M1TN 1
5203 CoordinateStepValue11 = 0x50140114, // US M1TN 1
5204 CurveActivationLayer11 = 0x50141001, // CS M1 1
5205 AudioType11 = 0x50142000, // US M1 1
5206 AudioSampleFormat11 = 0x50142002, // US M1 1
5207 NumberOfChannels11 = 0x50142004, // US M1 1
5208 NumberOfSamples11 = 0x50142006, // UL M1 1
5209 SampleRate11 = 0x50142008, // UL M1 1
5210 TotalTime11 = 0x5014200A, // UL M1 1
5211 AudioSampleData11 = 0x5014200C, // OX M1 1
5212 AudioComments11 = 0x5014200E, // LT M1 1
5213 CurveLabel11 = 0x50142500, // LO M1 1
5214 CurveReferencedOverlaySequence11 = 0x50142600, // SQ M1 1
5215 CurveReferencedOverlayGroup11 = 0x50142610, // US M1 1
5216 CurveData11 = 0x50143000, // OX M1 1
5217 CurveDimensions12 = 0x50160005, // US M1 1
5218 NumberOfPoints12 = 0x50160010, // US M1 1
5219 TypeOfData12 = 0x50160020, // CS M1 1
5220 CurveDescription12 = 0x50160022, // LO M1 1
5221 AxisUnits12 = 0x50160030, // SH M1TN 1
5222 AxisLabels12 = 0x50160040, // SH M1TN 1
5223 DataValueRepresentation12 = 0x50160103, // US M1 1
5224 MinimumCoordinateValue12 = 0x50160104, // US M1TN 1
5225 MaximumCoordinateValue12 = 0x50160105, // US M1TN 1
5226 CurveRange12 = 0x50160106, // SH M1TN 1
5227 CurveDataDescriptor12 = 0x50160110, // US M1TN 1
5228 CoordinateStartValue12 = 0x50160112, // US M1TN 1
5229 CoordinateStepValue12 = 0x50160114, // US M1TN 1
5230 CurveActivationLayer12 = 0x50161001, // CS M1 1
5231 AudioType12 = 0x50162000, // US M1 1
5232 AudioSampleFormat12 = 0x50162002, // US M1 1
5233 NumberOfChannels12 = 0x50162004, // US M1 1
5234 NumberOfSamples12 = 0x50162006, // UL M1 1
5235 SampleRate12 = 0x50162008, // UL M1 1
5236 TotalTime12 = 0x5016200A, // UL M1 1
5237 AudioSampleData12 = 0x5016200C, // OX M1 1
5238 AudioComments12 = 0x5016200E, // LT M1 1
5239 CurveLabel12 = 0x50162500, // LO M1 1
5240 CurveReferencedOverlaySequence12 = 0x50162600, // SQ M1 1
5241 CurveReferencedOverlayGroup12 = 0x50162610, // US M1 1
5242 CurveData12 = 0x50163000, // OX M1 1
5243 CurveDimensions13 = 0x50180005, // US M1 1
5244 NumberOfPoints13 = 0x50180010, // US M1 1
5245 TypeOfData13 = 0x50180020, // CS M1 1
5246 CurveDescription13 = 0x50180022, // LO M1 1
5247 AxisUnits13 = 0x50180030, // SH M1TN 1
5248 AxisLabels13 = 0x50180040, // SH M1TN 1
5249 DataValueRepresentation13 = 0x50180103, // US M1 1
5250 MinimumCoordinateValue13 = 0x50180104, // US M1TN 1
5251 MaximumCoordinateValue13 = 0x50180105, // US M1TN 1
5252 CurveRange13 = 0x50180106, // SH M1TN 1
5253 CurveDataDescriptor13 = 0x50180110, // US M1TN 1
5254 CoordinateStartValue13 = 0x50180112, // US M1TN 1
5255 CoordinateStepValue13 = 0x50180114, // US M1TN 1
5256 CurveActivationLayer13 = 0x50181001, // CS M1 1
5257 AudioType13 = 0x50182000, // US M1 1
5258 AudioSampleFormat13 = 0x50182002, // US M1 1
5259 NumberOfChannels13 = 0x50182004, // US M1 1
5260 NumberOfSamples13 = 0x50182006, // UL M1 1
5261 SampleRate13 = 0x50182008, // UL M1 1
5262 TotalTime13 = 0x5018200A, // UL M1 1
5263 AudioSampleData13 = 0x5018200C, // OX M1 1
5264 AudioComments13 = 0x5018200E, // LT M1 1
5265 CurveLabel13 = 0x50182500, // LO M1 1
5266 CurveReferencedOverlaySequence13 = 0x50182600, // SQ M1 1
5267 CurveReferencedOverlayGroup13 = 0x50182610, // US M1 1
5268 CurveData13 = 0x50183000, // OX M1 1
5269 CurveDimensions14 = 0x501A0005, // US M1 1
5270 NumberOfPoints14 = 0x501A0010, // US M1 1
5271 TypeOfData14 = 0x501A0020, // CS M1 1
5272 CurveDescription14 = 0x501A0022, // LO M1 1
5273 AxisUnits14 = 0x501A0030, // SH M1TN 1
5274 AxisLabels14 = 0x501A0040, // SH M1TN 1
5275 DataValueRepresentation14 = 0x501A0103, // US M1 1
5276 MinimumCoordinateValue14 = 0x501A0104, // US M1TN 1
5277 MaximumCoordinateValue14 = 0x501A0105, // US M1TN 1
5278 CurveRange14 = 0x501A0106, // SH M1TN 1
5279 CurveDataDescriptor14 = 0x501A0110, // US M1TN 1
5280 CoordinateStartValue14 = 0x501A0112, // US M1TN 1
5281 CoordinateStepValue14 = 0x501A0114, // US M1TN 1
5282 CurveActivationLayer14 = 0x501A1001, // CS M1 1
5283 AudioType14 = 0x501A2000, // US M1 1
5284 AudioSampleFormat14 = 0x501A2002, // US M1 1
5285 NumberOfChannels14 = 0x501A2004, // US M1 1
5286 NumberOfSamples14 = 0x501A2006, // UL M1 1
5287 SampleRate14 = 0x501A2008, // UL M1 1
5288 TotalTime14 = 0x501A200A, // UL M1 1
5289 AudioSampleData14 = 0x501A200C, // OX M1 1
5290 AudioComments14 = 0x501A200E, // LT M1 1
5291 CurveLabel14 = 0x501A2500, // LO M1 1
5292 CurveReferencedOverlaySequence14 = 0x501A2600, // SQ M1 1
5293 CurveReferencedOverlayGroup14 = 0x501A2610, // US M1 1
5294 CurveData14 = 0x501A3000, // OX M1 1
5295 CurveDimensions15 = 0x501C0005, // US M1 1
5296 NumberOfPoints15 = 0x501C0010, // US M1 1
5297 TypeOfData15 = 0x501C0020, // CS M1 1
5298 CurveDescription15 = 0x501C0022, // LO M1 1
5299 AxisUnits15 = 0x501C0030, // SH M1TN 1
5300 AxisLabels15 = 0x501C0040, // SH M1TN 1
5301 DataValueRepresentation15 = 0x501C0103, // US M1 1
5302 MinimumCoordinateValue15 = 0x501C0104, // US M1TN 1
5303 MaximumCoordinateValue15 = 0x501C0105, // US M1TN 1
5304 CurveRange15 = 0x501C0106, // SH M1TN 1
5305 CurveDataDescriptor15 = 0x501C0110, // US M1TN 1
5306 CoordinateStartValue15 = 0x501C0112, // US M1TN 1
5307 CoordinateStepValue15 = 0x501C0114, // US M1TN 1
5308 CurveActivationLayer15 = 0x501C1001, // CS M1 1
5309 AudioType15 = 0x501C2000, // US M1 1
5310 AudioSampleFormat15 = 0x501C2002, // US M1 1
5311 NumberOfChannels15 = 0x501C2004, // US M1 1
5312 NumberOfSamples15 = 0x501C2006, // UL M1 1
5313 SampleRate15 = 0x501C2008, // UL M1 1
5314 TotalTime15 = 0x501C200A, // UL M1 1
5315 AudioSampleData15 = 0x501C200C, // OX M1 1
5316 AudioComments15 = 0x501C200E, // LT M1 1
5317 CurveLabel15 = 0x501C2500, // LO M1 1
5318 CurveReferencedOverlaySequence15 = 0x501C2600, // SQ M1 1
5319 CurveReferencedOverlayGroup15 = 0x501C2610, // US M1 1
5320 CurveData15 = 0x501C3000, // OX M1 1
5321 CurveDimensions16 = 0x501E0005, // US M1 1
5322 NumberOfPoints16 = 0x501E0010, // US M1 1
5323 TypeOfData16 = 0x501E0020, // CS M1 1
5324 CurveDescription16 = 0x501E0022, // LO M1 1
5325 AxisUnits16 = 0x501E0030, // SH M1TN 1
5326 AxisLabels16 = 0x501E0040, // SH M1TN 1
5327 DataValueRepresentation16 = 0x501E0103, // US M1 1
5328 MinimumCoordinateValue16 = 0x501E0104, // US M1TN 1
5329 MaximumCoordinateValue16 = 0x501E0105, // US M1TN 1
5330 CurveRange16 = 0x501E0106, // SH M1TN 1
5331 CurveDataDescriptor16 = 0x501E0110, // US M1TN 1
5332 CoordinateStartValue16 = 0x501E0112, // US M1TN 1
5333 CoordinateStepValue16 = 0x501E0114, // US M1TN 1
5334 CurveActivationLayer16 = 0x501E1001, // CS M1 1
5335 AudioType16 = 0x501E2000, // US M1 1
5336 AudioSampleFormat16 = 0x501E2002, // US M1 1
5337 NumberOfChannels16 = 0x501E2004, // US M1 1
5338 NumberOfSamples16 = 0x501E2006, // UL M1 1
5339 SampleRate16 = 0x501E2008, // UL M1 1
5340 TotalTime16 = 0x501E200A, // UL M1 1
5341 AudioSampleData16 = 0x501E200C, // OX M1 1
5342 AudioComments16 = 0x501E200E, // LT M1 1
5343 CurveLabel16 = 0x501E2500, // LO M1 1
5344 CurveReferencedOverlaySequence16 = 0x501E2600, // SQ M1 1
5345 CurveReferencedOverlayGroup16 = 0x501E2610, // US M1 1
5346 CurveData16 = 0x501E3000, // OX M1 1
5347 SharedFunctionalGroupsSequence = 0x52009229, // SQ M1 0
5348 PerFrameFunctionalGroupsSequence = 0x52009230, // SQ M1 0
5349 WaveformSequence = 0x54000100, // SQ M1 0
5350 ChannelMinimumValue = 0x54000110, // OX M1 0
5351 ChannelMaximumValue = 0x54000112, // OX M1 0
5352 WaveformBitsAllocated = 0x54001004, // US M1 0
5353 WaveformSampleInterpretation = 0x54001006, // CS M1 0
5354 WaveformPaddingValue = 0x5400100A, // OX M1 0
5355 WaveformData = 0x54001010, // OX M1 0
5356 FirstOrderPhaseCorrectionAngle = 0x56000010, // OF M1 0
5357 SpectroscopyData = 0x56000020, // OF M1 0
5358 OverlayRows = 0x60000010, // US M1 0
5359 OverlayColumns = 0x60000011, // US M1 0
5360 OverlayPlanes = 0x60000012, // US M1 1
5361 NumberOfFramesInOverlay = 0x60000015, // IS M1 0
5362 OverlayDescription = 0x60000022, // LO M1 0
5363 OverlayType = 0x60000040, // CS M1 0
5364 OverlaySubtype = 0x60000045, // LO M1 0
5365 OverlayOrigin = 0x60000050, // SS M2 0
5366 ImageFrameOrigin = 0x60000051, // US M1 0
5367 OverlayPlaneOrigin = 0x60000052, // US M1 1
5368 OverlayCompressionCode = 0x60000060, // CS M1 1
5369 OverlayCompressionOriginator = 0x60000061, // SH M1 1
5370 OverlayCompressionLabel = 0x60000062, // SH M1 1
5371 OverlayCompressionDescription = 0x60000063, // CS M1 1
5372 OverlayCompressionStepPointers = 0x60000066, // AT M1TN 1
5373 OverlayRepeatInterval = 0x60000068, // US M1 1
5374 OverlayBitsGrouped = 0x60000069, // US M1 1
5375 OverlayBitsAllocated = 0x60000100, // US M1 0
5376 OverlayBitPosition = 0x60000102, // US M1 0
5377 OverlayFormat = 0x60000110, // CS M1 1
5378 OverlayLocation = 0x60000200, // US M1 1
5379 OverlayCodeLabel = 0x60000800, // CS M1TN 1
5380 OverlayNumberOfTables = 0x60000802, // US M1 1
5381 OverlayCodeTableLocation = 0x60000803, // AT M1TN 1
5382 OverlayBitsForCodeWord = 0x60000804, // US M1 1
5383 OverlayActivationLayer = 0x60001001, // CS M1 0
5384 OverlayDescriptorGray = 0x60001100, // US M1 1
5385 OverlayDescriptorRed = 0x60001101, // US M1 1
5386 OverlayDescriptorGreen = 0x60001102, // US M1 1
5387 OverlayDescriptorBlue = 0x60001103, // US M1 1
5388 OverlaysGray = 0x60001200, // US M1TN 1
5389 OverlaysRed = 0x60001201, // US M1TN 1
5390 OverlaysGreen = 0x60001202, // US M1TN 1
5391 OverlaysBlue = 0x60001203, // US M1TN 1
5392 ROIArea = 0x60001301, // IS M1 0
5393 ROIMean = 0x60001302, // DS M1 0
5394 ROIStandardDeviation = 0x60001303, // DS M1 0
5395 OverlayLabel = 0x60001500, // LO M1 0
5396 OverlayData = 0x60003000, // OX M1 0
5397 OverlayComments = 0x60004000, // LT M1 1
5398 OverlayRows2 = 0x60020010, // US M1 0
5399 OverlayColumns2 = 0x60020011, // US M1 0
5400 OverlayPlanes2 = 0x60020012, // US M1 1
5401 NumberOfFramesInOverlay2 = 0x60020015, // IS M1 0
5402 OverlayDescription2 = 0x60020022, // LO M1 0
5403 OverlayType2 = 0x60020040, // CS M1 0
5404 OverlaySubtype2 = 0x60020045, // LO M1 0
5405 OverlayOrigin2 = 0x60020050, // SS M2 0
5406 ImageFrameOrigin2 = 0x60020051, // US M1 0
5407 OverlayPlaneOrigin2 = 0x60020052, // US M1 1
5408 OverlayCompressionCode2 = 0x60020060, // CS M1 1
5409 OverlayCompressionOriginator2 = 0x60020061, // SH M1 1
5410 OverlayCompressionLabel2 = 0x60020062, // SH M1 1
5411 OverlayCompressionDescription2 = 0x60020063, // CS M1 1
5412 OverlayCompressionStepPointers2 = 0x60020066, // AT M1TN 1
5413 OverlayRepeatInterval2 = 0x60020068, // US M1 1
5414 OverlayBitsGrouped2 = 0x60020069, // US M1 1
5415 OverlayBitsAllocated2 = 0x60020100, // US M1 0
5416 OverlayBitPosition2 = 0x60020102, // US M1 0
5417 OverlayFormat2 = 0x60020110, // CS M1 1
5418 OverlayLocation2 = 0x60020200, // US M1 1
5419 OverlayCodeLabel2 = 0x60020800, // CS M1TN 1
5420 OverlayNumberOfTables2 = 0x60020802, // US M1 1
5421 OverlayCodeTableLocation2 = 0x60020803, // AT M1TN 1
5422 OverlayBitsForCodeWord2 = 0x60020804, // US M1 1
5423 OverlayActivationLayer2 = 0x60021001, // CS M1 0
5424 OverlayDescriptorGray2 = 0x60021100, // US M1 1
5425 OverlayDescriptorRed2 = 0x60021101, // US M1 1
5426 OverlayDescriptorGreen2 = 0x60021102, // US M1 1
5427 OverlayDescriptorBlue2 = 0x60021103, // US M1 1
5428 OverlaysGray2 = 0x60021200, // US M1TN 1
5429 OverlaysRed2 = 0x60021201, // US M1TN 1
5430 OverlaysGreen2 = 0x60021202, // US M1TN 1
5431 OverlaysBlue2 = 0x60021203, // US M1TN 1
5432 ROIArea2 = 0x60021301, // IS M1 0
5433 ROIMean2 = 0x60021302, // DS M1 0
5434 ROIStandardDeviation2 = 0x60021303, // DS M1 0
5435 OverlayLabel2 = 0x60021500, // LO M1 0
5436 OverlayData2 = 0x60023000, // OX M1 0
5437 OverlayComments2 = 0x60024000, // LT M1 1
5438 OverlayRows3 = 0x60040010, // US M1 0
5439 OverlayColumns3 = 0x60040011, // US M1 0
5440 OverlayPlanes3 = 0x60040012, // US M1 1
5441 NumberOfFramesInOverlay3 = 0x60040015, // IS M1 0
5442 OverlayDescription3 = 0x60040022, // LO M1 0
5443 OverlayType3 = 0x60040040, // CS M1 0
5444 OverlaySubtype3 = 0x60040045, // LO M1 0
5445 OverlayOrigin3 = 0x60040050, // SS M2 0
5446 ImageFrameOrigin3 = 0x60040051, // US M1 0
5447 OverlayPlaneOrigin3 = 0x60040052, // US M1 1
5448 OverlayCompressionCode3 = 0x60040060, // CS M1 1
5449 OverlayCompressionOriginator3 = 0x60040061, // SH M1 1
5450 OverlayCompressionLabel3 = 0x60040062, // SH M1 1
5451 OverlayCompressionDescription3 = 0x60040063, // CS M1 1
5452 OverlayCompressionStepPointers3 = 0x60040066, // AT M1TN 1
5453 OverlayRepeatInterval3 = 0x60040068, // US M1 1
5454 OverlayBitsGrouped3 = 0x60040069, // US M1 1
5455 OverlayBitsAllocated3 = 0x60040100, // US M1 0
5456 OverlayBitPosition3 = 0x60040102, // US M1 0
5457 OverlayFormat3 = 0x60040110, // CS M1 1
5458 OverlayLocation3 = 0x60040200, // US M1 1
5459 OverlayCodeLabel3 = 0x60040800, // CS M1TN 1
5460 OverlayNumberOfTables3 = 0x60040802, // US M1 1
5461 OverlayCodeTableLocation3 = 0x60040803, // AT M1TN 1
5462 OverlayBitsForCodeWord3 = 0x60040804, // US M1 1
5463 OverlayActivationLayer3 = 0x60041001, // CS M1 0
5464 OverlayDescriptorGray3 = 0x60041100, // US M1 1
5465 OverlayDescriptorRed3 = 0x60041101, // US M1 1
5466 OverlayDescriptorGreen3 = 0x60041102, // US M1 1
5467 OverlayDescriptorBlue3 = 0x60041103, // US M1 1
5468 OverlaysGray3 = 0x60041200, // US M1TN 1
5469 OverlaysRed3 = 0x60041201, // US M1TN 1
5470 OverlaysGreen3 = 0x60041202, // US M1TN 1
5471 OverlaysBlue3 = 0x60041203, // US M1TN 1
5472 ROIArea3 = 0x60041301, // IS M1 0
5473 ROIMean3 = 0x60041302, // DS M1 0
5474 ROIStandardDeviation3 = 0x60041303, // DS M1 0
5475 OverlayLabel3 = 0x60041500, // LO M1 0
5476 OverlayData3 = 0x60043000, // OX M1 0
5477 OverlayComments3 = 0x60044000, // LT M1 1
5478 OverlayRows4 = 0x60060010, // US M1 0
5479 OverlayColumns4 = 0x60060011, // US M1 0
5480 OverlayPlanes4 = 0x60060012, // US M1 1
5481 NumberOfFramesInOverlay4 = 0x60060015, // IS M1 0
5482 OverlayDescription4 = 0x60060022, // LO M1 0
5483 OverlayType4 = 0x60060040, // CS M1 0
5484 OverlaySubtype4 = 0x60060045, // LO M1 0
5485 OverlayOrigin4 = 0x60060050, // SS M2 0
5486 ImageFrameOrigin4 = 0x60060051, // US M1 0
5487 OverlayPlaneOrigin4 = 0x60060052, // US M1 1
5488 OverlayCompressionCode4 = 0x60060060, // CS M1 1
5489 OverlayCompressionOriginator4 = 0x60060061, // SH M1 1
5490 OverlayCompressionLabel4 = 0x60060062, // SH M1 1
5491 OverlayCompressionDescription4 = 0x60060063, // CS M1 1
5492 OverlayCompressionStepPointers4 = 0x60060066, // AT M1TN 1
5493 OverlayRepeatInterval4 = 0x60060068, // US M1 1
5494 OverlayBitsGrouped4 = 0x60060069, // US M1 1
5495 OverlayBitsAllocated4 = 0x60060100, // US M1 0
5496 OverlayBitPosition4 = 0x60060102, // US M1 0
5497 OverlayFormat4 = 0x60060110, // CS M1 1
5498 OverlayLocation4 = 0x60060200, // US M1 1
5499 OverlayCodeLabel4 = 0x60060800, // CS M1TN 1
5500 OverlayNumberOfTables4 = 0x60060802, // US M1 1
5501 OverlayCodeTableLocation4 = 0x60060803, // AT M1TN 1
5502 OverlayBitsForCodeWord4 = 0x60060804, // US M1 1
5503 OverlayActivationLayer4 = 0x60061001, // CS M1 0
5504 OverlayDescriptorGray4 = 0x60061100, // US M1 1
5505 OverlayDescriptorRed4 = 0x60061101, // US M1 1
5506 OverlayDescriptorGreen4 = 0x60061102, // US M1 1
5507 OverlayDescriptorBlue4 = 0x60061103, // US M1 1
5508 OverlaysGray4 = 0x60061200, // US M1TN 1
5509 OverlaysRed4 = 0x60061201, // US M1TN 1
5510 OverlaysGreen4 = 0x60061202, // US M1TN 1
5511 OverlaysBlue4 = 0x60061203, // US M1TN 1
5512 ROIArea4 = 0x60061301, // IS M1 0
5513 ROIMean4 = 0x60061302, // DS M1 0
5514 ROIStandardDeviation4 = 0x60061303, // DS M1 0
5515 OverlayLabel4 = 0x60061500, // LO M1 0
5516 OverlayData4 = 0x60063000, // OX M1 0
5517 OverlayComments4 = 0x60064000, // LT M1 1
5518 OverlayRows5 = 0x60080010, // US M1 0
5519 OverlayColumns5 = 0x60080011, // US M1 0
5520 OverlayPlanes5 = 0x60080012, // US M1 1
5521 NumberOfFramesInOverlay5 = 0x60080015, // IS M1 0
5522 OverlayDescription5 = 0x60080022, // LO M1 0
5523 OverlayType5 = 0x60080040, // CS M1 0
5524 OverlaySubtype5 = 0x60080045, // LO M1 0
5525 OverlayOrigin5 = 0x60080050, // SS M2 0
5526 ImageFrameOrigin5 = 0x60080051, // US M1 0
5527 OverlayPlaneOrigin5 = 0x60080052, // US M1 1
5528 OverlayCompressionCode5 = 0x60080060, // CS M1 1
5529 OverlayCompressionOriginator5 = 0x60080061, // SH M1 1
5530 OverlayCompressionLabel5 = 0x60080062, // SH M1 1
5531 OverlayCompressionDescription5 = 0x60080063, // CS M1 1
5532 OverlayCompressionStepPointers5 = 0x60080066, // AT M1TN 1
5533 OverlayRepeatInterval5 = 0x60080068, // US M1 1
5534 OverlayBitsGrouped5 = 0x60080069, // US M1 1
5535 OverlayBitsAllocated5 = 0x60080100, // US M1 0
5536 OverlayBitPosition5 = 0x60080102, // US M1 0
5537 OverlayFormat5 = 0x60080110, // CS M1 1
5538 OverlayLocation5 = 0x60080200, // US M1 1
5539 OverlayCodeLabel5 = 0x60080800, // CS M1TN 1
5540 OverlayNumberOfTables5 = 0x60080802, // US M1 1
5541 OverlayCodeTableLocation5 = 0x60080803, // AT M1TN 1
5542 OverlayBitsForCodeWord5 = 0x60080804, // US M1 1
5543 OverlayActivationLayer5 = 0x60081001, // CS M1 0
5544 OverlayDescriptorGray5 = 0x60081100, // US M1 1
5545 OverlayDescriptorRed5 = 0x60081101, // US M1 1
5546 OverlayDescriptorGreen5 = 0x60081102, // US M1 1
5547 OverlayDescriptorBlue5 = 0x60081103, // US M1 1
5548 OverlaysGray5 = 0x60081200, // US M1TN 1
5549 OverlaysRed5 = 0x60081201, // US M1TN 1
5550 OverlaysGreen5 = 0x60081202, // US M1TN 1
5551 OverlaysBlue5 = 0x60081203, // US M1TN 1
5552 ROIArea5 = 0x60081301, // IS M1 0
5553 ROIMean5 = 0x60081302, // DS M1 0
5554 ROIStandardDeviation5 = 0x60081303, // DS M1 0
5555 OverlayLabel5 = 0x60081500, // LO M1 0
5556 OverlayData5 = 0x60083000, // OX M1 0
5557 OverlayComments5 = 0x60084000, // LT M1 1
5558 OverlayRows6 = 0x600A0010, // US M1 0
5559 OverlayColumns6 = 0x600A0011, // US M1 0
5560 OverlayPlanes6 = 0x600A0012, // US M1 1
5561 NumberOfFramesInOverlay6 = 0x600A0015, // IS M1 0
5562 OverlayDescription6 = 0x600A0022, // LO M1 0
5563 OverlayType6 = 0x600A0040, // CS M1 0
5564 OverlaySubtype6 = 0x600A0045, // LO M1 0
5565 OverlayOrigin6 = 0x600A0050, // SS M2 0
5566 ImageFrameOrigin6 = 0x600A0051, // US M1 0
5567 OverlayPlaneOrigin6 = 0x600A0052, // US M1 1
5568 OverlayCompressionCode6 = 0x600A0060, // CS M1 1
5569 OverlayCompressionOriginator6 = 0x600A0061, // SH M1 1
5570 OverlayCompressionLabel6 = 0x600A0062, // SH M1 1
5571 OverlayCompressionDescription6 = 0x600A0063, // CS M1 1
5572 OverlayCompressionStepPointers6 = 0x600A0066, // AT M1TN 1
5573 OverlayRepeatInterval6 = 0x600A0068, // US M1 1
5574 OverlayBitsGrouped6 = 0x600A0069, // US M1 1
5575 OverlayBitsAllocated6 = 0x600A0100, // US M1 0
5576 OverlayBitPosition6 = 0x600A0102, // US M1 0
5577 OverlayFormat6 = 0x600A0110, // CS M1 1
5578 OverlayLocation6 = 0x600A0200, // US M1 1
5579 OverlayCodeLabel6 = 0x600A0800, // CS M1TN 1
5580 OverlayNumberOfTables6 = 0x600A0802, // US M1 1
5581 OverlayCodeTableLocation6 = 0x600A0803, // AT M1TN 1
5582 OverlayBitsForCodeWord6 = 0x600A0804, // US M1 1
5583 OverlayActivationLayer6 = 0x600A1001, // CS M1 0
5584 OverlayDescriptorGray6 = 0x600A1100, // US M1 1
5585 OverlayDescriptorRed6 = 0x600A1101, // US M1 1
5586 OverlayDescriptorGreen6 = 0x600A1102, // US M1 1
5587 OverlayDescriptorBlue6 = 0x600A1103, // US M1 1
5588 OverlaysGray6 = 0x600A1200, // US M1TN 1
5589 OverlaysRed6 = 0x600A1201, // US M1TN 1
5590 OverlaysGreen6 = 0x600A1202, // US M1TN 1
5591 OverlaysBlue6 = 0x600A1203, // US M1TN 1
5592 ROIArea6 = 0x600A1301, // IS M1 0
5593 ROIMean6 = 0x600A1302, // DS M1 0
5594 ROIStandardDeviation6 = 0x600A1303, // DS M1 0
5595 OverlayLabel6 = 0x600A1500, // LO M1 0
5596 OverlayData6 = 0x600A3000, // OX M1 0
5597 OverlayComments6 = 0x600A4000, // LT M1 1
5598 OverlayRows7 = 0x600C0010, // US M1 0
5599 OverlayColumns7 = 0x600C0011, // US M1 0
5600 OverlayPlanes7 = 0x600C0012, // US M1 1
5601 NumberOfFramesInOverlay7 = 0x600C0015, // IS M1 0
5602 OverlayDescription7 = 0x600C0022, // LO M1 0
5603 OverlayType7 = 0x600C0040, // CS M1 0
5604 OverlaySubtype7 = 0x600C0045, // LO M1 0
5605 OverlayOrigin7 = 0x600C0050, // SS M2 0
5606 ImageFrameOrigin7 = 0x600C0051, // US M1 0
5607 OverlayPlaneOrigin7 = 0x600C0052, // US M1 1
5608 OverlayCompressionCode7 = 0x600C0060, // CS M1 1
5609 OverlayCompressionOriginator7 = 0x600C0061, // SH M1 1
5610 OverlayCompressionLabel7 = 0x600C0062, // SH M1 1
5611 OverlayCompressionDescription7 = 0x600C0063, // CS M1 1
5612 OverlayCompressionStepPointers7 = 0x600C0066, // AT M1TN 1
5613 OverlayRepeatInterval7 = 0x600C0068, // US M1 1
5614 OverlayBitsGrouped7 = 0x600C0069, // US M1 1
5615 OverlayBitsAllocated7 = 0x600C0100, // US M1 0
5616 OverlayBitPosition7 = 0x600C0102, // US M1 0
5617 OverlayFormat7 = 0x600C0110, // CS M1 1
5618 OverlayLocation7 = 0x600C0200, // US M1 1
5619 OverlayCodeLabel7 = 0x600C0800, // CS M1TN 1
5620 OverlayNumberOfTables7 = 0x600C0802, // US M1 1
5621 OverlayCodeTableLocation7 = 0x600C0803, // AT M1TN 1
5622 OverlayBitsForCodeWord7 = 0x600C0804, // US M1 1
5623 OverlayActivationLayer7 = 0x600C1001, // CS M1 0
5624 OverlayDescriptorGray7 = 0x600C1100, // US M1 1
5625 OverlayDescriptorRed7 = 0x600C1101, // US M1 1
5626 OverlayDescriptorGreen7 = 0x600C1102, // US M1 1
5627 OverlayDescriptorBlue7 = 0x600C1103, // US M1 1
5628 OverlaysGray7 = 0x600C1200, // US M1TN 1
5629 OverlaysRed7 = 0x600C1201, // US M1TN 1
5630 OverlaysGreen7 = 0x600C1202, // US M1TN 1
5631 OverlaysBlue7 = 0x600C1203, // US M1TN 1
5632 ROIArea7 = 0x600C1301, // IS M1 0
5633 ROIMean7 = 0x600C1302, // DS M1 0
5634 ROIStandardDeviation7 = 0x600C1303, // DS M1 0
5635 OverlayLabel7 = 0x600C1500, // LO M1 0
5636 OverlayData7 = 0x600C3000, // OX M1 0
5637 OverlayComments7 = 0x600C4000, // LT M1 1
5638 OverlayRows8 = 0x600E0010, // US M1 0
5639 OverlayColumns8 = 0x600E0011, // US M1 0
5640 OverlayPlanes8 = 0x600E0012, // US M1 1
5641 NumberOfFramesInOverlay8 = 0x600E0015, // IS M1 0
5642 OverlayDescription8 = 0x600E0022, // LO M1 0
5643 OverlayType8 = 0x600E0040, // CS M1 0
5644 OverlaySubtype8 = 0x600E0045, // LO M1 0
5645 OverlayOrigin8 = 0x600E0050, // SS M2 0
5646 ImageFrameOrigin8 = 0x600E0051, // US M1 0
5647 OverlayPlaneOrigin8 = 0x600E0052, // US M1 1
5648 OverlayCompressionCode8 = 0x600E0060, // CS M1 1
5649 OverlayCompressionOriginator8 = 0x600E0061, // SH M1 1
5650 OverlayCompressionLabel8 = 0x600E0062, // SH M1 1
5651 OverlayCompressionDescription8 = 0x600E0063, // CS M1 1
5652 OverlayCompressionStepPointers8 = 0x600E0066, // AT M1TN 1
5653 OverlayRepeatInterval8 = 0x600E0068, // US M1 1
5654 OverlayBitsGrouped8 = 0x600E0069, // US M1 1
5655 OverlayBitsAllocated8 = 0x600E0100, // US M1 0
5656 OverlayBitPosition8 = 0x600E0102, // US M1 0
5657 OverlayFormat8 = 0x600E0110, // CS M1 1
5658 OverlayLocation8 = 0x600E0200, // US M1 1
5659 OverlayCodeLabel8 = 0x600E0800, // CS M1TN 1
5660 OverlayNumberOfTables8 = 0x600E0802, // US M1 1
5661 OverlayCodeTableLocation8 = 0x600E0803, // AT M1TN 1
5662 OverlayBitsForCodeWord8 = 0x600E0804, // US M1 1
5663 OverlayActivationLayer8 = 0x600E1001, // CS M1 0
5664 OverlayDescriptorGray8 = 0x600E1100, // US M1 1
5665 OverlayDescriptorRed8 = 0x600E1101, // US M1 1
5666 OverlayDescriptorGreen8 = 0x600E1102, // US M1 1
5667 OverlayDescriptorBlue8 = 0x600E1103, // US M1 1
5668 OverlaysGray8 = 0x600E1200, // US M1TN 1
5669 OverlaysRed8 = 0x600E1201, // US M1TN 1
5670 OverlaysGreen8 = 0x600E1202, // US M1TN 1
5671 OverlaysBlue8 = 0x600E1203, // US M1TN 1
5672 ROIArea8 = 0x600E1301, // IS M1 0
5673 ROIMean8 = 0x600E1302, // DS M1 0
5674 ROIStandardDeviation8 = 0x600E1303, // DS M1 0
5675 OverlayLabel8 = 0x600E1500, // LO M1 0
5676 OverlayData8 = 0x600E3000, // OX M1 0
5677 OverlayComments8 = 0x600E4000, // LT M1 1
5678 OverlayRows9 = 0x60100010, // US M1 0
5679 OverlayColumns9 = 0x60100011, // US M1 0
5680 OverlayPlanes9 = 0x60100012, // US M1 1
5681 NumberOfFramesInOverlay9 = 0x60100015, // IS M1 0
5682 OverlayDescription9 = 0x60100022, // LO M1 0
5683 OverlayType9 = 0x60100040, // CS M1 0
5684 OverlaySubtype9 = 0x60100045, // LO M1 0
5685 OverlayOrigin9 = 0x60100050, // SS M2 0
5686 ImageFrameOrigin9 = 0x60100051, // US M1 0
5687 OverlayPlaneOrigin9 = 0x60100052, // US M1 1
5688 OverlayCompressionCode9 = 0x60100060, // CS M1 1
5689 OverlayCompressionOriginator9 = 0x60100061, // SH M1 1
5690 OverlayCompressionLabel9 = 0x60100062, // SH M1 1
5691 OverlayCompressionDescription9 = 0x60100063, // CS M1 1
5692 OverlayCompressionStepPointers9 = 0x60100066, // AT M1TN 1
5693 OverlayRepeatInterval9 = 0x60100068, // US M1 1
5694 OverlayBitsGrouped9 = 0x60100069, // US M1 1
5695 OverlayBitsAllocated9 = 0x60100100, // US M1 0
5696 OverlayBitPosition9 = 0x60100102, // US M1 0
5697 OverlayFormat9 = 0x60100110, // CS M1 1
5698 OverlayLocation9 = 0x60100200, // US M1 1
5699 OverlayCodeLabel9 = 0x60100800, // CS M1TN 1
5700 OverlayNumberOfTables9 = 0x60100802, // US M1 1
5701 OverlayCodeTableLocation9 = 0x60100803, // AT M1TN 1
5702 OverlayBitsForCodeWord9 = 0x60100804, // US M1 1
5703 OverlayActivationLayer9 = 0x60101001, // CS M1 0
5704 OverlayDescriptorGray9 = 0x60101100, // US M1 1
5705 OverlayDescriptorRed9 = 0x60101101, // US M1 1
5706 OverlayDescriptorGreen9 = 0x60101102, // US M1 1
5707 OverlayDescriptorBlue9 = 0x60101103, // US M1 1
5708 OverlaysGray9 = 0x60101200, // US M1TN 1
5709 OverlaysRed9 = 0x60101201, // US M1TN 1
5710 OverlaysGreen9 = 0x60101202, // US M1TN 1
5711 OverlaysBlue9 = 0x60101203, // US M1TN 1
5712 ROIArea9 = 0x60101301, // IS M1 0
5713 ROIMean9 = 0x60101302, // DS M1 0
5714 ROIStandardDeviation9 = 0x60101303, // DS M1 0
5715 OverlayLabel9 = 0x60101500, // LO M1 0
5716 OverlayData9 = 0x60103000, // OX M1 0
5717 OverlayComments9 = 0x60104000, // LT M1 1
5718 OverlayRows10 = 0x60120010, // US M1 0
5719 OverlayColumns10 = 0x60120011, // US M1 0
5720 OverlayPlanes10 = 0x60120012, // US M1 1
5721 NumberOfFramesInOverlay10 = 0x60120015, // IS M1 0
5722 OverlayDescription10 = 0x60120022, // LO M1 0
5723 OverlayType10 = 0x60120040, // CS M1 0
5724 OverlaySubtype10 = 0x60120045, // LO M1 0
5725 OverlayOrigin10 = 0x60120050, // SS M2 0
5726 ImageFrameOrigin10 = 0x60120051, // US M1 0
5727 OverlayPlaneOrigin10 = 0x60120052, // US M1 1
5728 OverlayCompressionCode10 = 0x60120060, // CS M1 1
5729 OverlayCompressionOriginator10 = 0x60120061, // SH M1 1
5730 OverlayCompressionLabel10 = 0x60120062, // SH M1 1
5731 OverlayCompressionDescription10 = 0x60120063, // CS M1 1
5732 OverlayCompressionStepPointers10 = 0x60120066, // AT M1TN 1
5733 OverlayRepeatInterval10 = 0x60120068, // US M1 1
5734 OverlayBitsGrouped10 = 0x60120069, // US M1 1
5735 OverlayBitsAllocated10 = 0x60120100, // US M1 0
5736 OverlayBitPosition10 = 0x60120102, // US M1 0
5737 OverlayFormat10 = 0x60120110, // CS M1 1
5738 OverlayLocation10 = 0x60120200, // US M1 1
5739 OverlayCodeLabel10 = 0x60120800, // CS M1TN 1
5740 OverlayNumberOfTables10 = 0x60120802, // US M1 1
5741 OverlayCodeTableLocation10 = 0x60120803, // AT M1TN 1
5742 OverlayBitsForCodeWord10 = 0x60120804, // US M1 1
5743 OverlayActivationLayer10 = 0x60121001, // CS M1 0
5744 OverlayDescriptorGray10 = 0x60121100, // US M1 1
5745 OverlayDescriptorRed10 = 0x60121101, // US M1 1
5746 OverlayDescriptorGreen10 = 0x60121102, // US M1 1
5747 OverlayDescriptorBlue10 = 0x60121103, // US M1 1
5748 OverlaysGray10 = 0x60121200, // US M1TN 1
5749 OverlaysRed10 = 0x60121201, // US M1TN 1
5750 OverlaysGreen10 = 0x60121202, // US M1TN 1
5751 OverlaysBlue10 = 0x60121203, // US M1TN 1
5752 ROIArea10 = 0x60121301, // IS M1 0
5753 ROIMean10 = 0x60121302, // DS M1 0
5754 ROIStandardDeviation10 = 0x60121303, // DS M1 0
5755 OverlayLabel10 = 0x60121500, // LO M1 0
5756 OverlayData10 = 0x60123000, // OX M1 0
5757 OverlayComments10 = 0x60124000, // LT M1 1
5758 OverlayRows11 = 0x60140010, // US M1 0
5759 OverlayColumns11 = 0x60140011, // US M1 0
5760 OverlayPlanes11 = 0x60140012, // US M1 1
5761 NumberOfFramesInOverlay11 = 0x60140015, // IS M1 0
5762 OverlayDescription11 = 0x60140022, // LO M1 0
5763 OverlayType11 = 0x60140040, // CS M1 0
5764 OverlaySubtype11 = 0x60140045, // LO M1 0
5765 OverlayOrigin11 = 0x60140050, // SS M2 0
5766 ImageFrameOrigin11 = 0x60140051, // US M1 0
5767 OverlayPlaneOrigin11 = 0x60140052, // US M1 1
5768 OverlayCompressionCode11 = 0x60140060, // CS M1 1
5769 OverlayCompressionOriginator11 = 0x60140061, // SH M1 1
5770 OverlayCompressionLabel11 = 0x60140062, // SH M1 1
5771 OverlayCompressionDescription11 = 0x60140063, // CS M1 1
5772 OverlayCompressionStepPointers11 = 0x60140066, // AT M1TN 1
5773 OverlayRepeatInterval11 = 0x60140068, // US M1 1
5774 OverlayBitsGrouped11 = 0x60140069, // US M1 1
5775 OverlayBitsAllocated11 = 0x60140100, // US M1 0
5776 OverlayBitPosition11 = 0x60140102, // US M1 0
5777 OverlayFormat11 = 0x60140110, // CS M1 1
5778 OverlayLocation11 = 0x60140200, // US M1 1
5779 OverlayCodeLabel11 = 0x60140800, // CS M1TN 1
5780 OverlayNumberOfTables11 = 0x60140802, // US M1 1
5781 OverlayCodeTableLocation11 = 0x60140803, // AT M1TN 1
5782 OverlayBitsForCodeWord11 = 0x60140804, // US M1 1
5783 OverlayActivationLayer11 = 0x60141001, // CS M1 0
5784 OverlayDescriptorGray11 = 0x60141100, // US M1 1
5785 OverlayDescriptorRed11 = 0x60141101, // US M1 1
5786 OverlayDescriptorGreen11 = 0x60141102, // US M1 1
5787 OverlayDescriptorBlue11 = 0x60141103, // US M1 1
5788 OverlaysGray11 = 0x60141200, // US M1TN 1
5789 OverlaysRed11 = 0x60141201, // US M1TN 1
5790 OverlaysGreen11 = 0x60141202, // US M1TN 1
5791 OverlaysBlue11 = 0x60141203, // US M1TN 1
5792 ROIArea11 = 0x60141301, // IS M1 0
5793 ROIMean11 = 0x60141302, // DS M1 0
5794 ROIStandardDeviation11 = 0x60141303, // DS M1 0
5795 OverlayLabel11 = 0x60141500, // LO M1 0
5796 OverlayData11 = 0x60143000, // OX M1 0
5797 OverlayComments11 = 0x60144000, // LT M1 1
5798 OverlayRows12 = 0x60160010, // US M1 0
5799 OverlayColumns12 = 0x60160011, // US M1 0
5800 OverlayPlanes12 = 0x60160012, // US M1 1
5801 NumberOfFramesInOverlay12 = 0x60160015, // IS M1 0
5802 OverlayDescription12 = 0x60160022, // LO M1 0
5803 OverlayType12 = 0x60160040, // CS M1 0
5804 OverlaySubtype12 = 0x60160045, // LO M1 0
5805 OverlayOrigin12 = 0x60160050, // SS M2 0
5806 ImageFrameOrigin12 = 0x60160051, // US M1 0
5807 OverlayPlaneOrigin12 = 0x60160052, // US M1 1
5808 OverlayCompressionCode12 = 0x60160060, // CS M1 1
5809 OverlayCompressionOriginator12 = 0x60160061, // SH M1 1
5810 OverlayCompressionLabel12 = 0x60160062, // SH M1 1
5811 OverlayCompressionDescription12 = 0x60160063, // CS M1 1
5812 OverlayCompressionStepPointers12 = 0x60160066, // AT M1TN 1
5813 OverlayRepeatInterval12 = 0x60160068, // US M1 1
5814 OverlayBitsGrouped12 = 0x60160069, // US M1 1
5815 OverlayBitsAllocated12 = 0x60160100, // US M1 0
5816 OverlayBitPosition12 = 0x60160102, // US M1 0
5817 OverlayFormat12 = 0x60160110, // CS M1 1
5818 OverlayLocation12 = 0x60160200, // US M1 1
5819 OverlayCodeLabel12 = 0x60160800, // CS M1TN 1
5820 OverlayNumberOfTables12 = 0x60160802, // US M1 1
5821 OverlayCodeTableLocation12 = 0x60160803, // AT M1TN 1
5822 OverlayBitsForCodeWord12 = 0x60160804, // US M1 1
5823 OverlayActivationLayer12 = 0x60161001, // CS M1 0
5824 OverlayDescriptorGray12 = 0x60161100, // US M1 1
5825 OverlayDescriptorRed12 = 0x60161101, // US M1 1
5826 OverlayDescriptorGreen12 = 0x60161102, // US M1 1
5827 OverlayDescriptorBlue12 = 0x60161103, // US M1 1
5828 OverlaysGray12 = 0x60161200, // US M1TN 1
5829 OverlaysRed12 = 0x60161201, // US M1TN 1
5830 OverlaysGreen12 = 0x60161202, // US M1TN 1
5831 OverlaysBlue12 = 0x60161203, // US M1TN 1
5832 ROIArea12 = 0x60161301, // IS M1 0
5833 ROIMean12 = 0x60161302, // DS M1 0
5834 ROIStandardDeviation12 = 0x60161303, // DS M1 0
5835 OverlayLabel12 = 0x60161500, // LO M1 0
5836 OverlayData12 = 0x60163000, // OX M1 0
5837 OverlayComments12 = 0x60164000, // LT M1 1
5838 OverlayRows13 = 0x60180010, // US M1 0
5839 OverlayColumns13 = 0x60180011, // US M1 0
5840 OverlayPlanes13 = 0x60180012, // US M1 1
5841 NumberOfFramesInOverlay13 = 0x60180015, // IS M1 0
5842 OverlayDescription13 = 0x60180022, // LO M1 0
5843 OverlayType13 = 0x60180040, // CS M1 0
5844 OverlaySubtype13 = 0x60180045, // LO M1 0
5845 OverlayOrigin13 = 0x60180050, // SS M2 0
5846 ImageFrameOrigin13 = 0x60180051, // US M1 0
5847 OverlayPlaneOrigin13 = 0x60180052, // US M1 1
5848 OverlayCompressionCode13 = 0x60180060, // CS M1 1
5849 OverlayCompressionOriginator13 = 0x60180061, // SH M1 1
5850 OverlayCompressionLabel13 = 0x60180062, // SH M1 1
5851 OverlayCompressionDescription13 = 0x60180063, // CS M1 1
5852 OverlayCompressionStepPointers13 = 0x60180066, // AT M1TN 1
5853 OverlayRepeatInterval13 = 0x60180068, // US M1 1
5854 OverlayBitsGrouped13 = 0x60180069, // US M1 1
5855 OverlayBitsAllocated13 = 0x60180100, // US M1 0
5856 OverlayBitPosition13 = 0x60180102, // US M1 0
5857 OverlayFormat13 = 0x60180110, // CS M1 1
5858 OverlayLocation13 = 0x60180200, // US M1 1
5859 OverlayCodeLabel13 = 0x60180800, // CS M1TN 1
5860 OverlayNumberOfTables13 = 0x60180802, // US M1 1
5861 OverlayCodeTableLocation13 = 0x60180803, // AT M1TN 1
5862 OverlayBitsForCodeWord13 = 0x60180804, // US M1 1
5863 OverlayActivationLayer13 = 0x60181001, // CS M1 0
5864 OverlayDescriptorGray13 = 0x60181100, // US M1 1
5865 OverlayDescriptorRed13 = 0x60181101, // US M1 1
5866 OverlayDescriptorGreen13 = 0x60181102, // US M1 1
5867 OverlayDescriptorBlue13 = 0x60181103, // US M1 1
5868 OverlaysGray13 = 0x60181200, // US M1TN 1
5869 OverlaysRed13 = 0x60181201, // US M1TN 1
5870 OverlaysGreen13 = 0x60181202, // US M1TN 1
5871 OverlaysBlue13 = 0x60181203, // US M1TN 1
5872 ROIArea13 = 0x60181301, // IS M1 0
5873 ROIMean13 = 0x60181302, // DS M1 0
5874 ROIStandardDeviation13 = 0x60181303, // DS M1 0
5875 OverlayLabel13 = 0x60181500, // LO M1 0
5876 OverlayData13 = 0x60183000, // OX M1 0
5877 OverlayComments13 = 0x60184000, // LT M1 1
5878 OverlayRows14 = 0x601A0010, // US M1 0
5879 OverlayColumns14 = 0x601A0011, // US M1 0
5880 OverlayPlanes14 = 0x601A0012, // US M1 1
5881 NumberOfFramesInOverlay14 = 0x601A0015, // IS M1 0
5882 OverlayDescription14 = 0x601A0022, // LO M1 0
5883 OverlayType14 = 0x601A0040, // CS M1 0
5884 OverlaySubtype14 = 0x601A0045, // LO M1 0
5885 OverlayOrigin14 = 0x601A0050, // SS M2 0
5886 ImageFrameOrigin14 = 0x601A0051, // US M1 0
5887 OverlayPlaneOrigin14 = 0x601A0052, // US M1 1
5888 OverlayCompressionCode14 = 0x601A0060, // CS M1 1
5889 OverlayCompressionOriginator14 = 0x601A0061, // SH M1 1
5890 OverlayCompressionLabel14 = 0x601A0062, // SH M1 1
5891 OverlayCompressionDescription14 = 0x601A0063, // CS M1 1
5892 OverlayCompressionStepPointers14 = 0x601A0066, // AT M1TN 1
5893 OverlayRepeatInterval14 = 0x601A0068, // US M1 1
5894 OverlayBitsGrouped14 = 0x601A0069, // US M1 1
5895 OverlayBitsAllocated14 = 0x601A0100, // US M1 0
5896 OverlayBitPosition14 = 0x601A0102, // US M1 0
5897 OverlayFormat14 = 0x601A0110, // CS M1 1
5898 OverlayLocation14 = 0x601A0200, // US M1 1
5899 OverlayCodeLabel14 = 0x601A0800, // CS M1TN 1
5900 OverlayNumberOfTables14 = 0x601A0802, // US M1 1
5901 OverlayCodeTableLocation14 = 0x601A0803, // AT M1TN 1
5902 OverlayBitsForCodeWord14 = 0x601A0804, // US M1 1
5903 OverlayActivationLayer14 = 0x601A1001, // CS M1 0
5904 OverlayDescriptorGray14 = 0x601A1100, // US M1 1
5905 OverlayDescriptorRed14 = 0x601A1101, // US M1 1
5906 OverlayDescriptorGreen14 = 0x601A1102, // US M1 1
5907 OverlayDescriptorBlue14 = 0x601A1103, // US M1 1
5908 OverlaysGray14 = 0x601A1200, // US M1TN 1
5909 OverlaysRed14 = 0x601A1201, // US M1TN 1
5910 OverlaysGreen14 = 0x601A1202, // US M1TN 1
5911 OverlaysBlue14 = 0x601A1203, // US M1TN 1
5912 ROIArea14 = 0x601A1301, // IS M1 0
5913 ROIMean14 = 0x601A1302, // DS M1 0
5914 ROIStandardDeviation14 = 0x601A1303, // DS M1 0
5915 OverlayLabel14 = 0x601A1500, // LO M1 0
5916 OverlayData14 = 0x601A3000, // OX M1 0
5917 OverlayComments14 = 0x601A4000, // LT M1 1
5918 OverlayRows15 = 0x601C0010, // US M1 0
5919 OverlayColumns15 = 0x601C0011, // US M1 0
5920 OverlayPlanes15 = 0x601C0012, // US M1 1
5921 NumberOfFramesInOverlay15 = 0x601C0015, // IS M1 0
5922 OverlayDescription15 = 0x601C0022, // LO M1 0
5923 OverlayType15 = 0x601C0040, // CS M1 0
5924 OverlaySubtype15 = 0x601C0045, // LO M1 0
5925 OverlayOrigin15 = 0x601C0050, // SS M2 0
5926 ImageFrameOrigin15 = 0x601C0051, // US M1 0
5927 OverlayPlaneOrigin15 = 0x601C0052, // US M1 1
5928 OverlayCompressionCode15 = 0x601C0060, // CS M1 1
5929 OverlayCompressionOriginator15 = 0x601C0061, // SH M1 1
5930 OverlayCompressionLabel15 = 0x601C0062, // SH M1 1
5931 OverlayCompressionDescription15 = 0x601C0063, // CS M1 1
5932 OverlayCompressionStepPointers15 = 0x601C0066, // AT M1TN 1
5933 OverlayRepeatInterval15 = 0x601C0068, // US M1 1
5934 OverlayBitsGrouped15 = 0x601C0069, // US M1 1
5935 OverlayBitsAllocated15 = 0x601C0100, // US M1 0
5936 OverlayBitPosition15 = 0x601C0102, // US M1 0
5937 OverlayFormat15 = 0x601C0110, // CS M1 1
5938 OverlayLocation15 = 0x601C0200, // US M1 1
5939 OverlayCodeLabel15 = 0x601C0800, // CS M1TN 1
5940 OverlayNumberOfTables15 = 0x601C0802, // US M1 1
5941 OverlayCodeTableLocation15 = 0x601C0803, // AT M1TN 1
5942 OverlayBitsForCodeWord15 = 0x601C0804, // US M1 1
5943 OverlayActivationLayer15 = 0x601C1001, // CS M1 0
5944 OverlayDescriptorGray15 = 0x601C1100, // US M1 1
5945 OverlayDescriptorRed15 = 0x601C1101, // US M1 1
5946 OverlayDescriptorGreen15 = 0x601C1102, // US M1 1
5947 OverlayDescriptorBlue15 = 0x601C1103, // US M1 1
5948 OverlaysGray15 = 0x601C1200, // US M1TN 1
5949 OverlaysRed15 = 0x601C1201, // US M1TN 1
5950 OverlaysGreen15 = 0x601C1202, // US M1TN 1
5951 OverlaysBlue15 = 0x601C1203, // US M1TN 1
5952 ROIArea15 = 0x601C1301, // IS M1 0
5953 ROIMean15 = 0x601C1302, // DS M1 0
5954 ROIStandardDeviation15 = 0x601C1303, // DS M1 0
5955 OverlayLabel15 = 0x601C1500, // LO M1 0
5956 OverlayData15 = 0x601C3000, // OX M1 0
5957 OverlayComments15 = 0x601C4000, // LT M1 1
5958 OverlayRows16 = 0x601E0010, // US M1 0
5959 OverlayColumns16 = 0x601E0011, // US M1 0
5960 OverlayPlanes16 = 0x601E0012, // US M1 1
5961 NumberOfFramesInOverlay16 = 0x601E0015, // IS M1 0
5962 OverlayDescription16 = 0x601E0022, // LO M1 0
5963 OverlayType16 = 0x601E0040, // CS M1 0
5964 OverlaySubtype16 = 0x601E0045, // LO M1 0
5965 OverlayOrigin16 = 0x601E0050, // SS M2 0
5966 ImageFrameOrigin16 = 0x601E0051, // US M1 0
5967 OverlayPlaneOrigin16 = 0x601E0052, // US M1 1
5968 OverlayCompressionCode16 = 0x601E0060, // CS M1 1
5969 OverlayCompressionOriginator16 = 0x601E0061, // SH M1 1
5970 OverlayCompressionLabel16 = 0x601E0062, // SH M1 1
5971 OverlayCompressionDescription16 = 0x601E0063, // CS M1 1
5972 OverlayCompressionStepPointers16 = 0x601E0066, // AT M1TN 1
5973 OverlayRepeatInterval16 = 0x601E0068, // US M1 1
5974 OverlayBitsGrouped16 = 0x601E0069, // US M1 1
5975 OverlayBitsAllocated16 = 0x601E0100, // US M1 0
5976 OverlayBitPosition16 = 0x601E0102, // US M1 0
5977 OverlayFormat16 = 0x601E0110, // CS M1 1
5978 OverlayLocation16 = 0x601E0200, // US M1 1
5979 OverlayCodeLabel16 = 0x601E0800, // CS M1TN 1
5980 OverlayNumberOfTables16 = 0x601E0802, // US M1 1
5981 OverlayCodeTableLocation16 = 0x601E0803, // AT M1TN 1
5982 OverlayBitsForCodeWord16 = 0x601E0804, // US M1 1
5983 OverlayActivationLayer16 = 0x601E1001, // CS M1 0
5984 OverlayDescriptorGray16 = 0x601E1100, // US M1 1
5985 OverlayDescriptorRed16 = 0x601E1101, // US M1 1
5986 OverlayDescriptorGreen16 = 0x601E1102, // US M1 1
5987 OverlayDescriptorBlue16 = 0x601E1103, // US M1 1
5988 OverlaysGray16 = 0x601E1200, // US M1TN 1
5989 OverlaysRed16 = 0x601E1201, // US M1TN 1
5990 OverlaysGreen16 = 0x601E1202, // US M1TN 1
5991 OverlaysBlue16 = 0x601E1203, // US M1TN 1
5992 ROIArea16 = 0x601E1301, // IS M1 0
5993 ROIMean16 = 0x601E1302, // DS M1 0
5994 ROIStandardDeviation16 = 0x601E1303, // DS M1 0
5995 OverlayLabel16 = 0x601E1500, // LO M1 0
5996 OverlayData16 = 0x601E3000, // OX M1 0
5997 OverlayComments16 = 0x601E4000, // LT M1 1
5998 ExtendedOffsetTable = 0x7FE00001, // OV M1 0
5999 ExtendedOffsetTableLengths = 0x7FE00002, // OV M1 0
6000 EncapsulatedPixelDataValueTotalLength = 0x7FE00003, // UV M1 0
6001 FloatPixelData = 0x7FE00008, // OF M1 0
6002 DoubleFloatPixelData = 0x7FE00009, // OD M1 0
6003 PixelData = 0x7FE00010, // OX M1 0
6004 CoefficientsSDVN = 0x7FE00020, // OW M1 1
6005 CoefficientsSDHN = 0x7FE00030, // OW M1 1
6006 CoefficientsSDDN = 0x7FE00040, // OW M1 1
6007 VariablePixelData = 0x7F000010, // OX M1 1
6008 VariableNextDataGroup = 0x7F000011, // US M1 1
6009 VariableCoefficientsSDVN = 0x7F000020, // OW M1 1
6010 VariableCoefficientsSDHN = 0x7F000030, // OW M1 1
6011 VariableCoefficientsSDDN = 0x7F000040, // OW M1 1
6012 DigitalSignaturesSequence = 0xFFFAFFFA, // SQ M1 0
6013 DataSetTrailingPadding = 0xFFFCFFFC, // OB M1 0
6014 Item = 0xFFFEE000, // XX M0 0
6015 ItemDelimitationItem = 0xFFFEE00D, // XX M0 0
6016 SequenceDelimitationItem = 0xFFFEE0DD // XX M0 0
6017 };
6018 } // end namespace DC
6020 #endif /* vtkDICOMDictHash_h */
6021 // VTK-HeaderTest-Exclude: vtkDICOMDictHash.h
Tag values defined in the DICOM standard.
Definition: vtkDICOMDictHash.h:10